God Rank Hero

Chapter 1572: Threat from high-end players in Greece

1am Beijing time and 7pm European time.

When the defeat of the city of the gods shrouded the players in the European Union, the Greek players did not have much thought, and even a little gloat. Because Greek players have always been despised by players in other EU countries, especially France and Germany. Of course, not only Greece, but also Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, and other legendary "Big Pig Five" players are despised by players in other developed countries in the EU.

The reason why there are five stupid pigs is simply because the industrial structure of these five countries has not actually become a developed country at all, but it is still "forced to develop". Lazy leisurely high welfare life. When the crisis broke out and they could no longer borrow money and were collected by all creditors, their problems came out, especially in Greece. The cash machines on the streets of Greece could not withdraw money at any time, and even refugees were unwilling. Stay in Greece.

But it doesn't matter. Greece has declared to the world that debt is the uncle's truth. If the European Union does not borrow money and does not continue to support him, they will go bankrupt. Then the huge debts owed before will be bought and sold as such. So the Greeks can still enjoy the gentle sea breeze on the picturesque coast of the Aegean Sea, breathe the clean air, and continue to use the borrowed money to maintain a lazy high welfare life.

However, these are all external evaluations of the entire country, and the country's nationals are indeed unwilling to bear this humiliation. Therefore, the emergence of the game has also found a way for rich players in Greece to get rich. They also live a simple life like playing gold coins and selling resources in the Russian region.

Regardless of any game area in any country, there will be top players. Greece is no exception.

at this time. Greek player Leolidas was eating steak and drinking red wine while enjoying the evening sunset of the Aegean Sea in the white roof garden of his coast apartment. Watching the dynamics of the game hanging on the large screen of the grape rack in the garden.

It is of course possible to live such a leisurely paradise life because Leo sold a lot of high-end equipment in the early game. Actually in the game, Leo is also the sacred mountain of Athena who lives in the heavenly world Olympus.

That ’s right, when Da Fei is still tangled on the road to becoming a god, Piggy Run is still sneaking around in Griffin Divine Realm, and Da V is still meditating in the underworld, Leonidas has already obtained Athens with the mortal Na's care entered the realm of Olympus.

The reason why such a state can be achieved is due to Leo's passion for his country's culture. Obsession with Athena! From the time of the public test, Leo will collect all Athena-related items and books in various antique shops, museums, and libraries, find all the ruins related to Athena, and eventually succeed. That's right, human players are born by default within the sphere of influence of the Light Deity, and if you want to join the Olympian Deity, you need to get a hidden exploration mission.

However, as Leo devotes all his energy to the worship of Athena, it is too late to improve his personal ability. Therefore, Leo's combat effectiveness is not very outstanding, and may be a little famous in Greece. But in the European Union, it appears to be unknown. Being anonymous is also in line with Leo's current business policy. Being famous without strength will only cause trouble for yourself.

Just then, the alarm bell in the Temple of Athena suddenly sounded, which is often a sign of the arrival of the enemy.

Leo put down his knife and fork in horror, and hurried to the temple to see what happened. Dare to be Athena's enemy.

At this moment, the beautiful priest with a wreath of olives and a white robe in the temple pointed at the list on the crystal wall, with a serious expression: "Warrior, another dare to challenge the presence of Athena appeared, but it is very strange that he is actually a Mortal! Mortals, of course, are dealt with by mortals first. If the warriors can give him a great look, you will get Athena's reward! "

Leo hurriedly checked the list, and saw in a row "God of Ares (Angry) Beauty Venus (Hate) Poseidon (Unhappy) Hades (Unhappy) Dionysius Dionysus (Fear) Moon God Artemis (cold) Gorgon Medusa (War) attitude list, suddenly added a "mortal warrior, flying (hostile)" name!

Leo was shocked on the spot! Flying, flying again!

However, Leo will never be furious with the idea that "Da Fei dares to be the enemy of the goddess I admire most". As a national in a crisis country, Leo is very pragmatic! Leo discovered the business opportunity immediately after returning to God! That's right, this intelligence screenshot can bring you tens of thousands of euros in income.

So Leo landed on a small account of his own and contacted a French buyer who often bought high-end equipment. The first sentence was directly: "A game information, 50,000 euros!"

Of course, this buyer also knows that Leo has never let him down, and hastily paid directly.

