God Rank Hero

Chapter 1431: Field-enhanced cockroaches

When a roar rang through the underground space, the system prompted a bang:

The system prompts: You have taken away all the treasures of the mysterious realm, the fury of the Marquis of Nash has arrived, and each strike of the Marquis of Nash must take at least 2 times the damage of the critical strike. The venom of the sewer is beginning to enter the boiling high-pressure steam effect, so be careful!

Da Fei frowned, it turned out that the treasure still has this pit father use! Then I saw the puddle below and even the waterfall flowing down from the ground began to bubbling. That is to say, the sewer of this whole secret space is under its control?

OK, the furious true God brother has also seen it, just a big loach, brother is completely true! And brother is obviously trying to kill with a knife, the more angry he is, the better.

So Dafei continued to direct the sky boat to the front of the map channel. After all, this is the ground floor, so the front must not be the bottom floor.

Sure enough, the puddle in front of the passage is a huge vortex space door, and the billowing venom surged out from the vortex door.


As the scene changed, the sky boat appeared in an empty and spacious hall. Wall tiles, ditches, water pipes, and the impression that something should be in the sewer finally appeared in front of Dafei! There is no doubt that this should be the sum of all the sewers in the sewer.

At this moment, the red light exploded in front of Da Fei, and countless dense red dots in front of each ditch appeared on Da Fei's radar. There are defenders in the mystery? Ignore!

Da Fei hurriedly asked the Queen: "Master Queen, where is this core control area?"

The queen smiled slightly: "The monster will come later, and you want to get rid of its chase first."

Looking at the venom that was also bubbling in the hall, and looking at the maze-like complex of rivers around him, Da Fei calmly waved his hand: "Continue to teleport without purpose, and pull away!"

Tamilla: "Received!"

The sky boat magic light flashed directly in the sewer ditch at the end of the field of vision. At this moment, Dafei finally saw the red dot on the radar. Countless giant cockroaches roaming the walls and ceilings of sewers and ditch corridors. It is indeed a specialty of the sewer!

However, Dafei suddenly had an urge to vomit, because each of the cockroaches here was as big as a kitten! What did you grow up with? Although playing games, Da Fei can accept half-people's congresses. One person big spider. But cockroaches are not acceptable!

Just at the moment when the sky boat appeared, these cockroaches flew down from around the wall like a dark cloud, and instantly covered with every corner of the sky boat and the outer box of the flying boat, and the sky boat instantly became A cake covered with countless giant cockroaches!

But it doesn't matter, there are no sailors and troops in the outer cabin of the Flying, and the ship's own resilience and defense are not afraid of these cockroaches, let them sting!

Da Fei continued: "Continue to teleport. Open the distance!"

"Roger that!"

next moment. The light of the sky boat flashes again! And this flash is indeed unprecedented. A long release progress bar has appeared!

Dafei was startled suddenly: "What's going on? Isn't Skyship Teleportation instant?"

Tamillah could not help exclaiming: "The mana cost of teleportation suddenly became huge, and two crystals were consumed in an instant!"

Alicia's face changed: "Not good! Cockroaches will affect the transmission of the boat in the sky, these cockroaches must be eliminated!"

Dafei was surprised: "Affects teleport?"

Alicia frowned: "Master Lord still remember how we defeated the dragon **** Saisu at the tomb of the dragon? At that time, we were helpless against Saisu's near-invincible large displacement technique, which is how I tried to make a lot of magic The bee approaches Saisu and attaches to it, which causes Saisu to also transfer these demon bee planes with interference magic, thereby consuming a lot of its mana. Now the same situation happens to us, these Cockroaches must have magic, we can't teleport with so many cockroaches! "

That's it. Dafei suddenly awakened and ordered: "Elina, clear the field!"

"Roger that!"

next moment. The flying magic light flickered, and a shadow shock wave came out! However, in another incredible situation, these dense cockroaches seemed to be just shaken by the wind. After countless "Magic Resistance-2 Shadow Damage" appeared on their heads, none of them were dead!

I made a big trough! That is to say, they rely on a huge number and their own life resistance to stiffly carry a group attack magic issued by Elina using the power of the Holy Vine! A cockroach suffers 2 points of damage. If it is 100,000 cockroaches, it is a total of at least 200,000 magical damage. This still does not include their own resistance, and it seems that there are more than 100,000 cockroaches?

Elina couldn't help but panic: "Sir, I'm sorry, I underestimated these bugs, I'll come again!"

Just when Elina's voice just came down, the densely packed bugs sprang up a "poison gas cure +2"!

Da Fei dropped his chin to the ground: "It actually recovered instantly! Why is this bug so powerful?"

Elina waved her hand again, and the flying light flickered coldly. This time, an aura of ice shot out, and countless "magic resistance-3 ice damage" burst out!

And this time, the boat in the sky was finally clean, and countless bugs icing and falling! However, just falling did not die! Still not dead! What a roach is this!

