God Rank Hero

Chapter 1320: The victory of an independent hero

It's 8:30 PM Beijing time now.

After half an hour of clearing, Da Fei smoothly and easily occupied the 6 Bat Battalions in the Bat Nest Fork Road. They are all barracks below level 10, and the blood pool is not large. However, Da Fei's mood was not easy at all. After half an hour passed, no information about the battle between Tamilia and Elina was made, which made Da Fei's entangled uneasy and uncomfortable. Ran the toilet twice.

Although Da Fei would never think that Tamilia would lose, it was difficult for Elina to keep the mine. Once Elina failed and the ancient tree Nasir was hung up, Da Fei couldn't imagine it. !! What Dafei can do now is sit in the hole on the top of the ground, while looking at the system information that he wants to wear, and open the cruel tooth to absorb the thin dark natural force on the dark mushroom forest.

This feeling of tangling and waiting in the lonely darkness was going to drive Da Fei crazy, Da Fei couldn't help falling off the hole in the top of the ground and killed himself by going back to the ship.

No, you have to talk to someone.

Da Fei opened a list of friends and was about to find Blood Weiqi Qi. When asked about the situation in various places, Da Fei's eyes suddenly stopped on the name with a smile. Da Fei's heart moved, and since the day before yesterday, she asked her to post a video of the second bullet point of defending the resurrection point, didn't she talk to her? Brother originally said that he would go to her side after finishing the No. 3 city wall, but he didn't go.

By the way, I remember when she drove Spielberg's whaling boat to the North Sea with the Spearberger and the Dawei to help get the crocodile in the dwarf two prince fishing farm, the brother also promised to reward them for the equipment. As a result Brother is too busy to forget.

Well, this is what the boss is talking about! In the case of brother encountering the boss, even if he didn't dare to say anything, he still had an idea in his heart. It was because of this situation that the brother fired the boss.

Dafei felt ashamed and sent a message to Yan Ran with a smile: "How is the battle situation of your No. 2 city wall?"

After a while, she smiled and replied: "Ah, I'm deadlocked every day, so boring, I want to leave the pit and return to China."

Dafei hurriedly said, "This is a national war, and players across the country are watching it."

Yan Ran sighed with a smile: "Just talk about it. I am envious of the cold emerald city battlefield where Blood Weiqiqi fought. I haven't stopped the various meteorite rains to treat the rain and liveliness. Chi did not make progress, there are already complaints from players from other countries. "

Dafei didn't feel good. "They asked them to go off when they were upset."

Yan Ran sighed with a smile: "None of us have completed our current theater mission. We can't go even if we want to go. Everyone is scolding me for the incompetent vase."

Have forgotten this limitation. Da Fei frowned: "Is this the problem of killing the flowers in the No. 4 city wall?"

"Yeah, she has been vomiting bitter water to me, saying that the team is not good enough to take it."

What the hell! So you take the opportunity to spit it out to your brother and blame him for not talking, but with blood, Wei Qiqi, but not you?

This time the big fly was tangled again. The two of them are representatives of the Cavalry Chamber of Commerce. At least half of the reason why they can be recommended by the players in various countries as commanders of the theater is because of the world ’s number one master, why is it so embarrassing for Brother?

Da Fei said with pain, "What about Bufei Yan on the No. 1 city wall?"

Yan Ran smiled and laughed: "She complained directly that Fei Ge didn't talk. It didn't take her to take her!"

Grandma! Da Fei took a spit of water and this woman was really troublesome! No matter whether it is a npc beauty or a real beauty, I don't worry about it!

In the middle of the pain, Yan Ran smiled and said, "Just kidding, we all know that Fei Ge is busy. We won't give Fei Ge trouble to let others read jokes. Fei Ge rest assured that we can hold on to victory."

Da Fei sighed, "People are on the battlefield, and you can't help yourself! When your brother is done, you must bring a rhythm. This time, you must remind him not to let him forget."

Yan Ran smiled and said, "I see! Right Fei Ge. When the national war is over, Xue Wei will solemnly invite you to their party, buy them a round-trip air ticket or moving ticket, Fei Ge can not go what?"

Lying down! With so many hostile forces at home and abroad, how dare he show up? How do you explain the identity of Junxiang? How can I keep my family safe? Da Fei vetoed in haste: "Can't go, can't walk away."

Yanran smiled and said, "Bu Feiyan is going too, she wants to see Fei Ge specially!"

Otaku God! Da Fei really had to sigh: "I can't go!"

Yan Ran continued with a smile: "There is also a devil figure angel face beauty Bai Huashou specializing in buying a set of **** black silk. When I meet that day, I will dedicate my first time to Fei Geah #% …… && ……”

Da Fei's heart trembled, didn't he? This is a match for thousands of miles! What's wrong with this garbled?

