God Rank Hero

Chapter 1362: Underwater construction

Da Fei responded to Xuewei Qiqi: "I just woke up and watched all the video messages. If I ca n’t, I just have to look down on it. It's as if everyone added bricks and tiles to build the city together."

Xue Weiqi replied immediately: "Feige is here, but the EU has also robbed mines. Will this rob Fei's dominance of the city?"

cut! I have never heard of someone who can mine into a mine boss. The harder they dig, the fatter the brother will earn! Da Fei perfunctoryly said: "It will depend on when I can return to China to deal with it. I believe that the competition in Hongming Village before the opening of the new world will not be fruitful."

Xuewei Qiqi asked again, "What do you think of Fei Ge about this big v? He is now fishing very fiercely, and he says he is here to challenge Fe Ge."

Da Fei replied: "I'll know when I can't see it when I hit? Okay, I'll go to breakfast first, I'll talk about it later."

"I see, Fei is slowly busy!"

After the conversation, Da Fei's heart was burning! Challenge? ? ? I accept! He announced that he only wanted to make fun, and that brother only thought about it.

As for now, of course, it's just what you should do when preparing for each other.

Dafei came to the center village to check the progress of fertilization. At this point, the center village is busy again. The high blood stone pillar built by Hilthe beside the blood pool suddenly attracted Da Fei's attention.

Dafei stepped forward curiously and asked, "Hirce, is this Batman Battalion? Is it different from what I see?"

Hirce respectfully said: "Master, the construction of the barracks requires not only drawings and materials, but also environmental requirements. The central space of the adult has a dark energy atmosphere. But there is no ceiling. The Battalion barracks must be suspended above the blood pool. Or, it must be in a suspended state, so stone pillars are built to achieve this suspended state. The higher the suspended height, the more conducive to the barracks' production capacity. This will also place higher requirements on the construction workers, but, The master's workers are all flying demons. This is a perfect candidate for high-altitude operations, and no construction machinery is needed. I am convinced by the strong heart of the master! "

Da Fei couldn't help it: "So it is, but your barracks are not over the blood pool, but beside the blood pool. Is this okay?"

Hilser exclaimed: "It is indeed the master, and immediately sees the key to the problem. The barracks are built next to the blood pool, which is difficult to be fully nourished by the transpiration of blood. Of course, it is not possible. However, Miss Tamilla can complete the work After the time is drawn, the blood pool can be relocated again, or the blood pool can be further widened, so that the barracks can be moved to the middle of the blood pool in disguise. "

Dafei frowned. "Isn't that strenuous?"

Hirce nodded: "But Miss Tamilla is very supportive of my work."

Dafei frowned again. Do you always feel wrong? Lying down, it's not just wrong. Is it very contrary and okay?

Dafei asked quickly: "Why not build directly at the Blood Pond Center."

Hilsey was surprised: "Master, there is water, how do we work underwater?"

What the hell! Are you right? Dafei didn't feel good: "We can build a stone pillar in the blood pond when the blood pond is just finished and there is no water, and then wait for the stone pillar to be filled with blood!"

Hilser said sternly: "But, master, our blood pool was dug by Miss Tamilla while the evil demon workers brought blood and water from the blood pools of the other 6 low-level Batman battalions. There is water in the blood pool from beginning to end! "

Da Fei's chin dropped to the ground. It turned out that Brother's head was caught by the door! However, my brother has no choice. The time is so tight. I don't know how much attention is paid to the construction of the Battalion Battalion. How can we wait until the blood pool is completely completed and wait for the construction of the barracks to be officially transported? However, in the final analysis, it is still careless and incomplete.

No, Xiangxiang pulled by himself must be cleaned by himself! Such a painful engineering method must be corrected.

Dafei frowned: "That is, the crux of the problem is the inability to work underwater?"

Hirce nodded: "Of course, although the owner has a Kraken unit, they have no production skills."

This is not right! I have 3 Lilims who are idle all day, and 44 gunners who have been destroyed and unemployed. This is not the opportunity to find something to train the troops by the way!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "It doesn't matter if you don't have production skills, but I have master-level construction skills, and I can still start!"

Hilser was startled: "But master, this will seriously affect the quality of the barracks. If you make up for the quality later, it will cause additional material consumption, and bloodstone is a very rare material!"

Dafei frowned! Indeed, this is a problem. Generally speaking, troops with production skills are level 0 soldiers that cannot be recruited, and those production arms that can be recruited are rare existences that are difficult for ordinary players to obtain. So under normal circumstances, players can only rely on their own construction skills when going out to occupy the land to build a city, and send ordinary troops to forcibly start the endurance limit and performance that are much lower than normal tofu projects.

