God Rank Hero

Chapter 1364: Secrets of the fishing pond

By the fishing pond in Hongming Village.

Dav still took the trouble to answer the questions from reporters from many countries, some of which were asked by previous reporters, but later reporters didn't know, and then asked.

For example, a Russian journalist asked: "Mr. Da, you always say that you want to find something interesting to do. Is your current game very boring?"

Da v shook his head and sighed: "How could it be interesting?"

The reporter was puzzled: "You have such a powerful game account, and you should be able to get a gaming experience far beyond ordinary players. How can it not be fun?"

Da v sighed and said, "It's because the account is too strong, no matter what it is so easy to do, so there is no sense of expectation, there is really no fun at all."

The reporters were in an uproar. The soldiers and others on the side listened under the gritted teeth and scolded: "Pretend Nima"

Then a reporter asked, "Isn't Mr. Da then slaughtering God? Is it so easy to slaughter God? After all, Dafei has defeated the god-level strongman many times and issued an announcement in the world."

Da v haha ​​laughed: "Ah, I do n’t have a big ship and a cannon. I do n’t dare to slaughter God, so I am wrong. Let me correct my words. Except for God Slaughter, there is nothing interesting. But , God-level strong is too powerful, and the challenge should be meaningless. "

The reporter asked again: "But God can obtain artifacts. This should be exciting and interesting."

Da v shook his head: "The method to obtain the artifact is not the only one."

The reporter asked, "How many artifacts does Mr. Da have?"

Da v shook his head and smiled, "If I said, I don't have any of them, would you believe?"

There was an uproar: "How is that possible?"

Da v laughed and said, "How is that impossible? That way, even if I lose, there won't be any pressure."

The crowd was stunned, so a reporter asked with a smile: "It is said that Da Fei is an artifact, that is, if Mr. Da v defeats Da Fei, Da Fei's artifact can be revealed. If Da Fei defeats you, you still No loss? "

Da v coughed: "I still have a great loss, that is honor, that is something more precious than life ~~~"

The reporters laughed. Yijian Donglai is directly facing the big v of reporters in various countries rather than showing the middle finger: "Feige who wants to win an artifact without wearing equipment, daydreaming"

Just then. Someone in the middle of the square shouted in unison: "Reporter mm came here, the performance here is wonderful"

Everyone looked back, and saw dozens of players from the Chinese Royal Guild who had taken off their bodies with only one piece of trousers and rushed over, and then they all jumped out of the pond like the following dumplings

The audience was uproar. Even Da V's face flashed a strange color

But soon, the physical strength of all the royal players who were floating in the pond quickly fell short, and then Gulongkulong burst into a few bubbles, and then flashed white, drowning.

The crowd did not understand what was going on. There was another cheer from the resurrection point in the square. "Reporter mm came over and we are back"

At this time, everyone finally realized that they couldn't help laughing and asked, "Mr. v, what do you do now?"

Da v really did not care about it and laughed: "It's very interesting performance, very interesting"


At this time, the Chinese team league chat room, watching a crowd of royal trumpet performances, all the big brothers could not help laughing.

The Emperor smiled: "Let's see how the world-famous big v still fishes"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "I said Ba Hao, if you are going to spend with the big v to the end. Then arrange a schedule and arrange multiple batches of uninterrupted turns diving, so that big v can't catch a fish."

The royal overlord felt the scenery and laughed, "Yeah, but this ranking is still you professional masters to help arrange?"

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Let's arrange it, but we will all die to level 1?"

The royal overlord laughed: "Okay, it's best for beauties to arrange. Originally, they were all insignificant trumpets. All I wanted was to die to level 1. There was no pressure to die at that time."

Just then, Xue Wei's stun gun said, "Beauty is online"

beauty? The big brothers knew for a moment that the beauty was referring to the moment. Originally, the big brothers have been very dissatisfied with the fact that Fanghua never played videos or even used voice-changing software. Even her gender was questionable. However, it seems from Dafei that this moment may come from related departments, and the big brothers no longer have objections. In short, no matter who she is. As long as what is done in the game is in everyone's interest.

The Emperor smiled and said, "It's 8 o'clock, and it's time to act. Today we will take this beautiful woman to try this desert ruins."

Gu Xingchen nodded: "Well, the difficulty of this wasteland is quite a test for our second-line players."

The Emperor smiled: "As long as the land reclamation is successful, the second line may be the first line."

The royal overlord laughed: "Good work, I'll show you the ship. When your land reclamation is successful, I will support you from all aspects."

Ma Yinglong sighed with a smile: "I really envy you Bright Alliances. You can shoot a shot in the west and a shot in the west. Life is really colorful."

