God Rank Hero

Chapter 1370: It turned out to be real

In the eyes of all Japanese players, Lamia gave Da Fei a list. There is no doubt that this is the list of supplies that Lamia gave the slippery god.

At this moment, Mitsubishi's headquarters was full of mixed opinions.

"It turned out that Da Fei's banshees were always around, and we were always mistaken!"

"That is, how could a player's subhero be so strong?"

The slippery God impatiently interrupted the discussion about the Banshee: "That is a defense that must be made, and we have confirmed Falina's identity through Lamia. Now we are concerned about the intention of Dafei!"

The gun right Shen Shen said: "Da Fei, as a passenger in the national war, what intentions can he have?"

Tsukamoto said coldly: "Obviously, of course, what he did in the city of punishment in the European Union!"

The team members suddenly realized: "Take away the angel hero Elda!"

Slippery head gritted his teeth and said, "Yeah, this big fly is an inferior satyr, a low-quality juice man. He will never stop pursuing beautiful women. He must have made an attempt on Lamia! Just a more beautiful existence than his banshee! "

Some players were surprised: "But Lamia is already the village head. How can a player take a leader of the power?"

Slippery Shen Shen said: "Maybe he just found out that there is not so much consideration here, but there is no doubt that his essential desire has not changed."

Tsukamoto said coldly: "It is not ruled out that he may destroy our village before leaving. He will not get it, and he will certainly not let us get it. He is now cautious and has not made up his mind to attack, but it does not mean that he is leaving I won't change my mind before! "

Slippery head gritted his teeth: "We will never let him succeed. We will send more Bright Alliance players to stay, as long as he dares to act, he must pay an unbearable price."

Just then, a fiery red spot on the big screen flew from the darkness. Then immediately the team members reported: "Falina and Grauer came over."

Slick Head's face changed: "Oops! Farina is not the leader of the power, but he may be taken away!"

As soon as the words fell, Farina Hahajia laughed and fell from the sky: "Lamia, I thought your village was about to end, I did not expect that this warrior would save you!" Speaking here. Falena threw a wink at Dafei charmingly.

"There is another banshee hero!" In the presence of the Japanese players, Dafei exclaimed exaggeratedly, and then excitedly asked Farina: "Are you? Is this all known by the beautiful lady?" "

Well, isn't this acting too exaggerated?

Fallina smiled: "Of course! I have been tracking the enemy. I have seen the heroic posture of the warriors, but they are in different camps, and I cannot help, but now, can I make friends with the warriors?"

Dafei laughed and laughed: "It's a great request. What an honor!"

The system prompts: You and Falena are promoted to be friendly!

Dafei's smile suddenly froze! Aren't you right? All the system prompts! Doesn't this act alarm the system? Brother and Deirdre's favorability is already breaking through the sky, why now suddenly pop out of a "friendly"? Is it

spy? !!

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered that he also had a spy identity: Duke William's guard "Hand of Nicholas the Forged Steel"! And the Duke said that spy status is also legal status, which is equivalent to a person's second life. That is to say, the identity of Farina is not an illusionary camouflage at all, but a spy identity that Dildely changed his name!

That's it! Dafei finally realized. If it is an illusion camouflage, Deirdre will never be able to mix in the high-level devil circle, and will definitely be seen through. But spies are different. Spy is another true self. After all. Still, I didn't know enough about Deirdre, and I just discovered such an important thing now! However, there is no way. There are too many brothers and sisters. As long as you get the hands, you ca n’t dig deeper!

When Da Fei's thoughts suddenly changed, Lamia's expression suddenly became clear after listening to the report from Valina: "It turned out that the warrior lifted the crisis in our Lamia village! To show our respect for the warriors, we will be warriors Open up the most favorable trade treatment, and also invite the warriors to become honorary villagers in our village. Will the warriors accept it? "

The system prompts: The Lamia village chief will give you the honorary title of Lamia Village. This title will gain the banshee's racial reputation by 10,000 points. The reputation bonus will increase as the level of Lamia Village rises. May I accept it?

Da Fei's eyes are staring! Alarmed the system information again? Is this definitely acting? accept!

Lamia Village Announcement: Chinese player Fei Fei successfully became an honored villager in Lamia City!

"Nani !?" The Japanese players were in awe! Isn't Da Fei dropping his chin?

Announcement! It's the same situation that Brother became an honorary citizen of Elorine that year! Where is this acting? This is all true!

Think about it, how could the system npc act? Da Fei couldn't help putting a long smile after returning from the shock. What else can I say now, brother is now a legitimate citizen who cannot be honored properly. No matter what you do, Japanese players can only watch next to you!

