God Rank Hero

Chapter 1348: It turned out to be a god-level drawing

When Da Fei's mythical assessment shocked the world, the big brothers of the major Chinese guilds in the team chat room were equally calm.

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "Even the trial copy from Hell can't stop Dafei. Don't you idle the trial copy of the emperor on our side?"

Shenhuang sighed: "Looking at the human race players in China, no one is qualified to see the emperor, let alone to receive a copy of the emperor. However, Dafei may be an exception."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Then I will ask Qiqi to ask if I can ask Dafei to take us to make a copy."

The hegemon of the royal family laughed: "Okay! This kind of thing is best said by beautiful women, we are one of the royal family!"

The ancient star sighed: "With the reputation of Da Fei in the elf kingdom, it is not impossible for him to receive the trial copy of the elf king across the tribe. At that time, I will also ask the goddess to ask for it. This kind of thing is indeed a beauty. Make."

Ma Yinglong said depressedly: "Hemp, we can't find beauty in our guild—nothing—wrong—female! Otherwise, Xuewei, some beautiful women come to our side to practice undead? Send ready-made senior numbers?"

Xue Wei's stunner laughed and said, "Boss Ma, your undead is fine!"

The ancient stars laughed: "Boss Ma, Da Fei is a person who can even receive copies of the **** race. What are you panic about, based on your friendship, even if he doesn't take us, he can't take you."

Ma Yinglong shook his head: "In fact, I think there is still a problem. The light scene of the trial copy of the emperor is thousands of horses. The strength of the copy monster is at least several times or even ten times that of the same type monster outside. When the copy was designed, It is based on the minimum requirements of the guild team. The difficulty can never be achieved by one player. Da Fei has only one person in Japan. And it is still difficult to pass the myth. Under normal circumstances, is it absolutely impossible? "

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "The whole world is guessing, let's not guess, let Qiqi ask."

The big brothers laughed: "Yes, yes, beauties hurry up!"

So, just as Dafei's dizzy control blood eagle shuttled between countless walls, Dafei's friend's message rang again, and it was blood Weiqiqi.

Blood Weiqi Qi: "Feige, are you free now? A few guild leaders want to discuss with Feige about the trial copy of the emperor."

Although it is very empty. But being so busy is not a problem. Da Fei stopped the blood eagle and replied, "Emperor's trial copy? Human copy?"

Xuewei Qiqi: "Yes, no one in China can take on the task. It is estimated that only Fei Ge has this qualification. Everyone wants Fei Ge to take it."

Dafei exclaimed: "No? The Japanese area has finished the copy of the s-class assessment, but no one in our China area is qualified to accept it? Isn't this a big gap?"

Blood Wei Qiqi was startled: "Is this progress in Japan? Are they too amazing?"

Lying down! Although my brother is awesome, at the level of ordinary players, my Chinese area is completely crushed! Da Fei clicked on the copy key again, and popped up the row of copies of the Japanese area, and then sent the screenshot directly to Xuewei Qiqi: "Let those big guys see that there is no problem with bringing people back, but I will say it later! I'm not sure if I can see the emperor. So, the big brother is still ready for both hands. He has cultivated a character who can enter the palace. "

Xuewei Qiqi intersected with surprise: "I see, there's nothing like Fei Ge!"

At the end of the dialogue, Da Fei sighed. The big man is the country and the people. Brother can't stay out of the matter after all. And thinking of his heavy responsibility, Dafei has no interest in continuing to waste time here. After all, really speaking about game technology, he may not be better than the professional players in Japan. What they have n’t found, they just rely on When a blood eagle walks around and looks at flowers, what kind of name can you see?

Just quit and see the next copy.

When Da Fei was about to withdraw from the copy, Da Fei suddenly remembered something. Under normal circumstances, players will have a copy prompt when entering the copy, right? In particular, it is impossible for such a difficult copy of the king-level trial to be unnoticed. The copy of Pandora is the golden light of the Spirit Detector as soon as he enters the scene. He did not expect this when he completed the task directly. So since this copy may not have God, the copy reminder must be there. Where is the copy reminder? Of course it's at the door?

