God Rank Hero

Chapter 1173: Special Forces in Japan: Sakura Team

Haoyan has been sent out, the audience was shocked. ※% But the battle of Da Fei is not over yet, that is, the swarm that was blocked by the storm of Da Fei for more than ten seconds!

That's right, the battle between 400 players in Japan just now was less than ten seconds from the start to the end. During this time, the swarms of insects in the sky were crowded into a large mass, and a huge black cloud roaring above Dafei's head!

At this moment, Tian Fei can no longer imagine how much this density is! Compared with the oncoming storm, the "encryption" effect of the blood hawk's petrified halo is obviously a lot worse. Why didn't you expect to use the oncoming storm? Then there is nothing to say, the hawk petrified halo opened, the flute blew, and all the hunters shot through the sky!

The next moment, all arrows are coming! A thousand arrows, a thousand stars! When the starburst penetrated the dark clouds, the entire sky bloomed with layers of fireworks. The acid solution bursting from countless beetles poured down like acid rain, and the entire battlefield was confused by a green mist!

This damage, this effect, Da Fei has been unable to confirm that an arrow can shoot dozens of beetles. If even such an amazing killing effect can not achieve a major breakthrough in understanding, it is simply unreasonable! At this moment, the golden light on Da Fei's body flashed, and the system prompts rang:

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your outstanding fighting ability allows you to successfully comprehend the master-level bard, your wisdom +1! You gain master bard skills: War Psalms.

——Master Bard: Increases the strength of the army by 50%, and the morale of the army +5. Earn 1 attribute point per hero level. You get 25 bonus Free Attributes from the Master Bard. (Da Fei is level 49, the master bard has a bonus of 49 points. The expert bard has a bonus of 24. Now he makes up 25.)

——War Psalms: Passive skills. As a master bard, you will record every battle of yours as an immortal poem, adding extra battle achievements and world reputation! Grand Master Bard's War Psalms skills will additionally increase your special large-scale combat achievements.

——System Tip: Your "Victory in 28 Battles" will receive a total command power bonus of +280, an additional 100% bonus to the Psalm of War skills, you will receive an additional 280 command power, and an additional 280 world reputation.

——System Tip: Your achievement "Victory in 22 Brilliant Battles" will be rewarded with a total command power of +440 and a personal life of +440. The War Psalm skill has an additional 100% bonus, and you gain an additional 440 Command Force. Gain 440 additional life and 440 world reputation.

——System Tip: Your achievement of "Hundred Stories of a Lonely Hero" has been increased by +50 life for War Psalm Skills and +50 for World Prestige.

——System Tip: Your "Mercury Wood Discoverer" achievement is supplemented with +100 points of life for the War Psalm skill, and gains 100 additional world reputation.

——System Tip: Your "Founder of Nuclear Bomb Crystals" achievement has been given an additional life +200 points by the War Psalm skill, and your world reputation has been increased by an additional 500 points.

——The system prompts: You have got the information of "Sonic Arrow".

. . . . . .

coming! Welcome to swipe the screen! At this moment, the eyes of the delighted Da Fei could not help but keep the screen too hard?

This time, it is not the sound wave arrow that Da Fei is expecting, but the master bard that is taken for granted! And there are unexpected guests, sub-skill war poems!

Looking at the battle achievements that are usually better than nothing, and the long-forgotten little achievements that have been doubled by the war poems. Hundreds of lives and hundreds of world reputations have been added, and Fei Fei can't help but be shocked!

It turned out that this bard was so powerful to the back! That is to say, the current master level can only add ordinary combat achievements. After reaching the Grand Master level, can you repackage your brother's dragon slayer and **** slayer achievements?

Let me go! If this is the case, the powerful Da Fei of this passive skill is a bit dare not to think, there are 3 achievements of Da Fei's God-slayer! Haha, hahahaha, cool!

Now that there are master-level bards and super-god-level archery, wait until the final battle of the next wave of swarms to formally understand the sound of arrows.

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friends rang, and it was Xuewei Qiqi: "Fei Brother! Your elders are so godlike, you will destroy the two main local teams of Mitsubishi!"

Wa hahaha! When you are proud of your life, there should be beautiful women leaving to make fun of them!

Dafei proudly said, "Is it the main team? It feels like it's to give away people's heads, but it's completely unfeeling!" Well, although I almost got rid of it, the war poems have never been written by the winners. It's time.

