God Rank Hero

Chapter 1568: George the Blasphemer

The joint command of the US team was dull. The leaders of the captains of various countries gathered to discuss.

It must be said that the 4-hour battle in the City of the Gods has been continuously reducing the expectations of the joint team. At first, it was expected to achieve a complete victory, and then it split the cake with China. Now, even its own cake is gone. This blow cannot be described by disappointment and frustration.

Although the new world is far more than an s-class area of ​​the city of the gods, there is no doubt that the city of the gods is indeed the s-class area that is the easiest to develop and profit. As long as the mining is completed, you can turn around and transport it back to the city without worrying about resources. Transportation issues. Changing to another s-class area, the transportation cost risk alone is unbearable for the average team.

What's even more frustrating is that in the face of the unknown power of Dafei, all teams feel the huge crisis. Can this game be played?

At this point, Captain Fordson must boost the morale of his allies: "Gentlemen, the battle is over, or the battle has just begun. This is the fairness of the intelligent master brain. As long as there is talent, anyone can Brilliant achievements. And there is no doubt that everyone here is the most talented person in the world, and we must also be able to overcome the current predicament. "

Just then, Nehru in India raised his hand to interrupt Fordson's speech: "I have a question!"

Although Fordson was unhappy, but looking at the venue, it seems that only India, which suffered heavy losses and gained nothing, is the most qualified to vent its dissatisfaction.

Fordson had to be kind: "Mr. Nehru, please."

Nehru muttered: "I just want to know what is going on in the level 1 realm of Da Fei heroes. Although we have also seen some artifacts and have the function of realm, there is no grading, and the hero is not reduced by 50%. This terrible setting of attributes, I hope Mr. Captain can explain to us, I want to know why we sacrificed! "

Fordson glanced seriously at the TV screen: "So, do any gentlemen want to know the answer?"

The heads of the teams nodded.

Fordson said positively: "Very well, simply, we are facing a god! The level 1 field is the real field. The fields of ordinary artifacts or the fields of ordinary monsters are only transition fields, just like aura It ’s just the same. The ordinary field will be cut by 50% when it encounters the first level field ... "

The audience was blasted!

Fordson waved his hand: "But don't panic, Da Fei is not a deity hero. God is not going to become a sub hero of the player. So Da Fei should be the second case, that is, he has obtained a real artifact, in The real realm may appear on the real artifact. At the same time, this is our next goal. Our next goal is to explore the **** realm above the s-class area in the new world. Only the monsters of the **** realm can drop the real artifact ... ... "

"... Our situation is not terribly bad. Although China and Russia have occupied the Mines of the Gods, this also means that they must concentrate on their defense, which has freed us a lot of time and space for development."

Nehru asked again: "What if Da Fei doesn't give us time to develop? Da Fei with True God Realm is already invincible, he can completely kill us!"

Fordson clapped his hands: "Good question! In theory, Da Fei can do whatever he wants. He is a player that cannot be confronted for the time being. So we have only one way. No matter what the activity is, we must convince the camp npc to join us. Action. Once Da Fei uses the power of God to destroy our accompanying npcs, then the system will respond. The system **** that restrains Da Fei will appear! "

At this moment, Igarashi also spoke: "As far as I know, there is already a hostile relationship between Dionysian and Dafei. During the national war in Japan, Dionysian attacked Dafei many times."

The captains of the teams then came to me: "So it is!"

Fordson nodded: "So gentlemen, our battle has just begun. Let the Chinese and Russians taste the sweetness of a month first. Next month, the winner of the city of the gods can only be us ..."


At this time, the Swedish Nordic Crown Command. The Swedish captain Viking Ares sends the video of the French team to Da v, who is playing at home, and then anxiously waits for Da v's reply.

Although several members of the Swedish team who had bathed in the Shui River Shenshui did not have the opportunity to perform, but fortunately did not play. Now, Sweden's biggest hope lies in the big v. What is the strength of big v. Not even the captain of the team is clear. But the captain knows that if there is anyone in the world who can curb the big fly, then there is only big v, and this living fossil-like national treasure is no exaggeration to call it the game god.

Finally, Da v wrote back: "Focus on the progress of the mission of Hongming Village."

Just like that? That's enough! At this moment, the Swedish captain immediately adjusted his strategy: "The elite players all withdrew from the new world. All the red names entered the red name village ..."

Red name village, hidden scenes of the Red Sea.

As soon as the new world was opened, Dav automatically acquired a new skill "Smelting Bloodstone". Players collected and smelted bloodstone in the Red Sea to strengthen their bodies.

At this time, the blood waves of the Red Sea rolled and the thunder was no longer the stagnant water before the start of the New World service. From time to time, huge waves soar into the sky and lead directly to the thunderous sky, and from time to time, huge vortexes hit the islands of the Red Sea, exposing the crystals of glittering seabed crystals, and then there are small pieces of crystals washed ashore by the waves.

