God Rank Hero

Chapter 1153: Battlefield dedicated to God-level archery

Xuewei Studio, just as Xuewei Qiqi appeared on the Feifeiyan battlefield and gnashed her teeth, suddenly the wind changed. There was news from the Feifei side that Dafei was about to return to the battlefield No.3 where the blood Vikiqi was located. @

At this moment, Xuewei's studio was in an uproar, and Xuewei Qiqi couldn't believe her ears! However, this is the case where Bu Feiyan and the president talk directly to the chat room. There will be no fakes, and even the task has been issued.

For Blood Weiqi, who has made many mistakes and has a mediocre record, the situation that can maintain the cooperation of more than 100 Chinese players on the 3rd battlefield is entirely based on the reputation of the Blood Wei Guild. For the ability of Blood Weiqiqi himself, only hehe Already. So the appearance of Da Fei is simply the savior of Blood Vicki!

Maybe in the eyes of other players, this is just a win or lose in the game, but Wei Qiqi knows that the opportunity to become the e-sports star of the level of Bufeiyan is right now. If you ca n’t grasp it, This precious opportunity may not have a chance in the future. I am destined to become a flower in the studio to complement, even if you encounter Gao Fushuai, you will not be fancy in the crowd of beautiful women at first glance. Yourself.

At this time, the eldest sister Zhou Qing was also extremely serious: "Xiao Qi, now our guild is very uncomfortable in the city of **** punishment, so you must hold Da Fei's thick legs to fight this battle anyway, you understand Right? "

Blood Wei Qiqi's excited eyes burst into tears, her voice could not help sobbing: "Understand! Sister, this time I will go all out!"

. . . . . .

At this time, Da Fei waited while listening to Fei Yan's introduction to the battlefield 3 situation: "The Ancient Tree Wall 3 battlefield is currently the most critical battlefield, where the siege **** general is a huge beetle hero. His The main attack method is the acid swarm. That is, from time to time, the beetles swarm to eat the old trees. Once the beetle is killed, it can also explode the corrosive acid to cause more damage to the old trees and the walls. So the conventional tactics are to Shoot the beetle in the air. The swarm must not be allowed to approach the wall of the ancient tree, but the low-speed troops firing this small-sized high-speed flying unit have a very low hit rate, which is a waste of ammunition. Therefore, players on battlefield 3 have a headache. This also made Xue Weiqi, the commander of the Blood Wei Guild, questioned, but I ca n’t blame her. Instead, I estimate that I will also be completely ruined. So since Fei Ge has all the right to pass on the battlefield, The first one to support her is better! "

Dafei heard nodded again and again: "That's it!"

This beetle that can explode the acid solution immediately evoked a long memory of Dafei. Isn't this the beetle that was encountered in the Fujino jungle? It is said that Nasir as an ancient tree fortress also seems to have the option of producing beetles, but it has not been used until now. What is the reason for this? But now is not the time to consider this.

Da Fei's consideration is that this is obviously a battlefield tailored for his own superb archery. As long as you can hit the beetle which is not easy for ordinary players to hit, you ca n’t even think it ’s not good, even if it ’s 50 hits, that master ca n’t run.

The test of the beetle shooting is the skill of the archery sub, "hitting the moving target". His Phantom Bow improves the archery effect by 40%, which is equivalent to increasing the hit effect of "hitting the moving target" by 40%, but this is not enough, because the calculation method is different. If the hit rate of the moving target is 10%, the increase of the hit effect by 40% is not directly stacked into 50%. It's 14%! Therefore, it is necessary to rely on his ace skills as the guardian of the world, and the professional skills inherited by Grew "shooter training":

-God Archer Training: The hero has a certain chance to cast the human archer arm. The Elves' shooter unit is trained as a sharp shooter. Based on the original army, the sharp shooter deals +2 damage, + 10% range, and 50% hit.

