God Rank Hero

Chapter 1182: No touch

In Tamilia's greetings, a group of people who hadn't seen each other for a long time came out from the under-flight cabin of the maintenance to welcome them.

Alicia couldn't help but have fun: "Master, Lord, your new form is very interesting. When will you teach me?"

Let me go. It's so big that a female elf can be a grandma to Serbia. Can she think about playing all day long? You first understand the space art before you speak.

Tamilia laughed: "The Lord said that the war ahead needed urgent help."

Alicia was overjoyed: "It is finally time to fight, these days we have been learning to be boring! Let's go!"

Katerina laughed: "Anyway, I am a scumbag, how can I not learn it, just go out and relax."

Serbia nodded. "It's time to teach the demons."

Elena sighed: "My dark elf identity is inconvenient to move around the kingdom. I'll stay on the boat with Miss Tamilia."

Alicia nodded, and she waved like a leader: "Okay, let's go!"

Let me go! Dafei is in a hurry, you all have to study hard! This should not go, should not go to a group, can you not hurt the brother?

However, Da Fei is now a bird and has no language command ability at all. It hurts, it hurts!

As a result, Da Fei had to watch as Alicia swayed and disembarked, then disappeared into the teleportation array. Let me go. Do you know where your battlefield is? Of course, as a system npc, they certainly know.

Dafei had no choice but to return. However, this time did not call Elina really a little big fly accident, Dafei just remembered that Elina still had this dark elf status that is not subject to the Alliance. Da Fei thought about it again, and indeed found that Elina was not only in the realm of the city of light, but also on the flight. Really had not acted on the Alliance territory without disguise.

Perhaps this is the limitation of the use of powerful heroes. While Dafei was feeling sore and painful, the regional channel over Dafei's deity suddenly turned into a hustle and bustle.

Xuewei Qiqi was pleasantly surprised: "It turned out that Fei Ge sent his beautiful deputy heroes! Players from all over the city are amazing!"

Fire Dance was frightened and said, "What kind of deputy hero does Fei send? There are remote transfer instructions?"

Da Fei came back and laughed. "Epic heroes are more intelligent than you and I imagined. They will come by themselves."

Ivan also laughed and said, "I have heard that China ’s Flying Brothers has the most beautiful heroes. I ’m so lucky! I have to take a closer look at this."

Fire Dance laughed and laughed: "Compared to Fei Ge's beautiful deputy hero. These Japanese cherry blossom groups seem too artificial and worth mentioning."

Shalu asked in a sullen voice, "Is an electronic beauty more than a real person?"

Fire Dance laughed and laughed: "Electronic singer, anime idol, are there such few examples?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "I know, Fei Ge must send his beauty team to resist the harassment of the Sakura group, and make the women feel filthy."

Fire Dance shook her head and laughed, "How can it be, they are teachers above shame. This is the only reason that they are better than electronic beauties."

Appreciating other people's discussions, Da Fei is of course laughing as he returns to the Blood Eagle without saying a word. have to say. Sometimes showing off a woman is more lethal than showing off her strength. Although these sub-heroes are not real women, they are much more difficult to obtain than real women. It is not that players can easily get rich and powerful in reality. That is the existence of a super pet. Show off.

At this moment, Xue Weiqi frowned and said, "No, Japanese players in the city blocked Fei's deputy heroes from letting them out. And most of our people went out of town to fight, and there was no way to restrain Japanese players Now. "

Dafei's face was drawn, and he was lying! Forget about this!

At this point, Da Fei's Blood Eagle has returned to the No. 3 city wall. Sure enough, I saw the Japanese undercover players in the brigade divided into three blocking walls to block the path of the hearts and minds. Hierarchical blocking This is a very professional blocking method. The urban management will only disperse players who are directly blocking the road, but players outside are not included. This makes it difficult for ordinary npc to get rid of player entanglement. What should we do now?

When Da Fei is tangled. Another scene that Dafei couldn't tolerate appeared, and those Japanese players who blocked their own hearts even blatantly squeezed in to make fun!

