God Rank Hero

Chapter 1174: Russian Tower Defense Master Ivan

When Da Fei recovered from the rest, a large number of troops came in the direction of the gate of our army.

Then Da Fei's message rang. Blood Wei Qiqi: "Fei brother, I brought a few masters here. The fire dance wars strongly demanded to play, and then I also invited a very weird Indian druid player Serpent King Shalu. Khan, and a very famous Russian player Ivan-in the end it is me, although I am not a master, but our president and the beautiful women in the studio all want to see the heroic appearance of Fei Ge the first time So do n’t mind Fei Ge! ”

What the hell! Dare to be minded by the beauties, or it ’s not the man who wants the brother to take it. Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Xiao Qi is a master, so there is no need to be modest! Everyone is here, and lively together."

Blood Weiqiqi laughed: "Thank you Feige. The Indian player invited this time is the snake king Shalu Khan. It should be a hidden druid class with Indian characteristics. It can summon snake groups, to be precise, it is between Sa. A career between Man and Druid. We are very interested in his strength, so we took this opportunity to invite him, and he also wanted to form a group with Fei Ge, so he came over. "

Dafei frowned: "Druid profession with Indian characteristics?"

Blood Weiqi Qi laughed: "Yes, after all, India is also one of the seven developers of Heroic Genesis. In order to help the game expand the domestic market, India has added some national characteristics of the game elements. In short, it is a The street performer playing the flute and the cobra viper. "

Dafei said, "What about Russian players?"

Blood Weiqi Qi sighed with a smile: "This dwarf player named Ivan is known as the tower defense master, which is also his talent, can quickly repair the defense tower on the battlefield. And his two lords are skilled in battlefield fortification and construction. Cultivated to the Grand Master level. He must be able to play a huge defensive help to Fei Ge! He also particularly wants to see Fei Ge's style. However, their Russian players and players in the European Union do not deal with it, so for him, we only have to invite the European Union There are two other experts in the district. "

The difference between Russia and the EU is known to players around the world. Xue Wei gave up one of the other two masters for him. And being able to train the skills of the lord department to two masters, this perseverance or opportunity can not help but respectfully: "So it is! I really want to see these two world-class masters."

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "We are here, we see Fei Ge!"

Between the words, the large troops in the rear approached, and when Dafei was far away, he saw Blood Weiqiqi and Fire Dance beating. Next to it was the Druid with the Indian flag overhead and the Russian dwarf player dragging a few transport vehicles.

Da Fei smiled and beckoned in response.

Just then. The Indian player suddenly slammed into smoke and disappeared, and then a bang of smoke blew in front of Da Fei, and a group of people in the smoke burst out, it is the Indian player snake king!

Da Fei dropped his chin on the floor, lying down! Are you pretending to be in front of one billion people in India?

Shalu Khan stretched out his hand and smiled, "I'm very glad to be fighting side by side with Mr. Dafei. I hope I can help Mr. Dafei."

Da Fei shook hands and laughed: "Your skills are a lot like the teleportation of the great devil. It's amazing!"

Shalu Khan said quite complacently: "Compared to the power of Mr. Dafei to defeat hundreds of Japanese players, it is nothing."

What the hell! Can't you be humble or humble after you've finished loading? These three brothers are interesting! OK, that brother is more honest, international diplomacy. It's expensive to be honest. Dafei laughed: "In fact, there are very powerful hidden characters among Japanese players in this battle. We can't despise them because of their overall defeat."

Hum. Raising an enemy who is trampled by his brother can not only show his rigorous and objective quality, but also further improve his status. Why not?

Shalu Khan nodded: "Mr. Dafei is very reasonable!"

Between the words, Xue Weiqi and her party arrived.

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Fei, we are here to support you!"

Fire Dance laughed wildly and laughed: "Fei brother, let me tell you something!"

Da Fei nodded, and reached out to the Russian player next to him: "Welcome, very happy to attack the Japanese area with Russian players!"

Ivan also shook hands immediately: "Boom to death Japanese bantam!"

Ahhh! Da Fei and everyone at the scene couldn't help laughing and laughed: "Okay, blast the bantam!"

Russians are famous all over the world. They have been sanctioned by the EU for many years because of Ukraine. When others thought that polar bears would give in, they would not give in. As a result, the European Union could not step down and had to stay with them Russian positive anal.

