God Rank Hero

Chapter 1369: Dafei into the village

Land of Exile.

Under the suppression of Elda's pioneering role in the opening of the winged angel form, the EU team successfully penetrated the mine in the blood pool.

Looking at the bloodstone in the mine, the players cheered with excitement. Some players who had master mining skills began to rush out of the mine to try mining!

Then another exclamation sounded: "Mining has failed, but I have received information about Grand Master Mining!"

"I failed too, and I also got Grand Master information! How high-end is this mine?"

"Who succeeded in mining?"

"I do not have!"

"I do not have either!"

"But as long as you can get the master-level information, right? I dreamed of finding a mine that can be used to master the master!"

Prince George was dissatisfied: "Everyone, everyone, everybody, this is not the time for mining masters!"

"Yes, private r!"

Then the next moment, a mining machine like a rumble monster entered the mine under the cover of the players. At this moment, the players seemed to forget the battle on the front line, and all the eyes of the audience focused on this monster.

boom! With a loud sound like a flying motor, the monster's huge drill bit was activated. Between the sparks of the drill bit, the blood red spar scattered in the mine.

The system prompts: Team members get 66 unknown mysterious spar.

System prompt: Team members get 57 unknown mysterious spar.


"Wow!" The audience resounded again! The high-end ore that these players are unable to move is as fragile as chocolate in front of the machine! What a horrible future technology!

At this moment, the entire EU team chat room is mixed. Fortunately, with this machine in place, mining tasks can be completed in excess. After turning these mines over to Elda, they will be able to obtain very rare deities. Even in the city of punishment, players usually only get the merits of the city of punishment, not the gods.

Therefore, the EU team that received the Elda task immediately surrounded Hilda and prevented Chinese players from approaching.

What is worrying is that this Chinese "secret department" player called Instant Fanghua can get such a high-end machine. How did she do it? Can there be a first one, will there be a second one?

However, these are not things that should be considered now. What the EU has to do now is to mine as fast as possible and find more mines! Of course, contact the Swedish team. Let them speed up the process of transferring materials and equipment into the village.

Finally, Elda's body was smoky, and her transformation was about to disappear. She shouted again: "Warriors! Cover the minecart!"

With the order of the EU Command, more than 30 fishing players and hundreds of main players were recruited. Kill the four spider ladies who besieged Elda!

Fighting is as simple as that! I have to say that now players lack a god-like master tank like Elda. It is a pity that even the god-level master Tan has such a limited time to fight, which makes the EU players who are enjoying mining mining very uncomfortable.

However, it is also because of the unhappiness that the preciousness of these mines is more prominent!

Now that the minecart is driving out of the mine, Elda's angelic form has completely disappeared, and then the blood transpiration in the blood pool is followed by another batch of Lady Spiders. The European Union sent a cannon fodder team to blame the main force for the retreat.

Finally, when the cart completely drove out of the mine. The battle ended successfully! The applause of the EU Command was filled with cheers.

The Prince was even more excited: "Count the mines collected by each team member!"

"His Prince, there are 46 copies of 363 units!"

The entire team was amazed: "It's only been more than ten minutes since it was turned on. What a horrible efficiency!"

At this moment, Elda also walked out of the mine. She shouted, "Thank the warriors for their efforts. This is our first successful mining, but by no means the last time. When I return to the state next time, I Also please the warriors to continue to help! The feats of the divine world are calling to us, the beautiful angels are smiling at us in the distance. The gate of heaven is opening to us! "

The players laughed: "You are the most beautiful angel! We love you ~ 爱"

The prince sighed: "Including the time interval during her break, this mining efficiency is not high anyway, and we in the European Union must have their own mining machines! I wonder if the Swedish team can rest during this period Time to get a mining machine from Mage City? You don't need to be high-end to mine. "

The captain of Sweden, Viking God of War, sighed: "The things in Mage City are very difficult to obtain. The lowest grade of mining machine is a class A item, which is quite difficult to obtain. Maybe we can start with the goblins? The process of developing airships in goblins It was found that the goblin also has this technology, which is less difficult to start, and of course the quality is not reliable. However, we can get them at a discount by exchanging the technology of the city of the wizard. "

The Prince rejoiced: "Time is money. Just do it!"


When the European Union triumphantly returned, Da Fei's Sky Boat also followed the Japanese players' team "triumphantly". At this moment, it is impossible to describe the mood of the Japanese team at this time.