In amazement, Dafei's friend message rang again. This time is a hundred flowers killing: "Fei brother, nothing, your old man is slowly busy, we will not disturb you!"

What the hell! Are they in a room? Brother, is this the rhythm of the second flight? The issue is. I'm definitely going, but I'm in the identity of Junxiang Xiang, this identity is not to fly them! Why is Brother so tangled! Why is it so bad?

At this moment, Da Fei's mood collapsed! If I did n’t end up with so many domestic and foreign hatreds at the beginning, and I did n’t hide my true body, I would be able to smash up in the lobby! While Da Fei is extremely painful in his reflection on life. Wonderful system prompts come unexpectedly!

System prompt: Congratulations! Your ** First Mate Tamilla's Fleet has won the battle! The heroes of the team realized the war experience, Tamelia Wisdom +1, Alicia Wisdom +1, Katerina Wisdom +1, Serbian Wisdom +1!

System prompt: Congratulations! Your ** follower hero Zavala wins the battle!

Finally won!

Da Fei exhaled a long breath, and the entangled mood disappeared instantly! Just waiting to see a line of wisdom in the message +1, Da Fei's eyes widened in shock!

They can understand the skills and the professional brothers can understand, but what is the meaning of +1 in the wisdom of war? I have never heard that letting the vice hero ** go on a mission can increase wisdom! Not to mention I heard that most players do n’t even know what the attribute of wisdom is now. Where did I hear from? And why is it that others have gained wisdom?

Is it the navigator's sailing training bonus on the third day? Counting time, the third day passed before 8 o'clock! I didn't give out the sailing training information for the third day! On the third day, the brother has always been flying in the sky. This day, he has not touched the water, and the system does not recognize that the brother is sailing. And brother is no longer on the scene, can not train them?

At this moment, Da Fei's surprise intersection! It seems that an incredible secret has been discovered again! Want to know the answer can only wait for them to pick me up!

But wait, Elena's battle is not over. According to a prior agreement, Tamilia will support Elina after the battle. It depends on whether Elina can gain wisdom.

In other words, if there is no contact with water, no information will be given directly to the training in navigation, nor to the fluid mechanics information of "aeronautics." "Aeronautics" is still quite a long distance. It seems that in the future the airship will have to find a pool bubble bath during the flight anyway.

Five minutes passed in the thinking of Da Fei, no information appeared! Calmly, it must be Tammelia carrying the body.

Ten minutes passed and no message appeared. Calmly, it may be that Tamelia or Zavala's army lost too much, and it must be resurrecting the rest of the army.

The thought of the resurrection force suddenly burst into Dafei's heart! I'll pull it out, the Angel Army will not hang up, right? If they hang once, then this advanced stage will be hindered? Don't panic, the epic npc hero is much smarter than my brother, she said that if there is a boat in the sky, she will not lose, then there must be no problem! It's impossible for angels to lose monsters. Believe npc.

But to say that, Da Fei's mood just disappeared once again gathered a layer of dark clouds. Da Fei was restless again.

Fifteen minutes passed. There is still no message of victory or defeat! Did Tamilla support Elena? Or did they use up the energy of the Holy Vine by hitting a bat, and the Holy Vine can only move slowly through the balloon when it cannot move?

pain! Letting the vice heroes ** go to battle is simply self-torture! Dafei gritted his teeth, pulled his fist, tightened his urine, and waited!

Every additional second, Da Fei felt that his bladder was tight. Dafei couldn't bear it, ran to the bathroom wearing a helmet, but he couldn't spill a drop of urine! What the hell! At this moment, Da Fei has been unable to describe his inner feelings. If you must say what you feel, it is two words: Regret! Regret to let them go! How many times will I go out to be cystitis by them!

During the crash, the system prompts:

System prompt: Warning! Your ** First Mate Tamilla's Fleet is under attack!

Da Fei frowned wildly, and Tamiliariya went to war! Are you meeting new enemies? Still supporting Elena? And this time, Dafei didn't wait long, just less than half a minute:

System prompt: Congratulations! Your ** hero Elena has won the battle! Elina realized the high-end war experience, wisdom +2! Comprehend Grand Master Logistics!

It's Elena! Elena won! Let me go, wisdom +2 and also realize a guru!

Dafei let out a long laugh. In the laughter, Dafei's whole body was relaxed. The urine that he couldn't cast just now was like the water of the Yellow River.

Now, Da Fei can't figure out why Elena has 1 point more wisdom than others, and the answer will be announced after they have cleared the battlefield!

However, according to Brother ’s instructions to Tamilia, and her obsession with “eating”, it is estimated that he would not come to pick up the brother if he did not completely dispose of the corpses of the battlefields outside the mines of thousands of units? Let me go. The Dengshen space can only be played by me, so they must only eat up all of them, and if they eat up, I have to wait for a few hours? This is to die of my brother! (To be continued.)

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