God Rank Hero

Chapter 1175: Actually, the goddess of Bacchus

As a man who has been immersed in film and television for many years, don't say that these female stars disturb the mind in the game, even if the real person stands in front of Da Fei-eh, when standing, Da Fei really does not know, even if it is a real person Lying in front of Da Fei, Da Fei will not make a fuss. △

So Da Fei is a world-class master. In front of Xue Wei Qi Qi, to be precise, it is necessary to maintain her master image in front of the group of beautiful women behind Xue Wei Qi Qi.

Dafei smiled lightly: "In my opinion, their role is not as good as those undercover players who block roads with roadblocks. Let them toss and let the world know how bad the players in Japan are."

Ivan haha ​​laughed strangely: "Japanese women, small buttocks, short legs, no one has ever been able to enter the Miss World Top 100 beauty contest, and our Russian beauty is incomparable! If I can meet with Fei Ge in the National War Zone, I You can introduce our Russian Holy Angel Beauty Group to Fei Ge! "

Fire Dance ca n’t help but clap its hands and praise: "Sacred Angel Belle, a division of the Russian Angel Team!"

Ivan laughed: "Now it is the women's national team! The Angel Team is a level, and the former gymnastic world champion Holkina who is retired from our country is the team captain!"

Dafei couldn't help but be fascinated: "Russian gymnastics beauty ~~~ Good! By the way, add friends!"

Ivan was overjoyed: "Okay, we all add friends, and we will be friends in the National Theater in the future!"

Da Fei laughed: "I am most willing to make friends in Russia!"

The fire dancers furiously asked the silent Indian player Snake King: "Do you have any beautiful teams in India?"

The snake king shook his head dumbly: "Women in our country don't play this."

For a moment, the scene became dull for an instant. As we all know, the status of Indian women is extremely low. The voices of women for liberating women's equality are high. But it cannot be implemented. This is the sadness of a country. It is also the sorrow of a civilized society.

Blood Weiqi Qi said: "Mr. Shalu Khan. With your current achievements in Indian players is definitely a top master, and the reputation is not less than your national team Tianlong Babu, you can organize a women's team. "

Saru Khan came to the Japanese female player who sneered before: "If the women's team looks like this, it's better to kill them directly!"

With this remark, everyone's eyes were once again focused on these Japanese female players.

"Hi! Dear!" At this moment, these **** female players who came to twist the lumbar muscles began to greet with a smile and a kiss.

What the hell! Even though Da Fei had been mentally prepared, his eyes couldn't help blinking for a moment! This costume, isn't this style the brother's dancer? However, their flirtatious taste is simply incomparable with npc. In particular, the short skirt's leg-twisting movement makes it hard to bear to look down! Even Ivan, who despised the Japanese woman just now, couldn't help swallowing!

For nothing else, it is because the female characters in the game are absolutely perfect human figures, and there will be no small **** and short legs.

At this moment, Blood Weiqiqi decisively began to tear: "Garbage! Your national team was assassinated by flying brother alone, so put the hope of winning on you garbage who play **** games? Is it A bunch of useless waste, garbage that pollutes the game! "

With the roar of Blood Weiqiqi, everyone in Dafei returned to God immediately! What the hell! Could you be kind to your goddess? However, this time I swear! It's just a game. What else can they play by playing dubbing and doing gymnastics here. Dingtian is just facing a puppet.

In the face of Blood Weiqiqi's head-on drinking, the hard disk goddess Hakani Haki smiled: "Your blood Wei Guild is not the same? Is it not the garbage that seduces men to do things?"

Several other goddesses directly ignored the blood Wei Qiqi and surrounded Da Fei. Coquettish infinitely said: "Dear Mr. Dafei, if our Sakura team and your bloodweed from your country let you choose, who would you choose?"

Another goddess smiled: "Can we all accompany Mr. Dafei to dawn, can their blood and blood guild all accompany you to dawn?"

