God Rank Hero

Chapter 1183: The Power of the Ice Song Suit

In the current stage and even in the next few years, S-class equipment is undoubtedly the goal of most high-end players. £ ∝As for the components of the artifact, it is a lifelong pursuit. Therefore, the excitement of Ivan and Fire Dance fighting the goods is normal.

It is also because the s-class equipment is equivalent to the ultimate pursuit, so players rarely ship in the market, usually barter and not accepting cash transactions. After all, the groups and individuals who can play s-class equipment at the current stage are already quite masters, usually not bad money. Dafei is certainly not bad.

Da Fei laughed, "Chang things!"

"Uh" really choked them.

But Shalu Khan shook his head and pulled out a flute. In the strange and melodious music sound, a cobra appeared out of thin air and danced in the sound of flute.

Blood Weiqiqi could not help wow: "Cobra Dance!"

Dafei brows even more. He really plays the flute. The key is that he plays better than his brother!

Shalu Khan said lightly: "I and Mr. Dafei have a common language, that is music! Mr. Dafei's music can not only burst the sky swarm, but also make the enemy fear, I want to exchange this power!"

I pulled it out, and really a master of the art could see the power of Ge Yinbo's arrows! But he still read it wrong. It wasn't music but the artifact that made the enemy fear! Artifacts are certainly not sold. However, as a master, he should know that brother's skill is god-level, so maybe he also has god-level items to exchange?

Dafei really looked forward to this moment: "What can you exchange?"

Shalu Khan did shake his head: "I want to see Mr. Dafei's goods first."

Lying down! Really dare to lose my appetite? Is it really an artifact that doesn't want people to look at it for nothing? Dafei is even more interested now. Dafei would like to know, although he thinks that he is awesome, to what extent do other top players reach? Is it a broom? Or do you really have a god-like item? Seen by his ability to summon the zombie god. It should be the latter.

Sonic items, right? Dafei suddenly remembered that when he went to Bingge City, he got an extra set of components:

——Bingsong Warframe Crown: s-class strategic treasure. Head gear. Mana +30, Knowledge +30, Sonic-related skills + 30%. Icesong Warframe Set Components.

That's right, at first, defeating General Naga to complete the task and gaining the appreciation of General Siren gave an extra crown. Later, Fei used special game skills to personally trade with General Siren, and exchanged her full set, including Artifact-level component "wing of ice song" that cannot be equipped by other races. (Chapter 1006 "Swap the Ice Song Suit")

Dafei generously displayed this crown publicly.

At this moment, Ivan and Fire Dance who were thinking about what to exchange with Dafei were shocked again: "Wow !!! A suit that specializes in sonic damage?"

This time. Shalu Khan could not help but startled his eyes, "Good stuff!"

Hum, isn't it? You know Brother Niubi, right? When Dafei felt good about himself, Shalu Khan did shake his head again: "Not enough!"

Everyone couldn't help it. Ivan was even more anxious: "Indian friend, you are not satisfied with the three s-class equipment? Can we show you the treasure you want to trade?"

Shalu Khan whispered: "I want to see the suit first!"

Da Fei's heart shook. Only artifacts are eligible to trade a high-end suit. Will these three brothers really want to trade artifacts? Yige's ice song reputation, as long as the business is a little bit, these sets can be exchanged for wholesale! Brother Li is directly from the Binggecheng, who can reach me. Who can compare with me? If it was a deal, it would be fine.

The problem is, there is also an artifact-level component in Brother's suit. This is not something you can do with normal reputation. Obviously a complete set of transactions is impossible, and you are almost the same for 4 items.

Shalu Khan continued to speak: "I believe. With Mr. Dafei's amazing strength, there must be a full set of suits, and he will certainly not regret letting me see all the suits, right?"

Dafei laughed in surprise! Generally speaking, in this kind of international exchange occasions, a few well-known masters will consider that the image of their respective countries will not open up others. OK, the more you ask, the more interested you are!

Da Fei turned his head and looked at the city gate. Alicia, Katerina, Serbia, and Serbian covenant Elifir were approaching their position. Suddenly, Da Fei found one person missing. What about Deirdre? Didn't Tamilla tell her?

At this moment, Xuewei Qi said in a deep voice: "Feige, the Japanese player is here again. It should be the Shenfeng team and the Baigui Nightwalker team who have passed through the weak period of death."

Fire Dance laughed wildly and laughed: "It's the defeat of Fei's men, and they're here to give me meritorious gifts!"

Looking at the hundreds of red dots on the radar, Dafei couldn't help but be brave: "Mr. Shaluhan, the suit is on my deputy hero, let me demonstrate the power of the suit first?"

Shalu Khan nodded solemnly: "It is indeed Mr. Dafei, and I look forward to it!"

Blood Weiqiqi laughed: "Fei brother, your nun hero is amazing. We have all met in the city of **** punishment, but she needs a stable output environment. Let me give her the position of the defense tower. . "

Dafei sighed and said, "So, I'm welcome."

Shalu Khan immediately said, "No, I let it! I can't let the lady take risks."

Fire Dance furiously laughed: "It is unexpected that Indians also have gentle gentlemen on women."

Shalu Khan shook his head deeply: "A nation that does not love its own woman has no future."