The positive **** has a large impact on all industries in Russia, and for this reason, this heroic Genesis has become an important way for many Russians to earn extra money. It has reached the age of over 50 years old and unemployed family members. It can be said that almost every household has a full-time game player in each household, and the mass base is very strong. The goal of the Russians is to wait for the opening of the national war zone and immediately sell gold coins and treasures that have been stored for many months to players in other countries to cash in cash.

As a fighting nation, the Russians will not have a wink at anyone who is not right, such as the European Union, the United States, and Japan. Once encountered in the game, it is anal! So Dafei greeted him very directly.

Now, Ivan goes straight to the topic: "Mr. Dafei is sure this is the main battlefield?"

Dafei laughed: "Even if I don't look for them, they will come to me."

Ivan nodded: "Very well, then I will immediately start repair work. I would never have paid so much for a normal battle. In fact, I just came here to take a look at doing trades. But when I met Mr. Da Fei, I changed my mind. My fighting blood began to boil, and my fighting soul began to burn. I will fight with Mr. Da Fei! "

After clapping, his accompanying troops immediately carried assets and tools from the transport vehicle, and then the bases of the three defense towers were superimposed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the construction of hundreds of troops.

As a well-informed game anchor, Fire Dance Battle immediately began to introduce on the scene: "Feige, this is the world's most famous tower defense master. Each tower will consume a very expensive arrow tower drawing and A lot of money, but once formed, any player or unit stationed on the tower will have its cast range, bow and arrow range, and crossbow artillery range fully increased, and its damage will also be greatly improved! And as long as the coach is stationed in the tower, it is equivalent to immortality You can't hurt the coach without destroying the tower. Very, very powerful. "

Dafei couldn't help but startled: "Amazing!"

Ivan really shook his head and sighed: "It's because it's too strong, so when people see me repairing a tower, they avoid me and don't fight, letting me waste valuable drawings."

This is indeed an egg pain problem! Dafei laughed: "Then you rest assured that this time the main opponent is npc, they will not avoid not fight."

Ivan nodded: "A tower can house a hero, a crossbow gun, and a 30-armed unit. Anyone can enter when we are in a group. I must enter one. I ca n’t be beheaded easily, otherwise these three Each tower becomes an ordinary tower, losing its range and power bonuses. "

The Indian player snake king Shalu Khan also said, "I applied to enter one. If I am in this tower that can improve range and power, the power and use of my snake group will not disappoint everyone, and I ca n’t Threatened safety output! "

The visitors are guests, Da Fei, Blood Wei Qiqi, and Fire Dance. Of course, the three Chinese players cannot compete with them, so Blood Wei Qiqi immediately said: "Of course, the remaining tower is Fei Ge stationed, Fei Ge is At the core, there must be no mistakes. "

Dafei was surprised and laughed. This blood Wei Qiqi said so much sense! It's too sensible to propose it!

Dafei laughed: "Of course, the last tower is the beauty first, what does Fire Dance think?"

Fire Dance laughed and laughed: "Of course, how could Feige let the beauties risk outside? The beauties are the commanders of the battlefield 3, they are the representatives of the Chinese area, of course, there must be nothing different, and the beauties can be free from fear 'S full court treatment. "

Dafei laughed: "Yes, it's settled, there are two brothers outside to carry!"

Brother two? At this moment, the fire dance felt that the relationship between him and Fei Brother was getting a lot closer, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Yes, we will leave it to our brother."

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Then I am ashamed!"

Just talking and laughing, a group of players with the Japanese flag over their heads came in the direction of the gate.

Dafei frowned. "Still let the undercover come out."

Xuewei Qiqi frowned: "No, I received a report from players in the city, this is not an undercover! Fei brothers, you big men must pay attention!"

Big man? Da Fei's heart jumped, and he quickly drew closer to the perspective of the Blood Eagle. I struck out a group of Japanese female players wearing **** fashion! What's this for?

Obviously, the Fire Dance War with the Scout Eagle also saw each other. As a well-informed anchor, Fire Dance War coughed: "It is really a rare material. It hasn't been seen since the public test. I'm sure it will be fired all the way down. "

"Rare material?" Da Fei faintly thought that the names of these female players are familiar!

Xuewei Qiqi snorted: "It's all low-level means to interfere with the minds of male players. They are not as good as the hair of the heroes and heroines of Fei Ge. Fei Ge can be treated as feces! Probably most of them It's a **** on a man, not to be fooled. "

What the hell! Da Fei suddenly seemed to be surprised, no wonder Brother felt their names familiar, what Suzuki Miki Kato Mie Hase Apricot Matsuyama love-brother did not know any! !! !! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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