God Rank Hero

Chapter 1571: Relocated Medusa Tribe to Ship

Now Dafei and his party have landed on the island's Medusa tribe. Without the glare, Dafei can finally get a glimpse of the whole picture of the Medusa tribe. This is a typical ancient Greek temple-style building. The pillar frame of each building is decorated with snake-shaped stone carvings, which magnificently shows the magical beauty.

All Medusa citizens wore black goggles and greeted Da Fei's arrival on the street. Such a respectful attitude made Da Fei Dun feel that this wave of trading was not at a loss.

Then in front of the town hall surrounded by serpents and stone carvings, Da Fei saw the leader, also wearing a black eye mask, Casimedia, a medusa wearing a dark light scale armor and a snake tail, and the Japanese area. Seen in the copy is the same as Medusa. Although the snake hair shaking on her head was very scary, but the beauty of blindfold was unique, and the dark green halo under her snake tail was to show her heroic identity.

Da Fei couldn't help but respectfully: "Heroes who have reached the level of God! No wonder dare to fight against Athena!"

Casimedia smiled, "Heroes who dare to challenge Athena are also very much looking forward to me, so now, masters, please check our tribal assets!"

After speaking, a box pops up, the city attributes are all in the list:

City Name: Poison Eye Tribe (Town-level City)

Town mayor: Casimedia (mission is normal and cannot be replaced)

Urban population: 700 Medusa

City power: 1200 Medusa troops.

Urban Diplomacy: A Town under the New Shadow City.

City facilities: Grade 6 city facade, Grade 3 fortress, Grade 3 administration hall of venomous halls, Grade 1 slave prison, Grade 1 clinic, Grade 10 venom pool, Grade 10 Medusa Eye of Venom, Grade 1 material warehouse 10 Block, 10 Medusa Barracks, 33 Venom Arrow Towers. Medusa Dormitory 46, Medusa Treasury.

Hall of Malice: The administrative office of the Medusa tribe spends enough resources to generate a new Medusa citizen at regular intervals. The Level 3 Grudge Church supports a maximum of 700 Medusa populations.

Medusa's Eye of Venom: Medusa's core race building, magic tower. Can release Medusa's racial "petrified eye" and various large magic.

Venom Pool: Medusa race building. Every Medusa citizen can inject Venom into the Venom Pool every day for Venom Arrow Tower defense and Medusa Treasury to make armaments.

Medusa Treasury: Medusa's arsenal can provide weapons and equipment characteristic of Medusa. Players need to pay for reputation or resources to purchase.

Medusa Altar of Meditation: Medusa ethnic architecture. Medusa's placement of captives or biological resources in the altar can increase the power of the Eye of Malice, and speed up the production speed of the urban population and arms.

Venom Arrow Tower: Medusa ethnic building, an arrow tower capable of spurting out Medusa Venom.

City supplies: 349 units of gems, 730 units of crystal, 3400 units of grain.


This is the general attribute of the Medusa tribe. Since player towns can also become subordinate towns, the subordinate towns also have a certain degree of autonomy, and even the main city owner cannot view all of them. So Da Fei can't check Casimedia's level and attributes, just like Da Fei can't check the attributes of Fujiki village chief Taji Us. Knowing this information requires the other party to show it.

Looking at this city where the population and military facilities are very rich and complete, Dafei asked with satisfaction: "You said, as long as I am the enemy of Athena. Will you dispatch me?"

Casimedia bowed, "You can also die for the master."

Da Fei asked, "What if I want to move your city?"

Casimedia laughed: "I do n’t know how many years I ’ve spent in this murky ground, and I just want to change places, and the urban attributes of our Medusa are migration attributes. Except for dormitory housing, most ethnic groups Buildings can be dismantled into drawings and materials and removed. "

Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay, then move to our boat, and you can travel around the world with us."

At this moment, the dog **** was anxious: "Master, can you give me a house for the Kubo people? I think they have a good place, which is just convenient for my Kubo people to move in."

