God Rank Hero

Chapter 1161: Piggy rushes out of the mountain

The ancient tree wall battlefield No. 3, when everyone is still on the city wall to speculate about the movement of Da Fei, the swarm comes again. @ Then the next moment, Da Fei gave the answer. Most of the swarms were intercepted by Da Fei in the middle, and the swarms that could rush to the front of the city wall were no longer enough threats.

It turns out that this is the deep meaning of Da Fei going out, so this is the key to Da Fei's insight into the game! At this moment, the regional channels in the city are boiling. Players from all over the world are amazed by the thumbs up again and again, this big fly really deserves its reputation!

Blood Wei Qiqi was excited and shouted in the studio: "Master! Who said that Da Fei is an amateur player? People's heads are much smarter than professional masters!"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed and laughed, "But I remember that every day during that time, someone was screaming at the garbage!"

Blood Weiqiqi cut off: "You didn't scold at that time? People, all have to follow the situation, his flying brother began to win glory for the country, of course, our guild will not be too small, not to mention those small things of Chen Zhizhi . "

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "Qiqi finally said something pleasing! Ha well, now Dafei is fighting for our blood Wei Guild, we also have to fight for it, and we should give an explanation to the players across the country, It's time we packed up the Japanese players. "

The beautiful women were excited: "The choice of rusty dragon is decided?"

Xue Wei's stunner smiled: "Guess who is playing on behalf of our guild?"

The beautiful women were surprised: "Piggy run?"

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Exactly! During this time, Piggy Run has been tossing his Griffin in the Kingdom of Heaven. Now the fierce national war has finally forced him out of the game, that is, he can put his Griffin The mount was brought to the city of punishment in a carry-on space bag-you know! "

The beauties of all the girls intersect: "Piggy Run is the only flying hero in the world! Let him bring the rusty dragon. Then there is no place for Japanese players to cry!"

Xuewei Shenggun shook her head and smiled: "No. It is one of the five flying heroes known in the world. There is also Natasha, a female vampire player in France, and three flying heroes are there."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "But the strongest must be the pig is running away, I have never seen such a smart child!"

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Now the pig is running out of the closed special space, and the guild channel is ready to use. Please say hello to him."

Great! A group of beautiful women greeted on the guild channel: "Piggy! Welcome welcome! See you for a long time!"

Piggy ran quickly: "Sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. It seems that there are two new sisters in the guild?"

The beautiful women laughed loudly: "This child, you noticed this soon."

Blood arrow flew fragrance: "I have seen the world's third-ranked, China's first-ranked master! Please advise."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "What is the first class in China? The piglets have returned from studying in the **** world. It must be the first in strength."

Piggy ran and sighed: "No, my reputation in the **** world is also third. The first is Da Fei, the captain of the second British Royal Ark."

The beautiful women were surprised: "Da Fei has also been to God?"

The pig quickly ran and laughed: "Should not have it. The **** world must be entered by angels or saints. As for me, I only entered the relationship with the Griffin King. Dafei obtained great credit in the city of **** punishment. It ’s gone, I do n’t know how to describe it. "

Xuewei Xiaoyu said, "Can the pig have a fight with Dafei?"

Piggy ran and smiled bitterly: "Sister Xiaoyu, can you save face?"

Blood Weiqiqi sighed: "Child, you finally found out that the world is not around you, you have grown up! Now Da Fei has been fastened by the EU as an arrow god, and even small insects in the sky have been dropped by machine guns. . Not to mention you are so big a griffon. "

Piggy smiled bitterly: "Under normal circumstances, there is no way to get close."

The blood sacred gun said, "Well, what about those Japanese players?"

Piggy cheered up, "Report the leading sister, please ask for it. You can let me abuse them anyway!"

The beautiful women laughed. Xue Wei's holy gun can't help smiling: "It's not how I want you to abuse, but how the Chinese audience wants you to abuse! In short, your movement must be kept secret now, so you can preview all kinds of fancy abuse methods."

"Yes, please be assured to lead my sister!"

At this point, watching the guild channel was a hustle and bustle, Xiaofang in the dormitory could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It is calculated that a reliable master. Otherwise, the pedestal chicken really wants to launch a general attack. Broken vase. "

Xiaoli was surprised: "How powerful is this little pig?"

Xiaofang snorted: "Since 8 years old, he has been a child prodigy in a mental arithmetic live broadcast! As for now, e-sports ghosts! And his most clever, you can't think of it."

Xiaoli was surprised: "What is it?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Of course it was the innocent and pure young lady who made the big sisters play with you! Do you think he is playing well at the Blood Wei Association because of playing games?"

Xiaoli laughed: "You have to make Xiaozheng as dark and careless as you think, then I can't help it."

Xiaofang cut off: "Why am I so obscure? By the way, it's estimated that our epic canal was dug up around 3 o'clock tonight. At that time I was particularly sleepy, and my wife had to help me keep an eye on.

Xiaoli nodded: "Well, while I have time now, let me make the supper ahead of time."

Xiaofang laughed: "It was dinner and supper, it's almost 5 o'clock!"

Xiaoli then came back to her: "This time is really unknowingly." Just then, Xiaoli thought of her brother again, and subconsciously called him in the kitchen.

At this time, Da Fei, who had cleared the swarm, felt the cheers of the entire regional channel, reminisced about the god-like acidity, and continued to sit and rest to recover his strength and continue to train the marksman. Da Fei finally realized that here is really a treasure trove of skills, so I just stay here.

Of course, in the vision of the Bloodhawk, the movement of the Demon Legion is also indispensable. In the farther direction of the Demon Camp, Da Fei finally saw hundreds of surging Japanese **** players sneaking into the trench and sneaking to themselves. Close.

Dafei laughed, waiting for you to come and give me the medal! At this moment, Da Fei's phone rang and took out the phone to see that it was Xiao Li.

Xiaoli asked, "Brother, have you eaten? It's almost five o'clock."

Dafei laughed: "Not yet, I'll eat right away. What's the matter?"

Xiaoli laughed: "It's nothing, Xue Wei sent a particularly powerful master called Piggy Run to receive Fei Ge's Rust Dragon. My pressure and Xiao Fang's pressure was finally reduced and I could finally have a restful dinner, so Remind me not to forget to eat. "

Little pigs run away? The griffon breeder on the list who can ride the griffon? This is a real master!

Da Fei's heart could not help but widen: "Okay, no stress, just eat, then."

Xiaoli laughed: "Okay, then I'll hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoli jumped into her heart. The rusty dragon was the secret of the guild, and nobody knew it. Brother didn't ask any questions? As if you already knew what happened? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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