God Rank Hero

Chapter 1191: It turned out to be a confidant!

When Da Fei Xing Chong rushed to Pier 6, he saw a medium-sized battleship with a small Chinese flag on his head quietly moored on the shore. The two black metal masts of this battleship, like chimneys, reveal its meaning deeply.

Yes, if it weren't for the madness of owing a huge debt to the sky boat, people would be even more high-end than themselves. This is the real down-to-earth master. In terms of true skill, brother may not be like him, brother may be polite.

Da Fei came to the boarding stairs with respect, and then saw a silver knight named Luna Night standing on the side of the boat.

Dafei could not help but stun, female player? In such an instant, Da Fei was suddenly stunned, and Da Fei always felt that she had met her somewhere!

Luna Night said lightly: "Please!"

——System Tip: Chinese player Luna Night has opened an invitation to board your ship.

Da Fei came back to me, and Haha laughed, "Fortunately, fortunately! I came to thank you for your help." Between the words, Da Fei got on the deck, and then saw that a deck had been placed Folding table, two folding fishing chairs. There were two cups of tea on the table.

Luna Ye pointed at the table: "Please!"

Da Fei's heart beats, this female player is not only a master, but also elegant! God has to pay attention to the image.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Da Fei sat down rather cautiously.

Luna Night also sat down, ¥ @ looked at each other's elegant and generous sitting posture, Da Fei could not help but move, this is more unique than the pure lady Fan of President Wei Wei, which is faintly leaked A strong self-confidence!

Just then, Luna Ye said faintly: "I was just a mission passing. I saw a group of Japanese players standing too close and too close together. It was very bombing."

Dafei chuckled and laughed: "But it really helped a lot. Japanese players are starting to play in the field, which is quite difficult to deal with."

Luna night said, "What then?"

then? Then of course it ’s about business! Dafei coughed: "This, I want to ask you a favor, let's organize the group to get the No. 3 battlefield."

Luna Night said lightly: "Use my airship?"

Da Fei looked forward to expecting: "Exactly! This, fuel, I am out!"

Luna Ye frowned: "You out of fuel?"

Dafei laughed: "Exactly, is your airship a resource stove or a diesel stove? If it is a resource stove, I have ready-made rich ore resources. If it is a diesel stove that burns wood and oil. I can exchange rich ore for rich wood, how about it?"

Luna Ye said faintly: "You seem to be a bit researched on airships."

Dafei laughed, "There is such a little research."

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly tangled. Da Fei didn't know if she should tell her that she also had an airship. If you tell her, it seems that she is here to pretend to instruct others. Is this an attitude to invite others?

It doesn't matter if it's someone else, but this female player didn't call herself "Feige" or anything from the beginning to the end. It can be seen that her personality is quite strong. Such a person can never be forced to act in front of her.

But if she didn't tell her, even if her own flight was not back. Sooner or later, the Japanese side will release the video of the airship guard resurrection point. When she knows it, she thinks that her brother is pretending to be a pig and a tiger. The consequences are even worse.

Lying down! Why is the interaction between people so painful?

Just as Da Fei was tangled, Luna Ye did shake his head and got up: "Do you know why China has nuclear weapons that can instantly kill Japan in an instant, but is it actually disgusting to Japan over and over again in reality?"

Dafei couldn't help but hesitated: "This, is this problem related to the game?"

Luna Ye Zhengzheng said: "There is an analogy! Because in the game, the airship is similar to the existence of nuclear weapons. Once the picture is refreshed, the consequence is to face the nuclear attack of the other party! I know you are famous This time to kill the dragon and destroy the god, but I can be sure that the reason why you have succeeded in destroying the **** must also have nuclear weapons similar to yours. Fortunately, you win every time, but I believe that in retrospect you will be scared. In a nuclear war at the level of a god, a single mistake can wipe out all the accumulations in front of you. "

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go, she actually knows me! She thinks exactly the same as me! There is obviously nuclear weapons in his hands, and the pain of not being able to use them is finally finally shared by someone. This is Nima's confidant!

Luna Night continued: "So, I'm very sorry, my airship will not participate in the battle, and I can't help you."

Lying down! I really rejected him!

Dafei frowned: "Then what is the purpose of your airship over the national war?"

Luna Ye laughed: "Of course it's against players, but I'm busy doing tasks now and I don't have time to deal with players."

Dafei brows again: "What kind of player are you worth using in an airship?"

Luna Night said lightly: "Some very special players. Although you are recognized as the strongest player in the world, it does not mean that others have no way to pk off you."

Dafei jaw dropped! Da Fei remembered a classic martial arts line: The killer may not be the strongest martial artist! Da Fei remembered the various players that he encountered during this time, whether it was the Chinese Martian text, or the submarine spider in Japan, they did have the ability to pk off their own.

At this moment, Da Fei found that he really found a confidant! For nothing else, her attitude of speaking is completely different from those of Xue Wei who specialize in pleaseting herself. This is a person who can really talk about things! At this moment, Da Fei decided to make this friend frankly! Life is alive, of course.