Lying down! !! !! At this moment, Da Fei's fury rushed to the fury on the spot: "I killed all these dog-day books!"

Da Fei's so angry tone immediately scared everyone present.

Blood Weiqi Qi trembled: "Feige, I will immediately send players outside the city back to the city, even if the red name is forced to kill, I will also open the way to Feige's deputy hero!

Da Fei's heart shook! Lying down! The game characters are touched. Is the red name open? Is Brother so mediocre?

However, even a touch! In particular, we can't let the small book be obscene! I can't get around this thorn in my heart! That just kills me! Isn't that the red name? You are out, I will work hard for your share!

As Dafei gritted his teeth and was about to nod his head, the abnormality rose sharply. I saw countless bees popping up from the crowd, and those obscenely besieged Japanese players were suddenly confused and out of control. The wall of enclosing people suddenly collapsed!

Da Fei frowned and summoned the swarm? Isn't this Alicia's signature hiding skill? Can this attack the player at will? And from the current situation of players out of control but not bleeding. Does not seem to constitute an attack condition. This is equivalent to the existence of "anti-wolf spray"?

Speaking of sprays, Da Fei suddenly remembered the police shock pump obtained by killing the abyss demon! That is to say, the bee swarm of Alicia can also be used by players in the same faction as police water cannons?

Lying down! Touched, touched, but also prevent wolf fart! Brother now just wants to turn the small books of the country to level 0, and explode all the cherry blossom groups so that there is nothing left to resolve Brother's hatred!

At that moment, Xuewei Qi reported again: "Wow! Report to Fei Ge, Fei Ge's co-hero summons the bee swarm to pack Japanese players! It looks like we don't need to go back to pk."

Obviously, the fire dance battle also knew the scene in the city for the first time and immediately corrected: "That is not the summoning of swarms, it will hurt people if it is magic. It is a real bee! Ignoring the small damage does not constitute harm, but Stunts really work so they don't lose their names. "

Shalu Khan also echoed: "Yes! Some non-venomous snakes can also play the role of bees, so no one can block me. I can't think of Mr. Da Fei's all-round development, and the ranger vice hero can also reach this realm. I want to go with Da Fei Mr. Make a Deal, I wonder if Mr. Dafei is interested? "

Da Fei's indignation had to be strong and laughed: "Okay, are you interested, is it the druid's calling?"

Shalu Khan nodded: "The ranger can also be used, but now is not the time to talk about the transaction. How about we return to the city to talk after the battle is over?"

Da Fei's heart moved: "OK!"

Speaking of which, he and Alicia's summoning bee colony really have something in common, and in the morning he burst out in the Unicorn Forest that Chinese Martian also produced a few best summoning costumes, just for Alicia's use. Speaking of, Alicia's equipment has not been implemented yet, I really am sorry for her.

Ivan said impatiently: "Now is the time of the tense war, what are the weapons and equipment that do not need to hurry to deal with each other and reciprocity to improve the current combat power is not better? Indian friends do not hide it, what is there in front of Fei Ge Take it out directly, maybe the treasure you think you are flying is simply not eye-catching. "

Da Fei couldn't help having fun, this Mao brother was anxious. But he was right, Da Fei laughed and said, "So, I just have two spare gears. Let Sharuk see if it works."

As a result, Da Fei publicly displayed a Martian war that broke out in the morning and called the fallen angel, and the unicorn mane, a component of the phantom bow replaced by the unicorn king.

——Battle of Fallen Angels: s-level strategic weapon, main hand weapon position, magic 30, knowledge 30, duration of summoning fallen angels is increased by 20%.

——Unicorn's Mane: A-level strategic treasures, accessories, bowstrings made with unicorn's mane, heroic archery effect 20%, and angel feather arrows, tree elf bow can be combined into artifact "Phantom Bow" ".

As soon as these two things came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help it!

Then the next moment, the Russian dwarf was shocked: "Fei brother, can this battle sell me?"

The fire dance battle is even more trembling: "Fei, please sell me the unicorn mane!" (To be continued)


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