God Rank Hero

Chapter 1321: New findings from Mitsubishi

When Dafei was waiting anxiously, the players of the Mitsubishi team were also waiting anxiously.

The big fly ended the battle of the pool of light, so that the players of the Bright Alliance in Japan can finally land on the shore of the lake of the light pool. These bright alliance players combined their own and **** maps and quickly rushed to the upstream of more than ten underground rivers around the lake. A large number of marked wooden blocks have been placed. If one of these wooden blocks can drift to the downstream Banshee territory, then the path of the Bright Alliance to the Banshee territory will be officially investigated!

Wooden rafting must be a long, frustrating wait. What is even more anxious is that the members of the **** party who had set out from the city of Syndicate in advance to the construction site of the territory found traces of the large-scale march of the **** army.

"Just passed by, **** raid dog team! Super tracking ability!"

The members of the Mitsubishi Command have a deep heart. As professional players of the **** family, they certainly know what this special super **** dog is, and only the main forces at the city level can have it! And the thought of Princess Lamia's "passing by and passing by" is even more so that the slippery **** who accompanied the city exchange to watch the market was calm.

Slip Head immediately instructed: "Leave three members to continue to the city construction address, and the other dozen members will fully track the movement of the Hell Corps."

"Hi Yi!"

At this moment, Tsukamoto could not help but sigh: "Senior, it seems that building this city is not as easy as you think. Other city owners may not even give us a chance to stand firm."

Slippery head gritted his teeth and said, "It is precisely because the more difficult it is, the greater the gain, we will not give up."

Tsukamoto said positively: "The predecessors said very well!"

At this moment, the system prompts of all team members sounded at the same time:

——System Tip: Hell Fortress City of Shadow City has opened the teleportation channel transmission authority to the warriors of the **** tribe. The warrior can go to the city to receive meritorious missions through the teleportation channel.

Mitsubishi's headquarters was in an uproar: "Another hidden city opened?"

Tsukamoto frowned: "It must be that Da Fei has triggered the progress in attacking the city, and a group of Fire Cave City immediately went over to check!"

"Hi Yi!"

A flash of white light transmitted. The first batch of team members arrived at the new city's teleportation square, and at first glance, the thick black smoke around the city and the dragon cavalry patrolling over the thick smoke. Then there are four giant machines like a fortress arranged around the square. There are also a lot of giant dragon dragon warriors guarding the machine!

"Quad Mount Hellfire !!!"

Looking at the four super crossbow guns that look like anti-aircraft missile vehicles on the large screen on the wall, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters is in awe! As the name suggests, this high-end crossbow gun has four launch bays, each of which has dozens of explosive crossbow arrows. Once the firepower is fully opened, this machine will instantly turn a large area into a sea of ​​fire like a rocket launcher!

This is already the ultimate machine set at the beginning of the game design. It is the transformation of magic games to science fiction style!

Tsukamoto finally returned to God: "Dafei really attacked here! And the damage caused was not small."

Killing life Guan Bai sneered: "But he finally forced npc to release the ultimate weapon. If he still dares to come, he will die ugly. He doesn't have such good luck to kill the demon every time!"

Tsukamoto nodded: "Yes, no matter how strong the player is, he can't be better than npc. When Dafei thought that he could be invincible with an advanced flying ship, his doomsday has arrived!-Group 1 All the members of the city will pick up the task and ask about the situation in the tavern! "

"Hi Yi!"

But there is no need for the players to run away. A team of hero-led patrolmen has come to the players: "Welcome the warriors to the Shadow City! Maybe you have never heard of this city, but this is not important. It ’s important that you can get special rewards in this city that you ca n’t get in other cities. Now our city is threatened by the Warriors of the Bright Alliance. And the damage is also quite serious, the resource warehouse is looted, and the stored food is burned. Run out. We are in urgent need of a large amount of food for the troops and slaves in the city. Your first task is to raise 30,000 units of food within 7 days ... "

——The system prompts: You get the meritorious task "Emergency Preparation of 30,000 Units of Grain" issued by the Defender of the Mage City.

——Task reminder: There is no single way to get food. As demons, you know what to do.

Takamoto frowned: "The collection mission has been released! It is unexpected that the damage caused by Dafei will be so serious!"

Killing Guan Guan frowned: "30,000 units of grain, this amount is really terrible!"

Slipping God frowned: "Lamia needs a lot of materials to build the city. We can't have the energy to help them get 30,000 units of food. We can't bear this capacity alone, let alone so many monsters sneaking into the convoy. . "

Tsukamoto frowned: "Indeed, we have only one focus. It is impossible to take over the task, and this task is destined to give up. However. The information that should be understood must continue to be clear."

