God Rank Hero

Chapter 1344: Demon Trial Copy Key

When Da Fei came to the gun cabin, he was immediately stunned by the misery in front of him!

A **** burnt hole! Underneath the big hole, it was like a glass floor to see the ore and troops piled up in the passenger and cargo space downstairs. How do you describe this explosion? Is this the rhythm that directly blasts out the built-in copy space?

At this moment, the three elders who regained their human form were sitting on the "glass floor" and panting, "Warrior"

Dafei hurriedly jumped out of Dadong and stepped forward to concern: "Three elders, how is the injury?"

The elder sighed: "A bit heavy!"

"This is stuffy! It's a big loss!"

Dafei asked, "What is suffocation?"

The elder gasped, "If it was a normal wooden boat, the power of the explosion would directly lift off the walls and spread out. At that time, the impact we rushed would be much smaller. But the warrior is too strong, and the power of the explosion cannot go out. Then it's all focused on us. "

"Warriors can be understood directly as popping popcorn!"

Grandma! Da Fei held back a sip of water and almost laughed!

Just then, Tamilia appeared: "But if the boat is not strong enough to fuse the keel, such an implosion is enough to blow the boat in two!"

Da Fei's heart pumped: "Yeah, I can't think this guy is so powerful."

The elder shook his head and sighed: "Warrior, we really can't help you fight directly in the future, otherwise there is no strength to protect the Bacchus enchantment. The warrior also saw that it is precisely because we are afraid of the threat of Bacchus, there is no way to use it Any demon-level powerhouse can directly teleport into the cabin to blow popcorn! There are many demon-level powerhouses. But there is one warrior ship, so the warriors know what to do in the future? "

Da Fei's heart tightened: "Three elders, rest assured, I will be very careful. Three elders go to the hotel to rest and heal first."

The elder shook his head: "We don't care. We can still recover while maintaining the wine pool, and the Warriors can clean up."

Dafei busy said: "I see!"

At this point, rows of system prompts appeared on the screen:

System Tip: Your subhero Serbia uses the sea soul battle to draw the horned spirit!

this is? Da Fei immediately returned to the deck. Sure enough, he saw Serbia waving the red sea spirit battle on the deck, and the blood pool was filled with countless red star debris, which were like a vortex constantly flowing towards the sea soul battle. Although I don't know what's going on, most of it is related to this demon god's big move of "collecting the power of ten thousand people".

Dafei was satisfied: "Very good. It's not nothing!"

Serbia nodded: "These low-level demon souls are not very useful for the sea soul battle. I suggest collecting them to nourish Nasil's soul eater. What does the captain think?"

You play better than me! Da Fei clapped his hands and laughed: "Okay, let Nasir make the beetle with the absorbed soul power as soon as possible. The reason why we were attacked here was because our production progress could not keep up!"

"I see, Captain!"

Da Fei shouted to Tamilla again: "Don't leave the broken cabin. Continue to work!"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

Then Da Fei found that Hirce was standing behind him respectfully. Yes, you come here every so often! I have something to ask!

Da Fei sighed: "Hilsey, if not for the three elders, we will be finished. Your elder brother is very strong?"

Hirce bowed hurriedly: "Master, I am very sorry, and underestimated the strength of this heir! As the heir of the city owner, he really has some invisible power."

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "It seems that he also said that he underestimated us before he exploded. That means he could be stronger?"

Hirsey hurriedly said: "One of the devil's nature is arrogance, and he will indeed underestimate his opponents inadvertently, but after this self-explosion. He will be a long time, if not underestimated, he will be stronger in the recent period. Can't get up. "

Da Fei remembered the incident again and took out the only trophy in the battle: "Look, what is this demon king's trial crystal stone?"

Demon Trial Crystal Stone: Special Item. The key to a special trial scene.

Hirce took a look at the crystal and suddenly suddenly said: "It is indeed the heir of the city owner. He is qualified to open the trial space door and the master, which is literally. As long as the master uses it, he can enter the Demon King to test the warrior. Trial space, there are several super difficult mythical trial space, including 'Minotaur Labyrinth', 'Pandora's Box', 'Eye of Medusa', etc. The degrees are myth level, s level, a level, b level, level, and the level of completion is different, the rewards are different, but "

Hearing Dafei here suddenly realized that it was a high-end hidden copy key! However, the difference is that this key can open multiple copies, and it seems that the permanent key can be opened non-stop. This is indeed not a concept of ordinary one-time copy keys obtained through honor exchange and treasure hunting.

Da Fei asked, "But what?"

