God Rank Hero

Chapter 1190: Find luna night

Of course, Selena's view on Bacchus requires higher military skills to obtain it. In the final analysis, Da Fei still has to open the situation in a certain battlefield. Well, there are beginnings and ends, and continue to operate from the 3rd battlefield.

However, there is a serious problem on the battlefield 3, that is, the information is severely asymmetric. Japan can have hundreds or thousands of undercover players to monitor our army's movements throughout the process, and it can also destroy. Our army does not even know where the enemy ’s total wave ss is. This problem is very painful.

Therefore, Da Fei's thinking at this time gradually became clear, that is, returning to the enemy, sending Deirdeli with transformation stunts to the enemy to investigate the situation. At that time, you can directly clear the important targets of the opponent, and you do n’t need to. Protracted with the enemy. As long as you quickly destroy a few main battlefields, you can easily implement the Bacchus plan and the smash plan.

This plan must be foolproof, and no player can know except himself. However, this intelligent requirement on Deirdre is extremely high. Will it be seen by Japanese players?

At this point, Da Fei returned to the Cold Emerald City in thought.

Da Fei suddenly remembered that Dragon Mother Cindy Gossa had not visited, and I wondered how Zavala was talking to her.

So Da Fei entered the passenger and cargo space of Sheng Teng. Under the custody of Nasir and a group of conventional troops, Cinti Gossa is still in the red name and is sleeping quietly.

Seeing Da Fei's appearance, Zavala hurried forward to greet him: "Welcome, sir!"

Dafei asked: "How is the communication with her progressing?"

Zavala sighed: "At least she has realized her worth, knowing that we won't kill her, so she's also wayward. She eats and sleeps casually."

Da Fei said, "Very good. At least there is progress."

Zavala nodded: "With my strength. She should be more and more cooperative. By the way, tell the grown-up that the good news is that my contract with the grown-up has absorbed a great deal of the grown-up's experience, and I have grown again!"

Dafei suddenly felt a joy and hurriedly looked at the attributes of Zavala:

-Zavala: The dragon heroes who once chased the Lich Dragon and were trapped in the Dragon Tomb are now in the form of a soul contract and have the potential to grow back and become heroes. Non-bing type npc unit. Attack 40, defense 50. Mana 71, Damage 13-16, Life 1600, Mana 1600, Attack Speed ​​8, Stamina 110, Skills: Resurrection, Grand Master Poisoning, Grand Master Meditation, Grand Master Recovery (obtain fluid mechanics and **** meditation) information).

well. Life and mana are not low, once they become heroes. This starting point is simply beyond imagination! I really don't care about the tens of millions of experiences of brothers in several battles!

Da Fei looked forward to asking, "When can you restore your heroic status?"

Zavala shook her head and smiled, "I don't know, I'm in human form now, and it's completely unpredictable. But I think I still need to be on the battlefield and kill powerful enemies myself?"

It seems that this is a must for hero growth. Da Fei nodded: "It won't be long before everyone will fight on the battlefield and it will hurt."

Just then, Tamilia appeared next to Dafei: "Report to the Lord City Lord, Miss Deirdrie is back!"

Da Fei clapped her hands: "Okay! Just wait for her!"

Then the next moment, Deirdre's Kraken Legion appeared in the passenger and cargo space, and then clawed, a pile of glittering gems piled up!

——The system prompts: The flying space of Shengxiang Vine has 14 units of 36 emerald gems.

What the hell! It ’s really a patrol to gain! Is it really good for you not to hand in the country?

At this moment, Deirdrie slammed into Dafei's body and laughed softly, "Master, is there anything I need to do?"

Still the cutest in my family, Deirdre! Da Feilong Yan Dayue: "I have an idea to arrange you to disguise and go to the enemy battlefield to investigate undercover. I wonder if you have any questions?"

Deirdre trembled with excitement: "The host finally gave me a challenging task, and I will go all out without disappointing the other host! I can go at any time."

Lying down, challenging tasks! The more you say that, the more uneasy you are!

Da Fei tangled: "Every time I run into danger, I can run first."

Deirdre laughed: "Of course, this is the most basic quality of a banshee spy. Please believe me, let me be my own." Between the conversations, Deirdre's figure began to blur and suddenly changed Became the image of an ordinary female elf farmer npc: "I will use this identity to leave the city, and I will continue to transform into the image of a demon after arriving at the enemy camp!"

well! Even when Deirdre was not a hero, he could be undercover. What fears are there now?

Dafei took a deep breath: "Okay, then you set off!"

Delder Lijiao laughed: "Then master, I'm going!"

Deirdre left, and things behind Da Fei were almost dealt with, and it was time to act. Da Fei decided to find the airship player and talk to him about cooperation. If he thinks he dares to pretend to be uncooperative if he has an airship, then don't blame my brother for rebuilding his three views when the sky boat is out of the mountain.

List of teleport locations for the Big Fly Array. In fact, the more high-end players like each other, the better it is to find. Ordinary players can't get to the high-end scenes where they are mixed. At present, there are only 5 scenes that ordinary players cannot reach.

Three of them are far away from the battlefield of the ancient tree wall, and the possibility is very low. Then the biggest possibility is the canal logistics base behind the battle wall of the ancient tree. Then go here first.

The teleportation flashed, and Da Fei appeared on a busy pier square.

Da Fei looked around, all were busy with npc, and none of the players. Good, so it's better to find. First the blood eagle was dispatched, and then, shouting on the regional channel:

——Regional Channel [Dafei]: Was the Chinese player who helped out on the 3rd battlefield just now? I want to talk to you about an important thing!

At this time, Beijing is at 5:30 pm.

Luna Ye is wrapped in a helmet and eating braised egg mustard and ham sausage noodles. Looking at a line of messages that suddenly popped up from the regional channel, a noodle of Luna Ye night fly out of the nostrils!

"How did he know that sister was here?"

And after a brief shock, Luna Night decided to go for a while in this legendary big fly. If others can't find themselves, that's when they stand alone. Now everyone is coming to your door. If you are silent, it is boring to shrink the turtle.

Luna Night responded on the regional channel: "Chinese players have one, but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for."

Someone really! At this moment, Da Fei was excited, and when he saw the name of this Luna Night, Da Fei suddenly felt like he had known each other. Have you seen this person?

So Da Fei continued to ask, "Is that the one who drove the airship just now?"

"Yes, I'm at Pier 6."

It's done! The smooth cooperation of the other party is really another big fly accident! However, this is also reasonable. Looking at China, who dares not give face to brother? Haha, wow hahaha! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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