God Rank Hero

Chapter 1316: Occupy Bat Lair

Generally speaking, as long as the warning prompts issued by the system must be strong and heinous, the original blood cannon of the abyss blood devil is so. The same is true of Flesh Cannon's blood cannon.

So Dafei did not hesitate to start the large displacement operation! If you can't even escape into the ectopic plane, then this wave of ss is really invincible.

With the launch of Da Fei's big move, the whole world was silent in front of Da Fei. Da Fei's rapid blood loss caused by the sonic boom came to an abrupt halt. At the same time, the blurred vision and hearing began to recover quickly, and then saw waves The sound waves, which are almost visible to the naked eye, roared back and forth in the passage like a gale!

Dafei couldn't help but avoid the big move. The other party spent so long on the brother to superimpose so many layers of sonic boom. The negative effect was also completely washed away by the brother! Waiting for my brother to go out and apply a treatment directly is another man from the beginning!

This is also the second way to fight bats after the last sonic confrontation. After all, although this bat is weird, it can only be used in low-end games after all, and it is no wonder that the prince's devil father looks down.

Hey, now I look down. Not to mention, let's introduce a species to regulate and perfect the dark ecosystem.

A few seconds later, the "Furious Wind" ceased, and the intact Dafei closed the large displacement operation and returned to the channel again. Raising his hand was a healing operation to restore the blood volume, and then continued to rush forward in front of the channel.

Then the bat sound boom in the channel sounded again, and began to superimpose various negative special effects on Dafei. Dafei laughed: "You slowly stack up!"

Just then, the system prompts again:

System prompt: Warning! Your independent follower hero Tamilia's fleet is under attack!

Da Fei's heart shook and he was overjoyed! Encountered! That's when Tamilia finally took over to Zavala! Great, stand up, be sure to stand up!

Even np played so beautiful. Of course, Dafei is not far behind, but he is rushing forward, finally. A red light in front of the channel entered the increasingly blurred vision of Da Fei, needless to say. It must be the location of the wave ss.

At this time, the high-energy alarm blew again, and the second shot of the wave ss arrived. But it is obviously useless except to let Da Fei calculate the cooling time of the wave ss big move. Da Fei once again has large teleport to avoid.

It seems that the wave ss technique has only come to an end, so there is nothing to say, just while the wave ss big move cools down, summon the angel army to cut and kill wave ss!

When Da Fei rushed to the end of the passage, a huge cave hall was in front of Da Fei's eyes. Dafei was stunned by the scene in front of her!

A huge blood lake in a stone cave, the dried corpses of countless creatures hanging on the ground above the lake, and hundreds of large bats hanging upside down, and in this bat group, one is hanging upside down on a huge red crystal, the whole body The **** giant bat instantly attracted Da Fei's attention, wave ss!

The next moment, Boss screamed, and hundreds of bats flew into the doorway of the passage!

Even with so many left behind, you can imagine how many were out. There is nothing to say now. Fight!

Angel Space Call! Bloodhawk Summon! The petrochemical halo starts! The Holy Frozen Aura starts!

As far as Da Fei is concerned, as long as it is a hand-to-hand combat, as long as the opponent has no hero. As long as the opponent is not a god-level monster, do not explain in ten blocks. These bats who have given up the sonic attack and actively engaged in melee combat are completely out of sight, not to mention that they have also opened two major deceleration auras of petrochemical and freezing!

The melee combat started without any suspense. When the rows of "Vampire Ineffective Diseases Ineffective" jumped out from the head of the angel troops, these bats were completely different from ordinary monsters.

That ’s right, the sacred body is immune to all spiritual magic blight effects. This is what makes angels unique as the top human race. Encountered angels, can only be bright and rigid. And rigid is clearly not a bat's specialty.

As one bat fell down, the dense bat colony was killed by a gap. Da Fei did not hesitate to command the three covenant angels Ann Ann Weier Nalhia to flutter behind the waves ss! As for the ordinary bats in front of them, the flat cut of 10 ordinary Seraphs is enough to deal with.