Only when the villages and towns are fully operational and can produce 0-level soldiers can they be slowly compensated by maintenance. And the resource consumption of this repair is not lower than when it was built.

Da Fei asked, "How many barracks are you planning to build?"

Hirsey frowned: "In the current pattern of the central village, I am afraid that only one can be built, and one blood pool can only nourish one barracks."

Da Fei asked again, "Can we build a barracks from the materials we demolished from the 7 barracks?"

Hirce nodded: "Of course it is enough. Currently we have hoarded 436 units and have used 75 units."

Isn't that enough? Dafei officially clapped: "Then work directly in the water, and I will talk about it later." Then I added: "I work in person! I can dive with sailing!"

Hilser said suddenly, "What about this half-build project?"

What are you doing? Da Fei had to sigh: "Leave it first. If it doesn't work, remove the recycled materials."

Between words, three Lilims and 44 gun emperors have been summoned to the pool of blood. Then start. Da Fei took out a drawing and entered the blood pool first. Before building a house, of course, the foundation was laid with drawings. Then the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: you enter special waters, your navigator ability comes into play ...

The joy of flying can't help but it really is that as long as you touch the water, you can trigger the navigator! This is the slimy gastrointestinal space in Sacred Vine, and the same in the blood pool! Secretly, afterwards, he was simply digging a swimming pool. Every day, he gathered a group of swimmer beauty lieutenants while taking a bath while mixing sailing training experience!

But wait, since they can mix sailing training experience, then the angel legion also called over, they will all sail! OK, their creation angel level hasn't been practiced for a long time, it is time for them to give birth.

Between thoughts, Da Fei swims to the bottom of the center of the blood pool, where Da Fei sees a blood vine like a water monster python.

Then there is nothing to say, use drawings! At this point, the system prompts a red light explosion:

System prompt: The current environment does not match the building type of the drawing. Using the drawing may fail! Once it fails, the drawings will disappear! May I use it?

Dafei was shocked. I pulled it! what's going on?

Dafei hurriedly canceled the use, then changed the bottom, clicked on the use again, the red light burst again, and the system failure warning appeared again! What is going on here? After Da Fei swam in the water, all were warning! Lying down!

Dafei was shocked and hurried ashore and asked, "Hirce, why might it fail to use drawings underwater?"

Hirce also said blankly: "This"

At this moment, the elder's laughter came from Jiuchi: "Warrior, only special buildings, such as bridges, lighthouses, and water mills, can completely successfully build foundations underwater. The general ground construction is No way. "

"That's it!" Dafei and Hirce both realized at the same time!

Even Hiller didn't know, this only showed that he was too young! Dafei hurriedly asked, "That elder, is it possible for me to build a conventional building underwater? Is it possible?"

The three elders looked at each other, and then sighed, "Who knows? Look at luck, but if you can succeed, the Warriors should get a lot of gains."

Dafei brows, what is the rhythm to gain something? Look at luck, right? I like it the most, so start a big move! Today's big move is to stay in collecting seeds to comprehend Guru Jianbao's home.

So Da Fei dived into the bottom of the center of the blood pool again, took out the drawing and took a deep breath, the big move started!

A rainbow of light rises! Use of drawings! OK to use!

The next moment, the magic light of the drawing disappeared, and then a light and shadow of the foundation appeared in front of Da Fei, and then, the blood bubble Gulong flashed and disappeared! Then the system beeps:

System prompt: Very sorry! Your current environment does not match the drawing building type, and the building failed. Your drawings disappear.

The system prompts: You get the information of Grand Architect.

System Tip: You get the information of Grand Architect hidden skill "Underwater Construction".

Da Fei took a sip on the spot!

Failed! Brother's invincible lucky hand actually failed! However, the information of the guru is actually published! I did n’t say that there was really an underwater construction!

At this moment, the light of the rainbow is still lingering on the head of Dafei! Yes, if it is combat, the lucky hand only needs to make one shot, but now it is not combat, now it only has a certain duration, just like the moment when the seed was collected!

What are you waiting for? The opportunity of the Grand Master's building technique is simply impossible to meet. I lost one and six more! carry on!

System prompt: Very sorry ...

System prompt: You get Grand Master ...

Lying down! Failure is the mother of success, continue!

When Da Fei failed 3 times in succession, the golden light flashed and the system prompts a jingle ...

(For monthly tickets, recommended tickets ...) (to be continued ...)

Chapter 1362 Underwater Construction:

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