God Rank Hero

Chapter 1315: Split off

When Da Fei was impatient to reject the prince's proposal, Tamilia spoke: "Master, the city owner, as can be seen from the environment here, this underground bat is a creature that depends on the power of dark nature. The successful transplantation of their nests in our central village should help to perfect our nascent dark ecosystem. After all, the relationship between biology and the ecological environment is usually complementary and perfect, so this opportunity cannot be easily let go. "

Hilsey said: "Miss Tamilla is right!"

Dafei frowned. "Then Zavala?"

Tamilia said positively: "Leave it to us, I believe that with the support of the sky boat, how can we not lose to a group of monsters. As for this bat cave, let the adults take advantage of it."

What the hell! Even you have begun commanding your brother. Who is the boss here?

Hirce also hurriedly said: "My current state is no longer able to lead the way for adults, but I can assist Miss Tamilla in chasing it ?? Tracking bats."

Dafei sighed, although he was not very enthusiastic about this kind of monster, but this tactic was indeed in line with his own style. Moreover, Hirce just surrendered, and it was precisely when he wanted to show his performance that his first proposal was rejected by himself, so his emotions may be difficult to grasp. However, I have to say that when he was hurting, he only emphasized his bat. This self-interested thought is obvious. Is it the nature of a devil?

Fei Fei nodded: "Okay! How many people did Hillser send in to steal?"

Hilser straightened up: "Of course, the less the better, the sound of a bat will make any stealth incomprehensible, but I sent ten people."

Can brother make him look down? It's time to convince people with morals to make him die! Da Fei immediately had a candidate: "I'm enough!" Of course, brother is not alone. Brother's angel summoning space can hold a singular. An Weier. Nalhia's three covenant angels who don't need commanding power take 10 ordinary Seraphs.

Sure enough, Hirce was shocked: "It is indeed the owner! But please pay attention to the owner, in the bat cave, especially in the narrow space of the passage, the sound wave is very likely to cause the repeated attack effect of echo, which makes a bat's The sonic boom attack can be several times stronger than the open ground. This is the huge advantage of bats to defend the cave. Therefore, in the absence of large numbers of bats in normal times, it is almost impossible to attack them. The reason for the second chance attack. "

That's it! This is the same reason as the original Siren Banshee singing and fighting in Ice Valley. However, my brother is also a flute, and his master bard is not a bad name! He turned the echo several times, and my brother could turn the echo several times!

Dafei said positively: "Anyway, as far as I am concerned, this is not the key to the main battle, so leave the opportunity for training to you."

Tamilia said positively: "We will not let the adults down, then we are ready to set off! We will pick up the adults as soon as we complete our mission."

I'm dead and head straight back to the captain's room on the boat. What can I pick up? Da Fei immediately vetoed: "No, go back to Elina the first time. It is more important to deal with things over there."

"Got it!"

The next moment, Da Fei came to the deck. Equipped with the long-lost Spider-Man artifact "Cliff Walker", it slammed into the top hole.

Then the boat of the sky flashed and disappeared.

At this moment, only Dafei is left in the dark and spooky underground world. Even if Dafei is playing a game, he suddenly feels the chill of being alone in this strange area! Da Fei's first thought was to summon them from the angel space to accompany themselves with courage, but the thought of the bat's stunt is sonic detection. The more people, the easier it is to be found, and the thought was immediately cancelled.

In short, sneak into the cave first, and summon them once they encounter battle.

As a result, Da Fei began to climb quietly in the tortuous dark roof channel. It is already conceivable that if there is no such thing as cliffwalker or flying mount, how can ordinary players reach this place?

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered the Ranger Hermit Village in China. There are thousands of players there who are all proficient in flying hooks? Their words should still be okay, and the power of ordinary players cannot be underestimated. I do n’t know how the Nightingale Guild is developing? Anyway, I also gave them a hand to kill the mountain giants, and then the Star Guild joined them. Why shouldn't it be bad now?

In short, the international situation is complicated. Chinese players have to rise. How worried is the country and the people!

In the confusion of thoughts, Da Fei came to a channel crossing, and 6 channel openings were in front of himself!

Let me go. How does Brother know where to go? This old Nima driver, Hilsey, pretended to be ill and could not lead the way!

Then the next moment, Da Fei felt the wind blowing from one of the channels, then it was. The other roads are estimated to be small nests in the dead end, and I don't care.

As the Dafei continued to deepen, the system beeped:

System prompt: Warning! The troops of your independent follower hero Zavala are under attack!

A big shock shocked my heart! Hit! withstand! Must stand up!

However, since the decision is below, I am worried that the front is no longer useful. If you start playing, it means that the bat group will not be able to return in the short term.

So Da Fei began to accelerate his pace and deepen, and at this time, the red light on the radar exploded:

System prompt: Warning! Your sneak was discovered by an unknown creature investigation and you are about to enter the battle!

Come on, let me see the power of the left-behind troops first. Da Fei continued to move and was not busy summoning Seoul, after all, when he was attacked by sound waves, all the members lost the same blood. One of the damage sharing of ordinary magic did not exist, and the call was just for the opponent to fight.

Then the next moment, a large wave of red ripples rushed on the channel in front of the radar, and the shrill screams shocked the channel!

System prompt: Battle begins! You are attacked by sonic boom, your vision, hearing, balance, cast stability will be continuously affected by the increase, and the troops will continue to decay life!

At the next moment, the "-2" damage value above Dafei's head burst into a string of red lines, and Dafei's vision and hearing really started to blur.

Great! Remember that when the prince of the bats first took the lead, it was almost the same effect! If the main force of the bat is in the lair, then the power is really dare not to think, and the prince's eagerness does have his reason.

So it's your turn! Dafei immediately blew the hawk flute, played, and started!

When Wanhuan was melodious and beautiful, the sound of the sound of the sound of the flute sounding from the mouth of Da Fei was ejected from Da Fei's mouth, and the red line of injury above Da Fei's head was suddenly slowed down, and the vision was not so blurred. The effect of the flute interference was still significant. .

Dafei's confidence increased greatly. He raised his hand and added a continuous recovery technique, and then quickly climbed to the front of the passage while playing the flute. The front must be the old nest that the prince had never been involved in. There is no doubt that there must be some wild lairs on b. Wave ss usually does not attack easily unless there is more than one wave ss.

For playing Boss, Dafei may not have confidence in her own vague state, but Dafei has confidence in Mier. Her current state is a Boss, and what Dafei needs to do now is to rush to Boss and call Out of all angels in angel space full of state. As long as it is not the kind of demi-level wave ss, it is all right.

If you really encounter a demigod wave ss, then you only have to recognize it, and you don't have to consider that much. It is important to return to the ship to save people. Anyway, my troops are contract angels, so don't worry about death. As for the 10 ordinary angels, it is not impossible to lose.

However, it's been so long, why haven't you received the reminder of Tamilla's fighting? Haven't found it yet?

At this moment, Da Fei was lingering again, just like letting Katerina independently run a running boat in the Eastern World. But the difference is that at that time, my urgency was about to burst out. Da Fei just thought so, a sudden urge to urinate filled the bladder again!

What the hell! This is sick, it has to be cured!

In between the anxiety of flying, the red light exploded again on the radar, and a red dazzling thick ripple came from the front of the passage!

System prompt: Warning! There is high-energy sonic boom energy ahead, please respond with all your efforts!

Lying down! Wave ss! ?

Dare to force, start!

(It ’s the last day of the month. Ashtrays are asking for a guaranteed monthly pass. Bookmates who have leftovers please vote for it.)

Chapter 1315 Breaking Down:

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