That's right, Boss will not be given the opportunity to zoom in for the third time, although Dafei doesn't know how strong this wave's big move is.

There is still no suspense in the Boss battle. The so-called Boss is nothing more than a bat with a lot of blood in front of Da Fei, because the Seoul itself is an * oss. When tons of damage blasted from Boss's head, its defeat was a foregone conclusion!

With a scream, this blood-red bat crashed into the ground!

System prompt: Congratulations! You killed the shadow blood bat king, gain experience + 4.75 million, you get the material blood bat teeth 3! 15 remaining shadow blood bats fear your force to request surrender, do you accept?

Bloodbat's Tooth: S-forged material that can be used to make weapons.

Dafei couldn't help having fun, and he also brought in the surrender! accept!

System prompt: The battle is over! You have compiled 15 Shadow Bloodbats of the 8th-level unit, and you have occupied the building of the 17th-level wild unit: Shadow Bloodbat Lair! You get information on godly leadership.

Shadow Blood Bat Nest: A nest of Shadow Blood Bats that can recruit 8th-level units. Its output is related to the energy pool's blood pool. Stunt: Biological blood sacrifice. Putting creatures into the blood pool can increase the energy of the blood pool. Higher level creatures provide higher blood pool energy.

(Note: Players can demolish and reclaim the occupied wild nests. Recycling will obtain nest building construction drawings and random resources. The time for demolishing is related to the player's construction skills and the number of troops involved in the demolishing. The current demolishing takes 43 days)

Shadow Blood Bat: Large flying creature, attack 47, defense 30, damage 30-45, life 800, mana 300, attack speed 13, magic resistance 50%, command value 50, physical 200, stunt: stealth, sonic attack, Sonic reconnaissance, blood sucking recovery, and disease attack. Fear of light.

Fear of light: Weakness skills, the combat power of Shadow Blood Bat under strong light will continue to reduce, the maximum will be reduced by 75%.


Level 17 Recruitment Building for Level 8 Recruits! Dafei was shocked on the spot!

Generally speaking, the limit for players to build a city by building a city is level 10. In the upward direction, you may need the master-level building skills. And the expensive consumption of upgrading 10-level buildings can only be afforded by local tyrants! Da Fei couldn't even imagine a 17-level building in the wild! How many years have the monsters managed to achieve such success?

Now, Dafei has no choice but to demolish it! Demolition and reconstruction, of course, starts at level 1. It's a pity, if this is in China, Dafei will never do that. It doesn't matter, just pick it up.

Dafei shook his head and began to check the attributes of this eighth-level soldier, and then dropped his chin again!

Let me go! This offensive and defensive attribute is really not much stronger than the 7th-level soldier, and this blood volume is barely regarded as an 8th-level soldier. In short, this is the type of army that depends on strange stunts to eat. But who can tell me, what is this egg painful "fear of light" skill? Can this still swim under the blue sky and white clouds? This is the third fatal weakness of the shadow bat that Brother found!

Da Fei sighed, no matter what, this is the weird price. So far, there are not many arms that can be mass-produced except for the evil demon. With a barracks anyway, it is considered to have consumption power.

Now, the lair has finally been captured by itself. As for the demolition, you don't need to be busy first. It will take 43 days alone to wait for the big troops to come.

Looking at the demolition option, it seems that only the drawing is recovered, and there is no option to recover the blood pool, which is a waste! This blood pond is obviously very nutritious, so there is nothing to say. Before the demolition, we still have to wait for the large troops to transport all the barrels away, just like the pool of water that was transported by Sinti Gossa in barrels.

As for now, I have 15 more soldiers, of course, I have captured all the small lairs in the 6 lanes on the fork. I don't know how they did with Tamillah Zavala, I hope everything is OK. When Da Fei thought so, the system prompts again:

System prompt: Warning! The army of your independent hero Elena is under attack!

Lying down! Fighting across the board! (To be continued)

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