At this time, a large pile of spar scouring ashore piled up in front of Da v. These spar are obviously more pure than those in Hongmingcun mine. Every time Big v smelts a small piece of spar, its own attributes slightly increase, and the body gradually transforms into the blood monster attribute. Let players grow into blood monsters, this is the meaning of the Red Sea!

As the **** of the game, Da v certainly knows that the spar that washed away ashore is not enough to complete the transformation. Only by finding a way to dive into the deep sea and obtain a large number of spar in the deep sea can it truly become a demon! And the thought of another Chinese in the Red Sea at this time called Phoenix Feather was doing the same thing on the island that he couldn't see himself, so Da v could not help but double his interest. What would he do?

After all, no matter whether the opponent is strong or not, as long as someone competes with himself, Big V will inspire endless fighting spirit: "If it is me, I will transform my Wraith Water Demon into a blood demon and let it go to the sea to mine!"

At this point, Da v melted all the spar in front of him to his uncle ...

At the same time, another island on the Red Sea, the feather of a phoenix, stands on a rocky cliff on the island. Waiting for opportunity in the rough seas.

Since the First World War in Japan, Phoenix Feathers have been fishing in the Red Sea for three days. Although in the game, Phoenix Feather lives an isolated life, but Phoenix Feather is not closed. He knows that the world's most famous big v is also in the same scene with himself. The thought of a master fighting for resources with myself, Phoenix Feather hated it! The thought of another master coming into the Red Sea in two days, Phoenix Feather feels impatient!

Finally, there was a loud noise. A huge vortex ran into the island where the feather of the Phoenix was. In the stormy sea, the Phoenix feather saw a large cluster of blood crystals at the bottom of the sea and waited for this moment!

The feather of the Phoenix flickered, disappeared and teleported, appeared on the spar on the sea floor, and then desperately mining in microseconds, and then at the moment when the giant waves closed, it was a teleportation and retreated, although each time The spar mined is usually not even one, but the proficiency of mining skills is rapidly increasing.

Phoenix Feather believes. While teleporting mine while practicing mining, collecting spar from the shore of the island, the staying power is absolutely incomparable!

"Two days, I need two days to accumulate!" Phoenix Feather silently encouraged himself ...


The head of the Tianlong Eighth Division in India, Nehru who ended the alliance meeting was very unhappy. The Indian region suffered the most casualties in the battle for the city of the gods, and as a result, nothing was obtained. There are even people who think that the Indian area has not paid enough and did not do their best. This is another Nehru who is very angry, saying that it is as if the Indians should be born to die for them.

but. These people are right. Of course, the Indian area did not do its best. The Tianlong Babu in India only used the forces of six regular departments, and neither the Tianbu department of the Mage City nor the dragon department of the Nagahai tribe. Fortunately, there was no dispatch. Now the Indian area can only count on these two departments to come back.

Nehru first listened to the progress of the Ministry of Heaven.

The members of the Ministry of Heaven immediately reported: "Minister, we have received the impos private mission of finding the tears of the earth goddess Asha in the New World issued by the representative of the **** tribe in the city of the mage. Asha ’s tears have 7 fragments in total. A piece of debris is an urban artifact, which can not only add a spectacle to the city. It can also greatly increase the city's gold coin yield, army output, and various indicators. If you guessed right, this is the mission that Dafei triggered last time. . "

Nehru chanted: "That's the case! We don't have the power to carry out such a difficult task on the continent of the New World, and our allies are also very unreliable. Is it possible that this tear of Asha appears in the sea?"

The team members frowned: "We think it is very possible! Only then can it be called an impos private level!"

Nehru nodded: "Then the dragon department will report your progress!"

Dragon team members exhilarated, "Perfect! Our 14 Dark Tide Temple members have obtained first-level deep-water breathing, and they can lead sea forces in 50 meters of water."

Nehru nodded: "Very well, then send 7 players into the waters of the New World, with the assistance of surface ships to explore the oceans of the New World in 7 directions, and the remaining 7 players will continue to develop in the Eastern World. ! "


At the same time, the right and left of the main team member of the Mitsubishi team who received the prompt from India also received the impos private mission from the city of the wizard to find the tears of Asha.

Igarashi Shen said: "That's the case, this is the price of Da Fei's fight with the hells! But this fight is not over yet! We can explore the whole new world in the search for Asha's Tears."

Tsukamoto was surprised: "Need to join India?"

Igarashi sneered: "We have also seen their fighting power, and uniting them will only drag our hind legs, and we will search in secret."

Tsukamoto nodded: "Hi Yi! But I think they can still be informed at critical moments, they are still suitable for cannon fodder."

Igarashi laughed, "I'll talk about it then."


