God Rank Hero

Chapter 1162: Real pretense: let him kill!

At 5 pm Beijing time, outside the Battlefield 3 wall of the ancient tree, Dafei's troops quietly rested in the trench. Alas, at this time, there were already hundreds of Japanese Hell players approaching Dafei along the trenches, and then stopped far beyond Dafei's range and did not advance.

These are all players who focus on magic, and their mission is to cast bombers at the same time after approaching the big fly. This is also the only countermeasure for ordinary players in the current stage to face such high attack and defense players as Dafei. No matter how outrageous Da Fei's offense and defense are, he can't withstand the lightning attacks of hundreds of spell players. That's right, it is the fastest lightning magic that releases the bar.

The only difficulty with this operation was that when they entered the range of the cast, they also entered the range of Da Fei. Then the only way is to send the grey running troops first to force Dafei to release his arrows. As soon as Dafei releases his arrows, they use the short time difference to rush up.

Such a simple and clear tactic will certainly be seen by Da Fei. At this time, Da Fei was eating takeaway fast food while sneering and watching the Japanese players. In fact, Japanese players have entered the range of the Dafeishen Sagittarius unit. As long as Dafei is willing, he can directly smash these Japanese players in the trenches and behead them.

However, the range is also an important military secret, so it was obviously not Dafei's willingness to be tested by a group of puppet players, so Dafei let them sway under the gun.

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded again, and it was Xuewei Qiqi: "Fei brother, these Japanese players nicknamed the Kamikaze team, at any cost will try to fight off Fei brother, Fei brother must be careful!"

Kamikaze team? Dafei frowned. It is universally acknowledged that the Japanese like suicide. Of course, doing these famous games in the game is nothing. But rendering suicide into art and culture is the sickness of the nation.

Dafei smiled disdainfully: "They want to be a **** of wind. Brother will fulfill them."

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "The Flying Brother must cry them, and crash them! Many foreign players are watching."

Dafei chuckled and laughed: "It must be dripped! It is rare to encounter such a person who is not afraid of death and will not run, and not torture it, I am really sorry for the earnest hope of all Chinese players."

Yes, there are still foreign players watching, but this is pretending to be in front of players from all over the world! This time Dafei felt a bit embarrassed. Shooting Japanese players with a single arrow was definitely simple, but it was too mediocre to achieve the effect of pretending!

Just like staying alive 3 times last night. Shuanggui Shuangjiu, but it was too rude to directly achieve the effect of pretense, so that these Japanese players can still cheer up to attack the Chinese area, this is their own fault. The invisible costume is the most deadly. If you want to let the Japanese players collapse, you have to pretend to be strong. How to install this really is a big headache!

Just as Dafei struggled and thought about it, hell's npc unit finally broke through the trench and rushed to Dafei, which is a famous high-speed third-level soldier with three **** dogs. The next moment, hundreds of Shenfeng teams in the trenches jumped out and followed behind the **** dog. Then stopped outside their calculated "a stone's throw"!

They waited for Dafei to release his arrows. Of course, Da Fei can also release arrows at any time. But Da Fei did not release arrows under God. Da Fei is still thinking hard to pretend.

Even in Da Fei's soaring gods, the dense **** dogs have already rushed to the front row of Da Fei troops!

At this moment, the entire regional channel issued a sound of excitement, as if the fans on the pitch are about to witness the striker's shot. And the firefighting battle that is constantly monitored above Dafei's head is even more puzzled. How can Dafei break this situation without moving? Is it tough? The npc heroes of the **** race are also there. Even if the attributes of npc heroes and the big fly are huge, but the output of the three-headed attacking three-dog dog is terrible, it should never be the crispy skin of the jungle hunter. of.

At this time, looking at the **** dog that was smashed in an instant, Da Fei finally returned to God. If he fired at this time, it would seem to be busy and meaningless. What should I do first? This is what pretends not to be.

So at this moment, Da Fei, who still hasn't figured out how to install the force, has only one passive option, which is to resist the attack of the **** dog and test the strength of the enemy npc hero. After all, in this frontline battlefield, only NPC heroes are Da Fei's worthy opponents.

Now, in the screams of players from the Manchu Channel, among the hundreds of Japanese Kamikaze players eager to try, the three dogs who rushed to the front opened their three fangs!

Da Fei's brow jumped wildly, this is the duel of the two strongest level 3 soldiers with the strongest output! The jungle hunter has two consecutive shots, so the actual damage of the jungle hunter is the panel attribute x3. As long as these two arms are put into battle, it is a feast of killing.

However, Da Fei did choose to use the weakest blood defense of the jungle hunter to fight against the strongest output of the three-headed dog. Da Fei couldn't imagine whether he had such a crazy idea when his brain was so hot? Can't defy enemy heroes to break their defense?

Hit it! Bang Bang! !! !! The **** dog collided with the jungle hunter. At this moment, sparks splattered, green smoke billowed, screams started, countless "-3 fire rebound damage", "-1 physical rebound damage", "-3 thorn poison damage" Jump out!

Yes, this is the 7-point anti-injury effect of Dafei's Artifact Flame Shield and the newly obtained Artifact Dark Thorns Belt. Qi falls in a scream! At this moment, Da Fei was startled!

what's going on? Although the anemia of the three-headed dog has only 15 basic lives, it is not to be wounded and killed by 7 points, right? In amazement, the second row of **** dogs succeeded and rushed to the jungle hunter in front of them again, and three heads bite down. At this moment, Dafei stared at a **** dog with intent attention.

-Bang Bang! !! !! This helldog's three heads shook back at the same time, and Dafei finally saw a line of rebound injury information on each of his heads!

At this moment, Dafei finally realized that the three-headed attack of the **** dog also meant that it would receive 3 times the rebound damage, which is 21 points of damage, and the anti-death **** dog area had 15 points of blood! Judging from the -2 damage caused by the **** dog to the jungle hunter, this **** npc hero cannot break his defense at all! Even his output ability may not keep up with his healing ability.

Dafei laughed! The method of pretending to be forced just now is finally available, that is, "let him kill"!

And it's the kind of "let him kill" who is indifferent to treatment! With the current amount of blood hunted in the jungle, it is enough to kill the other 10 rows of dogs!

(Book friends are very sorry, the ashtray is in poor physical condition today, only one more) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster! U


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