God Rank Hero

Chapter 1368: Fire Demon Lilim

It is 9:30 am Beijing time. The boat in the sky went along the road in the direction of the Fire Cave City. Under the blood reconnaissance of the eagle, Da Fei has found more than thirty Japanese players who track themselves in all directions. Of course, I just saw a few players who were killed by spiders in the ground. It seems that it is not easy to track down such things.

The reason why Da Fei is in the direction of the Fire Cave City, rather than directly toward the Lamiya Village, is to do his tricks. Otherwise, go straight to Lamia Village. Japanese players will definitely wonder how they knew there was a village there?

Then, of course, is to find an opportunity to turn or turn back to Lamia village. There are many opportunities for this. Japanese players who just grab a scout can show their doubts.

Now, the boat of the sky has passed the periphery of Lamia village, and Da Fei began to plan to catch people!

Just then, the system clanged:

System prompt: Your Lilim barracks successfully recruited 4 Lilim souls, please pay attention to check.

Da Fei was so pleased that there were 4 more! Counting the previous nine, brother is now 13! Well, students in the European Union have worked hard!

Dafei immediately instructed Serbia: "Serbia, you can refine the Lilim soul of Lilim barracks."

Serbia reminded: "Captain, there are already 9 of my sea soul battles. If you continue to draw souls, it will affect the current refining speed."

Da Fei patted his head and laughed: "This way, OK, then wait until the 9 refinements of this batch are completed."

Serbia continued: "Captain, now our deep-sea cryolite can't meet so many Lilim's manufacture."

Yeah, the deep-sea cryolite that Brother bought from Siren only totaled more than 100 units, which is really not enough. But it doesn't matter, Lilim is originally a unit that can be freely compounded and can be replaced with other materials. At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered the mountainous amethyst magic diamonds on the ship: "Then how about we use amethyst magic diamonds to replace the deep sea cryolite? One is the material of ice hell, the other is the material of the Arctic deep sea. The performance should be similar Right? "

Serbia shook her head: "This should ask Miss Hilda. However, I personally suggest that our current opponents are mostly lava fire demons, or should not be made of ice-based materials."

Dafei suddenly wakes up. that's true! These ice and fire attributes are incompatible with each other, and it is difficult to say who exactly is who. Once you encounter the fire of the demon god, it must be the bubble that is directly evaporated without taking it!

There is also a problem. Although Lilim, an ice character, is a water monster, there is a kind of "water" that Lilim cannot enter. That is the "river water" of the lava river! At this moment, Da Fei thought of the horror of the Yanhe River monster on Yanhe River.

That's right, the conventional Siren Marine has already existed. Brother is the Siren who can go down the lava river! Once I can get down the lava river, nothing in Hell's Abyss! It seems that this material must be a **** crystal of the fire attribute? At this moment, Da Fei was impatient with his own ideas and couldn't wait.

"Okay, I'll ask Hilda right away!"

As a result, Da Fei came to the tavern again: "Miss Hilda, I want to ask how can I make Lilim that can go down the lava river?"

Hilda chuckled: "Is the Lord Lord going to make the Limail?"

What a sorrow Lilim, this name brother likes! Da Fei laughed and said, "That's almost what it means. In the **** environment, only the fire demon is mixed."

Hilda nodded: "It's actually very simple to make Yanmao. Ordinary crystal can be used. But to make high-end Yanmao who can stand up to Lilim's identity, the material requirements are quite high ... ... "

Having said that, Hilda frowned: "Perhaps, there is a top-level material that is best for Lilim! And, this material just happens to be available for adults!"

Dafei frowned; "What material?"

Hilda said positively: "Of course, it is the bloodstone of the‘ ancient demon ’found by the Lord of the City in exile!”

Dafei exclaimed, "Lilith's bloodstone?"

Hilda nodded: "Yes, Lilim is a bloodline descendant of Lilith. It is the best place to use this bloodstone to make a body! If the Lord Lord obtained it, I will make it myself!"

Dafei exulted: "Okay! I immediately wrote to Elda and asked her to bring me a lot of bloodstones!"

When Da Fei was delighted with such a great discovery, the boat of the sky had passed through Lamia village unknowingly.

At this moment, the headquarters of the Mitsubishi team couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It was just passing by!"

"Dai Fei, is this going to kill Fire Cave City? How did he break through the outer boundary of Fire Cave City?"

Then immediately the team members exclaimed: "Oops! It's time to meet the diamond transport team!"

Tsukamoto said, "Can the transportation team avoid the big flight?"

The team member replied: "Report the captain. The terrain around the road is very rugged and the vehicles are difficult to avoid. And there are many monsters lurking underground!"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "I'm not afraid, I have arranged 1,000 members of the Bright League to take over the team, unless Dafei is willing to pk red name!"

Slippery God reminded: "And with the airship's load, even if he attacked our convoy, he would not be able to steal as many diamonds."

Tsukamoto Shen said: "Yoshi! Let's see how Dafei dares to treat us!"


at this time. As soon as a letter was sent to dear Elda, a large red and green light flashed out of the radar.

Then Tammelia's voice came immediately: "Report to the Lord, there are a lot of enemy and friendly forces in front!"

Da Fei frowned. What happened? Bright Alliance and Hell Corps are in a scuffle? Dafei immediately ordered: "Teleport, join the battle!"

"Roger that!"

The sky boat magic light flashed directly on the target ground. Then the next moment, Da Fei's jaw dropped: I saw the small Japanese flag everywhere, and the red and green were all Japanese players! These Japanese players are harmoniously guarding a huge convoy in the direction of the apparently Lamia village.

Tamelia's voice came again: "Is the enemy camp warrior found, may I start a war?"

Let me go! What good is it to kill them? The key is that the people who carry the cars are all players of the Bright and Bright Alliance. How does this get you started?

That's it! Dafei, who understood the Japanese player's intentions instantly, was surprised and laughed: "No more war, they are all workers in Lamia Village."

As for the following, there is nothing to say, it is time for Brother to enter the village. Dafei asked with a smile on the regional channel: "Where are you going?"

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team was in an uproar: "It really is Dafei himself!"

"Oops, Da Fei is about to discover the village!"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said, "He didn't dare to attack our convoy, and even he didn't dare to attack our village. Don't panic."

(Anyway, it ’s three more. Ask for a ticket to protect the chrysanthemum. In other words, it is better to protect the chrysanthemum than to explode the chrysanthemum. If you can explode the amount in front of me, it is better to keep the chrysanthemum, ask for a ticket ~) (To be continued.)

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