God Rank Hero

Chapter 1569: Attack the Underground Medusa Tribe

As the blasphemy George joined Dafei's team, his 143 fallen singers also boarded Dafei's battleship. Then, since it is a siege, the trebuchet ammunition for aerial bombardment must also be tons of equipment. At the beginning of the national war in Japan, Da Fei was worried that the great gods who angered the opponent had not been so happy, and now there is nothing to say about a wild little Mao God tribe until they are served.

After checking everything was ready, the Sky Boat officially set off. Now Dafei can check the attributes of this George and his troops:

God blasphemy George: Non-soldier type npc, ss-class wanted criminal wanted by the alliance, once the priest of the bright gods, is now a priest of the blasphemy, an intermediate member of the dark tide temple. Attack 46, Defense 34, Mana 455, Damage 40-56, Mana 120,000, Life 20,000, Stunts: Grand Master's Falling Witchcraft, Grand Master's Dark Magic, Mana Shield, Summoner's Call, Train the Fallen Singer.

Corrupted Singer: Special hidden level 4 troops, small humanoid creatures, which can be upgraded and transformed by the Holy See priests or the undead Lich unit. Attack 11, Defense 21, Damage 7-9, Attack Speed ​​9, Movement Speed ​​8, Life 56, Mana 310, Magic Resistance 70%, Stunts: Caster (high-level dark magic that will cast all spells), Requiem, Meditation, Death is dying.

Requiem: Reduces the morale and physical mana of the enemy, and has an additional killing effect on undead creatures.

Death Decay: Creates a dead zone that reduces enemy health and physical strength defense value every second.


It turns out that this is the attribute of George. The master of fallen witchcraft has never heard of it! This 455-point magic, 120,000 mana is indeed worthy of wavelet ss level! Maybe in the copy, such a wavelet ss will be flattened by a large army of ordinary players in minutes, but at sea, it is that high-tech hanging the players does not explain it!

What's even more amazing is this fallen singer unit. This is the army that was disgusting and could not find North. Like his phantom shooter, he transformed ordinary troops into special hidden troops. The Sonic Force that I desperately need. But the difference is that the 4th level priest of the Holy See is itself a hidden army. Turn the hidden army into another hidden army, this is the rhythm of the bunker! This George is really a rare talent!

Da Fei asked in surprise: "Are you the fallen singer army energy productive?"

George shook his head and sighed: "Unless a priest can be obtained, but such a unit can only be obtained by someone with a certain status in the Holy See, and the success rate of conversion is not high. Of course. This unit itself is not very strong, but only cooperates with artifacts The field effect of Tears of Light has only become very strong. "

Da Fei said with a whisper, "What is this fallen witchcraft?"

George laughed: "Of course it is my belief. The main **** we believe in is Lucifer, the fallen king. He explained to me and other believers what the true truth is. And the Underworld Temple does not care about the identity of the joiners. So I can get the power of two gods at the same time, and I can consider it if the Warriors are interested. "

Dafei shook his head and smiled, "I won't consider that much now."

With Dafei's current good-looking four-good youth, pirates have never been without cults, and of course they have absolutely not considered such things as corruption. In fact, the more you blow your own religion, the more often you have problems. If it's so great, why hasn't it your turn to rule the world? The bright religion of others is not blown or black, which is one of the most common healing techniques. I don't know how many cult abilities should be crushed.

Da Fei asked again, "What power can the Underworld Temple teach human believers?"

George said positively: "The scoring heroes and non-heroes, if they are heroes, in addition to giving invisible hands, they can also acquire the ability to move underwater and eventually become Naga. To me non-heroes. And I am old and cannot learn a lot of things, but the Undercurrent Temple can maintain my health and enhance my life and mana. For me, this is the most real ... "

It turned out that between Da Fei and George Chat, Da Fei's mobile phone text message rang.

Da Fei grabbed the text message and saw it, it was Xiao Li: "Brother, I'm on the night shift tonight. I heard that Brother's deputy hero became hot on the battlefield of the National War, brother continued to cheer. By the way. The Pandora that Brother gave me It seems that it has also grown a lot of properties. In a day, she can turn over all the ordinary collections in the Capital Library. Then, Xiao Fang suddenly loaded the industry onto the ship. She is ready to be shipped to the brother's Centaur Kingdom. In addition, my brother ’s Junxiang trumpet is now the world ’s first person. He can enter several trial copies similar to the ones that he played in Japan. The president asked me to ask which copy he should play. This can be done directly. Said in the game. "

Then the message of friends in the game of Da Fei sounded, it was Xiao Li's Blood Arrow Linglong: "Fei brother. The president asked me to ask you, which trial copy should Jun Xiang play?" :

The system prompts: You have obtained the trial copy of the emperor, and opened a series of trial copy scenes. Please select the scene you will enter:

1: Seal King Solomon's Pillar: Mythical copy.