Everyone couldn't help but sleep! Play connotation! Da Fei was also amazed at the third brother. It seems that he really didn't just talk about it, then he must take this trade more seriously. Maybe it's not just for trading, it should be an international cultural exchange. That's right, it's cultural exchange. At the level of brother, he was obsessed with ordinary transactions. The realm is too low and too vulgar, but it makes others down.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time that Serbian piano is used to play against players. When I think of the ten-mile vibe of Serbia, Da Fei is a little afraid to think! I guess Japanese players are even more afraid to think about it? That's right. Against Japanese players. They should be blasted with an atomic bomb or something!

. . . . . . .

at this time. Mitsubishi Command, a strange and intoxicating atmosphere permeated the audience.

The Mitsubishi uniforms that were once black and black pants have been taken off by the team members. Only the underwear that is not washed for a few days and the female underwear that covers the face are left. It is shrouded, not the top of the head, because the crotch of the underwear is on the noses and mouths of the players. The players are deeply sniffing the smell of the crotch with their noses. It is this smell and all the players are intoxicated!

Of course these underpants were not sent by the goddess of the cherry blossom group, after all, it was not so fast in less than 10 minutes. These are all from other beauty employees in this Mitsubishi building. Even ordinary beauty underwear can make the team members so excited. What effect value would that goddess' **** have unimaginable!

At this time, a **** masked player came forward to report: "Team, captain, Da Fei's deputy heroes went out of the city and merged with Da Fei. Our 3 monster npc heroes have sneaked into the Da Fei position! We also returned A demon npc hero has assembled his ground cannon fodder and is ready to charge. "

Tsukamoto took a deep breath of **** and was extremely intoxicated: "Yo West! Last time, we all acted out of the npc and failed alone, and this time, we will fully assist the npc offensive, everyone prepares!"

"Hey !!!!"

Yes, this time. The most significant change is that Tsukamoto only talks about war, regardless of victory or defeat. If it was before. Surely a sentence such as "This battle must win" will be added at the end. It's different now. When everyone abandons the shameful heart, subtle changes have taken place in the state of mind. The outcome has become like a cloud. This feeling of no pressure is truly unprecedented.

The next moment, the npc ground legion moved! Suddenly, there was smoke on Dafei's position, and the monster heroes lurking underground was also dispatched!

Tsukamoto gasped: "Iku !!!"

The entire Mitsubishi headquarters shouted in unison: "One library !!!"

At this moment, a clear and very thick piano sound rang through the battlefield. The sound of more than a dozen large screens on the scene of the entire headquarters exploded, and the sudden loud noise made all the members deaf!


Looking at a shock wave visible to the naked eye sweeping the battlefield, all the troops on the battlefield were shaking at a slow speed, and then the formation of some of the charge units suddenly became chaotic and began to attack the troops around them randomly. Then there was a part of the troops that appeared directly fearing the effect and stopped advancing, blocking the offensive lines of the following troops at once, and the chaotic formation was even more chaotic.

The team members were stunned with their chins. "What the **** is this?"

. . . . . .

At this point, flying positions.

Immediately after the enemy's top and bottom offensives were launched, Serbia's shocking harp gave everyone's headset a note of Marvel. At first Serbia had to get Elina to borrow such a loud piano sound, but now she has no ice song suit at all.

Looking at the "crazy" and "Dragon Majesty" at the same time, the enemies are in a chaotic scene, Da Fei smiled with satisfaction, and then began to show the attributes of other parts one by one:

——Bingsong Battlegear: s-level strategic treasure, armor equipment position, defense +30, magic +20, knowledge +20, and the effect of improving sound wave related skills + 20%. Icesong Warframe Set Components.

——Bingsong Battlegear Gauntlets: s-level strategic treasure, gloves and equipment, attack +10, magic +10, knowledge +10, and increase the effect of Sonic-related skills + 10%. Icesong Warframe Set Components.

——Bingsong Battlegear Belt: s-level strategic treasure, belt equipment position, magic +30, knowledge +30, and the effect of improving sound wave related skills + 30%. Icesong Warframe Set Components.

Bingsong Battlegear 4-Piece Extra Set Effect: Defense +40, Sonic Attack with Stunt: Madness. Sonic attacks have a certain chance of another enemy's madness, regardless of the enemy to attack any unit around them.

Of course, the fifth artifact component and the fifth stunt "Song of Despair" were not shown. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they were not shown.

-Song of Despair. 10% of the weakened value of sonic attacks on the enemy will be used to supplement our army's status.

At this moment, the whole group's shock can be imagined. Of course, Wei Qiqi from Blood has seen Serbia's power, but the other three have completely opened the door to a new world! It is not only the ground forces that are affected by the sound waves, but also the burrows of those underground submarines obviously appear irregular tremors. Some of the soil bags directly stopped the attack. Obviously, the enemy forces underground could not avoid the influence of the sound waves!

This high-end flying high-end is beyond imagination. This has completely overturned the concept of conventional warfare. This is the aliens hanging ancient people!

Dafei laughed: "Mr. Shalu Khan, this is the effect of the ice pack. If you have a plan to trade, shall we trade at the end of the national war?"

Shah Khan was still shocked and didn't reply!

The fire dance battle really recovered and asked, "Feige, how do ordinary players fight the sound of your piano?"

Da Fei shook his head and smiled: "I also want to know, I also want to see what Japanese players will do to deal with it!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!

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