God Rank Hero

Chapter 1309: Battle of the Holy Vine Space


When encountering a sudden and powerful blow, the enemy ’s first reaction was to quickly retreat, and at the same time, the various scattered light in the enemy array, the light of darkness healing, one after another, and then the countless words of “dispelling failure” appeared on the screen. The Light of Healing can't stop the rapid momentum of the life cap dropping every second!

Da Feile blossomed!

That's right, this is the magic strengthened by the addition of Holy Vine and Dark Realm, which is almost divine. Can these conventional magics dispel it? As long as you can't stop lowering the upper limit of life, what's the use of your healing brush?

After a few seconds-Ah! !! !! A large scream screamed in the sky, and hundreds of flying demons crashed into the ground!

Wow ha ha, cool! Da Fei's chin also fell to the ground: "I said-let me laugh first!"

At this moment, the chief hero muttered: "It really has some strength!"

Dafei haha ​​laughed wildly: "Isn't this nonsense? I thought you didn't talk nonsense so badly that you were unsure of your own space. If you don't feel confident, then you should hurry up and work together. It just made me happy. ! "

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly felt a tremble at his feet, and then a loud noise came from the inner cabin of the Fei Xiang! Dafei was shocked. Is this?

The three elders exclaimed immediately: "No, there is still a traitor!"

Tamilla hurried: "That prince is desperately! Would you like to kill him?"

What the hell! How unreliable is your holy rattan cage? Doesn't killing him equal to letting him run away?

When Da Fei's thoughts suddenly turned, only the chief hero sneered: "Then as you wish!"

As soon as the voice fell, the magic light in the enemy array shone again, and Dafei suddenly felt the scenery in front of him!

The three elders shouted: "The enemy forces are going to teleport directly into the Holy Vine space, and the warriors are ready to fight!"

Let me go! Brother, it is planted twice in a pit! Dafei hurriedly said: "Tamilia, open the door, the whole army will gather in the center village space!"

"Roger that!"

Just then, Nasir's exhilarating voice came from the cargo and cargo compartment: "Don't be afraid, there is me!"

——System Tip: Your war ancient Nasir has activated the production of stunt beetles, which consumes all the energy of the artifact's nest heart to produce 83,000 beetles!

His jaw dropped to the ground, 83,000!

But it was too late to be shocked. Thousands of enemy lights in front of Da Fei disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, the system prompted a loud explosion:

——System prompt: Warning! A large number of enemy troops are about to land in the center of Sheng Teng!

Da Fei entered the center village on his front feet, and he saw the whole center village shining on his hind feet. Countless flame ghosts emerge from the space village!

At the same time, a large cloud of red clouds bursting into the air bursting out from the space gate!

-Bang Bang Bang! !! !! The sky in the center village was instantly obscured by sparks and acid. Numerous "-3 flame kills!" "-3 acid kills" surged from the tops of both sides!

A worm can blast 3 points of damage. How much damage can 80,000 worms share on these two thousand or less enemy forces? At this moment, Da Fei was nervous and forgot to breathe!

And the next moment. Aaron waved a large area of ​​golden light covering the whole army and flew up: "Come with me!"

Can win! This is Brother ’s additional 100-layer fantasy land killer area. This is the absolute home of Brother! Da Fei came back with a big wave of his hand: "The entire army is free to attack!"

Nasir's swarm swarmed the enemies like a torrent of rivers. The angelic army led by Mier shuttled and stabbed in a cloud of acid mist and fire. The shadow witch of the Dark Witch exploded into pieces of black in the acid mist. cloud!

In fact, apart from the flying demon corpses that are constantly falling from the air, Dafei's eyes are a large cloud of red, green, and black clouds. It is impossible to see which enemy is which! But it doesn't matter, this battle will win!

When Da Fei was so excited, a dazzling flame burst out of the clouds like a meteor and flew straight into Da Fei!

Dafei was shocked. Beheaded brother!

"Master, be careful!" At this moment, Yeer turned into a mass of golden light flying and intercepting!

"Let's go!" A burst of sparks splattered in the sky, and Seoul was directly shot down and fell to the ground, and the flames of the flames have been kept on top of Dafei's head!

At this moment, Da Fei looked up and finally saw the contemptuous look in the eye socket of the opponent's helmet!

—— "Big battle, start !!!"

--boom! !! !! "Missed"! A loud spark splattered, and the entire village space was trembling violently!

Dafei screamed a cold sweat instantly, this hero's power is not worse than the original General Naga!

At the same time, the chief hero was too late to be surprised by his own misses, and several thick rattan sticks suddenly protruded from the empty space on the ground under his feet. And just after he fell to the ground, he may have been stiff for too long after the big move, or it may have consumed too much physical strength. In short, he was so **** by these rattan that he had no time to adjust any movement!

Dafei was ecstatic: "Strike!"