At half past Beijing time, Da Fei, who had slept for two and a half hours, was awakened by the task alarm clock adjusted in advance:

Mission Tip: The Starlight Lighthouse has been successfully installed on your battleship mast! The lighthouse's charge array is in the cargo hold on the first deck of the mast. You can send casters to charge the lighthouse in the charge array.

Da Fei stretched his waist and Shi Ran stood up to check, and then at first glance he saw his friend's information flashing wildly. Click to see it, all the congratulatory messages from all the big brothers and sisters!

After reading a circle of information, Dafei's surprise intersection was filled with emotion! Let me go! I didn't expect that such a big thing happened when I was sleeping. This is a direct booking for us in China! Brother Serbia actually installed such a big force in front of players around the world!

After seeing an artifact crossbow drawn by Serbia in the video, Dafei was shocked again! The third one! This is the third artifact crossbow that bursts out. The explosion rate of this artifact is simply outrageous! At this moment, Dafei finally understood why the special forces would stare at the invincible Viagra. This is the rhythm of his artifact!

In short, everyone who should say hello, please let everyone try hard. Be careful, you should start.

Just as Da Fei was busy with entertainment, Katrina came forward and said, "Captain, do you remember that wanted George? He wants to see you on the dock."

Da Fei frowned, George? Ss-Class Wanted Desperate George? This is an old acquaintance. Brother's bright tears were captured from his hand. He almost beat out his **** and **** in the war. He is a strong man in this area. How can he not remember! (Note: See Chapter 984, "The Strength of the Blasphemy")

There must be a drama when the other party takes the initiative to meet! After all, Brother's identity is not the same as when he first met him. Dafei laughed: "Okay, I'm just wanting to meet him."

As a result, Da Fei disembarked and met the long-lost pastor George, who hadn't seen him for many days. He was still so kind and so spirited.

George took the initiative to greet: "Warrior, I haven't seen you for a while. Your strength is amazing, and your joining the land of Lord of the Halberds has also become the most sensational news in the local area. I'm not here for anything else, just to talk What the Warriors talked about last time. "

Dafei was surprised: "What did I talk about last time?"

George nodded: "Last time I surrendered, the Warriors invited me to join your team!"

Da Fei was so surprised that such an important thing was forgotten! Dafei was overjoyed: "Now you figured it out?"

George positively said: "I figured it out, but I still have a condition. I hope the Warriors can return the tears of light to me."

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot and returned the artifact! He still remembers this broken ball?

Da Fei turned back to God and was surprised to laugh! If that was the time, Da Fei had to weigh the gains and losses of the artifact and a new subordinate, but now Da Fei has entered the era of the field. Still care about an artifact? In fact, during this period of combat flying Fei has no longer needed this artifact, and this requirement requires no thought at all.

Dafei laughed: "If I give it back to you, will you be loyal to me?"

It was indeed Katrina who was flying around: "To be precise, this lieutenant Miss of the Warrior asked me to talk."

Katrina nodded. "Yes. I need a first officer."

It turns out that my brother's Katerina will recruit soldiers! With this George's strength in urinating his brother back then, it really suits Katrina.

Dafei laughed: "Okay, then I will return the artifact to you! We will take pictures with each other in the future!"

The system prompts: You return the artifact ’s tears of light to the "Goddessor George", the attitude of Goddess George becomes admiration for you, and the Goddess George becomes your follower citizen! Join the team of 4 large pirate battleships, George the Blasphemer, and 143 Fallen Singing Priest.

Dafei overjoyed! Lying down. He even included his fleet. Isn't this what Brother wanted to do most? The value of this artifact flower! But why are there only 4 ships left?

George was also overjoyed: "It's worthy of being a warrior! If conditions permit, I will look for the next part of this artifact, the Dark Heart. By then, maybe I can't control the power of this set of artifacts, I will still contribute to the warriors. But now, I need to integrate my fleet. Now the pirates are developing airships. My fleet is no longer suitable for fighting in the new world. After Captain Katrina's proposal, I think I should dismantle my fleet. Then assembled on Captain Caterina's Tiger Shark. How did the Warriors feel? "

Hey hey, it ’s dark heart and dismantling. Do n’t talk too fast, OK, too much information, brother ca n’t accept it.

Da Fei first asked: "I remember you have 10 warships? Why are there only 4?"

George smiled bitterly: "Warriors, you were hit badly at that time. Every ship of mine has burned the summoning circle of blasphemy angels, once it is hard to repair, so I sold it. Right The four ships I want to dismantle now are actually dismantling the summoners, and Captain Catalina's demon battleship is very suitable for the summoners.

That's it! Da Fei remembered the smoky angels who had fled the angel army in the first war, the smoky angels that Hilda had said at the time.

Da Fei nodded: "No problem! Just do what you say, but now we are going to do a major event. Can we fight together?"

George laughed with a smile: "Is the mission of the Medusa family included by the Underworld Lord? It is really a must. I can follow the warriors and I can further expand my merits in the temple!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, let's go!" (To be continued.)

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