God Rank Hero

Chapter 1345: Pandora

When the Spirit Detector showed the position of the target on the radar, Da Fei ecstatically flew all the way. Perhaps it used to be a sinister copy scene, but after being cleared by Japanese players, there was no threat at all.

Finally, Da Fei came to an empty square with scorched earth, and there was a light white mist-like light ball floating above the square. Needless to say, this is the soul.

Unlike the Raven Ansu, which was discovered with the Spirit Detector at the beginning, the Raven Ansu stared at it for a long time before finding it. This need not be found directly. From Dafei's experience, as long as the player can find God, then the minimum chat is not a problem.

Then say hello first! Dafei beckoned: "Hello, I see you. Can you hear me? Can you see me?"

A feminine voice emanated from the ball of light: "Mortal, can you find me?"

female? goddess! ? I like it the most! In a name reminiscent of this copy, Da Fei chicken blurted out: "Is it Pandora?"

The female voice said with excitement: "I am Pandora. Vulcan was given life from clay by beauty, Venus was given beauty and charm, and Hermes was given speech skills. Named by the King of the Gods Zeus, pan means 'all', and dora means 'all gifts'. The meaning of my name is 'women with all talents'. I am a gift warrior dedicated to mankind by you. You conquer It's me! It's your gift! "

As soon as the voice fell, the ball of light in the sky was white and scattered. In the white awns in front of Da Fei, a pleasant system prompt sounded:

System prompt: Congratulations! You successfully conquered Pandora, followed by mythical tradable hero Pandora, and you got the artifact "Pandora's Box"!

Pandora's Box: Artifact, Pandora's destiny soul boarding box. Opening the magic box can summon 108 magic stars. Summoning once consumes a lot of player experience. Trading this artifact can transform Pandora's ownership.

System prompt: Congratulations! You have successfully completed the mythical copy of the "Pandora's Box", gaining experience + 10 million, and you have obtained a "mythical rating" for the clearance of the copy. A copy of Pandora's Box is officially complete. Will the results of the assessment be announced in the world? (Note: World Announcement will increase world reputation by 10,000 points and **** camp's reputation by 100,000 points.)


Jin Guang was scattered, and Da Fei's eyes suddenly stood in a white robe wearing a wreath. The figure is indeed a faint undulating image of the ancient Greek priestess!

Is this Pandora? Is it just a sentence? At this moment, Dafei was stunned and incredible!

At this moment, Pandora laughed softly: "Master, I and other heroes are fundamentally different, and I can trade as a gift. Because the meaning of my existence is the gift given by the gods to mankind, I do not necessarily belong to a certain person , So if the host is tired of Pandora, the host can give me away as a gift. "

Da Fei was shocked again, and hurriedly checked the system information. Tradeable hero, I heard it for the first time!

The so-called hero is the highest divine existence among mortals, so as long as it is a hero. Even the random heroes from the tavern are temperamental and individual, and cannot be resold at will like reselling arms and trading goods. If the player is dissatisfied with a low-level co-hero, there is only one way to fire severance. As for the experience and time spent by players in developing heroes, they can only be recognized.

And now, a tradable beauty hero is standing in front of herself! Da Fei's heart is full of turbulence, which should be worth hundreds of millions? I'm talking about dollars!

and many more! Isn't it alive? Dafei asked, "How do you look like this? What about your body?"

Pandora laughed: "Sorry, Master, now I have no body. This is a mirror image of my soul. I need to continuously absorb the Master's experience to get the body. By then I have the heroic ability. I have a full set Master-level conventional hero skills and sub-skills, I am competent for any post, and I will definitely be the best subordinate of the master! Yes, once I defeat and die. My soul will return to my magic box, please the master to carefully keep my Magic box! "

That's it! This is the same as the original Renoir was defeated as a hero ghost, as for the box that lives with the soul of the destiny is similar to the existence of the lamp **** witch!

Dafei was shocked and turned on Pandora's attribute skills. At present, all attributes are 0. Well, there is no body. Then there are skills. Sure enough, all kinds of master offensive and defensive leadership, archery, luck, architecture, accounting, light magic, dark magic, arcane magic, everything! With so many skills, God knows how many professions to combine?

Worthy of being a "woman with all talents"! It is indeed a mythical hero. This is to make my brother's harem pink and white colorless!

Just then, Pandora said again, "Master, you are in a strange state now!"

Da Fei came back to God: "What's strange?"

Pandora said positively: "Master, your time seems to have stopped, no matter how much experience you have gained, you cannot upgrade, which also means that I cannot upgrade and I can not serve the master.

Dafei was shocked, lying down! Did she see it all? Dafei hurriedly asked, "So how do you say to lift this state?"

Pandora shook her head and smiled: "Although the gods gave me everything, the only goddess of wisdom, Athena, refused to give me wisdom, so I couldn't answer this question from the master."

Dafei exclaimed, "Why Athena refuses to give you wisdom?"

Pandora shook her head and smiled: "If a perfect woman like me has wisdom again, what kind of existence would it be?"

What the hell! A world of evil spirits!

Dafei sighed: "I see, even goddesses will be jealous of you."

What should we do now? I ca n’t upgrade, and I do n’t have wisdom. Wait, isn't it? Go back to the book and go to the cram school!

While thinking about it, Pandora asked again, "Master, is there any doubt? If there is no doubt Pandora asks for a rest, this will save Pandora's soul energy."

Isn't it? This requires shouting, and even reading is impossible! How can you increase your wisdom?

Da Fei had to sigh: "Okay, no doubt, you rest!"

Pandora laughed: "By the owner, you just need to put the magic box on your body, and Pandora during the rest can learn from experience. Then, the master will meet again!"

After the magic box flashed, Pandora's figure disappeared.

Holding the magic box in his hand, Da Fei mixed thoughts. Honestly, this leak detection is too easy, so Da Fei is completely unprepared. How to train this Pandora really makes Da Fei temporarily difficult. Pandora has no wisdom, that is, she cannot be as clever as Alicia. I really want her to understand the master or to combine her career to make it more difficult.

That is to say, although her appearance is extremely amazing, it is still impossible to really crush the brother's characteristic harem. It can only be a deputy, at least until the master-level skills are developed. Say that the biggest feature of this Pandora is that you can trade and summon 108 magic stars, right? If it can be traded, why is it that the egg hurts, and the trumpet training is not enough?

At this moment, Dafei's mobile phone message ringtone sounded again. Needless to say, this is Xiaoli!

Dafei brows, yes! For Xiaoli! I sent it back directly with Dengshen Space! Wait, why is she texting in the middle of the night?

Dafei hurriedly took off his helmet and checked the text message: "Brother, I just woke up to pick up Xiaofang's class, and then I know that something has happened in Hongming Village, do you know?"

Hey, what's the middle of the night? Dafei replied: "I see. There are major guilds supporting it."

"Okay, just fine."

Da Fei replied: "By the way, my brother gave you an artifact gift, don't say anything. When I first send a letter to Thain, I will contact you, and then go to Thain to get it."

"Okay! I finally have an artifact, so I'll wait for the news from my brother."

"Okay, wait for Brother to come online."

That's it. Dafei puts on his helmet, and then he remembers the prompt of "Will the evaluation results be announced in the world?"

There is nothing to say. Anyway, the record of perfect myth clearance will overwrite the performance of Japanese players, which cannot be hidden, then the whole world will announce that you are furious! By the way, to deter those foreigners who acted on his brother in Hongming Village. (To be continued.)

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