God Rank Hero

Chapter 1189: Bacchus clue

After learning the usefulness of the Bacchus Cup, Da Fei couldn't wait to find the beauty guard General Dai Lier to explain that he wanted to see Silena. With Da Fei's friendly relationship with Sirena now, it should not be difficult to meet.

But Defensive General Dellel did shake his head and said, "His Lord Warrior, Lord Serena will not comment on other gods, let alone the **** of wine as a neutral god. It has nothing to do with our battle. So I cannot I will inform you. "

Lying down! This time the big fly hurts: "Can the general defender provide some information about the Bacchus? Or can you help to remind the purpose of this wine glass?"

The defender general smiled bitterly: "Even Sirena is inconvenient to comment on other deities. We junior priests do not dare to make a long story short, please forgive the warrior."

Dafei frowned! Hilda gave hints to find the ancient tree of wisdom, which means that the ancient tree of wisdom must know. In the final analysis, the relationship between the brother and them is not strong enough. If Tiecheng becomes her male girlfriend, it will be nothing to talk about, not to mention the three strengths and weaknesses of the wine god.

It seems that it is necessary to earn more merits to increase reputation. Da Fei said: "I'm very sorry, but I took the liberty. I think I will come to ask after I have calmed down the battlefields in various places."

The garrison general nodded: "Tell the Warrior Your Lord a bad news. The magic army has become more frequent in our cold emerald space reconnaissance and temptation. We are likely to become the next new battlefield here. Please prepare the warriors to respond."

Dafei frowned: "When will the war begin?"

The defensive general shook his head: "I'm not sure, it may depend on the situation in other battlefields. Also, the eight former priests of Your Excellency the Warrior are now working hard to resume their studies. I believe they can help when the war comes."

Fei Fei nodded: "I see, but I will try to make the flames of fire not here."

For the hidden high-end scene of the cold emerald city with the existence of the **** Silena. Dafei does not want the current players to enter in large numbers. Especially Japanese players who already have the power of Bacchus enter. Although the progress made by the eight priests is gratifying, the arrangements of the remaining dozen or so people who have been largely thrown away have become even more worrying.

In short, take the time now. Then go to the Divine Forest to hand over the task of the hermit in the forest.

Once the scene changed, Dafei teleported to the Divine Forest. At this point the disappearance of the little Korean beauty has disappeared. It ’s okay not to see it, it ’s probably not me. I heard that professional masters usually take care of the players on a daily basis. The more famous they are, the more so.

Da Fei arrived at the hermit's hut in the woods, and the hermit was surprised and surprised: "Although for the Warrior who repeatedly created Qixun, completing this task was expected, but he could complete the collection task in such a short time, and The successful promotion of archery to **** level is beyond my imagination! "

Dafei laughed: "Thanks to the teacher for promotion! Actually. I received far more than 100 medals. I don't know if more medals are available. Um, this, can the teacher accept them?"

The hermit in the forest laughed: "Of course, extra merits deserve extra rewards, but the purpose of collecting medals is to decompose materials to make tools. The better the texture of the medals, the higher the grade of the tools. Every 100 more medals can Make an extra set of tools, so my bonus is only to make a few more tools for you. "

Dafei was surprised: "What's the use of so many tools?"

The hermit in the forest laughed: "Of course it is used by your lieutenants or followers, so that the warriors can run an assembly workshop."

What the hell! Open the medal factory! I like it! Dafei said, "Thank you, teacher!"

——The system prompts: You have completed the medal production skills test task "Collecting 100 Demon Rank Medals" issued by the hermit in the forest. You paid the "Spider Lord Lord Medal" x1, "Spider Captain Medal" x1, "High Order Demon Warlord Medal" x67. "Intermediate Demon Warlord Medal" x87, "Devil Warlord Medal" x104, "Devil Captain Medal" x237 Demon Medal.

Looking at this pile of medals, Da Fei's sense of accomplishment can be imagined! This is the harvest of the Japanese players who have destroyed the masses many times! I just want to know why there are so many medals on them! ?

The hermit in the forest laughed and said, "I can make a lot of tools, but it takes time to disassemble and make so many medals. I will reward you with the textbooks first. If you have tools, you can ask me to collect them one week later.

——The system prompts: You get the life skill "Medals Production Textbook", and the textbook records the recipes for making various medals.

-Medal Craft: Ability to make medallions using resources and magic materials. Requires the strategic treasure "Meddle Making Toolbox". Each successful production of a medal will increase the producer's small related attribute rewards.