Finally, the majestic posture of the towering walls with high arrows and towers in Lamia Village appeared in Dafei's field of vision. At this moment, Dafei really couldn't help looking at the Japanese area! How long is this? There is no real time in a day! Brother East's City of Lights, East Head, West Head, and Sticks may not have the good looks of the city in Japan.

I have to say that destruction in Japan is an expert, and construction is also an expert! Da Fei pretended to be surprised and sent a line on the regional channel: "How is that possible? Don't tell me that you defeated the ogre!"

Just then, someone on the regional channel spoke back:

Regional Channel [Sliding Head God]: Da Fei Sang, long time no see?

Dafei could not help but hesitate. Isn't this the one who can be transformed on the 3rd battlefield? Suddenly, I really met a good person.

Dafei laughed: "It's been a long time since I've seen you! Unfortunately, I'm very sorry that you are really unlucky to meet me."

Slippery God asked: "What does Da Fei Sang want?"

Dafei laughed: "Of course it is"

The next moment, the magic light of the boat of the sky flashed directly to the sky above Lamia Village! Yes, scare them with a siege attack!

Looking at the city under the ship, there are Green Dot players in the Bright Alliance. Dafei puts a question mark on the channel: "Well?"

Slippery God smiled: "Our city is a neutral and friendly city. Does Da Fei Sang have any special ideas?"

Dafei certainly won't answer immediately. According to the script concept, at this time I should be in a state of shock and speechlessness.

But I have to say, it ’s really great! Where do so many Bright League players come from? Looking at the wood flowing down the river, Da Fei suddenly realized that the Japanese area had found a shortcut. good, very good!

Then Lamia on the high cliffs appeared!

All the searchlight columns on the sky boat focused on her instantly. At this moment, hundreds of Bright Alliance Japanese players gathered around her to form a flesh wall. Looking at the scene in front of me, Dafei was moved to cry!

Lamia said: "Welcome to the Alliance Warriors from afar. This is the village of Lamia, a neutral village. We welcome any friends to visit! We have a new dock. If the Warriors are interested in visiting, they can park on the dock."

well! As the world's most prestigious player who broke through the sky, it is normal for the village head to personally welcome him. However, wait for a while and let the brother think about the hesitant time for observation, so that it is like the first visitor, wow ha ha ha!

Then, after flying for two minutes, Da Fei deployed all the jungle hunter troops and the legendary "Besib" troops on the deck to make a full vigilant gesture, and then the Sky Boat slowly landed on the dock.

At this point, Lamia had flew to the pier waiting to be greeted, and hundreds of Bright Alliance players were wrapped around her again.

Then, of course, Da Fei personally led the team to land, and Alicia, Serbia, Katerina, and "Dearli" these world-renowned beauty heroes followed.

"Wow!" There was a commotion in the crowd.

Dafei certainly knows what they "wow"! This is the inevitable result of the appearance of Deirdre! Do n’t you doubt it now? So, Brother's foreplay is officially staged, wow ha ha ha!

So Da Fei was also shocked by the heavenly man. "Wow", he quickly walked towards Lamia, kneeling on one knee and grabbing her shiny black leather case. Then, oh! Don't get me wrong, this is the most solemn knight etiquette for human beings, only for beautiful ladies.

"Beautiful lady, do you have anything I need to do for you?"

All Japanese players booed! The slippery **** in the crowd couldn't wait for Kaiqiang to destroy Dafei immediately.

Lamia laughed: "It is a blessing to have such a strong warrior to visit. Our village has just been established and is a neutral banshee village. Regardless of safety, there is a serious lack of security in terms of materials. We need all supplies, especially strategic supplies! If the Warriors are okay, I can hardly say how good I can give the Warriors from across the region, but there is one thing that is really difficult for the Warriors to obtain elsewhere. That's the reputation of the Banshee family! "

Speaking of which, Lamia smiled charmingly: "Does the warrior know the role of the banshees?"

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot! true or false? Will she really give a reputation? That's right, when Deirdrie was trained as a hero, she rewarded the banshee's racial prestige. Is this a fake drama?

Dafei glanced back at Deirdre, pretending to be coveted: "Please tell me, Miss Lamia!"

Lamia laughed: "Of course the reputation of the Banshee will allow you to gain the favor and follow of the Banshee family, ah, the warrior already has a Banshee hero, and the warrior should understand!"

I understand! Wa hahaha!

(Hmm, the ticket can't stop) (To be continued.)

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