God Rank Hero

Chapter 1353: The original strategy is hidden here

While Mitsubishi was busy calculating Da Fei, Da Fei had summoned all the deputy heroes and followers of Serbia, except the busy one, to meet in the tavern. Facing questions from Da Fei, the beauties were silent!

What the hell! I didn't believe it, was the system deliberately not letting him get tips from npc?

Da Fei had to name Elina first: "Elina, should you have seen Medusa underground? Have you any way?"

Elena shook her head and sighed: "My lord, the medusas we have seen are very ordinary medusas, and the medusas we saw in the trial scene with adults are definitely not a concept."

Da Fei Egg said painfully: "There is always something similar in nature?"

Elina sighed: "Quantitative change causes qualitative change. There is no doubt that the Medusa encountered by adults is powerful enough to tear up space, and even the existence of hiding in ectopic planes cannot be spared, and the closer it is to Medusa , The higher the chance of petrification, this is almost a solutionless existence. Perhaps, only adults can resist after becoming a god. "

Wait for me to become a god? How confident are you in your brother? Well, I'm confident!

Da Fei had to ask Alicia: "Miss Deputy City Lord, what do you think?" You are the fiercest and smartest in this group of beauties!

Alicia sighed: "I have never met Medusa, and in the attitude of being responsible for the Lord, I do not provide any advice."

Da Fei shook his head and sighed, it was over, it was gone!

Katerina did say, "Medusho should be a kind of Siren? Remember the dozen or so old Siren who led us to Siren Ice Singer."

What the hell! Know you are fierce, but do n’t interrupt! Dafei didn't feel good. "Is there anything you can do about Caterina?"

Katerina said lightly: "For the pirates, the enemies who can't be beaten won't fight. My solution is ... Captain, you know!"

Dafei took a sip of water! You can do it, you have to fry all the eggs!

Just then, Katerina added: "Captain, are you sure that the mythical goal of this trial is to cut off her head. Not her treasure?"

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "This is a cave with nothing, where is her treasure?"

With that said, Da Fei suddenly stunned! Yes, there is no hint in this copy. Didn't say it must be to cut her head? Will she have a treasure? this moment. Da Fei faintly felt like he had overlooked something?

What did you ignore? They are also mythical copies. But compared to the vastness of Pandora's Box and the magnificence of Minotau's labyrinth, this copy of Medusa is just a passage leading to a large hole. That is to say, this copy is likely to have hidden scenes? So, where is the entrance to the hidden scene?

In the water! ?

In such an instant, the big flying light flashed! Yeah, water! As soon as I enter the copy, there is water flooded into the knee! It's easiest to hide things in the water. Then look again. If it doesn't work, then you can only wait to become a god.

Dafei dismissed the crowd: "Everyone has worked hard, let's do it for everyone!"

So Da Fei entered the copy again and appeared again in knee-deep water. And this time, Da Fei, who has a new attention point, immediately made a new discovery, that is, the slowly flowing water in the channel under the foot! Where does this water come from? Of course from the Medusa Cave! Where does the water in the cave come from? Of course it is hidden from the scene!

Da Fei was excited to enter the stone cave again and began to look more closely at the source of the water flow. After searching around the bottom of the water, Da Fei was helpless to discover that these water flows were collected from the water droplets on the wet stone wall. No hidden entrance was found at all. If there is a hidden scene, it can only be the space outside the cave. Is there such a space?

At this moment, Da Fei had no choice but to sigh. In other words, Japanese players can think of the idea of ​​finding hidden scenes, right? Although it turns out that they ca n’t find it, it does n’t mean they ca n’t find it, but today ’s lucky trick has been used, so they have to wait for another day, and by the way bring the Jianbao family to the guru. Anyway, this copy has a reset time of more than ten days in real time, so there is no need to worry.

But it's not right. This is a copy of the Japanese area. I will definitely return to China after more than ten days. Who can guarantee that I can enter this copy after returning to China? Are the servers disconnected?

No, think about it, where is it that you didn't expect?

Brother is now a god-level reconnaissance, god-level lucky, plus sentry, Jianbao family, and the intangible artifact of the dragon eye ring upgrade, brother's treasure hunting ability should be a few years ahead of the game, even the name Scratches can be recovered. This is already the peak of the god-level treasure hunt. If you can't find this state, it must be gone. Otherwise, how do other players pass? If you can't find the trick in the configuration of the brother, then isn't the brother a level of teasing Japanese players? What's the use of brother ahead?

Da Fei once again sat in the water and meditated. Not just to break the game, but to prove that you are smarter than Japanese players! As the world's No. 1 master, Dafei does not allow others to say that he is an outbreak household who rolls out snowballs with good luck at the beginning. Even if others do not say, his self-esteem cannot accept his failure.

The flowing water was passing slowly and quietly, and the time passed unknowingly in Da Fei's thoughts. Where the **** did you think? water! Absolutely related to water! This water is not only used to enhance the combat effectiveness of Medusa.

and many more! It seems that I only pay attention to where the water comes from, and it seems that I have never thought about where the water will go from? Of course the water flows to the entrance to the replica? Of course, where did you appear in the copy? And the starting point of the entrance is not the blind spot that the player most easily overlooks?

With the last line of anticipation, Dafei suddenly got up and ran to the entrance of the copy. Then Da Fei came to the place where he entered the copy, and then moved on!