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Of course it is because Fei Ge is too powerful. It is estimated that it will not be long before the enemy npc heroes will be dispatched. What is Fe Ge's plan?"

Dafei frowned, too! The reason why Japanese players lost just now is because they are detached from the NPC. Now it is time for the enemy NPC heroes who have been silent for a long time. The NPC heroes are no small, and they cannot tolerate the 1000 jungle hunters.

In that line, the beautiful lady so pleases her brother so much. Da Fei is no longer polite: "You're right, I basically tested part of the strength of the enemy forces. Now these 1000 jungle hunters can't hold the scene, you will come and support me immediately!"

Xuewei Qiqi rejoiced: "Okay! Then Feige, do you want other experts to help?"

Yeah. For ordinary players, it is their honor to be able to fight side by side with brother. Brother is pretending to be tired and tired, so they meet their requirements and take everyone to fly.

Da Fei nodded: "Very good, you will send a few masters, but not many, your main force out of the city should still hold the attention of the npc main force on the other side of the battlefield."

Blood Wei Qiqi was overjoyed: "Okay, Fei, I will arrange it immediately!"

Dafei breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally wanted to bring people a pain, without pretending to be exhausted! The real pretense should be natural, the reason why the pretending class is still not enough is not enough. When this battle is over, presumably the situation of the national war can be reversed, and the brother will retreat to Leng Jade and continue to play a stand-alone break.

After all, Brother's goal is to grab a pain to pay off Brother's 10 billion debts! It's absolutely not possible to make a fool of this explosive equipment on the battlefield. As for now, of course, it is time to restore mana.

. . . . . . .

The Mitsubishi Corps headquarters was gloomy.

Just now, the spectacular scenes of hundreds of Mitsubishi teams dying back to the resurrection point in the city within a few seconds and witnessing the heartbreak of a group of ordinary Japanese players!

At this moment, no one is complaining about the incompetence of the Mitsubishi team, because all players are soberly aware of a demon-like man, flying! How to face him? This is a painful but unavoidable problem facing the Mitsubishi team and all Japanese players.

At this time, a team member reported: "Captain, 2 Chinese players, 1 Indian player, 1 Russian player joined Dafei's team! Dafei's strength has increased 10 times! Other players' main team is still on the battlefield. While making an offensive posture against the trenches. "

Tsukamoto's face was even more gloomy: "Do they want to counterattack?"

Another player reported: "Report the captain, the npc hero is about to dispatch, this time is the pioneer general under the beetle lord."

Tsukamoto forced himself to grit his teeth and exclaimed, "All the princes! We must fight, our main force is still fighting in China, and we must keep the local team members with great courage and fighting spirit! This time, we We must cooperate with the strength of the NPC Corps to eliminate Da Fei, no matter how powerful he is, we cannot shrink back! "


At this moment, the sliding head **** also measured and said: "Captain, we have a special army!"

Tsukamoto could not help but startled: "Special forces?"

Slippery God Silver smiled: "Female players in the Sakura group!"

"Sakura team!" At this moment, the dreary and abnormal command was full of infinite expectations because of this name!

That ’s right, the Sakura group is the heroic heroine of Japan. When Genesis was still in the public beta stage, a large group of "known actresses" formed a game promotion team. They were charming and fragrant, and they were goddesses in the hard drives of players from all countries! Although they may rarely have time to play the games themselves, for the purpose of "game strategy", their game account has been trained to a not low level by the Japanese team.

The most important thing is that their development is different from all players. Their occupations and equipment are all life occupations that are aligned with those of bar girls, so they have only one task-to distract players from other countries! Everyone knows.

However, because this trick is too harsh, don't say that players from other countries can't fight it, even their friendly forces can't fight it, so they have been regarded as a nuclear-level killer.

Tsukamoto couldn't help but be fascinated: "Yes! It's time to send this special force!"

Slippery God smiled: "I know that I will talk to the president, but the president and senior team members have been paying attention to the situation of the national war. Presumably they have already made arrangements. Now a phone call will pass, and the goddesses will be online. ! "

"Wow!" For a while, the whole Mitsubishi clan was excited!

At this moment, the slippery **** said: "Also, we lost a lot of medals in the last war. It was by virtue of these medals that we kept important equipment. Now we happen to be in the city. Solicit medals there, this will minimize our losses. "

Tsukamoto nodded: "It is worthy of being a senior, very thoughtful!" (To be continued, please search floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!

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