Da Fei returned to the magnificent palace door of the labyrinth. Sure enough, a line of text was engraved beside the door pillar:

Minotaur Labyrinth: Ordered by Milos, the son of Zeus, the great king of Crete, and completed by the most famous Greek artisan. This maze is used to hold Minor Talos, the son of King Milos cursed by the sea god, and only real heroes can defeat it.

Dafei frowned! Is this a copy prompt? The "sculptor" in this line of text is particularly dazzling. This is a nick that has been rubbed away by people's names! This is obviously a drama. Is the name of this master craftsman the key to completing the myth?

When Dafei was excited, he immediately searched for the legend of the Minotaur maze on the Internet, and soon found it. The maze was designed and built by the famous Greek architect Daedalus. The nephew, who killed his nephew, fled to Crete and went to King Milos. In order to repay the protection of King Milos, he built the maze with all his strength.

Then, then there is no more.

Da Fei is at a loss again, what's the use of knowing his name? What's the significance of cross-cutting his name in this copy? In other words, such eye-catching scratches must have been noticed by Japanese players, and they must have checked them, right? None of them found clues. Could he be more clever than them?

I have to say that although Da Fei despise Japanese players, but he really has to be more talented, Da Fei still knows how much he has.

For a time, Da Fei was again in a dilemma. Da Fei is 100% sure that the key to breaking the game is this weird scratch. The clue is right in front of me, and there is really nothing I can do about it. give up? Not willing! Think about it, think again! It must be a brain teaser!

Is it a cloze in an English test? As long as I fill in his name, a miracle will happen? Lying down! How to fill it? This is a game, is it good without this setting?

When Da Fei repeatedly stroked the scratch and thought, the scratch suddenly flashed white!

System prompt: Your master Jianbao family found hidden organs! You get the information of Grand Master Jianbao Family!

Lying down! It was an institution! It turns out that the way to break the game is so superficial!

Da Fei was stroking again under the ecstasy, but the white light was fleeting, and no matter how he touched it, it was not reflected! As a master of treasure hunting for many times, Dafei certainly knew that the disappearance of white light was the time when the treasure was passed, and the treasure was no longer a treasure. Just like collecting mushroom robes, they cannot be collected when the sky flash disappears.

After the flash, half a character has been faintly exposed on the scratch, and it appears! It turned out that Jianbao's role was to restore his name. So what else can we say about this situation?

The system prompts: You use the lucky hand "God of luck" ...

With the rise of a rainbow light, Da Fei's eyes flashed white again!

System prompt: Your master Jianbao family found hidden organs! You get the information of Grand Master Jianbao Family!

At this moment, the golden light on the scratch had faintly displayed the full name, and it was indeed Daedalus!

The next moment, a brick suddenly bounced off the wall!

Wa hahaha! Dafei picked up the brick in ecstasy, and then saw a large line engraved on the brick:

The warrior who can find my last words: I am Daedalus, the builder of the Minotaur maze, but I am not the designer. The designer is my talented nephew. I was afraid that I would be replaced by him as the first master craftsman, so I killed him and took his design achievements as my own. I built this maze for King Milos according to the drawings, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not reach the level of design on the drawings. I know this is a defective maze. Such a maze cannot stop the true hero. The day of my death must be the time of my bereavement. This is the price I will pay for my greed and vanity.

However, the drawings of my nephew are indeed real works of God and should not be left alone. Go to Minotaur prison in the center of the maze. However, it is more difficult to find it than it is to find my last stone. This is a real test of the true brave.


After reading this line of text, Dafei was shocked on the spot! I strangled it. It turned out to be a god-level drawing! So you have to go for a treasure hunt? According to his hint, the current master-level Jianbao family is definitely not enough, at least it must be rushed to the grandmaster level! (To be continued ...)

Chapter 1348 turned out to be a god-level drawing:

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