God Rank Hero

Chapter 1178: Pursuing a breakthrough metamorphosis

Between the dazzling lights and flint, all the life-saving tricks of the Dafei team poured out. Although the Japanese players who have been prepared for ambush also released the fireball bombing at the first time, due to the bombardment of the mysterious airship's oil barrel, the unified pace was interrupted, resulting in a sequence of casts, which provided valuable treatment recovery for the Dafei team. Breathing gap!

Then, instantly blinding the light bombs in the audience, spreading the poisonous mist in the audience, and the paralyzed snake group appearing in the poisonous mist instantly contained the subsequent attacks of Japanese players!

In the chaos that pervaded the audience, the heavy stringing sounded—at this moment, the entire Mitsubishi Command team members looked ashamed. Everyone knows the consequences of not being able to curb Dafei's shot!

The next moment, the bowstrings rang out and the arrows shot! In the chaos of smoke, thousands of cannon fodder units fell like pieces of wind and grass, and the white light of dozens of player deaths rose!

The defeat has been set!

The headquarters of the Mitsubishi Corps was at a loss, and the commander there was collectively silent. They are all in Japan, but they are also considered the elites in the field of e-sports in the world. The purpose of their struggle and the meaning of existence is victory and enjoyment of victory! No one is born to live for failure, but when failure comes to them over and over again, their hearts of course collapse.

Who will teach us how to face failure over and over again? This is the voice of all members of the Mitsubishi team at this moment!

At this moment, the goddess' soft and timid voice sounded in the horn of the monitoring screen: "Captain, we were killed by Da Fei, we lost 7 s-class apron, and a cup of Bacchus."

Tsukamoto nodded his head: "Miss ladies, it's hard. Leave the rest to us."

The slippery **** was suddenly surprised: "The glass of Bacchus dropped?"

Tsukamoto exclaimed, "Is it an artifact?"

Sliding Head God frowned: "It's hard to say exactly what this is. It has no attributes. But it is a necessary tool for the field of Brew God, and we don't know much about it."

Tsukamoto exclaimed: "Will Dafei get the secret of Bacchus from this cup?"

Slippery head sighed, "I'm afraid of it."

The goddess said with a smile: "I think this Bacchus mission is so complicated, it is difficult to be a clue with a cup without any attributes? Maybe Dafei thought this was an antique for auction?"

Slippery head sighed, "I hope so."

Then the soft voice of another goddess sounded: "Although Da Fei's strength is very abnormal, Zhujun should not be discouraged, you must work hard to catch up!"

"Pervert?" At this moment, Hirata Hiroshi suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly: "Miss Meihui. Can you tell me what is the real pervert?"

The goddess named Meihui said, "Hirata, what do you mean?"

Hirata said excitedly: "Miss Megumi, I've watched your movie" Morph Kamen Rider 3 "and I want to be a Kamen Rider-like metamorphosis!"

"Wow!" The headquarters was uproar! Everyone knows that in this film, the goddess Meihui plays a nightclub queen, and Kamen Superman is a **** that puts women on her head and there will be a superman divine metamorphosis. This series of films is well received in Japan Praise.

Tsukamoto rebuked: "Hirata, it's time to fight. Don't talk nonsense!"

Hirata Hirano sternly said: "I am serious! I have been looking for a breakthrough in the realm, but I have not found it! I think our failure is too concerned about honor and dignity. And these things, Dafei has long been in the game. When they served, they were thrown away as garbage, so Dafei was recognized as garbage in China, and Dafei also drew its strength from this garbage to have its abnormal achievements now. "

Tsukamoto said angrily: "What are you talking about! We are the national team of Greater Japan, and our honor and dignity represent the honor and dignity of Great Japan!"

Hirata Hiroshi laughed wildly: "The honor and dignity of Great Japan? Is there? Our country has been controlled by the U.S. garrison until now, and even willing to be controlled by them. There has never been a sovereign state in the world who humiliated us even Taiwan No US garrison will be controlled by the United States! Our dignity is worse than Taiwan's! Our politicians spread the lie that only idiots can believe in internationally, and depreciate their currency again and again. This is the honor of Great Japan? Wrong! I do n’t need such things at all in Japan. Politicians have long abandoned those things in advance! What we have to do is to make our faces as thick as politicians! That's our way! "

At this moment, the entire headquarters was dumb! Captain Tsukamoto was speechless for a while!

Finally, the solemn voice of the goddess broke the silence of the command room: "The real metamorphosis is to face the ridicule of people all over the world, but she is really helpless, and then she gets the ecstasy pleasure from this helpless humiliation. So get infinite spiritual power, this is the extreme of metamorphosis! So, you must have the consciousness of abandoning your self-esteem as a world-class professional player, let them laugh at the underwear on your head, let them laugh at your dry body, let them laugh at you Your short lower part, and then get endless pleasure from this mocking shame! "

"Wow !!!" The headquarters was in panic.