Well, the following is the wine transport, which can be a bit troublesome. 4700 units of wine may be just right for the large "train skin" Galen cargo ship. But for the airship, it was a bit incredible.

This is the way to do it, so many Japanese players are looking at it as much as they can use it, first shipped 1,000 units. Anyway. 1,000 units is equally incredible for airships. After all, the original Flying was a cargo hold of 1,000 units.

So Dafei laughed at Lamia: "Okay, since Miss Lamia has provided me with the best trade treatment, I'll look at your goods."

Lamia smiled at the elevator of Gao Ya and said, "Well, please come to the exchange."

Dafei laughed: "Your exchanges and warehouses are so high that it is not convenient to ship goods?"

Lamia sighed, "But it's safe, but shouldn't there be any inconveniences for the Warriors?"

Wa hahaha! Is it a galaxy universe port specially prepared for brother? As a result, Dafei waved warmly to the surrounding Japanese players, and accompanied by Lamia and Falina, laughed and boarded the escalator to the platform on the top of the high cliff.

Then Lamiya pointed to the former ogre refrigerator: "This is the exchange of our village, and VIP rooms have been built in the upper caves according to local conditions. Please come in and visit the warriors!"

Da Fei Le was happy: "Okay!" Well, VIP rooms are just for business.

Sure enough, when Dafei crowds entered a so-called VIP room with a simple decoration and no chairs, Lamia and Falina immediately showed their true colors. The two rushed over and hugged: "Master, you are finally here! Get away! You splash!"

Wa hahaha! Sure enough, it's a long time to win the wedding, can you not fight, can you let brother Erfei fly in harmony? Just when Dafei was so proud of his embrace. A strong dry cough from Serbia: "Cough!"

amount! There are underage girls here!

Da Fei had no choice but to cough up and said, "Come and talk about business."

Deirdrie immediately said, "I want to kill the Numa prison dragon! Please help me!"

Da Fei laughed and said, "No problem, I'll be on my way when I'm done!"

Lamia hurriedly said, "Master, you can't go far. Since there is already a force working against us, there will soon be other forces trying to occupy our village. I have nothing to do except the strength of the master!"

Da Fei nodded with distress at once: "Okay, don't go! Don't go now!"

Lamia laughed: "Thank you, the owner, although the basic setup of our village has been repaired, but the population is zero and there is no ability to build troops and develop. This is the most deadly problem in our village. We need to get A large population, and there is only one best way to obtain a large population, and that is to rob the slaves of Syndicate, which is also consistent with the owner's goal. What does the owner think? "

Dafei frowned, after all, he still wanted to grab, brother likes it!

Dafei asked quickly: "Does this other warrior who knows how to rob the population?"

Lamia sighed: "I can only mention this kind of thing to the master. To mention the warriors of other **** races is undoubtedly to declare war on Syndicate."

Fei Fei nodded: "No problem, it is to grab them!"

Lamia laughed: "Thank you, master!"

The system prompts: You get the village construction mission "Robbery of the Slave Population" by the village chief of Lamia Village!

Task reminder: Syndicate is the most prosperous city in slavery among underground cities and the best target. At the same time, the mission goals are not limited to Syndicate. Mission basic target 1000 people. The shorter the time it takes to complete the mission, the more population you get and the higher the reward.

What the hell! Brother took the task from his deputy hero again, what an internal digestion! But what does Lamia reward me for? Wouldn't it be an artifact to take a contract from Brother? Suffering, this is awful!

but. Brother promised that it would be happy, but it really wouldn't work if he was robbed. Brother has already stunned the main city lords with shock and serpents, unless Koda Ye is full of superpowers!

Think about it. Lamia smiled again: "By the way, now all 4,700 units of blood wine are traded, and the owner can freely access them at any time."

Dafei laughed: "I see, then I will take away 1,000 units."

In short, first transport wine to raise the enchantment. When Da Fei and his party walked out of the exchange, the outside of the exchange was blocked and blocked a large group of Japanese players. Especially the leader of the slippery **** classmate, even the eyes burst into fire!

cut! Have you figured out the situation? My brother's woman is in your hands, it's my brother's discomfort!

But wait! Looking at so many Japanese players at the gate, there was a sudden flash of light, and the fortress was breached from the inside! There is no way around Konar Sintra City, but these Japanese players can respond from the inside? Japanese players may work with brother? Fortunately, they can collusion inside and outside the European Union ’s city of punishment and cooperation in the European Union. Why ca n’t they collusion with Brother inside and outside? Try it out.

With this thought in mind, Dafei laughed and said, "Slip your head, I have an important mission to work with you. I wonder if you would like to?"

(Request for tickets ...) (To be continued.)

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