2: Redeem the soul of Adam's second son Abel: Mythical copy.

3: Trial of the Tower of Babel: Mythical copy.

4: The fallen thirteenth apostle Judas: s-class copy.

5: Uriel's Gate of Hell: s-class copy.

6: Gabriel's Dream: S-Class Copy.


Let me go! Could you say so much inside and out? The amount of information is huge, I can't accept it!

Dafei turned off the text message on her mobile phone in surprise, then she glanced at the picture sent by Xiaoli in the game. It turns out that this is a trial copy of the human camp. From the name of the copy, it seems that the specifications are not worse than the **** copies such as Medusa Pandora.

Just mythical copy or don't think about it, honestly hit s-class copy. When he saw Gabriel's dream, Dafei frowned. Now Da Fei is particularly sensitive to the words "dream", and then thought about the story of Alice, the dream angel that Dale had said to himself, what is the relationship between Alice and Gabriel? In short, just take this opportunity to let Xue Wei know about them. (Note: See Chapter 1322, "Finding Mushroom Seeds")

So Da Fei instructed: "Go to Gabriel's dream copy and see if there is an npc that can talk to him. By the way, let me ask Brother Alice, who is the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland ... ... "

Xiaoli immediately responded: "Received!"

So Xiaoli broadcasted Da Fei's instructions to the Xuewei Studio for the first time. Of course, Zhou Qing had nothing to say: "Then follow the instructions of Fei Brother."

And Xue Wei Shenggun was surprised: "Feige wants to inquire about Alice in Wonderland? If there is this character in the game, I think it might be clue to find this book from the library, right?"

Zhou Qing laughed: "The premise is. This book must be in the library or antique shop or theater."

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "That's not easy. We offer rewards to motivate players across the country to find me."

Zhou Qing laughed: "With the reward, our Chinese region is now in the midst of the sky, maybe players from all over the world are looking for it. So, please ask Fei Ge first to see if he will be leaked."

Da Fei was very pleased to receive the instructions from President Xue Wei. It really is that the high-end players have a wide range of ideas. What about the script? Then there is nothing to say, mobilize players across the country to find Alice!


It is 00:00 am Beijing time, and a new day has arrived.

After nearly half an hour of cross-map teleportation, Da Fei's Sky Boat also went deep into the desert and came directly above the ground position of the large space coordinates provided by Elena.

According to Elena's letter, the following transmission is undoubtedly a direct one-step transmission to Medusa's hometown, and that is to start a direct war. Therefore, while Dafei regained the mana of all the druids and charging units, he began to mobilize the whole ship to demon assemble the enchanted ice mirror presented by the chief Siren.

Ten minutes later, the hull of the flying ship hung with an ice mirror was shining like a solar cell, and then all the druids transported mana to ignite the starlit tower. This lighthouse with this ice mirror effect is a super flashlight. Dafei can no longer imagine how effective such a lighthouse with full firepower will appear in the dark ground.

When everything is ready, the transmission begins!

A long teleportation progress bar appears again. This is normal, because these ice mirrors are all plug-in, which will greatly slow down the transmission of the sky boat.

At this time, Hilda reminded me last time: "If our opponent is really a strong person who even fears the Goblet and the Demigod, then the transmission of such a large action must be detected, and the other party will definitely interfere with our transmission. In this case, we will be very disadvantaged, so Lord Lord, please be prepared to open the field of Holy Vine at any time to resist interference! "

Da Fei's heart was tight: "I see!"

at last. After 1 minute, the transmission started, and the scene in front of Dafei became dark! At this moment, the alarm red light exploded:

System prompt: Warning! Your teleportation is affected by the distorted space. Teleport is about to fail ...

Sure enough! Dafei shouted: "The field is open!"

Tamilla shouted, "Receive!"

The next moment, the black light in the field spreads across the ship, and then, as if it touched the power grid, the black scene around the sky boat was full of electricity, and the whole world thundered and shone!

And looking at the flying mana's mana at a speed of 3000 points per second at a rapid rate of consumption, Da Fei was even shocked to chin! This is 10 times more expensive. How much more disadvantageous this is!

Then there is nothing to say, Dafei once again ordered: "The Bacchus realm is open!"

"Roger that!"

