God Rank Hero

Chapter 1341: Ready to grab

The British Royal Ark team negotiated with the Red Name Villages of the major teams in the European Union. The next moment, the red names of the countries that had been fishing all stood up. There is no doubt that these red names who have been fishing for a long time are the real main players in the red name village. Only they can touch the monsters and wave ss outside the village.

Although the soldiers and the like knew that they were going to grab the treasure of "treasure", the whole world has acted. It is very unpleasant that China does not notify us.

The soldier still couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

The Italian player Super Mario shook his head and said, "You understand. However, you better not follow, you also understand."

"Bottom!" The soldier had to sit down and fish under the unhappy mood.

Yi Jiandong cut and said, "It's okay, Fei Ge said that everyone who came to Hongming Village was welcome. With Fei Ge's temper, he said that welcome is definitely welcome."

Da Liu nodded his head: "That's when it was to attract investment and build a city for Feige."

Everyone said: "It just happened to make room for us to avoid fishing."

The soldier shook his head: "Anyway, it's uncomfortable to look at them as if they are going against us."

Da Liu sighed, "After all, it's still our food. Everyone strives to be strong. I'm cooking all night tonight."

The soldiers were not angry: "What's the meaning of staying up all night, I can't remember a few days in a row all night, Dawei has been in the middle of the night for a week!"

Da Liu was not very angry: "They are the fierce men of the track and field team. We are scraps of playing games for many years. We can compare with him."

A guild of female players asked, "We haven't seen this Dawei you said since entering the guild. He actually wants to single out that fire dance, isn't he strong?"

Da Liu smiled bitterly: "It's hard to describe. The technical level of playing games is definitely a newcomer. He has never played a game before playing this game. However, this game is so fierce that it is difficult and irritated."

The female players curiously asked, "Why are you trapped in love?"

Da Liu laughed: "His girlfriend ran with big money! And he ran with beautiful housemates!"

The female players were uproaring: "This is a big money, you are still playing Erfei!"

The soldiers waved unhappyly: "Dar Liu, don't say anything! I said. Ladies and gentlemen, are you still awake at half past one? Take care of your spirit and accompany Haoge tomorrow!"

The female players laughed, "I see!"

"Hey, it seems like seeing Haoge!

"This, what if we see Brother Hao and we want to fly together?"

The soldier angered: "Nima abuses us single dogs, right? Go offline!"

"Haha, I see!"


At 1:30 in this time, the large-scale actions of the red names of various countries in Hongming Village also attracted the attention of major guilds in China. The big brothers who received the news rubbed their sleepy eyes and met in the chat room.

"Early morning!"

"Mrs. President, early!"

"Oh, the beauty of Xuewei is early!"

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "It's really hard to get up so early for your bosses."

The Emperor asked: "What does Dafei say?"

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "Qiqi sent him a message as soon as possible, but didn't reply. Mostly she hung up to sleep."

God Emperor smiled bitterly: "Fight in the National War Zone. He fell asleep safely."

Xue Wei's stunner sighed: "If you suffer, you will suffer in jet lag."

The royal overlord laughed and laughed: "I said what are you worrying about? The big dragon cavalry chamber is fishing steadily. At the moment Fanghua is not online, the parties are not in a hurry, what are we anxious for?"

The ancient star sullenly said, "That's also called stability? It's all a group of dishes that can't live in town ... forget it, I just say that if really the rare minerals are found by the European Union, then we will take a shot together, there is no problem ? "

The Emperor God nodded: "No problem, let them know that the most decent thing in our China is more than people."

The royal overlord laughed: "My best thing is to play soy sauce behind a professional master!"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "It's time to take me to play?"

The gangsters laughed: "Okay, the burden of taking charge of China's prestige is on Ma boss!"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Okay. This array is all over me. I have all the third-line players on board. I want to be cool."

The ancient stars suddenly said: "No, right? Third line? Have you sincerely promoted our country's prestige, Mr. Ma?"

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "My main force went to the big side and was deserted. You are not ignorant. I am a training reserve team. Rest assured, even if you lose, you will drown them."

The ancient star nodded: "Okay, I'll find Uranus and Jiang team when I have something, I will continue to sleep."

"Don't do it!" Laughed the royal overlord: "Everyone has come, talk about the big things on my side, and tell you good news. I've arrived at the Undercurrent Temple."

Ma Yinglong: "What the **** is Underworld Temple?"

The royal overlord proudly said, "The video speaks, but it's good, don't make a fuss, don't ask this and ask that."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Why not even ask?"

