God Rank Hero

Chapter 1319: Must be a demon princess

Captain Tsukamoto's proposal also shines in the eyes of all Mitsubishi players!

Indeed, without finding a way to other cities, and difficult to deal with the powerful predators coming and going under the ground, but also completely clueless about how to destroy the enchantment of the Fire Cave City, hoarding diamond resources It's a good idea to build a new village. But the problem comes

"What to do if a great one flies over to attack?"

This problem suddenly made the entire headquarters of the team members pondered.

The slippery **** stood up arrogantly and resolutely: "If you are afraid of Da Fei coming to attack, then we don't need to help Ramia build a village. Since we are going to help build the village, we must bear all risks!"

Killing a living nodded and nodded: "The words of seniors are very reasonable. Why don't we ask np what countermeasures?"


Slippery God hurriedly asked Lamia: "Miss Lamia, the new village is very dangerous. How can we ensure that our village survives the attack of the Bright Alliance?"

Lamia smiled coldly: "Boy, do you think our enemy is just the Alliance of Light?"

Slippery head could not help but stunned: "Miss mean?"

Lamia sneered: "This is a land without a master. No demon is happy to see that someone is happily developing here. The army of other masters of the demon city passing by can also easily destroy us! Because here is Hell is an extension of the human world, and here is hell. "

Suddenly his face changed greatly: "What then?"

Lamia shook her head and sighed, "I decided to build a neutral village, at least it can eliminate most of the hostility of the Bright Alliance. Not only that, but also the support and support of the Bright Alliance. Maybe our location is so dangerous. So close to each **** fortress city. If the Bright Alliance is not stupid, it should support us! As for the **** city, the ancient Xin city owner of this city should still support me. As for the other city host forces, then look at luck. Maybe also It will draw us in, maybe we will go to war, but it is better than us on both sides. "

"Neutral city?" His jaw dropped in shock. "Miss Lamia, I feel that once neutralized, I will even get the assistance of the Bright Alliance. Is it more hostile to the Lord of the various demonic cities?"

Lamia sneered: "Boy, building a city has never been an easy task. If you think it is so simple to buy things and provide supplies, it is a big mistake. How can a new and small force be caught in the cracks between big forces? Survival itself requires incomparable wisdom and courage. For us, we must use whatever means to survive the previous dangerous period, at least not be easily destroyed by passing forces. As for whether the latter will continue to be neutral or biased Which side, wait until we are stronger. "

"That's it! I understand!" The slippery **** suddenly realized: "Since it is unscrupulous to pass the dangerous period, we will fully assist the lady!"

Lamia laughed: "Even if it fails, it doesn't matter, anyway, for Hell, this kind of thing is not uncommon!"

Slick Head resolutely said, "No, we will not fail! Absolutely!"

At this time, Mitsubishi Command could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. np's decision sounds very reliable, and unscrupulous measures are in line with Mitsubishi's appetite. So there is still only one question left. How to deal with Dafei? NP has a routine to deal with, only players. Especially Dafei players with no lower limit are almost unsolvable!

"Human shield !!!" Emperor Tsukamoto blurted out!

The team members were surprised: "Human shield?"

The slippery **** suddenly woke up and laughed haha: "Yes, Captain Tsukamoto deserves to be my successor! Since Ramia's strategy for building a city is neutral, it means that hundreds of thousands of idle Bright Alliances in our Greater Japan can participate She builds a city, and then these bright alliance players are stationed in the village center. If dafei dares to attack, it will inevitably hurt these bright alliance members by mistake, and will increase the red name value of dafei, and the red name punishment during the national war is absolutely It is unbearable for any player! "

The team members ecstatically said, "I am so dead !!!"

Tsukamoto said excitedly: "Thank you for your compliments, then we only have one last question, how to let the players of the Bright Alliance get here!"

Slippery head excitedly said: "I continue to ask her!"