Leo laughed, this is just the beginning! If the EU team sees this information, they will be very concerned about who can provide this information, then this is the beginning of their full support for investment in themselves. If the European Union does not support itself, then it can also sell information to Dafei. If Dafei does not want to die, it must pay himself this "internal response." If Da Fei thinks he is very reluctant to pay, Leo can let Da Fei know how powerful Athena is.

In short, no matter how things change, you can always make a profit!

At this time, a new piece of news from the headquarters of the European and American Joint Team uproared the entire headquarters: "The latest news, Da Fei and Athena are enemies!"

After seeing this screenshot, the teams were in a state of excitement: "Da Fei is the enemy of Bacchus, and now he is the enemy of Athena. He doesn't want to live!"

The French captain laughed: "It seems that this amazing development of Da Fei was obtained at the cost of offending the gods. He thought he was a god? Even God has few dare to provoke Athena!"

Igarashi laughed and said, "It seems that Da Fei is a Saint Seiya, who thinks that the real Athena is a very kind and weak God. In fact, Athena in the game is an extension of Zeus's arrogance."

Captain America saw the connotation for the first time: "Where did this news come from?"

Captain France replied: "A mysterious Greek player! The size is unknown."

The captains of the countries exclaimed: "This may be a god-level player, maybe it can fight Dafei!"

Fordson nodded. "Contact this person to see what he has."



1am. Da Fei in the nap was awakened by the task reminder alarm clock:

The system prompts: You have exceeded the first stage of the Kubo race quest "The Rise of Kubo". The task progress is 1331/1000! You have successfully won 1,331 enthusiastic Kubo Goblin believers! Claim your reward from Kurtmark the Goblin Demigod.

Dafei was suddenly surprised. Is the dog **** back?

Sure enough, in the next moment, the dog-headed man with several hand-held bone battles and colorful animal skins came over: "Warrior, I brought a few underground Shaman chiefs of the Kubo tribe to let the warriors meet, from From now on, these Kubo tribes will formally merge and live in concentrated places. Although the population is not large, this is the first step for the rise of our Kubo tribe. Without warriors, our progress is not so fast. But now we It's too poor to thank the Warriors for anything good. Then let's summon the spirit of our ancestors and give the Warriors a Cobo special stunt! "

The system prompts: You get Kurtmark's mission reward experience +13.33 million, your racial prestige in the Kobold race becomes "friendly", and all the monster goblins have eliminated hostility with you. You will get the stunt "Dark Smell" of Goblin!

Dark Smell: Goblins have a strong sense of smell, can capture the breath of various creatures from the wind, and can sense hidden enemies hidden in the dark.


Let me go. Brother is now full of anti-hidden vision, hearing, and olfactory sense! Although it may not be very useful to fight big battles, it is quite good to occasionally explore the small copy of the maze.

Da Fei smiled comfortably: "OK. Thank you for your kindness!"

The dog **** nodded: "The warriors are ready to receive it!

So several shamans knelt down and gave a big gift to Dafei, and then began to cooperate with the dog **** to cast. After a stream of smoke surrounded his body, Da Fei's body flashed red:

System Tip: You have acquired the new ability "Dark Smell", you have greatly improved your reconnaissance ability, realized the master-level sentry, your wisdom +1. Grand Master Sentinel will give you an additional free attribute point every 5th level. You are now at level 44 and get 8 additional free attribute points.

Big fly haha ​​happy, this is equivalent to giving my brother a master skills!

Although Dafei has entered the era of the field, he is no longer as keen on the skills of the master and the master, but the field is above the level of the god. Every god-level skill is close to the field. One step, so it should still be greatly happy!

At that moment, the dog **** spoke again: "Now there are 1,000 people, so can 10,000 people be far away? So our next goal is to make our Kubo population reach 10,000. At that time, my tribe was truly regarded as young and strong, and I and my tribe would spare no expense for the warriors! "

The system prompts: You get the second stage of "The Rise of Kubo" in the Kubo Race mission "Gathering 10,000 People"! The current completion progress is 1331 / 110,000.

It seems that only with a population of 10,000 can the dogheads truly form their own combat power! Dafei was satisfied: "Okay, let us work together!"

While she was speaking, Elena took Casimedia forward and reported: "Master, the main building of the Poison Eye Tribe has been demolished and boarded."

Casimedia also reported: "Total is a drawing of the Hall of Viciousness of the Level 3 Executive Office, a drawing of the Medusa Treasury, a drawing of the Medusa Treasury, a drawing of the Medusa Eye of Level 10, a drawing of the Venom Grade 10 Pool drawings, 10 Medusa Barracks plans. All other arrow towers, clinic dormitories, etc. are left to newcomers. "

Dog God quickly said: "Thank you!"

