God Rank Hero

: Mid-Autumn Festival testimony, talk about Japan. . .

Hello friends, ashtray wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

This month, the ashtray is not very good, and I have taken a rest. I am really sorry, and thank you for your understanding of the ashtray during this time. There is not much to say about physical things. In short, there is a negative teaching material that can only make everyone wary.

Then talk about the process of writing. At present, everyone is happy to see the end of the national war in the foot basin area. The following is Da Fei's retreat to the second line, the world plundered resources to build the sky city, and then by the way, the development of the Chinese area.

In the process of writing the national war in the foot basin, some book friends also responded to some questions, such as, can you not write a divine drama? Can't you write the foot basin like this? Can you respect the name of the foot basin? To belittle others is to belittle yourself ... etc. etc.

Well, the ashtray can only say that online game novels are entertainment supremacy, everyone just laughs, don't be real.

However, there are indeed many major events in the coming September. The first is to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Then Japan finally passed the security bill and was able to send troops abroad. Then President Xi visited the United States.

The first two things were reported a lot, and the ashtray talked about President Xi's visit to the United States. In fact, President Xi ’s visit to the United States is to say one thing to the United States: Recognize China as a rising superpower now and then!

Previously, various Japanese and US military exercises, US-Philippine military exercises, US-Vietnam military exercises, various island chain containment, and other hostile actions made it plain, that the United States did not recognize China as a superpower, but it did not want to give China room for development. China is strangled among the buds of its rise.

During this period, did Japan play a role? A speculator who thinks he has seized the opportunity and jumped up and down in tandem is actually a clown.

The clown is used for entertainment.

Some people say that during the Japanese invasion of China, the military was extremely powerful, and the Japanese only thought that they had lost to the powerful USSR, and they did not admit that they had lost to China and refused to accept it.

However, the ashtray did not recognize the strength of the Japanese army at that time. In the Chinese battlefield, they could not defeat the Eighth Route Army, which was backwardly equipped. In the Myanmar battlefield, they could not defeat the KMT's New Sixth Army. They relied heavily on aircraft tanks to bully China's backwardness caused by historical ills.

Once the Chinese team's equipment system went up, for example, when the New Six Army in Myanmar replaced a full set of US military equipment, what did the Japanese army look like? Still not teasing a group?

During the Korean battlefield, the Chinese team was not in a position to compete with the Japanese army.

Some people say that the post-war construction miracle of Japan has proved Japan's excellence.

Think too much. Japan did not surrender unconditionally. When they surrendered, they signed a treaty against the Soviet Union with the United States. The post-war miracles of Japan were all covered by the United States. Similarly, the United States launched the Marshall Plan in Europe, and post-war Europe was no less developed than Japan.

Let's take a look at China's achievements. In the three decades of reform and opening up, it has achieved the second place in the world under various confined and dangerous environments. Japan, which has been covered by peace of mind, still cannot compare with China.

Japan is not so good.

In a arrogant country, there is nothing wrong with demeaning entertainment.

Ah, the three levels of the ashtray are just outrageous. In short, ask for a monthly ticket (to be continued ...)

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