God Rank Hero

Chapter 1363: Grand Master Building

System prompt: You have successfully used the architectural drawings of the 8th-level "Shadow Bat" barracks, and the building has begun construction. The current construction progress is 0/100.

System prompt: Congratulations! You successfully built a high-end building in a mismatched underwater environment, and you successfully learned the master-level construction skill "underwater construction"! You have successfully grasped the master-level building technique! Your wisdom +2!

Underwater construction: You can increase the efficiency of workers or troops constructing buildings underwater, while increasing the physical strength of troops or workers by 10%, and increase the attack speed of underwater speed by 10%. (Learning requirements: Grand Architectural, Grand Master Sailing)

System Tip: Your follower Citizen Hilser has gained the experience of Grand Architect.


Succeeded! In the case of invincible luck, I still sacrificed 3 drawings of the 8th barracks to rush out an architectural master!

At this moment, Da Fei's excitement can only be described by winning the lottery! Although Da Fei has never been in this life, if he really got it, it would be like this. Because this guru was completely unprepared, Da Fei never even thought of challenging the guru-level construction technique!

From the player experience at the time of the public test, we can know that the management skills of the lord department are the most boring, tedious, and the most difficult to rush to the master. Direct promotion, for example, the skills of the Grand Armed Forces that plagued Dafei.

Now Dafei is successful! Invincible luck, god-level navigation, many high-end architectural drawings, and of course, as much as 20 o'clock, I have not seen any useful wisdom, so I have never built it myself. Players who have passed a building instantly understand the Architect! Any player will never think that a building technique can even be related to sailing! It is impossible to imagine how intricate the combination of various skills in this game is!

And watching this newly realized "underwater construction". Dafei is even more pleasantly surprised. 10% faster physical speed? Who would have thought that a building skill could also help combat so much?

Just as Dafei was ecstatically intoxicated, Hilser's voice came from the shore: "Master? Master ?!"

Dafei just woke up, yes! It's time to start! In other words, my brother's comprehension this time also made him feel a little bit of light. Do you know how powerful he is?

A big fly floated to the surface. A big hand waved: "Shipping materials. Start!"

"Received!" So, Lilim Artillery Angels who had been waiting for a long time on the shore jumped into the water holding stones and bricks.

At this time, Hirce said with excitement, "It is indeed the host, and the success of the host has benefited me a lot! I will learn from the host with all my strength!"

At the same time, the applause of the three elders also came from Jiuchi: "Warrior, you are doing miracles anytime, anywhere! Come on!"

Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! What I want is this cool. What I want is this effect! Especially under the circumstances of being challenged to be able to comprehend a guru. This feels more comfortable.

Now, all Dafei has to do is soak in the water and watch the troops build. The mastery of architectural mastery reminds Dafei of the blueprint in the maze again. Say it should be a god-level drawing? From the copy reminder, the master level should be usable, but it is just a defective product?

But there is still a question, where will the labyrinth be built after I get that kind of drawing? Built for airborne on board? Not so big, right? It is a battle of such a big maze, not to mention the city of light on the boat. It seems that Lighthouse City doesn't have such a large site? Or to build a city in the new world and build it in the new world? It doesn't work either. Brother wants to find the tears of the goddess all over the world, how can there be time for business? And I was so jealous that if I dared to build a city in the New World, how many countries would come to attack day and night?

Maybe it's only built on board? The space on the boat is small now, but it will not be allowed to grow into the world tree space in the future.

As Dafei contemplates planning for the future, his friend's message rang again, and he smiled again.

Yan Yan smiled: "Feige, the members of the guild found a very strange thing. It has been more than half an hour since this big v came fishing, and more than 30 people did not catch a fish, but big v There are always fish on the hook. Hao brother asks Fei brother what to do next? "

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Such awesome? Has this big v moved anything?"

Yan Ran sighed with a smile: "Although he knows that he has moved his hands and feet, this kind of thing is not reasonable?"

What the hell! This kind of thing is still used for instructions? Da Fei quickly said badly: "Then he won't be able to catch it! Let's go to the pool to take a bath, swim, and make the battle bigger."

Yan Ran couldn't help but laugh: "Yes! Yes, now, there are a lot of royals in Hongming Village who come to look for opportunities to trouble the trumpet, why let them do this kind of thing?"

Da Feile was happy: "Okay, find someone to tell them."

"Got it."

After the conversation, Da Fei grinned and sneered again and again! Fight with brother? I'll show you where the lower limit is!

Just then, the system prompts again:

System Tip: You have sailed for more than 4 days, you and your team heroes have gained an additional experience of "nautical training" of the god-level navigator skills +860,000, your team gains additional growth potential! Your fluid mechanics skills have gained you the notes of air navigation! Your co-hero Serif's covenant angel, Elefier, has gained the “fluid mechanics” experience, and your follower hero Zavala has the “fluid mechanics” experience. You get information on "Mushroom Breeding".

System prompt: Congratulations! Your co-hero Elina understands the "intermediate mushroom breeding" skill.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your leader, the Shadow Witch Unit "Shiva", has learned the "Elementary Mushroom Breeding" skill! Shiva gains growth, +10 attack, +10 defense, +5 damage, +200 health, +50 mana, and +10 physical strength.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your 1 leader-level **** girl army "Lea" has learned the "primary mushroom breeding" skills! Leah gains growth, +5 attack, +5 defense, +2 damage, +100 health, and +10 physical strength.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your leader, the Shadow Scout "Theron", has learned the "primary mushroom breeding" skills! Theron gains growth, +5 attack, +2 defense, +2 damage, +100 health, and +10 physical strength.

Dafei suddenly burst into joy and laughed! Really let the troops realize that mushroom breeding! And comprehension is not for purpose, but for growth. This is the same reason as the original angel studies that seem to be irrelevant to sailing. Now these leading soldiers who seem to have the highest IQ have realized it. Will everyone else be far behind?

Sure enough, Elena had already come over and smiled: "Sir, we have lived up to your expectations, and the army has successfully realized mushroom breeding. I believe that as we continue to operate the mushroom garden, there will be more and more The troops realized it. "

Da Fei laughed and said, "Okay, keep working hard, and don't miss out on these businesses that can dig soil and fertilize in the future!"

That ’s right, I ’m not digging soil, I ’m not growing mushrooms, I ’m cultivating talents! Wow ha ha ha ... (to be continued.)

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