God Rank Hero

Chapter 1169: Dirt Spider Kills Slipper

How to force the high-profile and high-profile destruction of the enemies from the ground? Da Fei tangled for a while, after all, he can only choose the ultimate installation of the magical technique "large displacement". ⊙ It's just a battle of this specification. Da Fei is unwilling to leak even the secrets of the range, and even less willing to leak the large displacement technique. The degree between low-key restraint and high-key fit is really hard to balance.

Well, it's only through acting skills, like when I was with a Korean girl in the morning, I also used the large displacement technique many times.

OK, relax, relax, relax! Be natural, be natural, just like nothing happened, nothing was seen, brother is now an actor! I have to say that pretend to be realistic is a very energy-consuming thing.

At this time, looking at the dirt spider that was getting closer and closer, and watching the big fly where no one was casting spells on the soldiers, the sliding head **** was excited and nervous. It can be said that the last card of the dirt spider completely determines the fate of Baigui Night Walk, whether it became a world-class powerhouse in World War I, or it became a trivial night rush when it was swarmed.

Close, getting closer! Has entered within a large flying radius of 20 meters!

The dirt spider began to report to the captain: "Please ask the boss to provide the specific coordinates of Dafei, I will lock his footsteps!"

The spider demon is an underground lurker, and its special skill of the race is to lock the target by sound, so that even if Dafei suddenly starts running, it will not lose the target, and will break out of the target with the fastest explosion. However, for the balance of the game, the burial depth of this submerged creature usually does not exceed 1 meter, so that the opponent player also has the ability to counter kill.

Slickhead immediately provided the coordinates, at the same time. Slippery God stared at Da Fei again. At the same time, live video recording is started. Video playback function to check Dafei's movements and expressions frame by frame. For the battle that determines destiny, the **** of slipper must go all out! The cautiousness and rigor of the slippery **** immediately won the respect of the descendants of the Mitsubishi Team Command.

The dirt spider began to report: "Target footsteps locked!"

Slippery Shen Shen said: "Start approaching the target!"


At this moment, watching the dirt spider on the radar slowly approaching the big fly on the big screen, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters was silent, all the sweat beads were seeping from the foreheads of everyone, and everyone's heart was jumping to the throat! Perhaps for professional players, this mentality is obviously abnormal, but the opponent is Dafei. This is a mentality that is enough for any other professional player.

The soil spider once again reported: "Ten meters away from the big flight, the thickness of the ground is one meter! Is there any movement of small stones and dust on the ground?"

Slippery Shen Shen said: "Everything on the ground is normal, keep the status quo close!"


Close, getting closer! No, it should be getting closer to success! As soon as he thought of how much honor he would gain by killing Da Fei, the sliding head **** couldn't help but clenched his fists! Maybe it's not impossible for him to replace the sick Igarashi as president of the clan?

That's right, when he was the captain of the country, how much humiliation he suffered under Igarashi could hardly look back, because Igarashi's inability could not lead his team to a good position in the international arena until his retirement. Now you can lose everything you once lost!

The soil spider reported again: "Five meters away from the big fly, one meter thick on the ground! Reach the attack distance. The success rate of 81%!"

Slippery head gritted his teeth: "Keep going!"


At this moment, the sliding head **** suddenly started to shake. Da Fei had an artifact. So soon, he could find the Nine Tail in the sneak, and the dirt spider was so close to Da Fei. He really didn't notice it?

No, in order to be foolproof, you must further distract Da Fei. You have n’t spoken to Da Fei for such a long time. It is estimated that Da Fei will also be suspicious, so you must drag Da Fei to the last moment and let Da Fei react a little. No chance.

So Slippery God opened his mouth and sighed with a smile: "Mr. Dafei, I haven't understood for a long time. What's the use of your flute sound? Can it be said easily?"

Da Fei was shocked and looked back: "Do you really want to know?"

Slippery head surprised, "Did Mr. Dafei really tell me?"

Da Fei clapped his hands and shook his head and sighed, "Okay, anyway, I'm going to recover my strength now, I will tell you slowly!"

Between words, Da Fei headed for the slippery god! That's right, it's walking towards the slippery god! This is important, so say it twice.

Just as the sliding head looked nervously and excitedly at the dirt spider approaching Dafei, why was Dafei nervous? I don't think it's far away. When the radar gets closer and closer, a big red dot will appear. This is Nima's big monster! Ground Spike or Scorpion?

Although the feat is in hand, Dafei is not afraid of any sneak attack, but-the legendary professional master can operate 5-10 times in 1 second, and he can at most 3 times in 1 second. Will the opponent's attack be? The rapid thunder is too late to cover his ears so that he can't even activate his skills?