Under normal circumstances, the copy is a limited space, and at the edge of the copy, an invisible "air wall" will be encountered and cannot continue to move forward.

Soon after Dafei walked away for more than ten steps, he encountered this air wall and couldn't move forward. Here is the edge of the copy. The entrance of the copy is usually also on the edge of the copy. The scene here is no different from where it appears.

However, Dafei ’s last hope is here, Dafei is on the stone wall on both sides. Fumble around the bottom of the flowing water, no! Still nothing.

Summon the bleeding hawk, and I won't believe it!

In five minutes and ten minutes, Da Fei has touched all the stone walls and the bottom of the water for a dozen meters nearby. Still nothing was found. Dafei couldn't help but scold! If a copy must be designed to let the player become a **** to clear the level, it is not impossible, but please do not categorize it into the "trial copy", players have become gods and try a fart?

give up? No!

There must be a trick! There must be hidden scenes! As a mythological copy, this scene is too small to completely match the mythical! Isn't the entrance to the hidden scene not at the entrance of the copy or in the stone cave, but at the middle of the passage? Can't he be a brother and feel the way? This is not a high-end idea. There are many Japanese players. I guess Japanese players have touched it, right?

At this moment, an unprecedented frustration came to Da Fei's mind. Dafei reluctantly set his sights on the deep channel again. At the end of the channel, the two rubies were still shining, as if malicious mocking of Dafei, the world's first player.

If there is a strategy, how good it is! At this moment, Da Fei couldn't help but think back to the killing of playing games at that time, as long as the pk was enough. When encountering a copy of the high difficulty, it was when he reached out to the party to check the website. Those pioneering high-end players will pave the way for themselves.

In other words, these mythological copies are adapted from mythological stories. Should we get inspiration from myths?

With the final hope that Da Fei no longer holds any hope, Da Fei started to check the myth of Medusa online. Maybe during the hang-up of searching for information by yourself, did your game character sincerely find the target in a flash of light?

Soon, Da Fei found the story of how Pegasus Perseus killed Medusa. Perseus borrowed four treasures from God, which can be used for flying escape shoes, which can be used to Stealth of assassination of Medusa, a leather bag that can hold Medusa's head, a sword that can beheaded Medusa's head

and many more! Dafei frowned, invisibility? Isn't stealth ineffective for Medusa? The blood eagle in stealth was almost petrified as proof

Not right! Stealth? Ectopic plane? Suddenly, Da Fei faintly felt that he had missed something very important!

An unexplainable inspiration gave Da Fei a faint glimmer of hope, and Da Fei rushed to the stone cave door again with the blood eagle!

stop! When approaching the entrance of the cave, Dafei suddenly found something wrong!

What's wrong? The wall of people seen by the players in the Japanese area seen from the main field of vision and the wall of the invisible plane from the perspective of the stealth blood eagle are so different! The rows of people's walls in the main field of view are neat and tidy, while the walls of people seen from the blood eagle's perspective seem a bit untidy

Dafei hurriedly switched to the blood eagle perspective to compare them one by one. So for a moment, Dafei was overjoyed!

Found! There is a portrait behind the wall of the blood eagle perspective!

This portrait can not be seen in the main field of vision of Dafei, because this portrait is on the ectopic plane! And the costume of this portrait is obviously not a **** player, but a human npc warrior!

Dafei shivered with excitement and couldn't regret it. The original answer was hidden in the ectopic plane! It turns out that the hidden scenes that you can't find yourself must be hidden by the player! In fact, you can find it long ago. As a result, the blood eagle flew all the way!

Lying down! Lying down!

The next moment, the blood hawk flew down, and the stone statue in this ectopic plane exploded! In Dafei's astonished eyes, several glittering treasures appeared on the ground!

What the hell! If it weren't for the mythological treasure used by the mythical brother to eat three pounds! Dafei was so excited to step forward to pick up!

System prompt: You get the quest artifact "Pack of the Invisible Cloak Beheading Sword Warrior"! (This quest artifact can only be used in a copy of the Eye of Medusa)

Grandma! A big spit of hematuria spurted out! Sure enough, it is necessary to use super artifact "mission items" that Tu Shen does not discuss! What a **** myth copy, it turns out that this pee! Haha, wow hahaha!

Da Fei Fangtian laughed and couldn't help crying! This kind of meditation, hundreds of turns, and finally looked back at the feeling of sour indeed in the lingering lights! !! !!

There is nothing to say about the task artifact. Dafei opened the Warrior's package, which contained a book "Warrior Diary".

Is this the copy prompt? Da Fei turned and looked at:

The legendary evil demon Medusa has appeared again, and it is said that she has the power to petrify all living things, and only a real hero can defeat him. I prayed sincerely in the Temple of God. I obtained the weapon that Perseus defeated Medusa in the mythological age. The cloak of cloaks allowed me to minimize the influence of Medusa's gaze. The beheaded sword allowed me to cut off her head. The last thing left is whether I am a real hero! I will prove myself!

Dafei exhaled deeply. He died halfway in stealth, showing how powerful Medusa was when he was alive. However, there is nothing to say about the dead Medusa. If you are unsure about this kind of thing, then swallow yourself!

Da Fei put on the task cape, and rushed to Medusa with a mission sword in his hand. (To be continued.)

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