The royal overlord laughed: "Because I can't answer you anyhow! In short. After reading it, it's the same old rules, everyone will invest in joint venture!"

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "I'm going to look it in vain, I won't pay, haha!"

The hegemon of the royal family really said: "Look at Boss Ma, you mean, the underworld lords don't divide the income of the camp."

"Receipt?" Seeing the solemnity of the royal overlord suddenly, Ma Yinglong couldn't help wondering: "Okay. Let us see."

"Watch the video!"

As the video was uploaded to the chat room, a bustling dock appeared on the video. Various fishermen Naga were busy moving, and then the camera switched to the royal overlord. A royal naga hero suddenly stood beside the royal overlord. And that long-lost halfling hero.

Xue Wei's holy gun stunned: "Naga heroine! Is this recruited by the overlord boss?"

The royal overlord sighed with laughter: "Of course, it was recruited by Da Fei, who stayed in the Oriental World to trade for Da Fei Cargo. Did you see the giant ship on the dock? Is the ship manufactured by Ai Luo Lin, there are other The two big ships were all left to this female Naga by Dafei. "

The gangsters burst into a panic: "No, aren't they?"

The royal overlord sighed, "Don't make a fuss, I dare not serve you a main course."

The gangsters were shocked: "Is there any better?"


As the royal overlord opens the character equipment bar, at this moment, all the big brothers are startled! Xue Wei's stun gun covered his mouth in shock so as not to scream!

The royal overlord sighed, "Let's ask you!"

The big brothers exclaimed, "Why do you have an extra weapon, glove, ring and equipment bar?"

The royal overlord laughed: "It was one more hand, half a glove box, and the Underworld Lord gave me this, because I was the president, and I did n’t have any other special treatment. That said, guys As long as you can come to the Undercurrent Temple, it is the rhythm of giving a hand, do you want to come? "

The gangsters were startled, "No, right? Give it away as soon as possible? It's that simple?"

The royal hegemon said in surprise: "Simple? Boss, you just look at the results and not the process. It is easy to have the naga heroine to lead the way! I am the owner of the owner of Dafei Island, and she will show me the way!" Show you a video! "

So the royal overlord re-issued a video. The video was based on the nautical scene with the royal overlord as the main point of view. I saw the huge waves surrounding the sky and the dim dark thunder. But the small circular area around the fleet was indeed clear sky. Calm and calm!

The gangsters were completely stupid: "This is the benefit of Naga's heroine?"

The royal overlord sighed: "Exactly, did you see the star-lit lighthouse at the farthest end of the video? That is the Underwater Shrine. This sea is the Underwater Sea. The sea whale giant tortoise transport caravans are all from the sea. The next pass has no effect, but the human surface fleet will have to die if you want to pass. Look at the video I just showed. There are no np ships on the dock except for the flying fleet. "

Xue Wei's stun gun exclaimed: "I can't imagine how the original flying came!"

The royal overlord smiled bitterly: "I can't think about things I can't figure out, anyway, I just follow the master to play soy sauce. Brothers, can you come?"

The gangsters were pleasantly surprised: "Is this nonsense? Come! Where do we get on board?"

The royal overlord laughed: "That's right. First of all, I first used the credit to open the trade route from the Undercurrent Temple to the Lighthouse Islands. This is a huge sum of money, and I can't afford it alone. Then this Naga heroine's fleet will come to the lighthouse islands for trade. At that time, everyone on the ship will be able to board her ship. But, yes, the goods on our island must be good. The main thing is to have good wine and weapons. Otherwise, she will not take our route next time. If we do not pay off this debt within the prescribed 3 months, I will not know what will happen besides the cancellation of the route. "

The gangsters said joyfully: "No problem! Isn't it just good wine and good weapons? There are many dwarven kingdoms. We let Earthquake Thunder fire for 26 hours a day!"

The royal overlord shook his head: "No, the player's grade is still low. It is still necessary to let the prince's level of np be shot, and it should not be difficult to convince him with the prince's personality that loves money.

The gangsters laughed: "Okay, send someone to start the work and scan the goods."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "I'll call our elder sister right away!"

The big brothers laughed: "No need to let the beauties sleep more. We can rest assured that she will call her at that time."

Ma Yinglong really patted his head with a long sigh: "Your Bright Alliance is so much fun, I can't keep up with you!"

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "No way, who is the first master in the world to be the Bright Alliance?"

For a time, the big brothers laughed, and then the big brothers went to sleep while waiting for the progress of Hongming Village while talking about the future strategy of the Eastern Ocean. (To be continued.)

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