God Rank Hero

Chapter 1433: Lord of the Shadow City

The sewer battle officially broke out, and when the Fleet was fully fired, a large piece of flame immediately wrapped the Fly. In the severe tremor of the hull, a large row of canvases were damaged, and the system that the cable was blown out prompted the screen to appear.

Da Fei could not help but feel a great earthquake! Such power and impact must be one of the devil's family. Once you start a battle and you can meet such a strong one, you can imagine how fierce the battle will be!

Just then, Ragna laughed: "He hit me with a moon arrow!"

Then the next moment, the Hell Corps in front of the Flying was flashed and disappeared again. The radar that had just been red was cleared instantly, and the entire channel left only the cockroaches that burned to the ground and fell in the instant contact battle More than a dozen demon corpses.

Dafei suddenly said, "Where is the human?"

The general laughed: "It must have ran away! If it hadn't been for the cannon compartment that reduced my damage by 40%, my arrow would surely have been nailed to his bones, making him afraid to pull it out for life!"

Dafei was shocked: "So amazing?"

The general laughed: "Of course, this is the moon arrow that was blessed by the goddess Artemis in the temple of the moon. I have two more shots! It was sent to me by the military to support our operation. I successfully destroyed the magic city, and I am not qualified to apply for these three arrows! "

It turns out that npc is in stock! Dafei suddenly said in a sad heart: "How come three times?"

The general laughed: "It's not bad. The arrow was only blessed by the goddess of the moon for a hundred years. From the solar eclipse war a thousand years ago, it has been blessed ten times."

Dafei sighed: "God is stingy!"

The general laughed again: "But then again, fortunately, in the gun cabin, I can concentrate on the aiming without any interference from the opponent, otherwise it may not have the effect just now. Then the warrior. Let's find another one to kill them The last shot was left to the Lord of the Shadowcraft. I heard that the Leragin family is the 14th in the 72-pillar demon. Especially good at shooting, I asked myself if my level might not be the opponent of this Lord, but I There is no reason to be afraid of him in the gun cabin. Even if I do n’t have a divine arrow, I can still fight him against the fortress! ”

That's it! I didn't expect that a strong man who was casually pulling on the dock could bring himself such an overwhelming advantage!

Da Fei exclaimed: "Okay, as the general said!"

Between words, another wave of Red Legions in another trench on the radar avoided the pursuit of the Marquis of Nash and went to the core.

"Just him!" Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Intercept him!"

The next moment, the flying magic light flashed. Directly in front of the opponent, a large circle filled the corridors, and the whole body of flames was burning the cockroach **** lava army!

At this moment, the legion in front of him was indeed a flash of magic light, and disappeared directly from Dafei's eyes!

I rub! This is not stupid. He also knows how to play hide and seek with his brother?

At this time, a red light shone on the radar, and the other party jumped directly over him and was about to reach the core entrance!

Let me go! Whose team is playing against your brother? Dafei waved his hand: "Back to defense!"

The next moment, the flying magic light flew back to the lobby, and sat firmly above the vortex gate!

——System Tip: Your battleship cannot enter the core space through the vortex gate!

Dafei laughed! That's right. Since this swirl gate does not support entry to the ground floor, it does not support large units to enter the core area. Then the Feixiang now occupies that pit and does not shit. If you want to break into the core area, you must kill the Feixiang!

In the face of the flying back defense, the Hell Army was obviously a little overwhelmed! To be precise, they are not afraid of the Flying, but because this is a deep-water area, they are directly transmitted into the water, and like a pile of fossils in the water, they steam out hot steam! Judging by their helpless actions, there are only two words to describe-drowning!

At this moment, Dafei suddenly realized! This seemingly difficult task is actually not as scary as you think, because here the player has a huge terrain defense advantage!

At this moment, the general's laughter sounded again: "Badly hit the water dog!"

Dafei was suddenly shocked: "General and slow! Don't use the magic arrow, this kind of goods is not worth wasting a magic arrow!"

The general laughed: "The warrior is right! Then leave it to the city lord to enjoy it! Did the warrior see my mark? That was the leader, we focused on hitting him!"

