God Rank Hero

Chapter 1432: Siege war broke out

Outside Mage City, when Mimiron gathered the strength of 20,000 troops together, the alarms in Mage City rang, and the city's garrison and the mysterious npc that some players had never seen all went to the city walls. Build up.

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team realized that another **** had appeared, and regretted that it could only provide 20,000 troops to Mimiron.

The battle on the ground is imminent, and Da Fei in the Sewer Secret is still battling against cockroaches and playing hide-and-seek with the Marquis of Nash.

It has to be said that these cockroaches are too powerful, and the group attack magic is not good for them, and the slow and weak sonic attacks are also not good. As long as you kill them, they can recover immediately. However, the unexpected benefit of the sonic attack is that the roach that can shake can stick to the ship, which actually eases the transmission problem of the boat in the sky.

In the final analysis, these cockroaches are large, and it is true that the jungle hunters are sent directly out of the cabin to shoot. Anyway, in front of Dafei's various achievement equipment and navigator bonuses, these cockroaches cannot pose any threat to Dafei. As a result, Dafei pulled out 2oo shooters to stand densely on the deck. For a time, all kinds of piano sounds, flute sounds, bats hissing, and arrow whistling sounds all over the whole ditch channel. Various angel legion's life recovery, mana recovery, physical recovery, as well as the petrified aura of the blood eagle, the sacred frozen aura of the flying light skills and shadow effects complement each other.

Under the comprehensive blow of Da Fei, countless cockroaches fell, and then there were countless cockroaches flying up. With the passage of time, the water flow in the entire sewer began to boil, and the poisonous gas filled in the entire sewer space began to intensify. It has reached the point where the big fly can not step up treatment.

When Da Fei was busy killing insects, a huge red dot on the radar surged at an alarming degree!

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Teleport!"

Then, after reading the note for a few seconds, the sky boat appeared at the other corner of the sewer, and it was the roach that was overwhelmingly greeted by Da Fei! Da Fei's mood is as disgusting as eating cockroaches!

The spider's laughter resounded again: "Warrior, can't just a few bugs cope? Then how do you deal with the attack of the elite army of the shadow army?"

How many bugs? How about a Marquis of Nash? At this moment, Dafei suddenly felt that he should not provoke this marquis on his own!

So do you fight against the Marquis? Suddenly, brother is killing someone with a knife, OK? And by virtue of its screaming water. Brother was mad before he was defeated with it. If the Lord of the Shadow City knew it, he would n’t laugh at his death. Just then, Hirce shouted: "Master. Now the Battalion Battalion and Holy Vine are one. , We can draw bloodline energy from the vine to speed up bat production! "

That's right, there are too few bats to help! Dafei asked quickly, "How fast?"

Hirce hurriedly said: "Holy Vine is sucking on the flesh of the Earth Dragon King. It should have a lot of bloodline energy, if it is requisitioned now. One should be produced immediately, and the subsequent output will be several times faster!"

Lying down! It's not one more order wave ss, what's the use of one? How can I wait for the next output?

Hilda hurriedly said, "I will use the bloodline energy!"

Dafei shook his head and sighed, "I'll think of a way again."

Order wave ss, right? I have one here, okay, let them try it out first.

Dafei immediately ordered: "Tamilia, let Douglas and 1oo giant slime out of the cabin, open a space door at the bow and stern!"

"Roger that!"

At the next moment, Douglas's slime monsters jumped out in two ways. In such an instant, the two sides of the passage where the Sky Boat was located were instantly squeezed into a jelly canned mountain. When I was in the game scene, the scene chased by Canned Mountain was reproduced again!

Then countless cockroaches rushed into the jelly mountain like a moth fluttering fire, countless data of "Swallowing Damage-1" came out, and soon became countless paralyzed water!

Da Fei widened his eyes! That's right, it's just swallowing directly, without the opportunity to give them blood! Because this is not working in the poisonous gas field of the slime monster?

Then Douglas's dull sounded again: "Progress in diet reflects progress in history!"

That's it! Dafei could not help laughing. After all, to deal with monsters in the sewer, you still have to rely on the monsters in the sewer to attack the poison with poison!

Now the two big jellyfish in front and back completely seal off the attack of cockroaches, then Dafei can finally stop the sonic attack to avoid attracting the Marquis of Nash, and then Dafei troops immediately swept the cockroaches left on the ship, and the whole world is finally quiet!

Just then. The laugh behind the spider came: "It looks like you can handle this monster. Then let the enemy take the trouble from the monster."

Da Fei said: "Master Queen, can you attack the core?"

The queen smiled slightly: "In fact, it can always be, I just want to see if you can afford the price of greed. Don't forget, I have been watching you all the time. Then, let's start now, the core of the control of the magic city is It can be reached from the vortex gate in the sewer hall just now. Let me go in and activate the core. As long as I activate the core. This mystery will no longer be a mystery. The enemy will learn about our existence and will attack us madly. Your mission It is to stop the enemy from entering this vortex gate, and to win time for me. "

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Isn't this swirl gate leading to the ground floor?"

The queen shook her head and sighed, "This is not the point, is it the first time you play Space Gate?"

Dafei suddenly suddenly! Also, things like space gates are inaccurate, some are one-way, some are two-way, and some strange gates are not the same from different scenes.

The Queen continued: "Of course, I can give you a tactical option. You can also send Elina to the core of the startup. As long as the dark elves with the title of master and priest are qualified, then I will defend the town."

Dafei frowned: "How long would it take if Elena came to start?"

The Queen of the Spider smiled, "Who knows? It must be far faster than me."

