God Rank Hero

Chapter 1176: Nightmare Horn vs Bacchus Realm

As Hell's Legion continued to gather and surround, Ivan's three defense towers were also nearing completion. ☆ →

Ivan clapped his hands and packed up the vehicles and tools, and greeted them in advance: "Guys, get ready! 3 towers can be stationed with 3 players, 3 crossbow cannons, and 90 units. The troops will all station in the jungle of Fei Ge. Hunters, you will definitely use the power of the Arrow Tower to an unbeatable level. "

Snake King Shalu Khan nodded: "I can't wait to see the effect!"

Blood Weiqi Qi smiled scornfully at those hard disk goddesses who were still dancing: "You continue to jump slowly, and let you see how the players in your country are defeated by us again!"

Just then, the goddesses Haha Jiao laughed: "Unfortunately, it is you who are defeated!"

"Also, it doesn't help you to build a tower!"

"Because in front of us you have no counterattack at all!"

While talking, the goddesses smashed the champagne bottle in their hands to the ground with a loud noise. The thick wine mist was mixed with countless glass fragments and shot, and then the current scene instantly became blurred and twisted.

——System prompt: Warning! Your troops have entered the realm of Bacchus, and you and your troops are extremely intoxicated, making it difficult to operate effectively! Duration is unknown.

Sink, hit! The Dafei team was uproar!

Dafei hurriedly looked around, but the action was ridiculously slow, which is a typical severely drunk state! Countless pieces of glass in front of me are rapidly expanding in the twisted and undulating space, becoming a dazzling sharp knife, which makes Da Fei's heart startle!

Dafei hurriedly mobilized his troops to meet. But all the troops lay down on the ground and could not command. Only An Weier and Nalxia, who had gone through the test of Yan River that year, were able to support their bodies with swords. But also not affected by the big fly!

Lying down, awesome **** realm! It can not be!

Blood Wei Qiqi yelled directly: "I knew you would kill you with your name!"

Lang Xiao's murmur sounds through the space: "It is your honor to be the first players to die in the realm of God!"

The next moment, countless glass-pointed swords came out in the space!

——System prompt: Warning! Your team is Japanese player Mie Kato, Matsushita Ai, Maki Suzuki. . . Malicious pk attack, you can now defend properly!

Lying down! How can I defend?

Xuewei Qiqi anxious: "Fei brother, what should I do !?"

Fire Dance was furious: "Fei brother! This is the realm of Bacchus, all conventional troops and conventional magic can not be used. Unless there is divine art to break!"

Divine Art! Brother wants angels to fit!

——The system prompts: your covenant angel is in a state of being unable to fight and cannot respond to your instructions!

Lying down! can not be used!

Ansu! Not available during hibernation!

Time still hourglass! Already used, can't use!

Lying down! Brother I can go out without a license. Brother I wisely capsizes in the gutter! No no no right Bacchus Realm, right? This situation is a bit familiar! Da Fei suddenly remembered that when he fled from the dwarf prison to the space of the **** realm, the first enemy he encountered was the forest demon with a hypnotic effect. At that time, he mistakenly thought that he had encountered the legendary Bacchus. At that time, he seemed to have thought about it. What's the response?

Just as Da Fei's mind suddenly turned, Shalu Khan, the snake king, stepped forward: "Let you **** women see my divinity! Cobra God Nurab. Come on and possess!"

Between words, Shah Khan was full of smoke. A giant cobra came up!

"Wow !!! Become a Zombie!" At this moment, everyone in Dafei was in a panic, and these three brothers were in stock!

However, this Cobra God had just appeared for less than a second, and its towering head crashed to the ground, and his whole body was as weak as a large stool.

The goddesses laughed: "Even if God is in the middle and lower ranks, this garbage indigenous **** in your country is also worthy of competing with the **** of wine, one of the 12 gods of Olympus? Ridiculous!"

Shalu Khan's powerless fury: "A mean woman, don't insult the gods in our culture!"

Xuewei Qiqi hurriedly said, "Is there really no way?"

Shalu Khan sighed: "The law of space here is completely different from the outside. The strong outside is here a drunk man who has no resistance. However, it should not be so easy for the other party to control so many of us. Mr. Schistosomiasis, as long as I'm not beheaded, I can't kill them even if I lie down and let them kill them! "

The laws of space are different? At this moment, Dafei suddenly thought of the nightmare space! In other words, the Bacchus space and the nightmare space are of the same nature!

Dafei immediately took out a piece of equipment that had been sealed for many years: the nightmare horn!

-Nightmare horn: s-class strategic treasures, accessories, morale -1, luck -1. Using the horn will summon a powerful Nightmare to fight for you. Note: The Nightmare Beast can only be summoned in special scenes such as Nightmare Space, Emerald Dreamland, Wine Mystery, and Dream Mystery.

That ’s right, the nightmare space, the emerald dream, the mystery of wine, and the mystery of dream are all special environments that this treasure can use.


The next moment, a smoky sky burst out, and a long-lost live-action advertising board-sized playing card suddenly flew out: "Master, listen to you!"

"Wow !!!" Blood Wei Qiqi screamed excitedly: "Feige really has a way!"

Da Fei is ecstatic! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, when the brother was in despair, there was a life-saving trump card! Now that the playing cards can be used, I have a chess piece upgraded to a queen, and a teddy bear that can wrestle!

Keep calling!

In the black smoke, two huge figures suddenly flew out: "Master, do you want to play a game of chess?" "Master, have you seen my little bear?"

"Wow !!!" At this moment, not only the **** Vicki who was present, the third brother of India, but also the hard disk goddesses hiding in the fog from the opposite side could not help exclaiming!

Da Fei is excited to check the attributes of the three long-lost nightmare fighters. In the beginning, their attributes have been abnormal and cannot be measured by conventional creatures. Now that they have raised so many days in the nightmare space, they should improve a bit. Right?

——Nightmare Poker Red joker: Nightmare creature, attack 70, defense 66, damage 210, attack speed 13, life 36000, command value 0, stunt: nightmare creature, flying creature, poker legion, king strike.

-Nightmare Chess Queen: Nightmare creature, building creature. Attack 40, defense 320, damage 120, attack speed 7, magic resistance 90%, life 60,000, command value 0, stunt: charge trample, master defense, siege attack, life and death game.

——Nightmare Puppet: Nightmare creature, large-scale grudge. Attack 25, defense 15, damage 250, attack speed 8, life 80,000, movement speed 20, command value 0, physical strength 1000. Stunts: blunt resistance, master defense, wrestling attack, use of tools.

36 thousand blood! 60,000 blood! !! 80,000 blood! !! !! Wave ss! Wave ss in the absolute sense! Brother's ancient tree fortress does not have as much blood as these three toys. Adding these three ** oss to the attributes of the brother against the sky, even if the other party has thousands of glass soldiers?

In the face of the smashed glass knife, Da Fei said lightly: "On!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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