Da Fei solemnly said: "You are right, the airship is indeed a nuclear weapon, and I also have an airship ---"

At this point, Luna Ye, while comfortingly clasping his feet, readily refused the legendary Da Fei to see his reaction. Looking at Dafei's shocked expression, Luna Ye ’s heart was even better, and my sister wants you to pretend to force it! You pretend, you continue pretending! I thought it would be great to know an airship power stove? My sister is a low-end diesel stove, just don't borrow it! Haha! Furious at you!

Being proud, I heard Da Fei's solemn pop-up: "I also have an airship--"

Grandma! Luna Ye aunty squirted!

I just listened to Da Fei and continued: "-but I was looking for an npc loan. It has been beaten by the devil. Now I think about it. Once I make a mistake, I really lost my family and returned to liberation. So You're right, the airship can't make a momentary refreshment, or it will provoke the devil in minutes. "

Really dare to pretend in front of my sister, it turns out he also has an airship! Although it was borrowed, anyway, he killed a demon and returned it? At this moment, Luna ’s aunt's aunt is gritted!

But no matter how unhappy I can only continue to pretend to be a strong lady. So Luna Night continued expressionlessly: "It is indeed the strongest player in the world, but since you already know that using an airship will provoke the devil. Then you still pull me into the water?"

Da Fei quickly waved his hand: "No, the airship can not directly participate in the battle! It is only necessary to provide a logistical support function at a high altitude on the battlefield."

Luna Ye said, "Who protects?"

Dafei said positively: "Protect my air force! My air force can't fight and can return to the ship to rest."

Luna Ye frowned: "Can you say something specific?"

Da Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Actually, I have not yet released the specific tactical ideas. My initial plan is to require an airship to transport troops directly to the last side of the enemy battlefield for beheading."

Luna Night frowned: "The enemy's last side may also be the most powerful battleground gathered by the elite. Your airdrop to the last side may be death."

Dafei replied, "I will scout first."

Luna Night continued to ask: "What reconnaissance? You don't say it is my airship."

"Uh ..." At this moment, Dafei was a little bit sore! Although Dafei would like to confess to making friends with Luna Ye, but after all just met, Deirdre's story is really inconvenient.

So Da Fei had to vaguely say, "I have a unit dedicated to reconnaissance."

Luna Ye said, "Why do you talk to me so much? Do you trust me?"

Dafei couldn't help it! It is true to say that trust, but it seems that he is too naive, but also left a dumb impression on the other side.

So Dafei had to shake his head and sigh: "It should be lonely! I think the game has reached my level. Very few people can really talk to me."

lonely! ? At this moment, Luna Ye shivered. Why are you not lonely? Luna Night suddenly changed her mind! He has fallen behind in all aspects and is no longer the strongest player. It doesn't make much sense to continue to stand alone.

Luna Ye smiled lightly: "To put it plainly, do you think that I am an airship, barely a master, so can I talk to you?"

Da Fei laughed and said, "Although it is very straightforward, it is indeed the case, and we are all Chinese players. We should always hug the team when we go abroad to fight."

"Are all Chinese players? Talk to a master?" Luna Ye sank, slowly pacing to Da Fei's shoulder and patting Da Fei's shoulder: "Juvenile? You think too simple!"

What the hell! Da Fei was shot by her like this, and it felt like the whole person would fly up crisply! Is this a joke?

When Da Fei wanted to get into trouble, an incredible scene appeared. I saw the female knight suddenly rolling in white smoke. The silver armor just turned into a black armor, and then a red name on top of her head. Her skin was as white as snow and her lips were blood A brand new character is just as red! Her name turned completely into "Night God Moon", and her nationality suddenly became the plaster flag of Japan!

At this moment, Da Fei was shocked and sat down: "Vampire !? Japanese player? What the **** are you?"

Luna night looked ashore and hurriedly said, "Come into the cabin and talk, don't let npc see it."

Da Fei turned back in shock and quickly followed up. Of course, regardless of whether she is a Japanese player or not, Da Fei, who has Angel Space, has no fear that she is not good for herself.

After entering the cabin, Luna Night turned back and said lightly, "Dual camp race, dual nationality! Do you know how complicated this game is?"

Da Fei was shocked: "How could there be such an account?"

Luna Ye sneered: "Now you see it? In a nutshell, this account is actually a special account of the same nature as those used by journalists. The debugging account during the internal test cannot be used by ordinary players at all. The water in it is deep. "

Da Fei suddenly wake up! Also, a global game, how could the water in it not be deep? This is the legendary gm cheating account? Do you have a cheating account? What is the plan of the labor-hard laboring number?

Dafei said coldly: "Why are you showing these in front of me, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

Luna night laughed: "Exposed? Okay! I can tell you, there may be dozens of accounts in the United States like me who are aiming secretly to kill you! If you want to be exposed, we will search them out and expose them together. How are you? "

Dafei suddenly suddenly!

Luna Night shook her head and laughed again: "You can rest assured that although this account has a special dual race that can also change your nationality, growth in the game must also follow the rules of the brain game, and you must gradually level up from the bottom, so You are still the strongest. I just want to tell you how dangerous it was that you just rushed to find a so-called expert to talk about yourself! If I were a special action group in the United States, you might be I do n’t know how to die! ”

Dafei said suddenly, "Should I thank you?"

Luna Night shook her head and smiled: "Your plan is very interesting, I have decided on you! Please find me when you are ready, and I will do the task first." (To be continued, please search floating literature, novels are better updated and faster !


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