God Rank Hero

Chapter 1570: Bold choice

The thought of Athena's face could even trigger the Medusa plot, Da Fei thought it was all right!

But the question comes, I have nothing to do with Athena at all. I do n’t even know where Athena Temple is when I play this game. How can I answer? And there is still a problem. It seems that in Greek mythology, Athena put the head of Medusa on the shield to show off her power? Shouldn't the relationship between Medusa and Athena be bad? That's not to give face?

Suddenly, Da Fei felt that the other party's question was not so simple, and a careless answer might have the opposite effect.

Dafei thought for a while, then asked the people around him: "What do you think of this problem? I have never seen Athena."

Sure enough, Alicia shook her head and said, "Master, be cautious, Medusa should hate Athena!"

Da Fei nodded, and his words were deeply worried, so did Brother. That is to say that you should tell the truth about the relationship with Athena, and by the way say a bad word about Athena to help them winnow?

George did say: "I think Medusa should be more afraid of Athena. In Olympus, there are very few gods who are not afraid of Athena, let alone a Medusa. If the captain shows that he admires Athena, Attitude, the fighting spirit of the other party will definitely collapse, which will be more conducive to their coercion. "

Dafei frowned! Although George's words may not suit his own intentions, the hostile forces included in the game always use force to talk, and only talk to the other party first to talk about it. Otherwise, even the god-level leadership will give you even more benefits. Fat sheep. George's words have great practical significance.

So which of two different perspectives should you choose?

Dafei suddenly felt that as the world's first high-end player, why did she ask questions and let her choose? Is this passive? No, we must be anti-customers.

Da Fei stopped the Noise Choir in the Singing Hall and began to ask: "At present I have no relationship with Athena, I will ask, if I have a bad relationship with Athena, what will you do? If I have a good relationship with Athena What will happen to you? "

The female voice in the city murmured, "Why should I answer your question?"

Dafei laughed: "This is because of your feelings. After all. It is between me and you, not Athena."

The female voice in the city sneered: "Very well, then I will tell you, if you are the enemy of Athena. Our tribe will respect your master wholeheartedly, let you dispatch, or even die for you!"

Dafei's eyes widened, his heart beating! Da Fei simply suspected that he had heard it wrong, as long as I am the enemy of Athena, can I get such great benefits?

The female voice in the city continued: "If you choose to follow Athena, there is nothing to say. Then fight! You try these little tricks of yours, can you give us these rhetoric!"

System prompt: The leader of the Medusa tribe "Cassimedea" made a request for total surrender: Enemy against Athena. Once you agree to the other party's request, the Medea tribe will be fully under your jurisdiction, but your relationship with Athena will become hostile. Please consider it carefully.

Dafei was shocked on the spot! All the system prompts are out, is this real? Let Brother offend a great **** for a small tribe, how stupid would it be to agree to this choice!

Dafei could not help crying and laughing, and asked everyone around him: "This Medusa too overestimates his value? Actually proposed such a condition?"

Alicia Shen said: "The Lord Lord has already seen the strength of Bacchus and has offended a Bacchus. In no case can he offend a more powerful Athena! Whatever the value of these Medusa, they are It's not worth letting us offend the Great God, let's go to war! "

That makes perfect sense. But Da Fei suddenly stunned. A benefit that can be easily obtained from being free from Gan Ge, and an apocalyptic threat like a comet hitting the earth as far away as it seems, are easy to choose, but it is really in front of my eyes, and I can't make up my mind! Is he the kind of idiot who cares only about his immediate interests?

After Da Fei was tangled, he suddenly found that George, the master of the war, did not speak, so Da Fei asked: "Mr. George, tell me what you think."

George really sighed: "My view is stupid and short-sighted, and it is impossible for the captain to refer to."

Dafei exclaimed, "Do you mean agree?"

George shook his head and sighed: "Well, the reason why I betrayed the powerful light theology and joined the fallen religion was because I was confused by the immediate benefits. Once I was promoted in the church, my future was confused and I was too eager to gain strength. Face To temptation. I also hesitated for a long time, but finally made a choice. In my opinion, there was no future without the present. "

Dafei suddenly stunned! There is no future without the present?

Alicia asked, "Then you regret it?"

George Haha laughed: "The future is unpredictable. I met the Warriors, what can I regret?"

Alicia asked again, "What if you didn't meet the Warriors?"

George laughed even more happily: "Fate is not what it is. I don't think it has anything to do with wisdom. This is human nature. Well, the nature of human nature is stupid."

Dafei couldn't laugh or cry. Didn't Nima's intention entangle him? For the sake of immediate benefits, all brothers can slaughter God, who has considered it so long-term.

Just then, Alicia spoke again: "There is a very strange thing. Our elves have a sister who worships Athena, the moon temple of Artemis, the goddess of the moon. The skinned is this sect. But strangely, Artemis often mentioned her brother Apollo, but rarely mentioned her sister Athena, and the story of Athena was rarely spread among the elven people. This may indicate a problem. "

Dafei frowned: "Athena is at odds with other gods?"

Alicia laughed: "A **** who is afraid of other gods must be almost like this?"

Da Fei's heart beats, too! Regardless of ancient Greek mythology or Saint Seiya, the **** of pk athena is one after another and can't stop!

In such an instant, Dafei suddenly had an idea. Perhaps, this is an opportunity to improve the relationship with Bacchus! Even if the relationship with the goddess of wine cannot be improved, it will certainly be closer to the relationship with the goddess of the moon!

How can mortals dare to offend the Great God? Of course, there is another great **** standing behind! Just like those countries around China, why dare to ignore the long-term overall relationship with China for the sake of small profits? It is because there are several other big countries behind it! Only in this way can the prices on both sides be met. After all, this is also the way mortals live in the game between the great gods?

Suddenly, Da Fei decided to continue to gamble: "Okay! There is no future without the present, let's make a difference in the relationship between the gods!"


System prompt: You have accepted the submission request of the Medusa tribe, and the battle is over! The Medusa tribe becomes your subordinate territory, and the tribal leader Casimedia becomes your subordinate mayor. Please choose the ownership of the territory: 1, Centaur Kingdom, 2. New Shadow City.

System prompt: Warning! Your relationship with the Temple of Athena becomes "hostile", please be careful!

The system prompts: You have completed the task of "Unification of Medusa" by Underworld Lord Naputulon. Please go back to Underworld Lord to take over the task.

Oh yeah! Come on, my brother made a stupid choice. Athena sent Gold Saints to beat me!

At this moment, the whole army was cheering! The female voice in the city also became peaceful and charming: "It is a bold and reckless choice! Then, please ask the host to settle where our tribe is, or the host will come down to visit and make a decision."

Elena was more excited to come forward: "Master, move this Medusa tribe to the Shadow City on board. Only in this way can you upgrade the specifications of the Shadow City and add new Medusa units!"

I'm agreeing! The pirate king is in the middle of the ship, so I have to catch up! Dafei laughed: "Okay, just do it!" (To be continued.)

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