Da Fei immediately decided: "Now with the uncertain factor of the Marquis of Nash, it is still a battle decision, so let's start with the adult spider!"

The queen chuckled and smiled: "It should be so. In case there are a lot of god-level strong men, you rely on your wisdom and courage to stand up, then, I'll dispatch first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the back of the spider disappeared and disappeared, then the system prompted a jingle:

——System Tip: Your troops have entered the core of the mystery, and the operation to seize the control of the magic city begins! The Sewer Secret disappears!

Then the next moment. The screaming alarm sounded through the sewer!


Outside the Shadow City, Mimiron, who was full of blood, was confronted by a flame of flames. In the distance are the seldom-watched Farina, Cromwell, and Graul. And Japanese players who lie on the ground and take the pre-recorded video.

Mimiron sneered: "Himiron, I heard you lost to the hands of mortal warriors. What kind of face do you have for this waste?

Lost to mortals? As soon as this statement was made, Mitsubishi Command was uproaring: "A big fly again?"

"How many strong players did this big fly defeat?"

The flame devil named Himilon said coldly: "That's my intention. Now I have sacrificed 10 thousand troops. You can't be my opponent!"

Mimiron laughed: "It's not just your intention. Our devil's father also took care. Before the war starts, I want to ask, is he OK?"

Hemilon sneered: "It doesn't matter anymore, let's die!"

After talking about a huge fireball, the fire exploded, and the player who recorded the video on site lived a fire, and then the screen was black!

Tsukamoto was shocked at the scene: "So powerful!"

Slipping God frowned: "We are also attentive, we should leave a few people watching the war from a distance."

Tsukamoto Shen said: "It seems that these two heroes will have the same blood sacrifice skills, but the other side sacrificed 100,000 troops, and we only sacrificed 20,000. This Mimiron may not last long."

The slippery smiled: "Originally, it is a person who attracts firepower. It is better to lose, and it is best to lose the strength, so that it is easy to control."

Tsukamoto nodded: "Yes, our task can only be contained, the real main force still depends on Dafei."

Killing life Guan Bai smiled: "But anyway, we have obtained important information. It seems that the owner of the Shadow City has also been hit by Dafei?"

Tsukamoto shook his head: "How strong Da Fei is, it is impossible to have this strength. It should be Da Fei's Bacchus! He killed the Unicorn King from Bacchus and defeated the new general on the No. 3 city wall. It can be seen in the magic city. The **** of the level of Bacchus, even an avatar, cannot be easily dealt with by ordinary city owners. "

Killer Guan Bai said with emotion: "The captain made sense, after all, this is one of the 12 main gods of Olympus! This also shows how prescient we have chosen the Sakura group to attack the **** of wine from the beginning of the service!"

Tsukamoto smiled with a smile: "If the Shadow City is successfully won, then we must have all members of the Sakura team in the destruction of Fire Cave City. We must‘ cooperate ’with Dafei to summon the **** of wine!”

The members laughed: "Yes, let the big flying Fei get a big surprise before the end of the national war!"

Just talking and laughing, the Japanese players on the streets of the Shadow City, the Japanese players on various manhole covers, suddenly heard a loud noise from the ground, and then the manhole cover was sprayed out by a large stream of green steam, and the huge roar of unknown monsters came from the sewer. Rushing out!

——Mage City City Announcement: Attention all warriors! Enemies attacked the sewers of Mage City. Please fully assist the defenders in defense!

"Yo West!" The Mitsubishi team cheered!

Tsukamoto immediately ordered: "The street teams act now!"

"Hi Yi!"

At this moment, the players in the Japanese area that had already been ambushed in various places in the Shadow City released all the smoke bombs as soon as possible. Various prepared goods, furniture, and large appliances blocked the surrounding barracks as quickly as possible. The main point, and then blocking the streets and alleys in the formation of a multi-layered wall, the entire city's traffic was instantly paralyzed!

However, for the Japanese area specializing in this, these are pediatrics that ordinary players can compete with. The main players in the Japanese area have also prepared higher-end and bolder methods, that is, to burn the city while chaos and use it directly Building collapsed ruins blocked the road.

However, blocking the road can only block the low-level infantry, and the big devil and the advanced npc who can teleport react immediately, disappearing from the wall.

The next moment, a large number of elite guards appeared in the various channels of the sewer. They were greeted by high-pressure poisonous gas spreading across the sewer, overwhelming roaches, and the roaring marquis of Nash!

Dafei laughed! Da Fei wanted to see how many demons could break through the anger of Marquis Nash and rush to the front.

Then Dafei was not disappointed, and a large congested channel red cloud quickly moved forward towards the center of the hall on the radar detected by the bats at a long distance!

Then there is nothing to say, the Marquis of Nash did not have time to stop, brother to stop! Even if the other party is a god-level powerhouse, what fear is there in the armed God-Flyer?

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Slime monster, close the team! All units prepare!"

Katrina smiled: "The high-pressure venom cannon is ready!"

Hilda exclaimed: "Ready!"

Ragnar said positively: "I think I should still fight on the deck, this gun cabin reduces my damage by 4o%. It is very uncomfortable!"

Da Fei laughed: "Don't be busy, let's look at the situation before talking!"

Tamillah shouted, "The slime monster is finished!"

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Flying, teleport! When in place, direct fire!"

The next moment, the flying light of magic flew, blocking directly in front of the incoming troops! Then Da Fei didn't see anything clearly. Hundreds of arrows were in the gun compartment.

This firepower, this dense, cool! (To be continued.)


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