Da Fei lifted his eyes and saw that there was nothing in the flaming boiling steam, but he saw a red target mark!

Then there is nothing to say, Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Set fire and shoot!"

The next moment, 32 crossbow guns, 600 firing holes, and the high-pressure venom cannon fired at full speed.

This is the real pain to hit the water dog! Cool!

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friends sounded, and it was a slippery god: "Da Fei Sang, there are a lot of supporters from other city owners in the city teleportation team. We can't stop it! This is a video!"

Da Fei's heart rushed to open the video and saw that the smoke of the whole magic city was rolling, the square was sending red light, and numerous **** legions swarmed out like a **** flames at the gate. This battle is to Throw the whip off to fill the sewer!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "How about Mimiron's offensive?"

The slippery God hurriedly said, "He is fighting a guerrilla around a city called Hemiron! The fire of this city is accidentally injured by this guerrilla! This is a video!"

Da Fei opened the video again, and surely saw two meteors chasing and chasing over the city. Wherever they went, the blood was boiling and the flames were burning!

Dafei couldn't help wondering, "Don't you say that the Shadow Studios has the ultimate anti-aircraft gun dedicated to me? Just let them fly?"

The slippery God smiled: "Da Fei Sang, this is a cannon bombing flies, you can't hit it at all! If you are on the scene, you can better appreciate the speed of the two of them, this is definitely a god-level showdown!"

Da Fei said, "Okay, you guys do your best to stand by, don't close the video. Give me the status on the ground in real time."

"Hi Yi!"

Ended the conversation. Da Fei first turned his attention to the battlefield. at this time. The whole sewer is like a pot of boiling water, and the poisonous smoke has completely disregarded. Then Da Fei turned his attention to broadcasting the video again, and saw the green smoke billowing from the manhole cover of the city street. This is the rhythm to be fried!

Looking at the rushing npc citizens in the street, Da Fei remembered the incident and instructed the slippery god: "Slippery mulberry, there is a big sale for your reference. The poisonous smoke in the sewer will permeate the whole. If you have a way, you can try to make the city's npc citizens flee. On the one hand, you can make the npc riots increase the chaos in the city. On the other hand, as long as they dare to leave the city, you can arrest and sell them as slaves.

Slippery God immediately responded: "Da Fei Sang's proposal is very constructive, and we will seize the opportunity!"

Now, there is a huge red cloud on the Da Fei radar, and countless **** corps swarm into the bulls with the amazing army that fills the sewer. At this moment, it is impossible for Da Fei to teleport to any channel to block it. Da Fei can only sit on the vortex gate of the town and rely on the deep water area.

However, when I heard the unique roar of Marquis Nash, it rang through the sewer. Dafei immediately relieved. This battle, met the Marquis Nash in the sewer, that is, encountered a moving car in the subway. How many soldiers are not enough. And with so many **** corps there to attract firepower, Da Fei didn't worry that Marquis Nash would rush over. Then there is nothing to say. Da Fei once again released Douglas and more than 100 giant slime monsters, as well as two spiders Lilim, into the ambush underwater.

Near, four waves of **** corps, avoiding Nash's interception, converged from four ditches to the place where Da Fei was.

At this moment, Da Fei is surging! Come on, for so many years, Brother Feixiang has not fought a vigorous water battle!

At this moment, the red light of the radar exploded, and four huge fireballs flew from the channel to the first shot of the attack!

The three elders shouted, "Warrior, can't help but just say a word!"

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "There are armors on the flanks, let them blast!" Yes, even if the brother's boat is wood, it is not ordinary wood! But there is a god-level armor and a super-restoring sacred tree!

The next moment, Katerina's water cannon slammed, just like the big fireball that had resisted Hemilon at first, and the fireball that rushed to the front of the flying blast was blown away. Then Fei Xiang was engulfed in flames again, and the huge waves of steam filled the hall.

The Hell Army rushed into the hall under the cover of a fireball, and the following dumplings jumped into the water. The flying fire was fully opened, and the dark magic bloodline magic of various deceleration states spread throughout the court under the power of the Holy Vine!

