God Rank Hero

Chapter 1187: Retreat

Heroes are usually immortal. Killing the enemy hero is Baiguang flashes back to the city, and he can come back after a period of cultivation. So to really weaken the enemy is to find opportunities to detain enemy heroes. This is also the reason why our army's general npc catches live.

When it comes to captive heroes, there is another wild facility that can be encountered in the game is the hero prison. As long as the player rescues the heroes in it, he will get the hero's follow. The scene where Da Fei meets Elena and the dead dwarf brother is a very typical and high-end hero prison.

Now everyone is happy to find the general to take over the task:

——System prompt: the battle is over! You gain 560,000 experience, and your ranger hate accumulation skills gain 36,000 hate value. You gain the "Victory of the 29th Campaign", gaining a command power of 10, an additional 100% bonus to the War Psalm skill, and you gain an additional 10 command power and 10 world reputation.

——System Tip: You get General Yalid's reward: experience 3 million, gold 100,000, skill book 3, alliance reputation 30,000.

Looking at this rare reward, even Fei Fei didn't even have a brilliant victory, Da Fei couldn't help sighing. This is the result of the group loading force to take people to fly, let alone the reward points are thin, the last knife was also supplemented by General Npc, why the eggs hurt. After all, playing stand-alone eating alone is king.

← At this time, the general exclaimed, "We captured these three enemy forwards. This will be a major blow to the enemy! Our army's next goal is to gradually push the enemy's front and eventually defeat the enemy. As for now, we will take these three monsters back for detention and research. And the warriors please continue to work hard, and our victory in every battle in every battlefield will have a profound effect on the entire battle situation. influences..."

Finally, in the general's spit flying, a group of npc adjutants transformed into giant crows again and took these three huge objects back to the city.

At this moment, Xuewei Qiqi asked with a smile: "Fei brother, now we have achieved staged victory, what should we do next?"

What to do? Honestly. Da Fei is very tired to pretend to lead people. I really do n’t have the interest to endure the total attack of the enemy ’s total wave ss. With the new recruit of the blood army Wei Shalu Khan, Da Fei has successfully retired. Go back to the stand-alone idea.

So Dafei patted his head and smiled, "I want to go back to the city to do something, and then look at the situation in other battlefields." Having said that, Dafei glanced at Ivan and his defense tower: "This mission Will the rewards compensate the cost of the tower? "

Ivan immediately said: "It can be considered as a return if there are 3 skill books. Fei Ge, I recommend a Chinese player named" Czar Peter "on the 2nd battlefield to know Fe Ge, he fancy Fe Ge's fallen angel After the battle, Fei Ge will be free to go to other battlefields. If he is free, he will go to see the goods in the past. "

Oh! This business chain is wide! Dafei laughed, "OK. I'm also very interested."

Xuewei Qiqi also laughed: "Fei brother, rest assured, we will send someone to station. If you can have a station outside the city, it can be considered a point of strength against the enemy."

Shalu Khan also immediately said: "Please rest assured that Mr. Dafei, here I am!"

Da Fei laughed: "Okay, then I'll take the 400 hunters back to the city, and the rest of the troops will stay here." Then he laughed at the fire dance and said, "Goodbye at 8 o'clock in the evening."

Fire Dance was furious: "Fei brother, please give pointers."

Dafei's heart was filled with emotion: count your kid's acquaintance with his brother's guild, or will he hold you?

At this moment, the regional channel was in full swing!

Xue Weiqi's face changed greatly: "Not good! Hundreds of Japanese undercover players in the city at half the cost of the red name took the general's 3 demon heroes halfway to block and kill!"

"Strong kill!" Everyone was shocked to drop their chins. This means that the undercover team will give everyone the hard-earned battle results to return home!

This angry Ivan thundered wildly: "Dirty bantam!"

Blood Wei Qiqi sighed: "It seems that we have underestimated the degree of nausea of ​​Japanese players."

Fire Dance sighed wildly: "It seems that the battlefield process will be greatly delayed."

Da Fei is a stunned unknown fire! What awesome brother, was actually stunned by a group of "self-violence and underdog" undercover! Fortunately, the three brothers did not use three precious seeds in order to pretend to force them, otherwise the brother would be even more lossy and could not bear it! I can't stand it!

Originally, Dafei wanted to retire successfully, but now Dafei has changed his mind. Dafei just wants to put the three escaped waves ss together with the total wave ss! Just to make up for the regret of being caught alive without bursting out equipment. In short, go back and see Fei Xiang's repair progress. When the brother Feixiang teleports out of the mountain, you are all dregs.

Da Fei said lightly: "Everyone is calm, we can catch them for the first time and we will be the second time. I will go back to the city first."

The crowd was busy, "Fei brother walk slowly."

When Dafei led the team back to the city, the entire regional channel was a celebration of Japanese players, and some Japanese players took off only one pair of pants to do various things in front of Dafei and a large number of beauty aides The haunting taunts indecent acts.

Dafei is even more gritted! In short, this pot chicken obviously did not taste enough bitterness, when you cry in the future.

The light flashed, and the Dafei team returned to the Cold Emerald City.

Tamelia once again greeted: "Welcome to the Lord!"

Da Fei asked quickly: "When can our Fei Xiang be dispatched?"

Tamilla frowned: "Master, Lord, the fusion of Flying with Hydra will take at least half a month. If it is not particularly important, I still recommend that adults do not easily give up this hard-won repair opportunity . "

Lying down! Compared with the growth of Feixiang, the sky is not important!

Dafei chuckled and said, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, let the priestly group repair it slowly."

Having said that, Dafei still feels bad. Half a month is a day and a half in real time. For masters, this intermediate time span is quite large, so that the chance for Japan to have such a big respite has changed greatly.

How to win the total wave ss without flying? At this moment, Da Fei thought of the Chinese player who had just appeared in the airship above him. This is absolutely a master of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and hiding people, even if the boat is hidden. This is quite unusual. If I take the initiative to ask him for help, requisition his airship, presumably he will give him some face.

Dafei immediately sent a message to Xuewei Qiqi: "Have you found the Chinese airship player who just released us?"

Blood Wei Qiqi immediately wrote back: "Not yet, Xingchen is also looking for it, but it has not been found. It may be a player who mixes high-end battlefields like Fei Ge alone. Fei Ge rest assured that he will inform Fei Ge as soon as there is news. "

Dafei nodded: "I see."

Mixed high-end battlefields, right? Brother has the authority to go to all the battlefields, and that brother went to invite him personally. However, his airship has just left the battlefield shortly, and it is estimated that he is still doing missions, and now he may not be able to find it. It ’s better to first digest all the spoils on your back, and then go to the hermit in the forest to hand over the medal task.

First, of course, is to get the unicorn wreath. Da Fei handed the wreath to Tamilia: "Look, this is the wreath I got to cultivate the Unicorn Horsewoman. It seems to be also rattan, can you research and develop it? I also want to get big The ability to mass-produce Unicorn Horsewoman. "

Tamilla took a look at the wreath, and her expression moved: "This is a vine that specializes in dark power. It has certain similarities with our holy vine, and I will study hard."

Oh yeah! And brother's idea is exactly the same, with her words brother can rest assured.

Da Fei was in a good mood: "I also got a special armor for the spider demon family. I want to see if our Lilim can use it."

Tamilla immediately opened the space door to the central village of Shengteng: "Master please! Lilim is sleeping in the central village." (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!


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