God Rank Hero

Chapter 1149: Trophy to kill the bear

When the battle has risen to the specifications of the Divine Warfare, there is not much skill in the battle. What is spelled is attributes, and what is played is comprehensive strength. ▲ ∴ 顶 ▲ ∴ 点 ▲ ∴ 小 ▲ ∴ said,

At this moment, Da Fei's sacred frozen plus blood eagle's petrified halo deceleration technique is fully open. Under the bonus of the dark realm, the core skills of Corvus Corrosive Strike will cause more than 200 group attack dark damage to the surroundings every second and continuously reduce the enemy's defense, which means that the ordinary level of two or three hundred blood is level seven. The soldier did not stand for 2 seconds in front of the raven. At the same time, the life recovery ability of the giant crow is also greatly increased, which is one hundred and one hundred blood per second.

On the other hand, the giant bear has a slow attack and silent skills. There is no bright spot except for 2,000 points of horrible damage through ordinary attacks. But in the face of the more terrifying blood-sucking dodge and recovery ability of the giant crow, the giant bear's attack seemed so futile! Even if the giant bear is escorted by thousands of demon legions, there is no way to intervene in the volley beheading of the giant crow among the armies, presumably this is the confidence of Ansu dare to kill him!

There is no suspense to this point. Perhaps this giant bear is the super wave ss in this mission copy, but in the face of every aspect that has eaten his giant crow, he has no resistance at all! Even Dafei had to be sighed. If it wasn't fortunate that he was able to collect this demigod crow in the swamp, and replaced it with a player of ordinary Li Yinzhu grade to attack this copy, God knows what to destroy.

After all, the bear bears the intelligence that a god-level wave SS should have, and he begins to run towards the fortress. The wave ss escape is generally recognized as the skill of the disgusting player, and almost 70% of the team battles are due to the failure to stop the wave ss.

But in the face of the more dynamic Troll, his escape seemed so futile. Dafei hunted down three streets all the way. Even An Weier and Nalxia, who did not dare to send a battle, took the opportunity to chase down. When the giant bear ran to the wooden wall in the high-level poison robe field, he finally couldn't hold it and fell down!

Dafei finally took a long breath! Right, the totem was saved, Boss was killed, this is life, haha, wow hahaha! Then, of course, Dafei is most looking forward to the most popular time to swipe the screen:

——System Tip: Congratulations! You killed Engelo, King of the Fallen Sartre, gaining 10 million experience. Obtain the trophy artifact "Dark Thorns Girdle" and the "Book of Dark Secrets".

——Dark Thorns Girdle: A belt woven from dark thorns parasitic on the rotting world tree. Artifact, belt equipment position, defense 30, the army's vitality recovery is 1 per second, stunt: poisonous thorn aura.

Venomous Thorns Aura: Covers the entire army with 1 point of physical damage and 3 points of poison damage, and each unit gains 1 life steal.

——Book of Dark Secrets: Hidden professional textbooks. After using this book, you can convert the ranger or druid class into "dark ranger" or "dark druid". At the same time, you can use the dark secrets recorded in textbooks. Once converted to the Dark Ranger (Druid), players will not be able to use the ranger (Druid) related nature skills.

Dark Ranger (Druid): Based on the ranger (Druid) attributes. Hero level adds 1 additional knowledge, 20% vision in the dark.

——The system prompts: You have killed the demon-level strongman. Achieve the achievement "Godfailor" again, with 100 personal lives, 100 commanding power, troop damage 1, troop life 1, troop morale 1. Will the World Campaign Announcement be issued? Post an announcement that your world reputation is 10,000 and you will be in the Hall of Fame!

Oh yeah! It's an artifact, and it's a god-slayer achievement! You can go to my favorite world broadcast again! Although it feels that the difficulty of this giant bear is completely different from that of the previously killed Blood Demon King, but this is when I meet Ansu. If it is played in normal mode, do n’t think about it without thousands of troops. So many moth demons Legion is enough to be prohibitive!

Then there is nothing to say, World Announcement! Inspire players from around the world to fight against the morale of Japanese improper games, ha ha, wow ha ha ha!

Just then, Ansu spoke, and his voice became excited: "Warrior, we have won, now I'm going to devour prey, don't let his uncle hinder me!"

Da Fei nodded excitedly: "Understand!"

Fortunately, this giant bear died so close to the gate of the wooden wall. The giant flying crow immediately launched the corpse removal operation. Twelve angels grabbed or pushed the giant bear's huge meat mountain into the gate. Then the 12 angels continued to block the gates of the city gate from blocking the pursuit.

However, for the big devil with teleport skills, the card position in the city gate is not very useful, but it doesn't matter. Under the dark and corrosive blow of 200 crit damage per second, no more miscellaneous soldiers are trivial. .

Just then, Da Fei's friend message suddenly rang. Dafei suddenly sighed with joy. Has the closed space effect of Brother been cancelled? Da Fei opened a message to see, of course, Li Yinzhu and the hundreds of flowers that came to congratulate him. With a smile, the goddess walked away.

Li Yinzhu: "Ouba! The king of unicorns led the army and killed him. Where is Ouba?"

Hundred flowers kill: "Feige! You are god! When does Fei come to our battlefield to scare those Japanese players to death?"

A smile smiled: "Congratulations to Fei Ge for slaughtering God again! I wish Fei Ge's artifact is full!"

Bufeiyan: "Feige! Your friend's information is finally available. I know you must be busy now. I'll send you a message later."

Da Fei laughed, and it was the beauties who came to compete in the life picture! But the goddess of the stars seems to have a rhythm? But she was very sensible, and knew that he must be busy now. That's right, every time I get on the radio, my first reply is "busy"!

Da Fei responded to Li Yinzhu for the first time: "Ouba is still besieged by a large group of devil in the wooden wall scene just now. Come and save Ouba!"

Li Yinzhu hurriedly said: "Oba, there are a lot of big devil in front of us, but it is definitely not the opponent of the unicorn king. Obba insists!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay! Hurry!"

Then Da Fei responded to the other beautiful women one by one. At this time, the giant crow began to ride on the giant bear's carcass, pecking away without the control of the giant fly. With each bite, the giant bear's body added a large amount of darkness, and the scene could not bear to look directly.

In short, now there are npc's rescuers to clear the field, Dafei has no pressure at all, and began to look at this trophy harvest at leisure.

Yes, the artifact belt! Da Fei's artifact is short of a belt, and now he can finally replace the belt he used. This belt comes with 1 physical counter-injury and 3 toxin counter-injuries. In combination with Fire Shield's 3 fire counter-injuries, this effect is used to deal with low-level soldiers. Don't be too cool! In the face of the siege of the low-level artillery sea, you can completely pass through without passing out your physical strength.

Then there is this book, which can be transferred to hidden professions!

At this moment, Dafei was excited! His half-tone ranger has nothing to do with the power of nature. Most ranger skills are not used. The development of his career is greatly limited, but if he is transferred to the dark ranger, this is equivalent to opening up for himself. A new day! And you can add 49 points of knowledge!

But hold on! It is still important to go back to ask the npc mentor for such a major change of employment, otherwise it would not be very good in case it affects the development of the sentry profession. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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