Flipping through this silver-covered book, Da Fei quickly asked, "Why a tool or a strategic treasure?"

The hermit laughed: "Of course. Otherwise, how do you get your workshop workers to accompany you to make medals? After all, heroes have been born from the battlefield so far. There is no precedent from the factory. But even so, The progress of the subordinates making medals is still impossible to compare with you. All in all, this is a skill that requires time and energy, and I personally do not recommend very busy warriors to learn this skill, but you can let the sub-hero learn . "

Da Fei nodded: "So it is!" Deputy hero? Who is more free?

The hermit laughed: "Okay, I'm going to start decomposing the material right away. Do the Warriors have anything to ask?"

Ok? Hermit is very enthusiastic! Da Fei's heart jumped, he hurriedly took out the cup of Bacchus and asked, "Can the teacher tell me information about Bacchus?"

You are not a **** or a priest. The relationship between us is so good. You should always give a hint?

The hermit couldn't help but hesitated, and then smiled bitterly: "If the warrior wants to ask more about alchemy treasure, I can answer it, but I can't help you with this question."

Lying down! You are a hermit who can raise your brother's skill limit! Dafei hurriedly said, "Can't the teacher give me a little information?"

The hermit smiled bitterly: "I have no specialization in the field of surgery. I really don't know. Maybe, you ask the Unicorn King? He is a creature of the mythic age, and he must know more about God than I do."

Dafei frowned: "Thank you for your guidance."

The hermit nodded and said, "Look for me in a week."

"is teacher!"

Dafei hurriedly returned to the sacred lake in the forest, still the glittering lake, still the beautiful unicorn king surrounded by the beauty.

When Da Fei approached, the Unicorn King once again proactively greeted, "Welcome my comrades, are you here to review the situation on the battlefield on our side? Please rest assured that this is a warrior, we have begun to clean up the pollution that has been polluted by Sartre. Land and lake. "

Damn! Can you forget about your comrades? Brother has shadows. Dafei laughed: "I'm relieved. I want to ask you something about Bacchus. Can you provide some information?" After saying that, Davig took out the cup of Bacchus again.

"Bacchus?" The unicorn king suddenly blew a snorting nose, his expression unpleasant: "If he is not the son of Zeus, he is not much different from a demon god."

Lying down! Really topic! Dafei exclaimed: "Please tell us in detail!"

The unicorn king sneered, "What do you know so clearly?"

More and more drama! But watching this unicorn king is obviously unhappy with it, then--

Dafei immediately said: "I was attacked by someone using the Bacchus realm, so I wanted to investigate. After all, the appearance of a **** is very important to the development of the situation on the battlefield."

The Unicorn King snorted: "Don't he dare to go to the battlefield with one of his pouches? My comrade, you have more thoughts."

Da Fei continued the rhetoric: "It seems that Your Excellency has some opinion on him?"

The Unicorn King snorted: "I have something in common with him, and there is no shortage of beautiful girls around me! The difference is that I symbolize strength, holiness, and beauty. And he? Symbolizes *, decadence, chaos, his Existence is a trample on the beautiful girl! I certainly don't see him pleasing! "

What the hell! Holy, handsome! If you are so shameful, you can say it! However, the clues have been dug up to this step, and of course the following is to continue to dig along his temper!

Da Fei rejoiced: "I also see him as unpleasant, I think, lesson-uh, give him some trouble, what can you do?"

The Unicorn King couldn't help it: "Are you sure you want to give him some trouble?"

Fei Fei nodded: "Exactly, but not now, I need to prepare."

The unicorn king said, "Okay, then you prepare some spirits, the stronger the better, the better I will teach you how to do it."

It's done! Let me go, it really is that my teacher must be in the threesome! Dafei continued to confirm with excitement: "But he is a **** after all, will I be his opponent?"

The Unicorn King sneered: "He is drunk all year long, how can he fight against mortals? I will send you to his altar, and you will smash his altar so that he will not receive tribute from him The wine is the biggest trouble for him. I believe that the comrades who can alone against the Sartre must have this ability! Well, let's get ready, I can't wait. "

Dafei laughed: "Okay, I'm leaving!"

So I did not think about Bacchus! Dafei couldn't help feeling the importance of the network, even in the game.

But wait! Dafei suddenly remembered something. The purpose of Brother's investigation of Bacchus should be to climb up the relationship and cultivate those dancers of Brother into higher-end strong ones, right? I'm not here to fight, right? Brother sees a **** and starts fighting directly, isn't he crazy?

No no no! The matter still needs to be considered in the long run, or you need to ask Silena's opinion. (To be continued)


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