God Rank Hero

Chapter 1152: Disgusted by Japanese players

The wall of the ancient tree, a huge high wall formed by the close combination of ancient granite and the roots of the ancient tree with intersecting roots, is the last line of defense outside the capital of the Sanctuary Kingdom, and it is also the strongest line of defense. ≧ The biggest feature of this wall is self-healing and mobility.

The key is to be able to move, because many of the walls have been integrated with the ancient tree monsters, forming a kind of existence like a mountain giant. This makes it difficult for many giant siege machines to guarantee a hit rate, but the tree wall can come over like a mobile fortress. In the face of such existence, all the **** people can do is set fire and worms, put acid and fight it out.

When Da Fei appeared in the teleportation square of the barracks behind the wall of the ancient tree, players from all over the square instantly boiled: "Da Fei!"

Then the regional channel also exploded: "It's the Chinese player Tushen flying!"

No way, this is a must-have for a world-class celebrity! In the face of the audience's onlookers and cheers, there is only one thing Dafei can do, and that is to smile and wave to the audience: "Comrades have worked hard! Friends from all countries have worked hard!"

At this moment, several gold players with Japanese flags rushed to Dafei as soon as possible: "Mr. Dafei, I'm a reporter for Asahi Telecom Express, can we interview Mr. Dafei?"

It turned out to be a Japanese reporter. It would be a pleasure to face the enemy to hear their own voices. Da Fei nodded faintly: "You can ask!"

The reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Dafei, can you talk about your impression of defeating the 15 main players of the Mitsubishi team last night?"

Let me go and dare to expose the scars. This kind of humiliation can't be avoided than you really dare to mention? I know. Your newspaper wants to use Mitsubishi to copy topics to get ratings! It's so dirty. But I like it!

Dafei laughed in surprise: "It's too ordinary. I don't feel it at all, haha!"

The reporter continued to ask: "Is it too ordinary, or is it very vegetable? Or is it very crap? You need to know that each of them has a monthly salary of several million yen."

What the hell! Can you make up for it? Da Feilong Yan Dayue laughed and laughed: "Since you all think they are garbage, then they are garbage, I think they are totally sorry for their salary."

Reporter: "But it is these opponents you think are very garbage. At this time, the players in China who were killed in the city of the city of punishment in China were defeated. The implication of Mr. Dafei is that Chinese players are worse than garbage, and The professional guilds who command the Chinese district are even more sorry for their wages? "

Grandma! Da Fei took a sip of water. This book actually pulls hatred from brother! Is the situation in China so bad? Isn't my sister killed?

Dafei said unpleasantly: "As a high-paying professional player, I've fallen into finding self-confidence from ordinary players. Isn't it garbage? I don't want to talk about boring garbage topics, or ask some suggestive questions."

The reporter continued to ask: "I heard that Mr. Dafei remotely directed the operation of the City of Divine Punishment in China, and also issued instructions not to go to war. Is this the case?"

Adding layer by layer to Gola's hatred! This reporter is really not a good thing. Da Fei is even more unhappy, and can't help but ridicule: "Many of our players in the country have developed an impetuous mood after watching the three bomb videos I posted. They think that these Mitsubishi players are all garbage and can drown in drools. Isn't the opponent a swarm of pigs to be drowned? Out of the most basic respect for game opponents, of course I want to stop this random behavior. "

Another reporter asked, "Mr. Dafei, can you disclose the information about the two demon-level strongmen you killed? Will Dafei continue to kill the demon?"

Da Fei laughed: "I won't answer the first question. Just leave it to everyone to guess. Japanese players can also ask from npc. As for the second question, I also want to know. After all, the devil It's not so easy to come across. "

Reporter: "Mr. Dafei, now you have come to this battlefield, do you have any plans?"

Is this nonsense? Da Fei laughed and said, "Action means everything, maybe even just looking at it doesn't mean it?"

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded. At first glance, it was Bu Fei Yan: "Fei Brother, don't interview these Japanese reporters. The other person is not good, and Fei Brother will lose a lot of words."

That's right, I think so too. Da Fei waved his hand: "Okay, I'm busy, it's time for an interview."

Then Dafei received another message from Bufeiyan: "Feige, we have 216 Chinese players in this battlefield, and originally intended to accept 363 players from all countries under our leadership. We all intended to listen to Feige's command, and Feige took us to fly Come on! "

Dafei was smirked in surprise: "It is up to your professional team to direct such a troublesome and painful thing. Why do you push it on me? Where are you going to call me?"

Bu Feiyan was overjoyed: "Since Fei Ge said that our guild would be rude, now the Japanese side didn't expect Fei Ge to come, so we are now caught off guard by killing each other. Da Fei's troops are immediately available to you , Do n’t need Fei Ge to consume reputation. Our team is at the gate. ”

Cool! This is the treatment of big brothers! Dafei laughed: "Brother's commanding power is very high, where do you provide it? In short, wait for the brother to go to the general and exchange troops."

Bufei Yan said: "Okay, then I will say something in the group immediately, so that everyone is ready to attack!"

At this time, the cheers of players from all countries in the audience were full of excitement. Everyone knew that once God Slaughtered and joined the battle, everyone's battlefield missions could be won by lying down. As long as one battlefield is quickly settled, players can withdraw to support other battlefields. This snowball effect cannot be blocked by Japanese players.

Hundreds of Japanese players in the city certainly realized this, and the time when Da Fei was interviewed by reporters rushed to the city gate to block the door. Obviously, Bu Feiyan has already guarded against this hand. There are Chinese players at the gate of the gate who are standing guards at the gate. For a time, the crowd of people at the gate of the gate pushes me and the scene is extremely spectacular!

But here is Japan's homeland after all. Japan ’s domestic players still have far more players than foreign players. Soon, the walls of Chinese players were surrounded by three layers inside and outside, and they were instantly leaking.

At this moment, the message of Bu Feiyan came again: "Fei brother, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle. We can't go out because of the crowded Japanese players. We can only wait for npc city management to clear the field. But Japanese players can arrange multiple walls to respond to the npc clearance very rhythmically, so Fei Ge must be careful not to be surrounded by Japanese players, they will certainly surround Fei Ge at all costs and delay time. "

What the hell! Dafei couldn't help but be surprised: "Japanese players have such strong organizational skills?"

Bu Feiyan sighed: "It's not just the players. The reporters just presumably sent them to hold Fei Ge. Once our team members were blocked and couldn't leave the city in one breath, the later troops would not be able to keep up. The loss of battles out of town is heavy, and this is the disgust of Japanese players. "

What the hell! Really disgusting, brother recruited! Da Fei replied: "It doesn't matter. Brother has all the right of passage on the battlefield. Brother can go to other battlefields. Brother will have to see how long they can block."

Bu Feiyan immediately said, "It is indeed Fei Brother. Since this is the case, I will contact the Blood Wei Guild on the 3rd battlefield, where they are responsible, I will let them prepare quietly, and then wait for them to prepare, Fei Brother Immediately go to war. "

Da Fei nodded: "Very good, let's just hit the west!" I have to say that the man who can use the disgusting tactics to retreat, the man who slaughtered the gods, backed up, and your Japanese area can be regarded as a city.

Anyway, now I'm idle, I'm idle, Da Fei raises the medal to Bu Feiyan.

Bu Feiyan could not help but hesitated: "Hell player's medal? This explosion rate is not high? And most of the **** players in Japan are hiding behind the npc troops, it is not easy to kill! But Fei Ge rest assured, I will do my best Fully acquired. "

Da Fei nodded: "It's troublesome for everyone, but don't say I want to collect it, so as not to trouble."

"I see." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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