Hirata Hiroshi trembled, "I have already lost this state, and I am not worthy of being a so-called world-class! I want to be such a pervert, please Miss Mei Hui to help me!"

The goddess sighed, "Well, I will mail you the underwear I used today."

Hirata Hiroshi burst into tears with excitement: "Hi Yi! Thank you, thank you Miss Meihui!"

At this moment, the other team members suddenly came back and shouted, "I want too! I want Miss Meihui's underwear! We also want to become abnormal!"

The goddess wondered, "I don't have so many underwear!"

The team members yelled in unison and shouted in unison: "But we have so many goddesses! We want goddess underwear, we want to be perverted !!!"

At this moment, the situation was completely out of control! Tsukamoto looked at each other with a glance.

Slip-headed God sighed: "This is the charm of the Sakura group! They are goddesses of elegance and intellectuality, maybe Hirata is right--" said here. Slippery God also turned his head and screamed, "Miss Hase-I'm your fan. I want your underwear ..."

. . . . . .

Battlefield 3 Demon Camp. The battle was nearing its end, and the Dafei team cleared the field and took control of the situation. In this battle, Da Fei also harvested nearly a hundred medals. This medal task has been overfulfilled.

Xuewei Qiqi could not help but praise: "It is worthy to be a flying brother, worthy of being the snake king, too great, the other party has no power to fight back!"

The snake king shook his head: "I have to thank the master of your country who drove the airship, not that he dragged the enemy. I am afraid I have no time to cast."

Fire Dance madly laughed and said, "We in China have a lot of hidden master friends."

Ivan is also satisfied: "It's really great to be able to form a group with Chinese friends. Now only npc is our opponent. I quickly repair the tower and we are ready to meet new challenges!"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Exactly, I must hurry up and revive everyone's troops."

Even when everyone was busy, the message of Da Fei's friends sounded, and it was Xue Wei Qi Qi: "Fei Brother, is the player who drove the airship your friend?"

Da Fei is also pondering this. When she asked her, she had to smile bitterly: "I really don't know, what's his name?"

Xuewei Qi sighed: "The airship is too high. The light is also facing the sun, and you can only see the small five-star red flag above the opponent's head. The name is invisible. I thought it was Fei's friend who came to make a clearance."

Da Fei laughed and said, "It looks like we are really hiding in China, this is a good thing!"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Yeah, if we knew each other, it would be too easy to form a team to push Japan flat."

At this moment, Da Fei's heart was extremely shocked. I thought I had reached the forefront of the world, but I never expected that someone would keep up with my progress, not only the airship but also the teleportation! Except that the model is smaller than itself, its own advantages are not obvious. As the first person, Da Fei felt the pressure of the latecomers virtually.

Between the words, a large black cloud surged behind the demons camp, and the swarm came again! At the same time, the demon ground troops in front of the radar also began to move, and the npc heroes finally started to dispatch.

. . . . . .

At this time, a logistic pier in the river behind the wall of the ancient tree battlefield, the airship of Luna Night stopped quietly in the river to replenish oil and materials. This is a special scene of the rear base, not the battle front line, the average player cannot come to this place.

It ’s been a day since I came to the battlefield. Luna Ye has been looking for traces of US special forces in various videos, but no, the overwhelming thing is the big fly, and Luna Ye has blown up! What's more, this big flying continuous slaughter of Shenqiang is not ridiculous.

Perhaps only by keeping up with the dynamics of Da Fei, US special forces will definitely appear. So when Dafei publicly appeared on the battlefield 3, Luna Night has been following Dafei's development from the live broadcast.

It seems that I don't know since when Dafei, the garbage recognized in the national costume, has turned into an anti-Japanese hero, right? Isn't this ordinary bitch? Unconsciously, Luna Ye found that he had paid more attention to Da Fei than to the special US forces.

Then, the cherry blossom group in Japan appeared. Luna Night is extremely disgusting to these women, and she has no shame, but also has damaged the body of the majority of young people, and is also regarded as a goddess. It is like an opium!

But Lunar Night is more interested in, can Dafei, a player who continuously slaughters God, deal with the cherry blossom group? Driven by curiosity, Luna Night also flew quietly to the dark clouds over the battlefield.

At the beginning, Luna Ye was not ready to help. Luna Ye was the one who couldn't see the limelight in others' hearts, so I hoped that Dafei would plant it hard. However, once the big fly is planted, this group of garbage women will be more beautiful and will get more money and social status, which is even intolerable by Luna Ye.

Therefore, Luna Night is still a small shot. Sister, can only help you get here. Do n’t let your sister see the next time you kill God, otherwise your sister will definitely make you cry! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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