At this point, Hirsey shook his head and sighed, "But even if the master passes the trial, he cannot get a full reward, because this is a trial place dedicated to the warriors of the **** tribe. Even if it is an s-level customs clearance, the loot of the place itself is usually It will not be very high. The main reward can only be obtained from the demon king. The owner is indeed a human warrior. This, perhaps, the owner can consider trading it to the **** camp. "

Dafei was shocked on the spot! No, brother's only booty isn't even for his own use? Who in the world is eligible to trade with Brother?

Da Fei Broken asked extremely: "Hell warriors are for exclusive use? That is to say, each of the warriors of other races has its own trial place?"

Hilce nodded: "Of course, but presumably only generals and king-level big men can post such trial missions. It should not be difficult to see these big men take the trial mission based on the master's achievements. Right These trial tasks have one thing in common. Once a warrior or a team of warriors has completed a trial, other warriors will not be able to test for a long time. Therefore, these trials are to compete. . "

Dafei sighed, "I see."

A copy of this kind of thing, Da Fei really played less, Da Fei's goal has always been the sea of ​​stars. Forget it, study the copy later when you are bored.

Hilser asked again, "What else is wrong with the master? If there is no problem, continue to demolish the barracks."

Da Fei nodded: "Well, go, hurry up."

"Yes, master!"

Now, Da Fei's entire army is busy again, and Da Fei is touched by another war. To be honest, this battle is not a win. From the complete destruction of the gun cabin, it can only be regarded as a fierce victory. The so-called time and place and its advantages do not have much advantage. Can cope with being.

In the final analysis, I am too greedy, staying in one place for too long, and violate the guerrilla principle of shooting one place for another. The reason why I stayed for a long time was because my worker beetles did not form a scale, and it took time to develop and accumulate. As long as I passed the development period, I went where the migratory locusts did not grow.

Now there are more than a thousand evil demon, the beetle is about to make a big wave again, and the development period is almost going to end. This situation will never happen again.

At this time, Da Fei had no sleepiness, and after waiting for nothing, he began to look at this trial stone. In other words, this thing can only be sold back to the hemorrhoid brother? However, this is a copy played by players in Japan. Can it be used in China?

When Dafei was bored, he tried to use it.

The system prompts: You used the "Devil's Trial Key" and opened a series of trial copy scenes. Please select the scene you will enter:

1: Pandora's Box: Mythical copy. It has been cleared by the Japanese player "Fatoshi-chan" team at the s level, and the next time the replica is reset is 17 days, 3 hours and 36 minutes.

2: Minotau Maze: Mythical copy. It has been cleared by the Japanese player "Ministry of Hattori" team at the s level. The next copy reset time is 15 days, 7 hours and 21 minutes.

3: Eye of Medusa: Mythical copy. It has been cleared by the Japanese player "Fatoshi Shogun" team s level ...

4: End Seraph: S-level copy. The s-level customs clearance by the Japanese player "Fatoshi Shogun" team ...

5: Holy Light Prayer Church: s-class copy. The s-level customs clearance by the Japanese player "Fatoshi Shogun" team ...

Dafei jaw dropped!

What the hell! All are cleared by Japanese players, all of which are copies of half a month to one week. How can I sell it? And they are all s-class customs clearance? Is this too simple or is the Japanese player too strong? Are Japanese players so strong?

In short, there is nothing to see the so-called myth copy anyway, although there is no reset, it is OK to look at the copy scene, then the first one.

System prompt: You enter the copy of Pandora's Box, and the perfect copy of the current copy is rated as "Mythical". Note: The achievement of mission objectives, troop casualties, and customs clearance time will all affect customs clearance assessment.

As the scene changed, Da Fei appeared among a cloud of foggy collapsed black forest. Obviously, this is the scene of the players in Japan after the battle, but it has not been refreshed before the replica reset time.

Da Fei looked at the system prompting a brow. Mythical rating? The Japanese area is just s-class assessment, right? What did they miss? Or is it that the injuries are too long and take too long to cause an impact assessment? If it's the former, maybe I can still find out?

When Da Fei thought so, a golden light flashed on Da Fei's radar:

The system prompts: The **** detector has found a **** in the current space, and the target is nearby!

Dafei could not help but ecstatic, and then exulted! This is Makar's Detective Detector, and it really made Brother leak! Wa hahaha! Very good, since the copy of the s-class clearance is not high, let me see myth-level drop!

(Note: For the scene of Japan's attack on the copy of Pandora's Box, see Chapter 883 "Advancing Cancer", Chapter 885 "Doom of Japan")

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