"Several grasses and vines-" The flames of the chief hero's body were full of flames!

Just then. He flew to him: "My lord, an angel !!!!"

——The system prompts: Your covenant angel is asking you to use the angel possessed by the **** of magic skill of bright magic. Do you use it?

Da Fei did not hesitate to fit! See who is beheading who!

At this moment, Er's body turned into a piece of golden light shrouded in Da Fei. At the moment of Da Fei, the golden light shone tall and turned into a gold armor with a gun shield. Uh, it's Sparta!

"Eat my big vulture!" It was too late to see the bonus attributes after the fit, and Da Fei shot him directly in the head. At the same time, the other close and close combat troops who reacted all set the target on the chief hero!

His voice sounded again: "Don't come all melees!"

Looking at the blazing flames of his rattan, which was burning all over the body, Da Fei didn't even want to, and immediately set the entire squadron at bay! In fact, in addition to the close combat of the angelic legion that ca n’t be separated from the enemy in the melee ’s melee, there are only 3 Lilims and a dozen newly collected dark elf **** girls. Risky.

Da Fei had just given instructions to the melee, and the roaring arrows and magic bullets turned into nothingness in front of his flame shield! Da Fei's eyes narrowed, Da Fei just remembered that his own shot was not hurt at all!

Harm absorption! According to legend, some divisions are just weak slags that do not reach thousands of blood, but their magic shields can absorb hundreds of thousands or even millions of points of damage. They will not be harmed if they do not consume their shields!

So, what is the absorption value of this chief hero?

At this moment, the chief hero sneered and said, "I heard that the Lord of the Shadow City was defeated by you, so the meaning of our Lord Azsele is to let me test your strength by the way, but in my opinion This is no longer necessary! Although some of your little tricks have caused great damage to my troops, as a hero, even if there is only the last person, you must have the ability to turn over alone! And I can turn over to you Look!"

Tentative! ? At this moment, it seems that Da Fei understands why he didn't do it like other demons once he started! But can he come back alone? Is this a demon-level hero?

At this moment, Da Fei beside the flame felt a chill from the heart! If he was a demon, then Brother had to use Mao Shen, and was so shocked that he went to dig Ansu totem--

At this moment, the three green lights fell from the sky, and the withered rattan that bound him instantly recovered! The roar of the three elders also followed: "If we don't speak, really when we don't exist?"

Dafei's excitement burst into tears. The three uncles, all depend on you!

Da Fei also dispelled the idea of ​​summoning Ansu immediately. After all, once summoned it, the power of dark nature that has accumulated so hard will be completely empty, but it is all blood blue that is about to be transformed. At the same time, Da Fei's eyes fell on the nightmare horn in the inventory!

Dafei suddenly realized that although the brother ’s current Bacchus field was weak, anyway, it was also the Bacchus field, meeting the conditions to call them? If you can get more power, you can get more. Dafei immediately tries to summon!

Then the space in front of them fluctuated, and a familiar voice came again: "We are here again! Listen to the master's dispatch!"

It's chess pieces, playing cards, and bears! Oh yeah!

The chief hero haha ​​laughed wildly: "It's all useless tricks, let me burn you clean with the power of absolute fire!" The speech once again urged the fire to burn his rattan!

The three elders were furious: "Even the magic phoenix is ​​not the power of absolute fire, let alone you! Warrior, come on!" The three elders also stepped up to heal the rattan between words.

Magic Phoenix? Da Fei's heart jumped next, yes, how can brother defeat the magic phoenix, he can defeat him! However, the demon phoenix was thrown into the water to offset most of the fire damage. How did brother throw him into the water?

throw? Da Fei suddenly thought of the fluffy Russian stunt throwing stunts! However, it is a bear, it burns as soon as it gets closer, not to mention he can fly away if the rattan is loose, how can he kill him once he flies away?

Let's cool down before talking! Da Fei immediately remembered the purple demon drill that the entire nest carried from the ogre's lair would not allow the Holy Vine to eat, so he immediately shouted, "All the evil demon flower demon transported the demon drill over him!"

Tamilla immediately responded: "Received!"

How amazing is the carrying capacity of the 900 evil demon 300 and the flower demon. In just ten seconds, a diamond "iceberg" has been dropped above the chief hero's head! Only revealed his head outside!

The cooling effect of the diamond was immediate, and the fire damage suffered by many rattans was reduced immediately. The treatment disadvantages of the three elders were instantly reversed!

Dafei laughed wildly: "What is your absolute power?"

Perhaps by the iceberg, Da Fei's thinking became calm, and immediately he had a new idea, and he pointed at Mao Maoxiong: "Go to the lake to take a bath and get wet all over!"

That's right, in case the chief cosmos breaks out of the ice, the furry bear can drag his hind legs so that he can't fly! (To be continued.)


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