God Rank Hero

Chapter 1352: Duplicate Sniper Operation

While Da Fei was overwhelmed by how to conquer Medusa, the Mitsubishi team was struggling to invigorate and continue to struggle for the legend of One Night City. However, the news of the failure of Hongming Village in the European Union still cast a shadow on Mitsubishi's team members' already bad mood.

The right and left of the gun felt uncomfortable: "Captain, I feel very uneasy. What is Dafei doing now?"

Tsukamoto frowned. "What do you mean?"

The right of the gun was Shen said: "I was thinking, since Da Fei can enter the copy of Pandora, does not rule out the possibility that he can enter other copies?"

Tsukamoto frowned: "The devil is not a servant of his house, why can he keep writing copies for him?"

The right and left of the gun frowned: "I think about it, I don't think it can be a copy of the demon to Dafei. Ordinary **** players can't see the devil, let alone a human player, I think Dafei may be underground. Encounter the demon-class hermit! "

Tsukamoto was startled and startled: "Hermit-class hermit ?! Will such a hermit exist?"

The gun shook his head right and left: "I don't know! But we should consider the worst case scenario!"

Tsukamoto suddenly realized: "Honda Jun, please go to the Demon Hall again, this time to apply for a copy!"

"Hi Yi!"

Tsukamoto's thoughts were immediately clear and added: "Direct suicide died and returned to the city! Yamada-kun, you also commit suicide to return to the city. Honda-kun enters the copy of Minotau Maze, and Yamada-kun enters the copy of Eye of Medusa!"

"Hi Yi!"

Now the two main players are moving quickly. Tsukamoto's thinking is also becoming clearer: "I think we may find a way to kill Dafei!"

The right and left of the gun instantly understood: "Yeah! If Dafei really can enter these two copies freely, then he will never miss this opportunity to plunder the fruits of our victory. We can ambush him in the copy!"

Tsukamoto frowned. "Perhaps, we should consider continuing to ask the American team to come and help."

Everyone was surprised: "Can the American team enter the copy of our **** tribe?"

Tsukamoto said, "Lords? Didn't you see what kind of account the US team is up to now?"

Sliding head Shen Shen said: "It is said that at the earliest period when the game was just starting to make a frame, and the earliest period of China Unicom's smart host, developers in the United States still use the traditional game's gm account to enter the game to test.

Everyone was surprised: "Senior? You mean, the account of the US team may be the oldest gm account?"

Slippery head shook his head and said, "This is just a trace of rumors circulating in the upper levels of the industry in the early days. I dare not confirm. Zhujun, don't ask more."

Tsukamoto frowned: "We will know when we go, and I believe that the US team will never miss this chance of killing Da Fei. As long as Da Fei dies once, you can imagine how much he can explode. equipment!"

Just as the crowd spoke, the two players both entered the copy, and then entered Honda's eyes as a torch in the Mino Tao maze. Suddenly an anomaly was found on the door wall: "What is this?"

The members of the team suddenly looked at the big screen, and suddenly saw that a brick was missing on the wall! That's right, for these Japanese main players, they have not been studying the gate for a short time when they cleared this copy, and the slight changes in the gate cannot escape everyone's attention!

Then the next moment, Honda approaching before exclaimed, "The scratches on the name of the master craftsman have words on it!"

The whole team was stunned: "It's a big fly!"

Tsukamoto's surprise intersection: "Contact the US team immediately! Report our situation to the past."

"Hi Yi!"

The right of the gun excitedly said: "Should our team members also send in an ambush?"

Tsukamoto thought about it immediately. "Our team members are ready! If the American team can't play, we have to rely on ourselves. If the American team is willing to play, their temper will not require us to play."


At this moment, is the Mitsubishi team waiting for a response from the American team. Silent in a heated and amazed discussion. Excitingly, the chance of revenge has finally arrived. Amazingly, how did Dafei change the scratches of the original Mitsubishi Best? What does this missing piece of brick mean?

but. No matter what it means, as long as the progress of the copy is not captured by Dafei, the Mitsubishi team has a chance! Maybe, this will instead become an opportunity for Mitsubishi to capture the achievements of Dafei. Hunters and prey can change their identities with each other.