So Slick Head asked again: "Miss Lamia. Since it is a neutral line, we should welcome the Warriors of the Bright Alliance to arrive. This will completely eliminate the hostility of the Bright Alliance. So how can we let the Warriors of the Bright Alliance arrive? "

Lamia frowned: "This is indeed a problem. I don't know more terrain, but I'm sure that the Bright Alliance will be able to get here, but they don't know the route, otherwise the Bright Alliance's troops may have already been Come here, not so defensively passive. "

While talking, a waitress at the tavern door shouted, "His distinguished Miss Lamia, two people who claim to be your subordinates are asking for you!"

Lamia clapped her hands and laughed: "Finally, let them in!"

"Please!" Under the introduction of the barmaid, two **** banshees with enchanting and beautiful appearances came in: "Report my lord, we are back!"

Wow! !! !! At this moment, the otakus at Mitsubishi Command again widened their eyes and chin to the ground: "This is the leader-level banshee army!"

As mentioned in the previous article, as a hell-level fourth-level soldier banshee, from the beginning of game design, it has been a very controversial issue for development teams in other countries. The United States, the European Union, Japan, and South Korea are of course devoted to designing **** images to attract players, but China and India do strongly oppose the "dissonance that harms young people to be harmful".

In the end, the two sides reached a consensus that the ordinary regular banshee was the kind of image with rough lava red skin, goat hoofs and rough looks. But the senior banshee is more perfect than the humans with a rounded white skin image. Such a huge contrast will make **** players tirelessly upgrade the banshee, and further achieve the purpose of money in the game.

So as long as you see this beautiful bubbling banshee, it is the player who knows that it is high-end goods!

The maid of unknown race, the subordinate of the high-ranking leader-level banshee, resident in the luxury pub, the high-end noble status of Lamia is beyond doubt!

Slippery God is the chicken's legs shaking again! Good harvest! This is an imperial harvest! Just take down this Lamia, all the banshees, all the maids are mine!

At this point, the two banshees stepped forward and handed over to Lamia an exquisite and luxurious cover book. What are these? Although the sliding head is fascinated by the color, the intuition of a professional player instantly zooms the lens on this gem-studded book.

"It seems to be a business card holder!" A member of the team called out immediately.

"OK?" Tsukamoto asked immediately.

"Okay! I've seen the np tycoon at the auction level used, but it is far from the high end of this business card holder!"

The crowd rang again: "Big noble!"

At this point, Lamia Haha, who took the business card holder, laughed: "Warrior, are you interested to accompany me to a resource exchange to see the market?"

It really is a high-end occasion! Slick Head nodded excitedly: "It's an honor!"

Ramia frowned, "Call out that Farina!"

Slippery head said suddenly: "But Miss Farina needs rest."

Lamia cut off: "Isn't she going to die? What rest is needed? She's really lazy when I'm at work. As a subordinate, I don't have any enlightenment of the subordinates. This is a mercenary laziness. I want to correct this vice ! "

The slippery **** reluctantly said, "Well, I'll call right away."

"Wow ha ha ha, that's right!"

As the sliding head knocked on the door and knocked on the door, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters again entered into a lively discussion.

Tsukamoto said with excitement: "It seems that we are really encountering epic heroes, no, even legendary heroes!"

Then the guy who knew the goods just shouted in surprise: "Captain, I checked an icon of her roster, it seems that it is for the devil's family, she is most likely a devil's princess!"

"Princess!" The entire command post was boiling!

The NP specifications of this identity level are beyond the imagination of ordinary players. Ordinary players just want to see the mayor, and the city owner must have a task on his body.

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "Princes! The current priority is to explore the way so that the members of the Bright Alliance can reach, and everyone works together!"

"Captain, I see that there is an underground river next to her territory map, and the light pool of the Elven Kingdom has the highest water level, which is usually the source of the surrounding underground rivers. I think we can start from the underground river!"

Tsukamoto was overjoyed: "Yoshi! My Japanese team members are so wise, so worry ca n’t be a big deal! The other members of Syndicate City immediately went to the site of the city, and the members of the Bright Alliance of the Pool of Light immediately sought the source of the underground river! "

"Hi Yi!"

(National Day, three more!) (To be continued)

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