God Rank Hero

Chapter 1349: Occupy failure

When Da Fei was still pondering the countermeasures in the Minotaur maze, the EU red-named players made a major breakthrough in the mine outside the Hongmin Village: As more than a dozen EU fishing players came out, they crowded in the hole. A group of two spider spiders violently burst out, and then two clusters of red starbursts flew out of their corpses and flew into the village. This situation is exactly the same as that of the spider spider who killed the door.

Although I don't know what happened to these three clusters, but there is no doubt that the killing of Ms. Spider must have some kind of task connection with the village.

For a time, the EU red-name players cheered, and the EU United Team chat room commanded behind the scenes was applause.

But it's not over, only the last spider lady is left, but it doesn't matter, there are still dozens of fishing players' big moves, and there are a lot of fresh force cannon fodder outside the mine. It is only a matter of time to kill it. And there are so many waves ss in a hole, which further strengthens the confidence that there is a mine in the hole!

Finally, with another big wave of the main fishing force, the last spider lady fell.

"Oh!" All the players burst into cheers.

Prince George even urgently ordered: "Keep going!"

"Go forward!" In the cheers of the passage, the red light at the end of the passage is in front of everyone!

"It's the light of crystal !!!"

"Absolutely correct!"

The players in the audience cheered, the EU United Team chat room was thunderous!

Lancelot came back from ecstasy for the first time: "Prince, Chinese players will never sit by our actions, I believe that it won't be long before they will enter Hongming Village on a large scale and grab our mine. The real war starts now. "

Prince George smiled lightly: "This is Hongming Village. Even Dafei here is at most equal to the strength of three main fishing forces, but we have other close to 30 main fishing forces. If Chinese players are willing We talk to us under the circumstances, and we welcome! "

Gao Wen also echoed: "Yes, not to mention we also have a large number of famous players. If the Chinese guild sends first-line main players. Then they have to bear the huge risk of being blown out of equipment. If it sends a large number of ordinary players, then nothing will happen. Speakable. "

Lancelot laughed: "I'll take the lead!"

Between the words, the end of the tunnel came. A red light hit everyone's eyes, and then, as expected, a huge cave made of red ore appeared!

"Rare ore!"

The players in the audience cheered and the EU United Team chat room applauded and congratulated each other.

Just then. The blood pool in the cave was boiling, and a spider lady who bathed in the whole body stood out from the blood pool!

At this moment, the cheers of the audience stopped abruptly! The EU team headquarters was in a tumult: "What's the situation?"

Prince George immediately ordered: "Only one, focus on fire to destroy it!"

"Yes, private r!"

The siege begins. In this spacious cave, the player's firepower can be fully deployed. Even if the main fishing forces have no big moves, they still have enough firepower.

But within five seconds of the start of the battle, two madame spiders landed in the boiling blood pool at the same time! A total of three!

There was an uproar in the audience: "Oh buy Karma!"

The main fishing forces immediately recognized the situation. Run immediately without waiting for the headquarters command, while running and shouting: "We have no big tricks, please give us a pad and cover us for retreat!"

"Oh shoes !!!!" In the scream of the audience, the three spiders started to charge like three tanks!

At this moment, players can no longer resist the attack and harvest of these three fresh army waves ss, countless deaths rise in white light!

The next moment, the soldiers and others left behind in Hongming Village saw the spectacular landing of the stars again!

At this moment, Yi Jiandong could not help but joy: "I saw an acquaintance, Super Mario!"

The soldier laughed, "I saw two more! No. It's three!"

Da Liu exclaimed: "Football, the red name of fishing is dead. I am afraid that the energy value of fishing will be lost?"

The soldier laughed: "It's so exciting and exciting! Come on, let's say hello!"

Amidst the laughter of the members of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce, Mario and three other fishermen went back to the pond, grabbed their fishing rods, and sat down fishing.

The soldier asked with a smile: "Mario. How could you be such a master?"

Mario breathed out: "It was blocked by the **** in front, so there was no time to escape."

The soldier smiled, then said lightly: "Although there are a lot of mines, it is not so easy to deal with the wave ss that keeps mines. It is not worthwhile for us fishing if we die once."

Mario cut out: "I don't care anyway, I won't be dispatching until my big move is restored. Let them find a way to take mine ..."

Really mine! Mario is the talker, but the soldiers are actually inquirers. The soldiers don't know if there are any mines in them. As a result, such a set of words really come out!

The next moment, the soldiers immediately switched out of the game and contacted Baihuasha in the offline chat room: "Beauty, go and report to Fei, the EU has really found a mine, but the mining failed!"

"Got it!"


At this time, Da Fei touched the bricks and accepted the results of the leak. In short, wait for the master Jianbao family to come. Anyway, just collecting mushroom robes can improve the experience of the master Jianbao. It should be fine a few times.

Da Fei withdrew from the copy and returned to the ship. At this moment, Dafei saw two rows of system messages:

System prompt: Your Lilim barracks successfully recruited 2 Lilim souls!

System prompt: Your Lilim barracks successfully recruited 1 Lilim soul!

Dafei was shocked and recruited three at the same time? Hongming Village is the rhythm to be fried! At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friends rang, it was killing flowers.

Hundred flowers kill: "Feige, the soldiers reported the latest situation. The European Union has found a mine in the mine in Hongming Village, but the loss was large and the mining failed. At least 4 main fishing players have hung up. This is Screenshots from the soldiers, please ask Fei brother to indicate the next step. "

Looking at this screenshot of the resurrection point in the square is like a group of players resurrecting screenshots of falling stars, Dafei was shocked! How big is this?

Dafei came back to God and was surprised and laughed. He said yes to the big brothers to deal with, what's the matter? Da Fei replied: "Just keep watching, right, when you're fine, ask the village chief Elda to see if there will be a mission."

"Got it."

Da Fei added: "By the way, to let the soldiers find a way to spread the news, they said that there are more than one mine, and there are mines in some wave ss holes."

Bai Huasha said, "What does Fei mean?"

Of course, let them kill Lilim more and expand Lilim's legion for his brother! Dafei laughed: "Of course they continue to consume their strength. By the way, let them explore for us."

Hundred flowers laughed and laughed: "It's worthy of flying brother!

I pulled it out. I was embarrassed to talk to others even though I had done something even worse! At the end of the conversation, Dafei decided to recruit the three Lilim souls, but before that he had to refine the Serbian Soul Battle. But now Serbia is busy eating soul beetle, and then it has to wait.

However, it is impossible to wait, the next leak, the eye of Medusa!

System prompt: You enter the copy of Eye of Medusa, and the perfect copy of the current copy is rated as "Mythical".

As the scene changed, Da Fei entered an underground cave that was soaked with dark and wet water.

System Tip: You are currently in a water warfare environment, your navigator ’s extreme survival is working, you and your army ’s vitality is increased by 50%, your ultimate sea monster hunter ’s achievements are acting, and you and your army ’s vitality is increased by 20% .

Looking at the water under his feet drowning to his knees, Da Fei was surprised and laughed. This is brother's home again? So how sorry?

With the experience of the previous copy, Da Fei started to look up and down, left, right, and left to look around for a copy prompt. However, there is no place for the bird to write a sign to remind the player that the bird does not **** in the hole of the black goo. It seems that the reason why mythology is sometimes mythical is that it does not give players hints at all.

Then there is nothing to say, let the bleeding hawk light up and go all the way. (To be continued.)

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