God Rank Hero

Chapter 1342: Enemy Strikes

At 2 am Beijing time, Da Fei, who was sleeping while wearing a helmet and hung up, was awakened by the sudden alarm of the ear-piercing system. As a conditioned reflex, Da Fei suddenly stood up!

System prompt: Warning! Players are warned that there are enemy forces approaching your troops!

Lying down! Don't worry about sleeping! But it ’s okay to come here, otherwise you will be too scared to be awakened by nightmares.

At first sight, Da Fei saw Tamilia beside him: "Master, Lord, there is an enemy army approaching the mushroom forest where we are!"

Da Fei blinked and looked at the radar. Sure enough, a large red cloud on the edge of the radar slowly moved closer to himself. Needless to say, there could only be three god-level Druid elders with such a long warning distance.

Da Fei didn't want to say directly: "Ready to fight!" Then he added: "Stop production, all the moving troops and the beetle return to the ship."

"Yes, Lord! The troops of Zavala and Miss Delier are still on standby in the Mushroom Forest!"

Stand by? Looking at the large spot of red dots on the radar and the small green spot of our army in the mushroom forest, there was a combat tactic in a big fly, that is, a pinch on both ends! That is, after the enemy battles with Zavala, the Sky Boat is teleported to the rear of the enemy. This will kill the enemy as much as possible, and make up for Nasir in hunger.

With regard to this kind of attack by apparently ground forces, Da Fei completely disregards it. What Da Fei needs to consider is **** more. What Da Fei is most unwilling to see now is the defeat.

Then, of course, the bleeding hawk is released. Even if it is not in the eyes, the basic tactical literacy is still necessary.

It was then that Da Fei noticed that his friends' messages and system messages kept flashing. In order to make it easier to hang up and go to sleep, Dafei has set the friend information of the common system to mute and the threat warning sound to the maximum.

Dafei first check the system information:

The system prompts: Your demon battalion in the center village of San Teng produced 30 demon monsters.

The system prompts: You have sailed for more than 2 days. You and your team heroes gain the additional experience of the nautical skill "nautical training" + 660,000, and your team gains additional growth potential! Your fluid mechanics skills have gained you the notes of air navigation! Your co-hero Serif's covenant angel, Elefier, has gained the “fluid mechanics” experience, and your follower hero Zavala has the “fluid mechanics” experience. You get information on "Mushroom Breeding".

System prompt: Congratulations! Your co-hero Elina has realised the life skill "Elementary Mushroom Feeding"!

System prompt: Your Lilim barracks successfully recruited a Lilim soul. Please pay attention to check.

Da Fei was so pleased that Elina really realized the mushroom breeding. As long as you get the seeds, it's actually that simple, and now even with your brother, you need to understand the heroic mushroom cultivation, wow hahaha!

Then looking at a piece of system information below, Da Fei suddenly stunned, and Li Lim's barracks, which was silent for a long time, suddenly started? How is this going?

I ca n’t think much about it, Da Fei opened the friend information, it is Xue Wei Qi Qi, Bu Fei Yan. A smile, a message killing flowers. What the hell! What would it take four people to speak to brother at the same time? Dafei hurriedly checked.

Blood Weiqi Qi: "Feige, the latest news from Hongming Village, it is said that some people have found rare mines, and the red names of various countries have joined together to occupy the mines."

Bu Feiyan: "Feige? Are you there? There is a mine suspected in Hongming Village. Our president wants to hear what you mean."

Then Yanran smiled and Bai Huasha's message had the same meaning: "Fei, members of the guild want to listen to your next instructions."

Da Fei's sleepy wake up! Let me go. There is a mine in Hongming Village? It is no longer necessary to think about how this Lilim soul came from. The foreigner is going to go against the sky while his brother is sleeping!

Da Fei was of course the first time to reply to the guild's hundred flowers and killed: "No? Ask the soldiers what is happening in their red village."

After a while, Baihuasha immediately replied: "Fei brother is here. It's hard to say now. The soldiers were warned by foreign red names not to leave the village, and they couldn't look at the scene. I only know that many red lights from various countries died and returned to the city. , As if they did not occupy the mine very smoothly. "

Dafei frowned: "What kind of mine is that?"