Gun Zhizuo laughed: "However, we can infer from the information that the resource warehouse was robbed just now. The end of Da Fei has come! Because his fuel may not last long, it will be so crazy to attack the city."

Everyone was deeply convinced: "Yes, judging from the development of airships in various countries, the fuel resource consumption of airships is very amazing, not to mention the huge flying airships, and the fuel-carrying space of airships will never last long. The current Da Fei is actually supporting the war with war. Before long, he will definitely continue to rob the city to grab fuel. At that time, his end can be imagined. "

"That is, he can't even get an ogre tribe, let alone rob the city, this time he must have paid a heavy price."

Gun Zhizuo laughed, "In fact, we might as well make a hypothesis that Da Fei's acceptance of this battlefield mission itself is an irreparable mistake. Da Fei may have accepted the god-level npc West after the continuous killing of the demon. The siege missions released by Leiner, to some extent, this is also the flying record of Mi Fei, which misleads Westerina. This is a super difficult task for our npc in the EU and China that mislead the city of God. For a reason, Silena sent such a super-god mission to push him into the fire pit! "

Everyone laughed: "Gao Changjun is justified! So Dafei will decisively run away when he realizes that the difficulty of attacking the Fire Cave City exceeds his ability. Now Dafei is actually a bereavement dog rushing to find a way out in the underground world! Wait! When his fuel runs out, his flying giant will fall down and become a pile of wreckage! "

Slip Head God frowned: "Wait! We are also looking for a way out from the Bright Alliance to here. What if we find it and Dafei steals our results?"

Everyone Shen said: "This is a problem ..."

For a while the entire headquarters was lost in thought.

At this time, in the high-end exchange of Syndicate City where Slickhead God is located, Lamia stared at the price fluctuations on the magic crystal panel, and reluctantly followed by Falina while drinking and attending for free. The blood wine provided yawned from time to time while covering her mouth.

It turned out that Farina's yawning was so beautiful, she could not help looking at it.

Just then, Falina, who had no wine in the glass, said impatiently: "Have you finished watching it? You don't have much money anyway!"

Lamia angered: "My money is more than you think!"

Fallina cut out: "Take it out?"

Lamia sneered: "Do you know that wood is quoting in the **** market? I don't know if you are such a low-level banshee."

Falina scorned: "Wait for a large amount of wood to come and say."

The slippery **** said anxiously: "Don't make a noise, the two ladies, it's all about us." Speaking of this, the slippery **** tried to break the topic: "By the way, I received the latest news. There is a food gap of 30,000 units. Is this a business opportunity? "

Lamia frowned: "30,000 units, why don't they grab it? It's none of our business, don't care about him!"

Falena did clap her hand and smiled, "Let them grab it, it's better to grab all the surrounding cities!"

"Grab it all over !?" The sliding head of the **** flashed light. If it is to grab the fire cave city, is this not the opportunity to create chaos in the fire cave city?

As Slippery God analyzed the new ideas wholeheartedly, the dozen or so Pathfinder members of the headquarters exclaimed: "With new discoveries, dozens of abandoned trailers!"

——System Tip: You have found 56 heavy trailers! You can only get 10 heavy trailers for your current Master Logistics.

——System Tip: You have found 46 heavy trailers! Your current master logistics ...

In the tinkling sound of the large screen on the wall, these trailers were instantly divided up by 6 team members!

Command was surprised: "What's going on?"

Then the team members immediately exclaimed: "Oh my God, it is a heavy trailer with a capacity of 150 units! This kind of existence is not what the player can get!"

At this moment, all the members of the entire Mitsubishi headquarters stood up in excitement: "It must have been dropped by a certain city's transport team!"

"Yes, this messy scene is obviously a post-war battlefield! And the scale of the battlefield is quite large!"

"But what about corpses? There can't be no corpses in such a large battlefield? If the corpses were wiped away by the system, these cars should also be wiped away?"

"Who was attacked by this convoy? Is it Dafei again? So is there any cargo on the car? Is everything stolen by Dafei?"

"How is it possible that if these convoys are fully loaded, Da Fei's big ships will not be able to hold even the cargo holds, let alone he is an air carrier, and the payload is poor!"

Tsukamoto said excitedly: "No matter how much, as long as we have these heavy trailers, our transportation problem will be completely solved. The six players who got the trailers will immediately bring the trailers to Syndicate City, and all the members of the Fire Cave City will all come. Syndicate City responded. Once the six members were attacked, you took over the vehicle as soon as possible! The remaining dozen members continued to track forward! "

"Hi Yi!" (To be continued)


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