God Rank Hero

Chapter 1160: Divine archery and sonic arrows

Da Fei pushed forward two trenches all the way to the target position. If you remember correctly, the swarm rushed here from a thick straight line at the rear, and then began to spread troops to the surrounding city walls. [And if the Swarm Division turns, the flight speed will definitely drop a little bit, which is more conducive to shooting, so this is the best place for Dafei to intercept the Swarm.

At this time, Da Fei has initially entered the enemy array, and a red dot surged outside the radar's range, and there were faint signs of npc hero activity. However, the enemy still did not rush offensively. The ditch cascading battlefield not only limited the ability of the elven kingdom to counterattack, but also limited the assault ability of the demons. Therefore, at this time, the large flying troops relying on the trenches and earth walls to resist horses were mainly anti-customers. They had excellent defensive terrain and easily expelled all red dots within range.

At this moment, Dafei laughed. Without the Phantom Bow, Da Fei could not imagine that this battle would be so easy. Of course, if you go deeper, it will be difficult to say, but Da Fei has no plans to continue deepening, which is to control the rhythm of the battlefield.

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded again on the wall of the ancient tree in the rear, and a large swarm of clouds swarmed from the rear of the Demon Camp! It's just right, the key to Chong Shen-level archery is at this moment.

Among the deafening insects, dark clouds came to their heads. This density really was inconsistent with the scattered scattered rushing in front of the city wall. Da Fei could already imagine how many shots he would shoot to death in this round of arrow rain .

In the face of the flying swarm of insects, the reconnaissance eagle that had been hovering above Da Fei's head, finally began to retreat. Compared with a close-up view of the video of Da Fei Lu, the fire dance battle still chose to preserve the reconnaissance eagle. After all, scouting eagle training is not easy. No one can afford to die.

And it seemed that annoying little green dot fly above his head finally ran away. Dafei couldn't help it. Row. Let the Swarm continue to catch him.

As a result, when the first worm swarmed past Da Fei's head, Da Fei's entire army drew no hair. And the judgment of Da Fei is indeed correct. It is here that the swarm begins to spread, and the speed of the swarm spreading and turning is indeed a little slower!

Great, this is where the aiming killing is! When talking about deceleration, Da Fei suddenly remembered the petrified aura of Blood Eagle. If you start petrified here-try it. If it doesn't work, shoot with real skills.

At this point, the reconnaissance eagle of the fire dancing battle has been driven away by the swarm, and no one can see even the big flying bright bleeding eagle, so let's start.

The next moment, the blood eagle appeared quietly from the ectopic plane over the swarm, and the petrified halo spread around!

The buddha stagnated at this moment in time, and the speed of the large beetle within the halo range suddenly decreased. When the beetle outside the halo rushed into the halo under high-speed inertia, it suddenly chased the beetle in front of it. moment. The density of beetles in the petrified aura is two or three times more than the latter! The density was originally high and exceeded two or three times the density. The effect of this shooting is not to say that there is a slowdown, even if there is no slowdown!

shooting! Just when Da Fei was preparing to give an order, he suddenly thought about it. Since there is no slowdown, why should he slow down? The condition of the god-level information is "a tiny body that moves at a high speed with a high hit rate." Once it slows down, it will also affect the performance!

Then as long as it can reach the current high density state. At this moment when the arrows were launched, Da Fei decisively closed the petrified halo of the Blood Eagle!

The next moment, there were countless fireworks popping in the sky overhead, and countless "puncture shots" burst out. When the puncture shots appeared, it was an arrow n carving! If this is not the case, then Dafei should really reflect on his life.

At this moment, the acid mist burst in the air confused Da Fei's eyes, and in the mist, a golden light fell into the sky! The system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: Congratulations! You hit a tiny target flying at a high speed with a shocking hit rate, and you formally understand the god-level archery! Your wisdom +2!

——System Tip: Your god-level archery and your advanced bard class combination will produce the information of hidden archery skill "Sonic Arrow".

Sonic Arrow: When the arrows are fired together, they will emit a sharp and harsh whistling sound, which can cause additional sonic shock damage to the enemy.

God-level archery is finally here! When all expectations come to fruition, Dafei is instantly intoxicated! However, not drunk yet, there are unexpected gains!

Hidden Sonic Sonic Arrow! Let me go, with sonic damage. Is this the "ringing arrow" and "bird that scares the bow" in ancient legend? No, it should be the bow of the bird!

At this moment, Da Fei was stunned, never thinking that a hidden bard who could no longer be hidden could actually combine such a cool skill with archery? If you can comprehend this skill, let's not shoot anything else, let's say that a small creature with little blood, such as a worm, needs to be aimed at? A row of arrow rain directly blasted them directly with sound waves!

But don't be too early! My own bard talents are senior, according to the **** of the game, maybe you have to wait for the master to officially understand? In short, don't think about the future, the follow-up swarm is still on the head, let's fight for the second first!

And now that you ’ve learned about God-level archery, there ’s nothing to worry about. The hawk petrified halo opens, and another round of arrow rain screams out, and the acid mist bursts again in the sky! Two more rows of system prompts came out:

——The system prompts: You have got the information of "Sonic Arrow".

——System Tip: You have obtained the information of "Expert Bard".

Da Fei's heart beats, and information on other skills begins! That's it!

As a professional household with rushing skills, Da Fei certainly understands that this is the official opening of a new door after understanding the God-level arrows. No, the current Da Fei is still a hermit in the forest to increase the upper limit of the archery reward status. Below, Da Fei's archery is now "above God"!

A supreme super **** skill, plus so many wisdom points to fly, is enough to drive the understanding of related skills. Just as Da Fei first realized the "nautical training" in the **** of the European Union, it was the result of the god-level navigator, the god-level nautical technique that lifted the band.

Haha, wow hahaha! OK, now that the new door has been opened, let me shoot you a pain!

Wait, how can you forget to learn the sub-skills of god-level archery at such a moment of great joy? Da Fei immediately took out a skill book and archery teaching, and Jinguang flashed:

——System Tip: You used a skill book and spent 1 skill point to learn the sub-skill "Long Range Shooting" of God-level Archery.

——Long Range Shooting: Increase the range of long-range troops by 20%.

This is the sub-skill of god-level archery. However, all masters know that the range of an archer is truth. 1% more truth than the opponent is enough to determine the advantage, and 10% more truth than the other is enough to control the battle, let alone Dafei and Phantom Bow. 20% truth, marksman plus 10% truth! Probably can shoot farther than the arrow tower? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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