The big brothers laughed: "Boss Ma wants to say we don't have a plan."


At this point, Xiaofang, who did not wake up after washing, eating and drinking Lazarus, took Xiaoli's class.

Xiaoli stretched her back and reminded: "By the way, something bad happened in Hongming Village last night. The angel village chief drove out a mining truck. Many people thought it was yours, and the European Union also made it clear that they had to deal with the big problem. Flying, the atmosphere is very intense. So I personally recommend that, in such a sensitive period, Xiaofang, a student of the National Security Bureau, do n’t say anything, and do n’t answer anything. By the way, the time ruins wasteland group has gathered, feel relieved. Heart confuse, I went to sleep. "

Xiaofang groaned half-heartedly: "Wife, what minecart do you say?"

Xiaoli also went straight to the bedroom and stumbled, "I can't sleep, anyway, you just say nothing."

Xiaofang was completely stunned: "Well, let me be sober ..."


At the same time, the v state of shock also shocked the EU team chat room.

Prince George, who was always following the scene, couldn't help but ask, "Mr. V, do we need to send some people to surround the fishing pond?"

Da v laughed: "No, no, no, I seem to find something very interesting."

The Prince frowned, "Mr. Da's time is so precious. How can these trumpet interference be wasted?"

Da v laughed: "I just asked Mario a moment ago. According to him, no one seems to have jumped into the pool, because the deaths in Hongming Village will be out of gear. No red name is willing to try, now there are more These Chinese trumpeters help me to try it out. It's better. By the way, I would like to ask His Excellency the Prince to send some counting team members to help me video record the status of these dead and resurrected Chinese players. "

The prince was surprised: "Did Mr. V think there is something wrong with this water?"

Da v nodded: "There is no doubt that this is the only water source that can be found on the ground in the entire exile. Its problem is the biggest at a glance. All mysteries should be able to be solved from this fishing pond. According to me Preliminary tests, the density of the water below 10 meters in this fishing pond has become very viscous. If there is a diver, perhaps the source of this pool may be found? "

The prince was suddenly surprised: "I see, it is indeed Mr. Da v that is right. Can I ask Mr. Da v how to test below 10 meters, and how to prevent other Chinese players from catching fish?"

Big v haha ​​laughed: "It is nothing more than a quiet call to a water ghost to trouble them underwater. But my water ghost is inconvenient to enter below 10 meters, so I can only preliminary judge the water condition of 10 meters."

At this moment, the entire headquarters was in awe.

Da v laughed: "Do you think things are so simple after knowing the truth?"

The prince said positively: "Of course, the water ghost who cannot be called by Mr. v must not be an ordinary creature."

Da v smiled with a smile: "It's really not ordinary. This is a very high-level Soul River demon. The grade should not be under the angel defender compiled by Da Fei. In order to recruit this demon, I killed most of the elite undead troops . Of course, it is not necessarily how strong this water demon is, but it does prove that the water battle of the undead is not possible. However, all the efforts are worth it. Its existence can make up for the water war of the undead. So, in the future, Whether on land or at sea, and of course in the sky, I believe I will not fall into the wind in the face of a big fly. "

The EU team chat room is booming

The captain of Sweden was startled and stunned: "Big v, you didn't tell us all this"

The prince was also shocked: "Mr. Da, is there such a problem that you have made such an important secret public?"

Big v haha ​​laughed: "This is just one of my hole cards. I just want everyone to have confidence in me, and at the same time we want to truly unite us in the EU. Of course, we know what the water ghosts are all about. Leave the trouble to others. "

The prince immediately applauded: "It is indeed Mr. Da v. Your strength is the cornerstone of our unity."

Da v laughed: "No, no, no, it is the Prince's leadership that is the cornerstone of our unity."

For a while the entire EU team chat room was touting each other with applause.

Then, in applause and touting, the red team members of the European Union also cleared the field to cover the mine cart of Angel Village Mayor Elda to the destination mine.

"Warriors, cover me for mining." As Elda shouted, the cloth of the mysterious minecart was opened by her, and a black metal sci-fi giant drill "tank" appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the laughter and laughter of the EU team chat room came to an abrupt end, and all the players were astonished: "Are we not in the wrong game?"

Prince George rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "This is the mining cart that the Chinese female lord brought in? How did she get this high technology?"

Gao Wen Shen chanted: "Dear Prince, don't forget, this moment Fanghua is also a mysterious figure of the relevant department in the rumor."

"So it is"

Big V couldn't help but look heavy: "This game has finally become interesting and challenging ..." To be continued.


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