At this moment, Dafei's eyes were translucent with a blaze of fire and mist. Dafei could only see countless damage data and recovery data, but it was full of screens, and it was not clear because of the shaking of Feixiang. Probably this is why every fight is not fun?

But it doesn't matter, as long as you know that the flying durability is still strong, that's enough! After all, the Flying is a building spirit, and its own defense has increased beyond 1,000, which is the level of a 10-level city wall!

And soon, Tamilia's actions demonstrated the huge advantage of our army. The parasitic vines on the bottom of the ship took in batches of corpses of the **** legion into the stomach and intestine space. This number was more than hundreds?

At this moment, Tamilia was also excited: "Master, Lord, I suggest sending an evil demon legion to the digestive space to assist the Divine digestion!"

Dafei was surprised: "Isn't there a rotten wood in the digestive space?"

Tamilia said positively: "After joining the Silenian religion, Sacred Vine has a certain amount of control over this power, and the killing power is much smaller, as long as the evil demon can enter in batches!"

It just happened that the evil demon had nothing to do, you said yes, that's fine! Da Fei immediately agreed: "Then act, safety first!"

"Roger that!"

Time has passed, and even the Marquis of Nash was unable to stop the forces of the Hell Corps with their own power, and even the high-pressure gas of the sewers could not stop the **** army's fearless force. The endless 6 Hell Corps rushed towards the Flying in the hall. The waters around the Feixiang have completely turned into a pot of death, Da Fei has already counted how many enemy troops are buried here!

——System Tip: Your 30 evil demon barracks produced 30 evil demon!

——System Tip: Your Shadow Bat Battalion produces a Shadow Bat Unit!

What the hell! Eating while producing, raising war with war, can it be so adapted? Then there is nothing to say, the new-born evil demon continues to engage in the mass production movement.

However, the shortcomings of Da Fei are that the bats and the flower demon clarinet forces can no longer play musical attacks after retracting into the cabin, and the internal space does not support the outward spread of sound waves. This makes Da Fei's combat power unable to be fully used, and also makes Da Fei and the Serbian bards useless. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Da Fei seemed to think of the glorious wing of the former vice president, Coltner Jr., above which there was an unbelievable concert hall, and then he was severely criticized by Renoir for not doing business. From this point of view, this is the super advanced rhythm of young Cortner!

In short, when this battle is over, be sure to ask him how to open a concert hall for Feixiang.

Fighting continues, ground meat is in progress! Slippery God continuously reported to Dafei the situation of damage on the ground. The good news is that the Japanese team finally lived up to expectations and forcibly opened a side door in the chaos of accidental injury. Finally, npc citizens escaped.

Da Fei was secretly anxious when he could not help but why wasn't the Queen of Spiders still good? If it took her so long, wouldn't it be better for Elena to come? So even if 10 god-level players come, it may not be able to get it right?

Well, shouldn't she test me on purpose? When thinking of the urine of Queen Spider, Da Fei felt very chilling.

Just then, a thick red **** fog suddenly filled the sewer hall, and an angry voice sounded through the sewer: "Enough! Let me take the initiative to end this turmoil!"

There was a great earthquake in Dafei's heart, and the owner came!

Just then, the Queen ’s laughter rang through the hall: "You are finally willing to come out in person! Warrior, his strength is not as good as half of the original. As long as you can defeat him to avenge me, I will give you special Reward! "

What the hell! It turned out that she had been watching him all the time, otherwise how could she be so confident in him!

General Ragner was shocked by the spirit: "Finally, I have been preparing for these two arrows for a long time!"

Da Fei hurriedly said, "The general is careful, he has a dozen clones!"

The voice of the Lord of the Shadows just raged and said, "Look, even if I have only half of my power, this mortal can't deal with it! Wait for me to smash his broken ship, and then pick your mother spider!

Then the next moment, seven red dots appeared on the radar around the Flying! 7 avatars? Last time was 14? This is indeed proof that his strength has been reduced by half! (To be continued ...)


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