And here is cross-regional combat, the network speed will have a little delay, right? If at the critical moment, "Yeah, Nama, a card", you can't achieve the effect of pretending, and you will expose your magical skills. This will be self-defeating, but will be pulled back to the city by the foot basin. That brother ’s Can I destroy all my fame?

Looking at the red dot that is getting closer and slower, the big fly in the wild thoughts is getting more and more nervous, and the pressure of acting is more and more felt. This is also more and more pretentious!

Just then, the slippery **** suddenly found himself talking. Da Fei's heart trembled, I pulled it and Hei Laozi jumped! The sinister intentions of suddenly speaking to yourself at such a critical moment are definitely a prelude to the hands! It was also at this instant that Da Fei flashed a sudden light, which shows that he is even more nervous than his brother?

Wait, there you go! So Dafei took the opportunity to approach the slippery god.

Submerged creatures have also seen a lot in the **** punishment hell. At that time, those stabs that were killed by Alda on the dock were all indiscriminate kills of all the creatures passing by, so those stabs The location of the ambush was not on the road where the dock workers traveled, and Da Fei also used this to discover all the hidden spurs.

So Da Fei estimates that this is also a ground thorn. If his attack is also indifferent, then he just uses his thorn to blast out the spy chrysanthemum. It doesn't matter if it's not indifferent, the closer you get to the spy, the moment the dust blows, the spy can't easily observe the brother's skill. By the time the dust settles, the ground stab has been shot into a hedgehog by my brother's archer!

At this moment, looking at the big fly that suddenly came to himself, he slipped his head and jumped into his heart, an unknown premonition came to his heart!

The soil spider reported again: "The target starts to move, the distance is 6 meters, the ground thickness is 0.6 meters, and the success rate of culling is 78%!"


Then, Da Fei came to the **** of sliding head and sat down on his buttocks to pose a standard posture to restore physical strength and mana. In fact, Da Fei really needs to restore his physical strength.

Looking at Dafei just sitting in front of himself like this, it is not convenient for the slider to make any other suspicious back-stepping avoidance actions, so he has to sit down in place: "Please enlighten me, Mr. Dafei!"

Dafei calmly said: "Actually, I want to make a deal with you. I heard that you are working with EU players in the European Union to quickly complete the national war mission, so I also want to quickly complete this national war mission and return home soon. As long as you tell me the location map of the Swarm Generals on this battlefield, I can exchange s-class treasures! "

Slippery head could not help but startled: "Are you kidding me?"

I'm just kidding you! Da Fei was surprised: "Why not?"

Slippery God laughed: "This is my Japan area, not the European Union area, are you mistaken?"

Da Fei laughed: "So how do I add the secret of the flute you were just interested in?"

Slippery Shen Shen said: "You are trying to make a skin with a tiger!"

Da Fei's face also sank: "I'm very sincere, I have this idea since you appeared and can talk to me fairly smoothly."

That's right, this is Dafei deliberately creating tension with a look of concealment to hide his tension-because the big red dot is under him! After all, Da Fei is not a film emperor, and it is impossible to continue pretending to be in this state.

At this moment, the spider started to report: "The target is still, the distance is 0, the ground thickness is 0.4 meters, and the success rate of killing is 100%! Just the captain, please leave!"

In the face of 100% success rate, in front of 100% of the opportunity to be a hundred ghosts in the night, the chance of a battle, the life of a game account is completely unimportant!

The slippery look was cold and solemn: "I'm not interested in talking to you about this kind of traitorship, let's die!"

In such an instant, the red light on the Dafei radar exploded!

——System prompt: Warning! You are under attack from a lurking enemy. . .

Come on! Feeling the vibration under you, looking at the rising smoke, Da Fei didn't hesitate, pretend to act, and start!

Da Fei's eyes were instantly blurred, and the next moment, a huge black shadow flew out from beneath him, and the fumes of dust that were stirred up instantly blocked the sight of Da Fei!

What the hell! Playing is heartbeat! The next moment, there was a heavy chord from Da Fei's ears. Needless to say, it was his own army that was pulling the bow and preparing to fire.

However, there was another loud noise, and another piece of smoke and dust burst out. This dark shadow that obscured Da Fei's sight disappeared and disappeared, leaving only a place of smoke and dust under Da Fei's body!

So sensitive action! What about this spy? Dead? Da Fei hurriedly looked at the radar. A big red dot and a small green dot on the radar were quickly submerged, and it goes without saying that this little green dot was a spy! Just then, the small green dot disappeared, and then a white light of death flew out of the ground!

Oh yeah! died! It turned out to be this way of death! At this moment, Da Fei couldn't help but be frightened when he was gloating. Is there such a master in Japan?

Row! I just want to leave after pretending to be in front of brother, it's not so easy! Brother, even if he digs the ground three feet, he has to blow up! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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