I have to say that this is the pain of magical damage. As long as the number of low-level troops is large, they can share the damage with their total health, and this time they share at least 300,000 points of damage! 1 cockroach at least 3 points of blood? This is almost a fight with the first-level soldier devil boy of 4 **** blood!

At this moment, Tamillah exclaimed: "Master, Lord, you can't use magic to attack, there are endless bugs, and the energy of the Holy Vine can't be consumed at all! And the Holy Vine must continue to teleport to avoid and chase, It will consume a lot of energy! "

As soon as Tamilia's voice fell, the bugs who just fell down again gave out a "poison gas cure +3!"

Dafei is arrogant again! Isn't it lying, I didn't expect that brother would be trapped by the bug?

At this moment, the Queen Spider laughed: "Warrior, this is the realm of monsters, all the bugs in the realm have become unusually powerful. If the warrior really feels reluctant, you can try to throw all your treasure here . "

Throwing treasure? Why would you know it now?

Da Fei immediately shook his head: "I still have a way, I can attack with Sonic! Sonic is the same physical damage to all members. Serbia, Zavala, the entire Angel Legion, the Emerald Dragon Army, follow me out of the cabin. Form a human shield to cover the bat Sonic attack with 300 flower monster clarinet troops! "

That's right! Brother's insecticidal skills were trained on the No. 3 city wall! Brother has a storm coming. There are petrochemical auras, sound waves and arrows, Godot's method is that these bugs can't mix! And brother is an artifact, brother's 300 flower monster troops are also equipped with a full set of Assazli flying soldiers, this is the confidence of brother dare to get out of the cabin!

The queen did laugh: "If you use sonic attack, wouldn't you expose your position in front of the monster? Will you have time to get rid of the bugs and escape?"

Alicia immediately said: "Leave it to me! The biggest weakness of the raging monster is that poor judgment is easy to be deceived by illusions! The whole ship turns on the lights!"

The next moment, the flying ship was brightly lit. Then Alicia waved between them. A boat of the same bright sky appeared!

Dafei suddenly understood: "Okay! It's up to you!" I have to say. When fighting against the wind, Alicia is a sense of non-existence in playing soy sauce, and only in this headwind crisis situation, she can play an unexpectedly great role! Probably this was the most important moment that Grandma Anwen had given herself.

Alicia nodded: "The lights off the ship!"

With the flying lights off again, Alicia-controlled phantom sky boat flew all the way towards the hall's whirlpool gate, and as the phantom passed, countless cockroaches chased and flew up. In other words, this illusion can also serve the purpose of attracting cockroaches!

Then there is nothing to say, flying out of the cabin!

A sacred vine door appeared on the Flyer deck. Da Fei's designated troops swarmed out at this moment. Countless cockroaches flew up, and Dafei's troops were drowned in the sea of ​​cockroaches in no time. This feeling was just like swimming in a dunghill!

In the next moment, Serbian harp, bats hissing, 300 rattle's rattle sounded loudly in the ditch channel, countless cockroaches trembled in the sound of sound, and the water in the ditch was rippling with sound Ripples.

Da Fei suddenly had a joy, there was a play! It seems that this final total attack should also make Hua Yao a real upgrade! When the position is stabilized, the jungle hunter is also pulled out. Brother wants to shoot the sound wave and fire an arrow!

Just then, a loud roar suddenly rang out from the distance: "Stupid, get out!"

Dafei stunned suddenly: "This is it?"

Alicia's laughter sounded: "Does the Lord remember the Skyra in the North Sea? This is its voice. My illusion will not only glow, but also sound!"

Dafei suddenly suddenly! That ’s right, Alicia ’s illusions will make a sound. At that time, she played this trick in the World Tree Mercury Mine Battle Dragon Squad. I have to say that she in the city does play!

At this moment, great confidence emerged!


At this time, the Shadow City, with the cooperation of the Mitsubishi team, the streets around the city are billowing with smoke. This is a smoke bomb invented by the ingenuity of players in Japan, which can harass the NPC urban management.

Outside the city, Farina kindly asked the people in the black robes around her: "Master Mimiron, the Queen has already acted, and our army will begin."

The man in the black robe smiled coldly: "Never expect that spider to do anything!" After finishing, raising his hand, a blood light covered the entire regiment of 20,000 regular troops!

God-level npc heroes are out! At this moment, the excited Mitsubishi players present adjusted the recorded video again.

Then the next moment, these 20,000 troops screamed Qi Qiba and crashed down. The scene was spectacular, and the strangeness of the move made the members of the Mitsubishi headquarters stunned!

Then, countless red light **** flying from the bodies of these 20,000 troops gathered in the palm of Mimiron's hands. Mimiron's whole body was shrouded in a blood-colored mask.

Farina exclaimed: "Master Hemilon's blood sacrifices to all people?"

Mimiron scorned: "Don't compare his waste with mine!" (To be continued.)

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