God Rank Hero

Chapter 1188: The secret of the Bacchus cup

When Da Fei entered the center village, his eyes suddenly opened up. In the middle of the night and a day, he disappeared. All 30 flower demon barracks had been transplanted in the lake of Sheng Teng center village. ▲ ∴

Dafei praised: "Okay! It's all transplanted!"

Tamilla immediately said: "At present, the full power of the Holy Vine is used to fuse with the Hydra, so these barracks have no energy to continue to produce evil demon. And the food stock in the digestive space of the Holy Vine is also being repaired. Consumption is very big in a few days. In short, Sage needs to make up for it. "

Dabu! Da Fei looked up and looked at the gastrointestinal space next to the air. The corpses were so full that they couldn't bear to look directly into the stomach. There were only some thick vines in the mucus. It's really hard to imagine, taking advantage of the thousands of big devil and blood demon rust dragon in the sea of ​​blood, they are eaten clean when they have a business trip, how much energy does this maintenance fusion consume?

It seems to be looking for a place to start a war and kill it. Da Fei nodded: "Well, when the integration of Fei Xiang is completed, we will start!"

Then Da Fei saw a huge cold silk cocoon beside the tavern, needless to say, it was Lilim who was sleeping. Da Fei stepped forward to check the properties:

——Lilim Siren: Large-scale marine spirit elite creature, attack 165, defense 280, damage 194-224, life 14050, attack speed 10, movement speed 9, mana 3100, magic resistance 75%, ice resistance 95%, Command value: 650, Stunts: Intermediate demon blood, Vampiric realm, Marine life, Devour evolution, Ring of ice. Shield of Frost. Ice spider silk.

Looks like life and mana are a little bit more. The other attributes have not changed much. Then look at the equipment bar. With the addition of Da Fei's master-level armed skills, Lilim also has 5 more equipment positions, but it is obvious that ordinary humanoid equipment cannot be equipped at all. And even if the hero's strategic equipment can be equipped to the army, the bonus attribute is usually not even one tenth, and the stunts are even unusable.

Da Fei took out the trophy that killed the Japanese player dirt spider:

——Spider Demon Scale Armor: s-level strategic equipment, special armor for the Spider Demon family, defense +100, acrobatic crystal refraction. Reflects magical damage received, reduces magic effects, and has a certain chance to launch magic directly to the caster. (Upgradeable equipment)

Then try it, outfit!

——System Tip: You have successfully equipped your Lilim Sea Siren unit with s-class strategic equipment "Spider Demon Crystal Scale", occupying all the equipment bar, defense +50, Lilim Sea Siren gets the equipment stunt crystal refraction.

Big fly surprise intersection! Successfully equipped, Lilim really is a spider monster creature! And the defense actually has 50, only halving the attributes! What's more important is that she can use the special effects of the equipment, without any reduction. How suitable is this outfit for her?

Happily laughed! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Japanese players can still deliver such good goods to my brother. And can still be upgraded! They still have advantages!

Then there is nothing to say. At the time of defeating the Cancer family in the Underworld, a pearl of the Underworld was also equipped, which made Lilim's magic resistance to the extreme.

——Minghai Pearl: B-level treasure, enhanced props. After use, you can inlay the props on any of your armors, and increase the attribute for you personally "be affected by the stunt of dark creatures by 20%." Only one of these types of props can be used. Inlaid equipment does not affect upgrades.

Just then Serbia spoke up: "Captain, the two Lilim souls in the sea soul battle have also been successfully refined. Have you recruited Lilim sea monsters?"

Da Fei then remembered that he still had two Lilim souls, because the sea soul battle of Serbia to separate the soul of the Hydra was full of delays, and now it was finally completed. Although these Lilim souls are no longer likely to become **** warriors, the significance of their existence is to share magic damage with Lilim.

Dafei immediately said: "OK, recruit! Just use the original deep sea cryolite formula!"

Serbia nodded: "Okay, we'll start when Deirdari comes back."

Da Fei then remembered that Deirdrie had never appeared, and quickly asked, "Where has Deirdrie gone?"

Alicia laughed: "I sent her to patrol the Cold Emerald Lake. After all, we have dealt so much damage to the sulfur mines of the demons, and the demons will definitely take revenge. Not to mention that the demons have already sent spies. It is even more necessary to pretend to sneak in. General Defense Officer greatly appreciates our cooperation. "

He was so surprised that he could not shut up! Let me go. During brother's sleep, during business trip, this kind of thing happened! This Alicia's intelligence really makes people sleep peacefully!

When it comes to masquerade camouflage, Da Fei's heart jumped! Speaking of which, isn't Deirdrie a professional spy? In the original Battle of the Light Country, she was disguised as an apprentice! At this moment, Dafei suddenly had a vague idea about the breakout of battlefield No. 3.

Also flying away from the gods, Alicia smiled strangely, and whispered to Da Fei's ears: "By the way, collect the rare gemstones scattered on the bottom of the water in a secret way. During the days when the Lord Lord is away, her Siren Army 576 units have been collected, all of which have been lost to the bottom of the lake for thousands of years. "

Dafei was stunned again! What the hell! What a wicked helper! Unexpectedly, Alicia also had a day that made brother so sweet! At this moment, Dafei really wanted to hold her in his arms.

At this moment, Hilda Elina and a group of dancers came out of the pub to greet them: "Welcome to the Lord! Everyone is learning just now, but we did not welcome you in time. Please forgive me."

Wow ha ha ha, this is the happiness of only a man in the whole village is a man, this is heaven!

Dafei laughed: "Just here, I just prepared a few gifts for everyone, and Miss Hilda will distribute them if they are suitable."

Hilda took the apron and shook her head and smiled: "Although they are not the priests of Silena, it is not necessary for the Lord Lord to really train them in the direction of dancers."

"Of course not an ordinary dancer!" Dafei took out the cup of Bacchus: "Miss Hilda knows what this is?"

Hilda frowned. "The cup of Bacchus? I feel the remaining breath of divine power. If I guess correctly, this is a medium of divine power, but it is not complete."

Da Fei was startled! Of course, the power of the magical medium is known. The magical wigs Hilda made for herself and the previous lucky gold coins are all magical mediums. As soon as the medium is activated, the magical powers will roll in.

Hilda continued: "The other part of the medium should be wine! But I'm not sure what kind of wine it is. And judging by the taste of wine god, he should not refuse any wine, but only receive different returns. Of course If it is an outsider who voluntarily uses his wine set, it does not rule out the possibility of getting his punishment. In short, I don't know much about this thing. If the adult is interested, it may be better to ask Lord Silena, as an ancient tree of wisdom, he You should know more. "

That's it! That is to say, the Japanese area has reached the realm of large-scale expropriation of divine power! In front of divine power, his offensive and defensive defenses are fart.

At this moment, Dafei felt a huge crisis! Anything can be slowed down, only this divine power must be figured out. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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