Da Fei laughed: "Is this the place chosen by Kultumak as the base for the rise of the Kubo people?"

Dog God laughed: "This is only the first step. After all, here is not rich enough. But to have a place to gather a scattered group of people together to form a real city is great progress, and I will look for better in the future. Place, build more Kubo cities. "

Da Fei asked Medusa: "What do you mean?"

Medusa shook her head slightly: "Let's arrange with the master."

Doesn't look very happy? Da Fei hurriedly appeased: "Rest assured. When you get on my boat, you will know what the concept of heaven is. So, start moving?"

"As you wish!"

The dog **** also said, "Okay, then I'll immediately contact the people of my tribe and let them all move together."

Dafei laughed: "Okay, let's start!"

After all. The boat in the sky floated over the city, and the evil demon vine and demon rushed forward, and the demolition officially began.

Da Fei was also relieved for a long time, and finally got another thing done. Although it has paid an unknown price, it will only be possible to cope with future challenges if it becomes stronger step by step. Then the next thing is almost to make Tamillah find a way to teleport the Sky Boat to the nightmare space to defend, and by the way absorb the power of the nightmare space.

As for yourself, of course, it's almost time to set out to find the king of time. Then Katerina, let her first sail the team to do business in the Eastern World, to exercise the intelligence of independent heroes. Then, when will Serbia come back? Can't wait for her?

Just as Da Fei conceived the action behind him, Casimedia twisted over: "Master, there is one thing that is more troublesome. The venomous eyes of our core defense building may not be very convenient to install." One refers to a gem-like tower on top of the town hall.

Dafei frowned. In the attribute introduction just now, this looks like a magic tower that can make a big move! Dafei asked quickly, "Can't you demolish?"

Casimedia shook his head and pointed at the big flying warship: "No, it can be demolished, but if it is installed in the city of the owner's ship, this tower will lose its defensive significance. You must know that this tower can focus on hundreds The power of Medusa released a shock, even if God is hard to resist! "

This is really a big killer! That is to say, if you just hit it hard, who might be great?

Dafei was shocked: "That is to say, it can only be installed outside the ship?"

Casimedia sighed, "I don't know. I don't know anything about ships."

At that moment, Dwarven Guru Dewarin came over: "Warrior, give it to me to try. I think I can remove a mast and use this tower as a mast. Doesn't that solve the problem of the use of this tower? ? "

Da Fei was suddenly pleased, so was he! At first, the dwarf used the keel as the mast directly. In this regard, the dwarf is an expert!

Dafei laughed: "Okay, then leave it to the master! Don't be afraid of failure, all the lost resources are on my head."

Dewarin was overjoyed: "As long as I can succeed, maybe I can be promoted as a **** architect!"

Casimedia was also very interested: "Okay, I am also looking forward to how powerful a moving venomous eye will be."

Yeah, that wouldn't even think of Willie! A petrochemical tower, all petrochemical, wow ha ha ha! Brother Sonic attack and petrochemical attack, who can stop me? Wow ha ha ha, in short, then demolish first, and then toss slowly after returning.

As for now, let's continue to make up for sleep, and wait for the news of the dog **** in the demolition.

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded again. Da Fei opened it and saw it was Xuewei Rose: "Fei brother, good news, some players have bought" Alice in Wonderland "from the toy store. Book, maybe there is the clue you want in this book? "

Let me go, I really have this book, the power of this grand guild is really not covered! Da Fei said, "Okay, as many as possible, and send it to my brother when he returns to the city!"

"Okay, Fei!"

Da Fei was a little bit agitated and couldn't sleep. As long as I asked Alice to help me grow mushrooms to set up my dreams, then Fei Xiang must be even higher in the nightmare space? But how can I have such anxiety when reading books for clues? Just leave it to the deputy hero.

As for brother, let's wash and sleep, wow ha ha ha (to be continued.)

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