At the same time, Yamada-kun, who was searched in the eyes of another copy of Medusa, was also continuously reporting progress: "No abnormalities were found!"

"Nothing found!"


It is taken for granted that the copy of Medusa is not abnormal. For the difficulty of this copy of Medusa, the Mitsubishi players can be regarded as unforgettable. Even if the Mitsubishi team did not hesitate to sacrifice. Use the method of petrifying the human wall to advance all the way to Medusa, but once it is close to Medusa, the probability of Medusa's petrification is even higher.

However, the Mitsubishi team has a doom knight! Under the absolute doom that the Knights of Doom lasted for one month at that time, the petrochemical chance of Medusa was reduced to the minimum. This is the secret of Mitsubishi's s-class clearance. It can be said that without the Knight of Doom, the Mitsubishi team could hardly imagine how to play this copy. Perhaps you can only wait until you reach level 70, and that will be a year or two later.

However, the dead Medusa turned into a statue, and was no longer affected by luck. The absolute doom of the knight of doom was helpless. The Mitsubishi team did everything they could to step forward to explore the body. As a last resort, the team searched every corner of the cave and did not find any entrances with hidden scenes. Had to stop at the mythological level close at hand.

As Tsukamoto felt his past, Yamada suddenly exclaimed: "Anomaly found!"

The members of the team trembled, and hurriedly looked towards the big screen. There was suddenly a stone statue of a human player standing on tiptoes to watch Medusa's human statue. The shocking and magical expression of the stone statue solidified into eternity !!

"It's Dafei!"

At this moment, all the Mitsubishi team members laughed and laughed: "It turned out that the big fly in the legend is nothing like this!"

Tsukamoto even laughed wildly: "You know how good the copy of Medusa is, right? Take a screenshot of Dafei's statue and send it to the American team!"

"Hi Yi!"

Tsukamoto's fists are extremely exciting: "Dafei's frustration in the copy of Medusa will definitely try to attack the maze copy. Perhaps he is now in the maze, and the map of the maze has been explored by us long ago. No way to escape! "

At this moment, the team members reported with surprise: "Report the captain, the US team agreed to dispatch!"

Succeeded! The entire Mitsubishi headquarters cheered.

Tsukamoto did smile sneerly: "It seems that this American team is indeed a gm account."

Sliding his head Shen Shen said: "Don't pay attention to these details, even if you know something, you must pretend not to know, otherwise it will be very serious."

"Hi Yi, the predecessor makes sense."

Yamada-kun asked again, "Captain, will I continue to monitor or retreat from this copy of Medusa? If I monitor here, in case Da Fei is unwilling to appear again, I am not his opponent, I am afraid it will only Do the grass and snakes affect the ambush of the maze? "

Tsukamoto frowned, wondering for a moment when he couldn't make up his mind for a while, then asked the slippery god, "Senior, what do you mean?"

Hey, it's the new captain, after all, it won't work without me! "I think Yamada's worry is justified. This copy of Medusa was designed by the Greek copywriting team in the European Union. Zhujun should note that the actual difficulty of this copy is actually more difficult than Pandora's." Is it a box? This should be a real god-level difficulty. It cannot be ruled out that after our Japanese development team robbed Pandora's box of production rights, their revenge greatly increased the difficulty. "

Tsukamoto nodded: "Yes, this Medusa's eye is completely rude to suppress the player, making any technology and team configuration of the player meaningless. This is really a poor work in the European Union."

Sliding his head nodded: "So, we have to be confident in this copy. This is definitely not what Da Fei can handle. We should not alarm him, so as not to waste the layout of the US team. This is the most important thing."

"I see, Yamada-kun withdraws from the copy."

"Hi Yi!" (To be continued)

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