God Rank Hero

Chapter 1170: Mitsubishi Team's main attack begins

The headquarters of Mitsubishi Corps, the moment the dirt spider broke out of the ground, the entire staff of the headquarters suddenly stood up involuntarily! When the spider's claws wiped out Da Fei and the slippery **** who was buried together, all the command staff couldn't help shouting!

The loudest shout is undoubtedly the dirt spider. As a front-line hero, he finally ushered in the moment of breaking the cocoon as a butterfly! For this hidden race class, the hidden spider's pay is more than three times that of other professional players! He devoted all his time, even the most precious sleep time, to the game. He only sleeps for 3 hours a day! His chair is a toilet. All his food is fast-moving food such as oatmeal and curry, which can be eaten in 10 seconds!

All the efforts and all the efforts have finally been rewarded at this moment! At this moment, tears blurred the red eyes of the soil spider because of staying up all night long.

And the other most excited person is undoubtedly the slippery god, looking at a gray death interface, the slippery **** is really drunk! This is the first step in the return of his king. This is the first step in pushing Japan ’s e-sports to the top of the world. Let Dafei become his first stepping stone!

Then the next moment, the entire headquarters was shouting: "Come on! Come on! Victory evacuation!"

That's right! Now is the moment for the victory to evacuate, and it is the moment when the dirt spider will use his whole body to retreat to the most successful end to victory!

When a submerged creature is found, it will leave a red dot on the player's radar, and the player can see a rumbling turbulent soil bag moving on the ground, and he can attack the soil bag. However, this clay bag is equivalent to the submerged creature carrying a thick city wall. Can absorb a lot of damage for submerged creatures. All the submerged creatures need to do is to dig deep and escape. It's like sea monster diving.

However, the setting of the game's balance in the game has much more restrictions on submerged creatures. It's far from sea monsters to be able to dive at any time, so there is no solution, but for the remnants of the coach who lost Da Fei, there really should be no difficulty in escaping the battlefield-

At this point, countless "-3!", "-4!", "Splinter Damage -1!", And "Lucky Strike -8!" Damage came out of the dirt spider's head!

and many more! Being able to shoot so high in the soil and so much damage-at this moment, everyone realized that there was a problem, and the mad cry of Mitsubishi Command came to an abrupt end!

Tsukamoto shook his head back suddenly: "Replay battle information!"

Then the big screen immediately called up the fighting information of the moment when the dirt spider culled out-"miss"!

Missed! ? At this moment, Mitsubishi's headquarters was in an uproar: "Will the spider demon's fight be missed?" "Dafei wasn't dead?"

this moment. The dirt spider and slipper can't believe their eyes at all! The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment, such a strong contrast for another while the spirit of the soil spider.

At this moment, the big screen flashed gray and black, and the system prompts:

——System prompt: Very sorry! You have been killed by a Bright Alliance player! Since you are the enemy of Da Fei's race, you will lose the death experience, gold coins, and equipment. You lost -1.73 million experience points, 50,000 gold coins, and you lost the treasures "Spider Lord Lord Medal", "Spider Lord Captain Medal", "Spider Monster Warrior Medal", and "High Warlord Medal". You have lost a-level treasure "periscope" and s-level treasure "spider crystal scale armor"!

"Nani !?" Mitsubishi's headquarters exploded. "Why did you lose so much equipment?" "The medals are all exposed!" "What are the old enemy haters?"

"My crystal scales ..." Unable to accept the failure of the mission. Unable to accept the loss of death, the dirt spider can no longer withstand the successive mental blows. His weak body who has been up all night has a sudden convulsion, and his eyes are fainted on the toilet bowl. . .

. . . . . .

At this time, Dafei is also unacceptable! Looking at a lot of equipment in the backpack, Da Fei couldn't think of it. This is the legendary "pants burst", right? Was this treatment the same as killing the big red Phoenix feather?

But a closer look turned out to be all medals, so the other party was a spider! But even so, this equipment is quite fierce. Maybe this is the benefit of high racial hatred? In other words, once he is killed by himself, it is estimated to be a big deal, right?

At this moment, Dafei really couldn't help but sweat a lot, this forced a bit big! In short, let's look at the out of stock first.

-Medallion of the Spider Demon Lord: Command power +1000, Command power of the Spider Demon unit +2000, and morale +2.

-Medal of the Captain Spider-Man: Command power +100, Command power of Spider-mon units +200, and morale +1.

—— Periscope: a class strategic treasure, a special refracting telescope that can be used underwater or underground.

——Spider Demon Crystal Scale: S-level strategic equipment, special armor for the Spider Demon family, defense +100, acrobatic crystal refraction, can reflect the magic damage received to reduce the magic effect, and have a certain chance to directly launch magic to the caster. (Upgradeable equipment)

Dafei frowned! Really good thing, the periscope or something was the first time I heard about it, especially this crystal scale armor-I'll take it! The spider monster special defense explosion table can also reflect magic, the key is that this is also an upgradeable equipment! I am afraid that this level of equipment is only one step away from the artifact?

Niubi! I really do n’t know. I found out that this area of ​​Japan is really high-end, and I really underestimated them!

With great emotion, he suddenly thought of his **** class Lilim. Lilim should also have a spider-shaped figure? Can she use this armor? Although the arms use player equipment will definitely reduce the attributes greatly, but there is always better than no, in case it is better to use this reflective magic stunt. In short, when you are done here, take it back to try.

At this moment, the dark clouds of the billowing worm swarm rose again behind the Demon Camp. It's really time to come, it's good, the appetizers are finished and the dinner starts.

. . . . . .

Mitsubishi Corps Command.

The dirt spider was taken to the hospital for the first time, and the slipper **** had to face this failed reality. The slipper **** can't determine whether Dafei has seen his plan from the beginning. Everything he is doing is acting? If so, then Da Fei is really terrible! The question is, why is Dafei acting? Is he necessary?

At this point, Tsukamoto asked: "Senior, now--"

Slippery head shook his head helplessly: "Da Fei will definitely attack the swarm, so when the Da Fei attacks the swarm, the whole army will attack!"

Tsukamoto nodded, his expression was cold: "Pay attention to all groups, prepare to attack!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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