At this moment, bathed in the thunder sea, Da Fei can no longer describe the mood at this time. Da Fei can also be regarded as a further understanding of the Divine Warfare: in front of the true God-level strong, what is transmitted is also pediatrics! So, can you successfully penetrate?

Between the anxiety, the electric light disappeared, and the scene changed, and the boat of the sky finally appeared in a stream of underground cave space!

Before we can see the surrounding scenery, a huge green dot on the map flashes, and the system alarm red bursts:

System prompt: You have invaded the territory of Medusa and the battle begins! Your Deputy Hero Elena's Legion joins your team! Your follower demigod Kurtumak joins your team!

Dafei said nothing: "The lighthouse maximizes its output! The Singing Hall opens!"

"Roger that!"

The next moment, the dazzling rays of light shone on the ground like the sun, and the clutter of noises resounded on the ground like muffled thunder!

Da Fei also finally saw the surrounding situation in general. This is a fortress built on an island in a groundwater pool. Under the reflection of another layer of water waves in the pool, Da Fei ’s eyes are also very powerful. The specific situation on the fort is unclear.

Da Fei only saw the rapids of the pool where the radar was located. A huge **** dog's head was roaring towards the island's fortress. Elina's team was hiding far behind the stone pillar on the shore.

Da Fei finally understands why he suddenly broke the defense. It was the big transformed dog **** who put a lot of effort on the scene! And the fortress with such a rugged terrain can't be captured overnight, so there is no need to let him continue to consume his power.

Da Fei immediately instructed: "Take the dog **** and Elina's troops on board!"

"Roger that!"

As a result, the "sun" in the sky descended the puddle, and then the countless arrows, flying spears, and magic bullets in the fortress roared towards the face, and the noise of countless tinkling sounds and the prompt of "missing" slammed so loudly. If the target is "missed", you can imagine how good this lighthouse is! What's even better is that there is also a puddle below. Under the reflection of the puddle, the entire ground is a glare, which further increases the "blindness" effect of the other party.

Then, the sky boat opened the Holy Vine space door to accept the dog **** to board the boat.

The dog **** was very excited when he got on the boat and said, "Blind my dog ​​eyes! Warrior, you didn't let me down. These stink snakes have no other ability than to slow down the petrification. Let us settle these stink snakes in one fell swoop. Stronghold! "

Da Fei laughed, "I'm prepared this time, not just to defeat them, but to make them serve!"

The dog **** laughed and laughed, "Okay, serve people with morality! Serving people with morality!"

Then, the boat of the sky descended to the shore, leading Elina's team to the boat.

Elena said excitedly: "It is worthy of being the Lord of the City! Reporting to the Lord of the City, our army was unscathed during this underground trip, and we also found 3 Goblin tribes and 3 Cave tribes. As long as we conquer this most The strong Medusa tribe, we can formally calm down this underground area, and then slowly explore the surrounding resources! "

Dafei laughed: "Okay, then consume them a wave, let them feel hopeless and powerful! Otherwise they will not negotiate well."

Hilda went forward again: "Master City Lord, now that he has broken through the space interference of the opponent, he can now properly close the field to reduce our consumption. Our current light wave irradiation is neither a heroic attack, It's not a divine attack, and it's not affected by the opponent's realm. "

Elina also immediately said: "I noticed that the ice glasses outside the ship seemed to start to melt under the attack of the opponent, so I will use the cold to maintain it."

This is to beat them to the rhythm of paralysis! Da Fei nodded again and again and said, "Okay, just do it!"

Therefore, the boat of the sky began to flaunt the martial arts over the Medusa Fortress, and Da Fei began to persuade in the hall of chanting: "Medusha tribe, I am the goodwill ambassador of the Theelaine and Rose theology, I was also entrusted by the underworld lord Nepturon to discuss joint matters with you. You have no way to be alone. You only have to join our alliance and have preferential treatment. If you do not join, you will only let us know how powerful we are. First, warn the defensive forces on the wall, please leave, we are going to bomb the wall and show our strength! "

At the next moment, several sacred vine space doors at the bottom of the boat of the sky opened, tons of siege ammunition whistled down, and in the billowing smoke, one of the city walls was ruined!

Dafei laughed: "There are three walls, you think about it slowly!"

Just then, a gloomy female voice in the city rang: "Invaders, you successfully angered me, this little trick will not be crazy for a long time! But I want to ask first, what is your relationship with Athena? "

Oh too, the conversation has begun! Athena? Da Fei suddenly thought of the statue of Athena on the mast!

That's it! It seems that Athena and Medusa have a relationship. Even Bacchus gave Athena face, let alone these Medusa! That's easy! (To be continued.)

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