Da Fei couldn't help it! Let me go. This is to directly torture my brother's heart. Isn't the Qunpa Bloodweed Guild the deepest ** in my heart? Even if a male monkey has the ** of all female monkeys on Monkey Mountain, let alone a man! But Qunpaxuewei is unrealistic, but Qunpa these-lying down! More unrealistic! Is it possible that he won't be able to go to Japan for a trip?

Blood Weiqiqi was furious: "The **** pheasant in the garbage country, I will kill you all, even the red name!"

Fire Dance furiously rushed: "Calm down! Can't be famous!"

The goddesses laughed, "We are here to dance for the legendary Mr. Da Fei, does Mr. Da Fei mind?"

Da Fei laughed at the fire dance furiously: "Don't mind, it's rare for teachers to show their affection, so record the whole process and share it with players around the world!"

After speaking, I never looked at these goddesses anymore, and continued to train the marksman by himself. That's right, they are willing to humiliate in front of the whole world. Brother can't accompany them on the spot. After the video is recorded, take time to watch it slowly.

Fire Dance also laughed and said, "You can start! My video is recorded."

The goddesses laughed, "Then we are starting!"

Xuewei Qiqi sneered: "Funny Japanese!"

As the dynamic music sounded, the goddesses immediately lined up the dance queue, and then each person held out a large bottle of champagne to start a passionate and dynamic and weird alternative dance. But with the exception of Blood Weiqiqi watching, and the video of Fire Dance Madness Recording laughed without a word, there was no audience at the scene.

In the sound of dance music, Ivan's three defense towers are about to be completed, and the npc legion and the player team at the Demon Camp are gathering again. Red clouds are surging on the radar of the entire battlefield, and a battle is coming!

At this time, the Mitsubishi Team Command.

The battle is imminent, and reports from various groups continue, but Tsukamoto's main concern is the movement of the Sakura group. But the Sakura team was too mysterious, and even the current captain Tsukamoto could not understand the dance behavior of the Sakura team across the trenches.

Tsukamoto finally couldn't help but asked: "Senior, is it really useful? Any casual player can do not squint and stay undisturbed, right?"

Slippery smiled, "Captain Tsukamoto, it seems that President Igarashi did not tell you some inside information. The existence of the Sakura team is not specifically for publicity during the beta period, but in the process of developing this game in China. I was in charge of a project. After the game was officially launched, a special team was needed to slowly walk through the strategy. The Sakura group was the team that specialized in this project. "

Tsukamoto frowned: "Raiders project !?" Of course, Tsukamoto knows that in the process of developing games for Hero Genesis's 7 developing countries, they will design some of the region's characteristic eggs to the extent permitted by the rules of smart hosts. Come out, that is to say, the developers of various countries have left their own hands to the domestic players.

Tsukamoto hurriedly asked, "The question is, how many bar dancers have no fighting skills, how to control the situation?"

The slippery God laughed: "Bar dancer? Wrong! It is the servant of Bacchus! Now the dance of the Sakura group is constantly using wine to decorate the Bacchus area. When the fields are launched, all units of Dafei will be forcibly pulled into the wine. In the realm of God, all people and arms are in a state of extreme drunkenness and have no resistance! Even the undead who does not drink will be intoxicated in the realm of the **** of wine! "

"Sister of Bacchus ?!" Tsukamoto suddenly realized: "They are so powerful!"

Slippery head nodded: "Although it is very powerful, but the consumption of fine wine is very serious! And we do not have the ability to mass-produce this fine wine, but as long as we can destroy the entire army in this battle, everything is worth it!"

Tsukamoto said enthusiastically: "That's the case! So when will it start?"

Slippery head gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, when the NPC army is dispatched, it will pinch inside and outside. Even if Dafei has an artifact, he can't escape it!"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said with excitement: "This battle will be won, a shame before the snow!"

(Tickets don't stop ~~~) (To be continued, please search floating literature, novels are better updated faster!

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