Note: The trained archer can play the archer effect only under the leadership of the hero's team. Once traded or staying in the station, the archer attributes cannot be played. Grandmaster special training provides a large success rate bonus to the "Archery Training" skill. (See Chapter 819, "Leviathan's Sacrifice")

This reverse sky hit rate plus 50% is the real superposition, which is to increase 10% of the moving target to 60%, and then increase the Phantom Bow by 40%-that is not 100%, it is 84%! That's right, only players who have the marksman unit can understand God-level archery. Who is God-level archery?

During the calculation, Bufeiyan's message came again: "Xue Wei, they are almost ready, but in order not to arouse the Japanese players' alert, Fei Ge still don't go to the barracks, just trade the soldiers in their hands, Fei Ge What soldiers do I need to get them prepared right away. "

Da Fei thought without hesitation: "There are no brain 3rd level jungle hunters, are there 1000?"

Bufeiyan laughed: "Feige is too underestimated by the Blood Wei Guild. Although their record is not good, more than 100 players put together the remaining troops. Five or six thousand jungle hunters are still out of the question. Use There are more than 200 unicorns who come to serve as meat shields. Just take as much as Fei can take. "

Five or six thousand jungle hunters? This wild hunter Hai Dafei couldn't even imagine it! If this is not the case, the strength of this **** general may be a bit daunting.

But now Da Fei changed his attention. After all, training jungle hunters into marksmen takes time and energy. So Dafei laughed and said, "The environment on Battlefield 3 is very special, so after researching, I was not going to attack the other side out of town. I asked them to prepare 1,000 jungle hunters for me, and waited for me on the line of greatest pressure. receive."

Bu Feiyan said aloud, "So, what should Fei Ge say, so what do Xuewei do?"

Da Fei laughed: "Do whatever you want, just hang up and disgusting. You can do it. You can fly after the brother warms up."

Bu Feiyan laughed: "This is easy. Would you like to let the beautiful lady chat with you?"

Dafei was surprised: "Are there any beautiful women?"

Bu Feiyan laughed: "Blood Vicki is a beautiful woman, and she is generous and beautiful!"

Lying down! It ’s big and not generous, but the girl pointed at his brother and scolded him on the street in the past—but jealousy has a personality, and brother does n’t mind, wow hahaha! OK, there is no difference between pretending to be beautiful and ugly salted fish.

Da Fei laughed and laughed: "Okay, I can't wait!"

Bu Feiyan laughed: "Okay, then Fei Brother can go. Blood Wei Qiqi personally picks you up at the teleportation array. There are ready-made troops on the city wall and ammunition is very much."

Da Fei laughed: "Okay, I'm definitely not talking to any reporter this time."

When Da Fei first appeared in the teleportation array on battlefield 3, two red lines came into view. There were dozens of players with Chinese red flags standing straight in the two rows of the teleportation array, and they cheered in unison when they saw Da Fei : "A warm welcome to Fei Geda!"

Dafei's jaw dropped in shock!

Then the long-lost knight female player Xue Weiqi Qi flew a big female knight ceremony in the game, and smiled sweetly: "Welcome flying brother"!

What the hell! It's a bit big to force it! This shame is nasty ~~ But I like it, haha! Wa hahaha!

Da Fei asked with a smile: "Do you know my arrangements?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Yes, Fei Yan sister passed Fei Ge's instructions to our studio as soon as possible, so we have nothing to do to meet Fei Ge."

Immediately after speaking, he rang a finger, and the two honor guards shouted in unison: "Please give instructions to Feige!"

Let me go, this blood Wei Qiqi is really not ordinary and generous. Dafei laughed: "Nothing to do! Brother is disgusted by Japanese players on the 1st battlefield. If you are really bored, go to disgusting them to play! There is a brother who is fighting or whatever, just wait for brother to be ready Take everyone to fly. "

Blood Wei Qiqi was excited: "Everyone obeys Fei Ge's instructions, disgusting Japanese players go! Especially do not let Japanese players approach harassing Fei Ge!"

The crowd cheered, "Received!"

With such a high-profile reception of Xuewei Qiqi, the sudden appearance of Dafei has already boiled up the entire Channel 3 battlefield channel. The appearance of Da Fei, like a spiritual leader, instantly lit up a scattered battlefield No. 3 battlefield and raised hopes of victory. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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