Casimedia hahaha laughed: "I can't think of a doghead who has such a lot of courtesy. Don't thank me, it's the owner's decision."

Elina continued: "Master, the caveman mercenary Shaker said that he would live with a few cavemen's clan nearby for a while, so he could not return to the ship, and he did not ask for the cost of this employment .If you have time next time, you can come and see his results. "

Finally moved an idle mercenary to do business! Da Fei was satisfied: "Very good, then the resources and food in the city, as well as the food and materials on our ship, are left to these Kubo people to build the city."

Elena nodded: "Miss Tamilla has distributed the supplies on board."

That's how cool it is to wake up! Da Fei was satisfied: "Okay, then go back to the Undercurrent Temple to hand in the task! Then build the town of Medusa during the trip!"

Elena and Casimedia joyfully said, "Yes, Lord (Master)!"


So the boat of the sky teleported away from the ground, and once again strode across the map towards the Temple of Dark Tide. At the same time, the construction of the Medusa station in the open space on the other side of the lake in the Dark Elf Village began in the central village of Shengteng.

When Dafei thought about the challenges ahead, he couldn't help but feel that the current level is far from enough. Then, we have to strengthen our strength! Get more believers, higher realm levels, and faster!

That's right! Although the flying power of Da Fei seems to be a space battleship to ordinary players, Da Fei still feels that the half hour of this return trip is too long. If the Centaur Kingdom develops in the future, you should build several giant teleportation arrays in the kingdom. , Flew across the country in an instant!

When Da Fei was in a hurry, Da Fei suddenly remembered whether it was time to go to the War Soul Clan to see? Don't go again, I won't know when I will be stuck in the King of Time. By the way, Mayor Elorine also sent a mission to find the wood of the giant ship in the virgin forest in the easternmost part of the Great Border. Although the giant ship is about to be eliminated by the airship, he is now a task obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I think of it, the task is not finished Achievement is uncomfortable, so let's take a look at the picture and feel at ease.

So Da Fei changed his mind, and the boat of the sky began to run towards the easternmost coast of Dabianhuang.

At this point, the system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: Your Dengshen space has received a letter from Elda, the place of exile, please check it!

Hongming Village! !! Dafei was shocked, something must have happened!

Da Fei hurried to Hongming Village to receive the letter, sure enough!

Lord City Lord: The ancient evil sealed in the exile is getting more and more restless. There have been more and more and more and more powerful monsters appear around the village. I urgently need reinforcements, please Lord City Lord quickly send a helping hand. Alda ready to run away!


Dafei gave a long sigh, it was really weak! So Dafei hurriedly reached Hilda and handed her the letter.

Hilda nodded his head and said, "Master, it seems I should be dispatched. I can take a step forward through the Lilim barracks' teleportation array, but I need all Lilim fighters. By the way, those two Charms are also considered . And I ca n’t guarantee how long I can stand, so I still need the Lord ’s assistance. ”

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll give it to you first!"

System Tip: You are officially awarded the legendary mission "Wings of Liberty"!

Task reminder: Your long-term good performance has won the trust of Lilith's eldest daughter Hilda. You need to help Hilda against the sealed Lilith by various means, and draw on Lilith's power to prove that you have been True freedom recognized by God.

System Tip: You currently support 1 Hilda God Warrior Lilim, 2 Cryolite Lilim, 9 Elite Hematitis Lilim, 2 Charm Emperor.

Da Fei's heart was tight, and it was finally officially triggered! But it doesn't matter, there is a big brother in Hongming Village who will help him watch. Once the situation is not right, I haven't talked with big brother for a long time? In short, when Ge Teng releases his hand, he must go over and accompany him to have a good chat, and brush him a few large copies.

Therefore, in the summoning circle of Lilim Barracks, Hilda casts a series of Lilim troops to Hongming Village.

When it was the turn of the two charm kings, Dafei reluctantly said, "Be sure to ... survive!"

Didi and Lili nodded: "Yes, master!"

In the end, Hilda himself: "Master, Lord, looking forward to your reinforcements!" After the teleportation, the light flashed and disappeared.

(Sorry, I have let the book friends wait for a long time. It seems that there are still a lot of pits. The ashtray is now obsessive-compulsive, and you will feel uncomfortable without filling the pits.)

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