Hundred Flowers Kill: "It's not clear, this is information provided by a Chinese trumpet of unknown origin. This trumpet has not appeared after entering the mine, and may be offline. By the way, soldiers suspect this trumpet. It is the feather of the Phoenix, I heard that it is very slippery. "

Da Fei was surprised: "The trumpet of the Phoenix Feather? Could it be the Phoenix Feather or die back to Hongming Village?"

Hundred flowers kill: "If he is really the trumpet of Phoenix Feather, it means that there is a more concealed hidden scene in this red name village."

Da Fei said, "Know, soldiers, they are not opponents of foreign names. Just let them keep the warehouse."

"Okay, I'll give them Fei Ge's instructions in the chat group right away."

Then Dafei replied to Bu Feiyan again: "Beautiful girl. I just woke up, I meant one word. Rob! But those of our union will not count on it."

After a while, Feifei replied, "Fei brother is awake, our president also has the same meaning. In fact, our major guilds have already negotiated and prepared. As long as the foreign red name takes up the mine, we will immediately dispatch them to drown them. . "

It's a drowning, a rare goddess can be so domineering. Dafei laughed: "Okay, the domestic affairs depend on you."

Bu Feiyan laughed: "Feige's national war is hard. Of course, we in China can't let foreign countries look down."

Da Fei laughed: "The goddess worked hard all night and wasn't happy to take a rest? It would be bad if a acne appeared on her face."

Bu Feiyan said in shock: "It really scared me, okay, Fei brother is slowly busy."

In the end, Da Fei directly responded to Xuewei Qiqi: "I see, I'll contact other guilds, you can take care of it yourself."

After explaining the message, the blood eagle also approached the enemy, and looked at all the red hordes of red horns.

Dafei couldn't laugh or cry, which was too ridiculous? It ’s all standard cannon fodder. There is n’t even an air-to-air unit. The only bright spot is the self-explosive stunt of the Horned Devil. The problem is okay. Let them explode. The conventional troops are also cannon fodder, so it will be a big resurrection after the war.

Just then, Hilthe, who withdrew the ship, hurried over.

Just here! Dafei beckoned quickly: "Hirce, do you know who the enemy is?"

Hirsey hurried forward: "Master, there are two possibilities. One is the troops that come to occupy this bat lair or the mushroom forest. This kind of troops is particularly weak and the master does not need to be attentive. The other is quite troublesome. It may be that my purebred elder brother Hemilon has appeared. He is the heir of the Lord of the Shadow City recognized by the Demon King. He is good at flesh tracing and has the ability to find us. His even more special feature is the demon sacrifice. That is, once the war starts, he can sacrifice the tens of thousands of troops he led and gather the power of 10,000 people. At that moment, he is a demon! And the low-level troops such as horned demon are usually his food. "

Devil? If he hadn't reminded him that he still had a big loss? Da Fei was startled and said, "What do you think is the first case or the second?"

Hirce said Shen: "In the current tense situation, the owner of the Shadow City is unlikely to have the mood to occupy the resources in the wild, most likely it is the second case, I do not recommend that the host confront him! "

Da Fei frowned, and asked, "Tamilia, how is our demolition progressing?"

Tamillah shook her head: "The blood pool that can accommodate this level 17 Batman Battalion is still not excavated, and the mushroom forest is still two-thirds in progress."

It seems that the progress of the brother during the whole hours of sleep is not great! Da Fei asked again, "Can the current Saint Vine passenger and cargo space accommodate the ground troops led by Delil?"

"Yes, during this period we consumed half of the obsidian and made enough space!"

Also, it seems that yesterday ’s sailing training information did not include the information of the arms dealer, which is a sign of dissatisfaction with the cabin.

Da Fei immediately changed his tactics: "Let Zavala's Emerald Dragon troops all withdraw to the Bat Cave, immediately teleport the Sky Boat, withdraw all our ground troops back to the ship, and then back to this Bat Cave, we will use this Bat The hole's dominant terrain is decisive against the opponent! "

Hilzezan said: "Master is wise!" (To be continued)

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