God Rank Hero

Chapter 1179: Comprehend the sound wave arrow

The enemy is about to reach the battlefield, and Ivan has also completed the defensive tower that was about to be completed and was interrupted by the Japanese goddess. From this point of view, player troops hiding in defense towers or buildings may have a great resistance to the field of Bacchus. Otherwise, the Japanese players will not wait for the NPC to start and start to use the defense tower when it is about to be completed.

Now, Ivan, Snake King, and Blood Weiqiqi each stationed in a defense tower, and then Dafei also entered 45 marksmen with a presidential rating of 90. Of course, the crossbow vehicle brought by Blood Weiqiqi also entered, of which The two crossbows are still under the command of Dafei.

Looking at the crossbows and marksmen in the tower soared 50% again, they can directly shoot into the opposite trench, and Fei Fei couldn't help taking a breath, this Nima can directly attack the city! This tower defense master is really not ordinary!

Very good, the extreme range is used to snip enemy heroes. So don't bother to alarm the enemy forces, wait for their heroes to hook up, then set fire to kill.

Now Dafei's attention is on the swarm of insects that are buzzing around. Now that super god-level archery is available, and master-level bards are also available, the Swarm Swarm lets the brother understand!

Just then, Xue Weiqi was worried: "Our main groups are out of the city, and there are not enough staff for the city defender."

Huowu laughed and laughed: "Anyway, they can't shoot, what's the difference between staying undefended? There is a flying brother on the line."

Da Fei laughed ≥ and said: "Just give me the swarm, everyone shoots the ground troops!"

"Roger that!"

The snake king Shalu Khan suddenly said: "This swarm is flying in the wrong direction and height, as if the target is not a city wall!"

The others couldn't help but yell: "Did we deal with us?"

Dafei is even more surprised. How did the three brothers see that the direction and height were wrong? Is he so powerful? Just then. The red light on the Dafei radar exploded. The system prompts a bang:

——System prompt: Warning! Your hearing tracking skills find a large number of creatures approaching you from the ground!

-Team Information: Warning! Team leader Da Fei found a large number of threats approaching from the underground!

Da Fei was shocked. Or open space offensive!

Then the next moment, there were hundreds of rolling sandbags on the ground approaching the position! That's right, as long as the submerged creatures are found and enter the battle, they will appear in the form of rolling sandbags that all team players can see.

"Wow !!!" The whole group was in panic: "Feige will scout the submarine !?"

What is strange about me? Dafei hurriedly said, "Who will deal with the potential?"

Shalu Khan volunteered: "Give them to my snake group! I dare not say that they must be destroyed, but blocking them for a while should not be a problem!"

Lying down! The omnipotent third brother? Da Fei immediately instructed: "Very good, we will collect fire subterranean monsters as soon as we eliminate the swarm and ground troops!"

As soon as the voice fell, the swarm of swarms swooped down! Sure enough, it is against players. Dafei had to serve!

Da Fei said nothing about the repetition of the old tricks, the storm started, and the wind screamed again, blocking the swarm of insects once again. But this time, the resistance is obviously not as strong as the last time, but it doesn't matter, just the icing on the cake!

The next moment, all arrows are coming! The burst fireworks bloom in the sky again! It was also at this moment that Da Fei's white light flashed, and finally it was time to come:

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your extraordinary archery allows you to successfully understand the combination of archery and the bard class to produce the hidden archery skill "Sonic Arrow". Your wisdom 1!

——Sonic Arrow: When the arrows are fired together, they will emit a sharp and harsh whistling sound, which can cause additional sonic shock damage to the enemy. The effect of Sonic Shock damage is related to the number of archery units and the bard class. The activation of the sonic arrow will continuously consume the physical value of the archer unit.

Finally, at the moment of the decisive battle, I learned the legendary sound wave arrow! Da Fei does not hesitate to start skills.

next moment. The entire jungle shooter unit flashed white, and the second arrow sent a sharp, whistle-like whistle to pierce the sky!

This moment. As if a bomb detonated in the sky swarm, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread the sky-the next moment, an incredible scene appeared, the sky swarm exploded, the entire sky was green!

Dafei was so shocked that his jaw dropped! This is dozens of kills in a single shot, tens of thousands of kills in a thousand arrows? This is the power of sonic shock! ? Sure enough, there is no need to aim, brother. This is a sonic insect killer.

The sky's swarms became scarce and sparse and no longer constituted a threat. Dafei immediately shifted his target to those oncoming **** corps on the ground, and another arrow whistled out!

At this moment, the black light flashed from the head of Dafei, and a black shock wave spread throughout the audience!

——The system prompts: The stunt "Dragon's Majesty" of your artifact Dragon Crown takes effect, and you have 743 enemies in a state of short-term trembling!

Artifact effects are triggered again! Dafei is ecstatic!

That's right, the correct use of the Dragon King's crown was studied in Serbia for playing the piano, because the sonic attack covers the whole field, and the odds of triggering stunts and the distance are far from the unusual attack mode!

At this moment, Dafei finally realized how good this new arrow technique is to match the Dragon King's crown. This is the Sonic Fear Arrow! Haha, wow hahaha! However, what seems to be the disadvantage? That's right, why didn't the audience scream with these shocking two arrows? Da Fei took a subconscious look at the fire dancing around him, and saw him stunned. The whole person was already stupid!

What I want is this effect! Dafei smiled slightly: "Dance of fire, don't get distracted!"

Then the fire dance fought back, and trembled, "Fei, what are these two arrows just now?"

Dafei laughed: "Of course it's a trick, I can't bear to use it."

Fire Dance stunned in shock: "Feige's realm of archery is unfathomable, and I dare to find Feige more than arrows!"

Don't hesitate to take time to practice your skills until now, I'll wait for you! Dafei laughed and said, "Where and where, this is also a process of common improvement."

At this moment, the King of Snakes spoke: "Mr. Dafei, a subterranean beetle that can bounce back and hurt. My snake group is dying! But my snake venom slows them down a lot!"

"Tough work!" The goal of Da Fei's third arrow is to roll in the mounds on the ground. For submerged creatures, once they lose the stealth of attack and are discovered in advance, their tactical value will be greatly reduced Even if the body is carrying a thick mud bag of defense, it is nothing more than dead.

For a time, in the sound of the roaring arrow rain, one after another the burial mounds burst, and the green worm blood stained the battlefield.

Dafei laughed, even if it was the npc legion, it was just like this in front of brother! What about the other hero? Can't you give it a challenge? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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